Saturday, February 16, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach S2 - The Return of the Bad Girl

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

For a first full week of February, those who follow MTV Reality had the week and each of its four main days of shows circled on their calendar once they found out that The Challenge was debuting its newest season a few days after an uneventful Super Bowl. Add to that a Real World/Challenge alum coming into the domain of a childhood star and a finale of a show that's brought Southern style to the Shore franchise, and the busiest time for those who have reason to watch the channel on a regular basis had begun... that includes a show that debuted a few days before Christmas.
   Season 2 of the American adaptation of MTV's global franchise Ex On The Beach has seen plenty go down in the course of the first seven episodes, and when we here last left Malibu the house had seen two fights go down with Janelle going after her ex Darian after he kissed Diandra in the Shack of Secrets, and Nurys and Farrah having it out on the patio. Plus, Morgan had to endure seeing yet another ex come to the house and add to the list of those who she has to live with when her Big Brother ex Monte joined her and it led to one of her other exes, Jay, to lose his mind. But those three events didn't prepare the house for what came next at the season's halfway point: elimination power reverting from the originals to the exes, just as it was last year when Tor'i was cut from Hawaii.

For some context going into Episode 8: a common sight on any of the 15 global iterations of Ex On The Beach is of someone reappearing on a later season. Singles/Exes turned Challengers Ashley C., Bear, Kayleigh, Joss, Melissa and Rogan have appeared on a subsequent series of the UK version, plus dozens of others including fellow MTV'ers from Geordie Shore and other EOTB seasons. Chad and Season 1 original Jasmine also are in this same predicament having debuted on an original Bachelor/Bachelorette season and then returning on its summer spinoff Bachelor in Paradise. Nelson's AYTO3 castmate, Mike, was cast on the last MTV Real World season in Seattle and cheated on his girlfriend Tori... and there's her ex in fellow challenger/lover Derrick H. who is about to appear on his sixth MTV show, joining their buddy Cory who's had as much MTV experience as Bear.
   Now, days after another MTV fan fave - Challenge and Real World alum Kailah making a dramatic entrance to Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club, Ex On The Beach in America is about to welcome back its first two-time castmate to the fold. Angela first appeared on Season 1 last year and was in a love triangle with fellow single Tor'i and the aforementioned Mr. Chocolate who is also her ex. And after a brief fling with a six-time Challenge champ who also uses food as his moniker, the Bad Girls Club alum returns to the beach to stir the pot yet again in also making a relationship as rocky as the rocks on the beach. Angela will replace whoever is officially sent home in an elimination week that sees the exes seize control of who gets Cut or Crushed, and there's also a sight unfamiliar to MTV fans: a house party that almost looks like a scene straight out of an issue of National Geographic.

After the jump, it's the Pulse of the Return of the Bad Girl to Ex On The Beach, plus more reaction to the premiere of The Challenge: War of the Worlds. Nice to have you with us...

@ExOnTheBeach: What happens when EVERYONE in the house is summoned to the Shack Of Secrets? 😅 | You don't want to miss an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 8/7c on @MTV! 🙌
- @realChadJohnson: PLEASE BE A YACHT PARTY. Please be a yacht party. @MTV @ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: An all NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach airs tonight!! I think I might have an ex washing up 💜🤷🏽‍♀️
@MayaBenberry: There is NOTHING cheap about getting your nails done in Los Angeles. I spend almost $200 EVERY. SINGLE. TIME 😤
@MayaBenberry: Being a girl is so EXPENSIVE...
@MayaBenberry: My reunion dress came in. I HATE IT. Back to my dress search...
@Shashakay_: So excited to have a husband and little babies running around the house 🏡 but yet I don’t even have boyfriend 😂
@cbmcnary: @lauurenwalshhh @morgan_willett @coreybrooks34 Actaully @coreybrooks34 looks like me.  He’s just a pet rock I’m a houseplant
@SunnyBunny_54: Just saw the commericial for @angelababicz coming back on #ExOnTheBeaxh looking like a boss sis didn’t have to come out the water like that! 😍😍😍
@NurysKMateo: I have a birthday dinner, 3 events, need to watch the new episode of #ExOnTheBeach and somehow I’m trying to make time to get tatted... today’s gonna be a looong ass day 🤦🏽‍♀️
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo Lmaooo when the hell did you getting tatted come into our plans 😂
@MayaBenberry: Tonight’s #ExOnTheBeach episode is the day that I got food poisoning from catering 🤮 WORST. DAY. EVER
@MayaBenberry: I’m glad I can look back and laugh at my pain, cause Lord knows I WAS HURT 😂
@MayaBenberry: Men these days are BORING! I need some adventure. Where is y’all at?! 👀
@DarianV_: Y’all doing too much smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ lol
@ExOnTheBeach: 💅 NEXT QUESTION! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: Here you guys go. Take all these good vibes and have a blessed day, ttyl💋💋
@00Hitsdiidii: Na but seriously, today is a GOOD DAY. I got some amazing news today and I got something coming for ya?! 😍🎥😍🎬😩
@ExOnTheBeach: When the queen comes to town everything shuts DOWN! 😅 | We're just TWO HOURS away from an all new #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV! 🙌
@jossie_flores: Don’t miss tonight’s insane new episode of @ExOnTheBeach  And oh yea 👇🏽 (Jozea and the pussy cats )🤪😈🦁
@F1abraham: ❣️❣️❣️ @ Dubai, United Arab Emirates …
@F1abraham: Love is a circus ❣️❣️❣️
@ExOnTheBeach: Tonight is THE NIGHT! 😅 1 Hour left until an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach 🙌
@Jay__Qs: . T minus 55 min! And @ExOnTheBeach airs! Heard a storm is coming?! Are people feeling froggy?
@00Hitsdiidii: What’s that saying? Don’t hate the player, hate the game?🥂👯‍♀️ Catch your girls on an all new episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight 🎉 @NurysKMateo
@angelababicz: The wait is over‼️ I’m BACK to wreak havoc tonight at 8/7c on @exonthebeach @mtv🍍 Get your popcorn ready because I come in with a bang... or should I say boop boop 😩👊🏼 #exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: Only 45 mins until a brand new episode of #ExOnTheBeach. This one is gonna be MESSY 💔🥴
@DarianV_: The extra addition episode already heating up 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Only 30 mins away & @angelababicz has something to say! 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: Me ? No not yet but tune in tonight at 8pm @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@MonteJr5: @coreybrooks34 you ready for tonight's @ExOnTheBeach ? ( am I fishing or holding a lightsaber? )
- @Jay__Qs: @MonteJr5 @coreybrooks34 @ExOnTheBeach Measuring weiners lmao
@RomeoMiller: Ima  be watching @ExOnTheBeach tonight like 👀🤦🏽‍♂️🧐😱
@morgan_willett: *something dramatic happens* My brain: Be chill  Be chill  Be chill  Be chill  Be chill    Me: WHAAAAAT NOOO  New episode @ExOnTheBeach tonight 8/7 c. Tune in! #exonthebeach @ParkerCheyenne
@ParkerCheyenne: Have you watched the latest episode of @ExOnTheBeach ? Catch us wild animals in ACTION! tonight 8pm on @MTV

 AS THEY SAW IT: "Here Comes Trouble" 
@ExOnTheBeach: An all new #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV 📺 RT if you're watching + live tweet with us using 👉 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Let’s go!!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: New Episode of @ExOnTheBeach Starts NOWWWW!!!!
@DarianV_: East coast!! Brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach right now!!
@ChadCur28: Its time for #RomeoThursdays!! Let's go @RomeoMiller ! Starting with @ExOnTheBeach first on @MTV then #GUHH on @WEtv at 9pm! 📺👀😈🎤🍿🤘🏾
@iLissaNJ: Watching #ExOnTheBeach my show @RomeoMiller 💋👑
@ExOnTheBeach: Who do you think will be going home? #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Ding dong the witch is dead #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: HAHAHAHAHAHA #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Bye @F1abraham ✌️#ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Romeo revealing cut votes)
@Mackemdrummer: Who knew Farrah was going home? #exonthebeach
@NurysKMateo: I’ll just leave this here 😌💁🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: I’m sure Farrah does grow on some people.. but so does fungus and bacteria 🤷🏻‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @angelababicz 😩😂😂😩😂😩😩😂
@ExOnTheBeach: When a guy tries to talk to you but you and your homegirl already know his tea ✌️#ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Nurys and Didi in confessional)
@BadGirlJanelle: I’m not happy to see @F1abraham go 😕 #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: I got every right to be upset shiii #exonthebeach
@Jay__Qs: Haha @MTV_NellyT sliding in the pineapple instead of the dms  @ExOnTheBeach !
- @MTV_NellyT: @Jay__Qs @ExOnTheBeach 😂
- @DarianV_: @Jay__Qs @MTV_NellyT @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂
@MurraySwanby: Nelson is coming for your woman @DarianV_ ! @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: What made @MTV_NellyT save @BadGirlJanelle? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Darian to him - "I just feel like that's a scared vote")
@Mackemdrummer: I have to just look out for myself at this point and stop fighting for everyone else, that’s all I was saying #exonthebeach
@BadGirlJanelle: .@DarianV_ was going to accept the Ass I was going to give him 😂😂😂 knowing damn well he didn’t crush me 😤#ExOnTheBeach
@MTV_NellyT: People was i wrong 🍍??? 😇or😈 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@RobTiniOfficial: Y’all heard... I’m the brad Pitt here @ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @RobTiniOfficial Dinner at nobu tonight? Maybe 8ish? Wyd
- @morgan_willett: @RobTiniOfficial @ExOnTheBeach You’re welcome 😜
- @RobTiniOfficial: @morgan_willett @ExOnTheBeach Thaaaaaaank you boo
@MurraySwanby: I’m just over here waiting for my damn #Crush in my 🍍👀 ehemmmm @ParkerCheyenne @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@DarianV_ you can't cook? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @DarianV_: @ExOnTheBeach Everyone in the house know I throw down! Don’t do me like that 😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @DarianV_ 😂 Proof or it didn't happen! #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: .@BadGirlJanelle why can’t you give me real answers!?!?
@BadGirlJanelle: .@DarianV_ are you done?  .@BadGirlJanelle Bitch I Might Be 🤷🏽‍♀️😂  #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: All the singles are going to the Babeach 👸🏻 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: EVERYONE is in trouble! 😩 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
@DarianV_: I’m tryin to season the best way I can!! 🤣 #exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: All of the singles to the beach?!! I wonder if there is an ex there for me?! #ExOnTheBeach
@TheBlasianBomb: Darian really pisses me off because he still tries to find excuses for his actions while Janelle is trying to forgive him but not without him owning his shit he’s done #ExOnTheBeach
@ashtonandnarry: “i tried to season it the best way i could” IM SCREAMING  #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: When people try to hurt my feelings:  ME:  #ExOnTheBeach
- @Mackemdrummer: @NurysKMateo It’s was just a comment I said about you two being grown and able to fight your own battles. Is that not true? You know I was fighting for y’all the whole Season.
@coreybrooks34: Romeo asked me how I feel...I said I feel like I look 💁🏼‍♂️#goodAF @ Dallas, Texas …
@ExOnTheBeach: .@RomeoMiller is pulling out all his tricks on the singles this time 😅 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Surprise Surprise")
@00Hitsdiidii: Proceed with caution from here on out. I was probably drunk 🙈 #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: Oh hey Day 1 @JDVibezzz 😍 #ExOnTheBeach
- @JDVibezzz: @angelababicz Oh hey there day one 😘😘
@ExOnTheBeach: Ayee it's @MayaBenberry's ex @JDVibezzz 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of him emerging on the beach)
- @MayaBenberry: @ExOnTheBeach I must admit. I got a type 💔🍫🤷🏽‍♀️
- @JDVibezzz: @ExOnTheBeach Oh hey 😎😎
@DarianV_: .@JDVibezzz @MayaBenberry prom picture was lit 🔥🔥
@BadGirlJanelle: 🗣 Anybody else notice @MayaBenberry has a type??? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Farrah leaving the #ExOnTheBeach house like
@PurveyorsofPop: Chad thinks all these kids are too loud and need to get off his lawn. #ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson
- @realChadJohnson: @PurveyorsofPop I don’t disagree with this lol
@PurveyorsofPop: The couple that eats salad together....stays together? We'll see about that, @jossie_flores and @RobTiniOfficial . #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: You can say that @MayaBenberry has a type, but you can't say she has bad taste. #ExOnTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @PurveyorsofPop Okurttt!! My taste is IMPECCABLE 👅
@PurveyorsofPop: .@angelababicz walking into #ExOnTheBeach like
@angelababicz: The queen is back to reclaim her throne 👸🏻#exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Me when I find out @angelababicz is the lifeguard on duty #ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: Even if all signs are pointing down, stay looking up! Stay positive! No matter what lies ahead of you the only thing that can bring you down is you. You know… …
@MayaBenberry: I like my men like I like my chocolate. DARK 🍫❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: Not 1 but 2 people coming in 🤦🏽‍♂️  #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 👑 Finally @angelababicz just stormed #ExOnTheBeach 🙌 (Video of her entrance)
@angelababicz: Welcome back to Angela on the Beach #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: We need more female sangles. #ExOnTheBeaxb
@BadGirlJanelle: I was so excited to see a fellow bad Girl come on the beach  @angelababicz #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: We smell an #ExOnTheBeach reunion soon! 👀😅 Reply to this tweet with ALL questions + ☕️ you'd like to ask the about the cast + this season! GO! 👇  (GIF: "I can only think of one thing: that's drama")
@DarianV_: What ya mean the power back to the og’s 👀 #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: Me: I’m not going to drop what I’m doing for him.   Him: wyd   Me:
@maddiesullivan1: Damn looking hot !!! @angelababicz #exonthebeach
@MonteJr5: Oh boy @angelababicz here to start some drama! #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: ☀️ get ready girls.. #badgirl @angelababicz is in the house 🏖🏠🎉
@angelababicz: Someone hand these girls some pepto they’re about to be sick 🤮😷 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: You slayed that entrance tho 🤤 @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: This episode been EX-tra funny 😂 @ExOnTheBeach
@_ayiiia: dude, @angelababicz is the dopest bitch on @mtv. i melt.  #fightme #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: Respect the throne 👸🏻 #exonthebeach
@DarianV_: Always will accept your kisses @BadGirlJanelle  #exonthebeach
@00Hitsdiidii: Fun fact: we were so lit this day I can’t wait for y’all to see this party 🤗
@ExOnTheBeach: .@BadGirlJanelle is PETTY! She wasn't messing with @DarianV_ and still kissed him, I took it as a warning 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
@angelababicz: Dragged you, ended you #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: It’s what she deserves #exonthebeach
@CoryZ07: The grass is always greener. On my side 😜
@DarianV_: Message in the bottle did say pick a king 👑 #ExonTheBeach
@RobTiniOfficial: @angelababicz anyone’s game... im game
@ExOnTheBeach: .@NicolexoRamos making it know that @angelababicz ISN'T taking @realChadJohnson 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "He ain't going regardless")
@DarianV_: @Jay__Qs yooo 😂😂 “please screw up again” damn lol #exonthebeach
- @Jay__Qs: @DarianV_ HAhaha yesssah!
@BadGirlJanelle: I definitely don’t like to share 🤷🏽‍♀️ Unlike my other cast mates ☕️
@Mackemdrummer: I feel sorry for @DarianV_ keep getting all this temptation put on him, what would y’all do in this situation😅#ExonTheBeach
- @DarianV_: @Mackemdrummer Is this devil workin or is this GOD 😂
@Jay__Qs: Screw up! Screw up! Come on @DarianV_ fuck it up! @ExOnTheBeach so excited!
- @DarianV_: @Jay__Qs Dying at this 😂
@Nationfamily16: Oh no!!! @angelababicz  picked @DarianV_ .. @BadGirlJanelle sis don't do it 👀👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@MonteJr5: How did @angelababicz not pick one of us? @MTV_NellyT ?? #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: I was very CALM 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@spobycabello22: Angela is hilarious 😂 @ExOnTheBeach  #ExonTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Bitch you ain’t calm @BadGirlJanelle #exonthebeach
@morgan_willett: "@rebecca_stocks: Does it get any better than having @morgan_willett bless us with her presence on our tv screens TWO nights a week now?! My favorite reality tv gal crushing it on @ExOnTheBeach AND @ChallengeMTV!!! 🤟🏼🔥💕 " RT Double the Morgan, double the fun 👯‍♀️
@ExOnTheBeach: Everyone likes options and @DarianV_ wants @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
@MurraySwanby: Where in the World is @BadGirlJanelle right now.. burning down whatever building she’s in watching this episode RN Lol! @DarianV_ @ExOnTheBeach
- @DarianV_: @MurraySwanby @BadGirlJanelle @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂
@ExOnTheBeach: 😂 More on this at 3 @realChadJohnson #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "There's a 100% chance some s___ is going to happen")
- @MurraySwanby: @ExOnTheBeach Lmao.. @realChadJohnson #weather forecast 😆💥☄️🌪
- @maddiesullivan1: @ExOnTheBeach Hahahahaha #exonthebeach
@00Hitsdiidii: ROYAL RUMBLE ROYAL RUMBLE🎺🎺🎺 #Exonthebeach
@BadGirlJanelle: Just making sure it was JUST conversation @DarianV_ 🙃 #exonthebeach
@_kodokash: “Hitting what off?” @BadGirlJanelle  #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: See I don’t lie @BadGirlJanelle #exonthebeach
@realChadJohnson: Girls who are known for fighting may get into a fight. This and more totally unexpected news right here on Twitter. @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: It's a new sheriff in town 😅 @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I am not the one to play with")
@BionicBrooks_: 😂😭😭😭
@DarianV_: .@Mackemdrummer got the funniest coustome of all time!
- @Mackemdrummer: @DarianV_ A penguin? 🐧 😒
@00Hitsdiidii: Did someone say party? YASS PAPIS #Exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: #MeanGirls > #BoringGirls #ExOnTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: What kind of jungle sex is going on tonight? #ExonTheBeach
@RobTiniOfficial: Damn so the whole world knows now
@MTV_NellyT: Yess people I was planting my seed 😈@ExOnTheBeach keep close eye on me.. 😂
@BadGirlJanelle:  Not a mean girl more like a Real Girl 😂  I see Didi and Nurys still lying to get back up 🤦🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: This animal party just might bring out my primal instincts 😼👊🏼 #exonthebeach
@Jay__Qs: You can take the frog out the jungle, but you can’t keep the jungle out of the frog ! @ExOnTheBeach #treefroglife #stayloco
@MurraySwanby: I. Am. Fucking. Dyinggggg at this @ExOnTheBeach #episode LMFAOOOO 🦞🦏🐅🦎🐧🐷
@ExOnTheBeach: Animal Planet be like 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of animal party)
- @MonteJr5: @ExOnTheBeach This was phenomenal narrating
@RobTiniOfficial: @morgan_willett just pour some bbq sauce on me😂
@MayaBenberry: Lion + Penguin = COMEDY #exonthebeach
@MayaBenberry: The narrator of #ExOnTheBeach deserves a raise for this commentary 😂
@Jay__Qs: . @RobTiniOfficial wanna make me some dinner? Im hungry. @ExOnTheBeach
@RobTiniOfficial: Like damn tho, I’m NOT a waiter, and stop DRAGGGGON me around.
@jasmineeandreaa: AHHHHHH LETTTSKETIIIIT! #ExOnTheBeach2
@jasmineeandreaa: QUEEN OF THE BEACH! 👑
@jasmineeandreaa: she said he lost the apostropheee! 😁😭
@jasmineeandreaa: I am obsessed with the commentary on #exonthebeach this man said "I know you can't see me but I put air quotes around 'calm'" 😂💀
@BadGirlJanelle: "@thatboi_zay: Nury’s really has been asking to get her ass whooped  #ExontheBeach" RT Hasn’t she? 🤔 #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: "@markeiacouture: Nurys ain’t nobody bullying you.. they don’t even talk to you 😂 #ExonTheBeach" RT It’s been like that for a while now.. poor thing needs a better storyline 🤷🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@rheannaesloca: @BadGirlJanelle they always tryna make you look crazy.. like producers do shady shit to make u mad then when u get mad there like “SHES CRAZY SHES JEALOUS SHES THIS SHES THAT” like y’all planted it tf u wanted to happen
@RobTiniOfficial: @Mackemdrummer is the best judge of character... thanks bro bro @ExOnTheBeach
- @Mackemdrummer: @RobTiniOfficial Atleast some noticed something good about me 🙏🏾
@angelababicz: I did not have sexual relations with that man @JDVibezzz 😩😩
- @Jay__Qs: @angelababicz @JDVibezzz Hahaha are you running for prez now?
- @MTV_NellyT: @angelababicz @JDVibezzz Hmmm 🧐🧐
@ExOnTheBeach: Watching @angelababicz and @JDVibezzz come out that shower 👀 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
@DarianV_: Y’all remember that game telephone.... that’s exactly what this night has became @ExOnTheBeach
- @BadGirlJanelle: @DarianV_ Except the scariest hoe was the one with the phone 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: Nurys so fucking messy 🙄  Girl where is your man?? Oops I forgot your exes Malcom and Nelson don’t want you. ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: I was told they had sex...OOPS!🤷🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach #BlameTheFireball
@angelababicz: We were in the steam room for all of 30 seconds 😂😂 Y’all are tripping
@PurveyorsofPop: Janelle while her ex is on a date with Angela #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Darian when Angela is picking a man for her date #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Morgan dipping herself in BBQ sauce because she's such a snacc #ExOnTheBeach @morgan_willett
@PurveyorsofPop: Everyone in the house when they hear people are banging in the shower #ExOnTheBeach
@redlaboum: if Malcolm doesn’t tap like happy feet we have an issue #ExOnTheBeach
@WelbornFerrene: Tune in to #ExOnTheBeach #MTV to see a shark taking down a Giraffe... I believe that's the first time an event like that has ever been filmed! @realChadJohnson
- @realChadJohnson: @WelbornFerrene I’m a business shark but I forgot my business tie
@NurysKMateo: Petty Nurys came out tonight 🤷🏽‍♀️
@BadGirlJanelle: Here I am being a big girl and squashing my beef with Didi.. the ONLY girl I had a problem with... just to be put in some more mess.. I swear I can’t catch a break for nothing 🤦🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@kaihaze: Nurys. How she stay running her mouth and in drama but don’t have that energy for Janelle? You call her messy but gotta ploy Angela... Angela. LMAO. Just say you can’t fight and move on weak sauce #ExOnTheBeach
@thatboi_zay: So they were talking in a joking matter about Angela & Nury’s Ran with that shit GIRL YOU OVER DID THAT IT WASN'T EVEN SERIOUS #ExontheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Don't act like y'all wouldn't get with @JDVibezzz 😌 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @JDVibezzz: @ExOnTheBeach 👀👀👀👀
@angelababicz: Be careful @MTV_NellyT don’t hold me back or you might catch a two piece no biscuit too👊🏼 #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Enjoyed tonight's episode? 😅 Next time on #ExOnTheBeach more drama, and more exes! Catch us next Thursday at 8/7c right here on @MTV! 🙌

@angelababicz: In case y’all forgot.....
- @Jay__Qs: @angelababicz I’ve been calling you out !
- @MTV_NellyT: @angelababicz LegGo 😈
@BionicBrooks_: Bust down, Thotiana. 🥶
@MurraySwanby: Damn @NurysKMateo you #keepinitMessy
@maddiesullivan1: Guess who washes up on the beach next week ?!!!?!!! #ExonTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: Y’all already know I’m on my 3rd strike.. Its like I’m in @ExOnTheBeach prison 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: So y’all mad cuz I decided to tell Angela that she was being called the hoe of the house? Idgaf if it was messy, they said it and regardless of who said it, Angela would’ve still been pissed
@NurysKMateo: Y’all gonna hate regardless of what I do so honestly idgaf
@Jenna12022960: #ExOnTheBeach Snitches get STITCHES...Nurys SERIOUSLY has to go.
@Kenyaa_NOT: .........? #exonthebeach
@Kenyaa_NOT: All of that hype for this episode & they did that shit w ayto all the time tho😭
@DarianV_: That just might be the best episode of @ExOnTheBeach so far
@jossie_flores: Gay Straight or bi i don’t IDGAF kissing someone else while dating me is an absolute no periodT!!!!! AnD being a GIRL AlSo doesn’t get a free pass because just imagine if i was a girl what the scenario would have been if found out my man was making out with another female!
@JDVibezzz: @angelababicz and I was just vibing guys relax Sheeeeshhhh #ExOnTbeBeach
@BionicBrooks_: When you see thothiana bussing it down for the whole house. 🥶@ExOnTheBeach
@rheannaesloca: Nurys is the one who should have got popped. She using Angela to fight janelle cus she too pussy  #ExOnTheBeach
@MTVDefender: Can somebody smack Nurys though ? cause people who are messy should at least know how to fight #ExOnTheBeach
@bremoneeeey: Bitch NURYS started ALL this beef and she got the nerve to say somebody being MESSY like SIS 😂😂😂😂😂 #Exonthebeach
@BadGirlJanelle: Y’all still watching if I get sent home?? #ExOnTbeBeach
@jossie_flores: The point is that it’s not that fact that you’re kissing a girl ! The wrong part about this whole thing is that you’re kissing someone else period!!  and if i was a girl and not a gay man that full scene would have went completely different!!!
@jossie_flores: How would you girls feel if you was in my shoes and you’re man was in the kitchen kissing and licking shit off of other girls chest ? Right you would go the fuck off !!! So my point proven !
@TriStateGay: How can you not love @coreybrooks34. He literally seems like the nicest human. Someone love him already! 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@MakaylaCan12: @coreybrooks34 is fine af. Y’all can’t argue with that
@jossie_flores: Oh so @NurysKMateo @00Hitsdiidii  You were the ones to stir the pot huh 🤔 noted✍️ the fact that you felt THAT Antagonized by me and the so called (mean girls) wow i mean thank you i mean i feel like (Regina George) 😂 #exonthebeach
@MurraySwanby: And the party starts nëowwwwww
@RomeoMiller: "@_Simply_TT: We don't see enough @RomeoMiller on #ExOnTheBeach" RT I actually filmed a lot inside the house with the cast this season but it was cut due to timing. Maybe we need 2hrs on air 🤔 lol
@MonteJr5: @ExOnTheBeach #winning #moo
@PaulParmar1: Oh damn @RomeoMiller is actually fine af #exonthebeach
@dc408dxnow: Corey: XX   Farrah: XXX and 1 Crush  Well, one queen will go out and there’s people relieved about the result. And tonight, we get another queen arriving. #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: “Bye Farrah, See You Never.” - @00Hitsdiidii @NurysKMateo  #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: Tornado siren has been sounded: the singles have been summoned to the Beach of Doom. And now they are on edge for what’s next, and what’s about to go down. #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: All the singles have arrived to see who will come next. And they’re all nervous for who’s coming next on shore. #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: For now, that’s the exes coming in this week, but that’s not all. We have another single about to invade this space. We know who that is. #ExOnTheBeach
@dc408dxnow: Last year after Tor’i got the boot when the exes had the control over the elimination process, it was Alicia who returned as an original to the house to unleash more havoc on #ExOnTheBeach.
@dc408dxnow: Here are the singles with Angela. And as she gets interrogated for our overseas friends you all are familiar with those who’ve done multiple series of #ExOnTheBeach, but Angela is the first one on the US version to appear on a second season of this show.
@dc408dxnow: Is this #ExOnTheBeach or is this @AnimalPlanet? For a moment I thought I was watching that channel with seeing all these creatures on my screen & @WelbornFerrene providing us the narration just as George Page did for #Nature on PBS.
- @WelbornFerrene: @dc408dxnow Thanks for the SHOUT OUT!! DC

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So, Angela makes that return to the Ex On The Beach house and finds herself in the drama right out of the gate with a fight with Janelle that may lead this season's Bad Girls Club alum headed for the exit. And we had the wildest party we've had in Ex U.S.' short history in an animal party taking over the villa, and we'd suspect Malcolm had his social media mentions blow up considerably by the sight of him wearing that penguin outfit. But that's not all when it comes to animals and "the ultimate relations___ show"... more on that and Janelle's possible fate when we'll have the Pulse of this week's episode of EOTB to come later.

Now, more reaction to the premiere of The Challenge: War of the Worlds...

@ChallengeMTV: We know who The Prospects picked, but what would The Vets had done if they had the power? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@MTV_NellyT: Last night was Epic. I have to congratulate @mtv @challengeseason33 The intro was Lit 🔥. I must admit the rookies had it easy their first night. LegGO @hbarfield13 hold it down for #TYB  Who's ready for the PPV fight 😾😾 tonite on @MTV @ExOnTheBeach ?!?
@hbarfield13: Couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful person to pick me as there partner. Stoked about our season ❤️ @georgiaharisonx #TheChallenge33
- @georgiaharisonx: Thanks for an amazing season partner and thanks for teaching me so much and giving me confidence in everything we done ❤️ @hbarfield13
@hbarfield13: @georgiaharisonx Hahah I think maybe Just a little bit I’m perfectly ok with that 😉
@hbarfield13: @georgiaharisonx You’re the best ❤️
@turabicamkiran: @georgiaharisonx 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️ my sisssss.

@turboturabiteam: THE CHALLENGE WAR OF THE WORLDS ... #turboturabi #turbo #turkishturbo #TheChallenge33 #thechallengewaroftheworlds 
@turabicamkiran 👑🇹🇷
@MstfaTrboTurabi: King choose his Partner 👑 @ChallengeMTV @MTV @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33 #TheChallengeWarofTheWorlds #turabi #nany
@hhakaneren: Turbo dün MTV de yayınlanan #waroftheworlds de ilk oyununu kazandı. ⁦@ChallengeMTV⁩ ⁦@turabicamkiran⁩ …
@JuliaNolan_: "@louannthompson6: @tjlavin looking good bro this is gonna be a badass season " RT 👀
@turabicamkiran: @DerrickMTV @MTV Yea remind nice word. N better than STOLE. 😒 n i m fun of bruce lee
- @turabicamkiran: @DerrickMTV @MTV STOLE. 😒. This is my style. Check how Ryu make this move. N not just ryu make it. N this is importend who is doing first. I did in challenge. N people liked. Dont be jealous. Be respect or shut up. Dont talking shit about me. U dont know me. Dont mix me with another challenger.
- @DerrickMTV: @turabicamkiran @MTV Fair enough... STOLE= bad word REMIND= better word  Ryu + Bruce Lee = TURBO  #TurboTime   🤷‍♂️...Lol
- @turabicamkiran: @turabicamkiran @DerrickMTV @MTV If u wanna talk about me find good words. Not like “stole”. 😡 u looks smart u can do it. N this is your language not mine. For u easy to find nice words. Or maybe u wanna talk shit purpose. Trust me u dont want this. We start good. N i wanna continue good. Up to u.
@urbuggen: I LOVE @turabicamkiran SO MUCH HES GONNA MAKE ME CRY I LOVE HIM #TheChallange33
@brjotape: Heeeeeey everyone! 👊🏽👊🏽 What was the best part you liked most during the first episode? #TheChallenge33
@_LizNolan: Ugh 😪 the fans srsly keep me going 😭 Thanks so much for the positivity &  love in this hard time for mee 💔 I learned you can’t win em’ all and that sometimes the best lessons in life are learned from failure not success 🙅🏼‍♀️ 
- @morgan_willett: @_LizNolan I love you and still so proud of you
@JazMTV: @JOSHMBB19 please tell me you will call someone a meatball this season!!!
@BritniNicol: Finally watching #TheChallenge33 keep y’all updated with thoughts😈
@BritniNicol: Sexy ass men AND ATVs!????? Man I hate y’all @ChallengeMTV I’m so peanut butter & JEALOUS😩
@BritniNicol: Omg Bears accent is amazing #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: Part of me wonders.. HOW TF YOU DO ONE DAMN SEASON & YOURE CONSIDERED A VET!? I’m js.. #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: Shout out to @ZNichols15 calves.. lmao you motivate us all who thrive to have glorious legs😂 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: Omg Theo🤤 THESE ACCENTS #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: “GORILLAS EAT BANANAS” omgggggg 😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: Love seeing my baby @GusSmyrnios on here😍😍 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: "@angelaxderrick: this doesn’t seem like good marketing... " RT W.t.f did I just watch🙄🙄
@BritniNicol: Can Turbo just speak for everyone? The whole time? I can listen to him ALL DAMN DAYYYY🤤 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: "@NataliaNegrotti: What can I say, I’m good with my fingers #thechallenge33 " RT Lmfaoooo I love you for this 😂😂
@Marie_TBD: I put up a funny/relatable insta story of my uncle who passed and the amount of hateful messages I got assuming it was me and my dad is disgusting. Just know - to those who did message rude things - id smack TF out of you in person.
@JennaCompono: "@GusSmyrnios: I feel like these rookies made a huge mistake by leaving @JennaCompono till the end, so let’s team up and make them pay ✊🏼👊🏼 #TheChallange33" RT Aw thanks Gus! So thankful you picked me!!! Let’s kill it!
@JennaCompono: Gus actually said the nicest speech when he picked me ☺️ @GusSmyrnios
@JennaCompono: Thanks @ZNichols15 for cheering hard for me like I was a loser 😂
@MrAshleyCain: Who enjoyed the 1st episode of the @ChallengeMTV where I shown the rest of the rookies how it was done with the win!!! 🏆🥇💪🏾 #thechallenge #thechallenge33
@pimpfriedrice_: @morgan_willett !! Damn girl you on hella shows... I feel like imma see you in Love & Hip Hop next 🤣 Good luck on #TheChallenge33 you got this!!
@blackzeusfit: Straight up @PaulCalafiore_ lied that whole confessional on the aftershow. You was pimpin fam the texts prove it 🤷🏾‍♂️ #TheChallenge33
@johnnybananas: The @ChallengeMTV isn't shown in Scotland so I missed the premiere. However I'd like to congratulate @morgan_willett for finally ending her television streak of being tied to complete losers👯‍♂️❌😴❌🤠❌🍌✔ #Banorgan #4thTimesAcharm #eotb #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: WHAT A WAY TO START THE SEASON @ChallengeMTV. Go ahead @tjlavin you can say it -"you guys killed it." Thank you for @johnnybananas @WestonBergmann @Bruce_Lee85 @Ninja_Natalie @turabicamkiran @TheOfficial_CT.  CHECK OUT OUR FIRST ARTICLE FOR #WarOfTheWorlds
@JOSHMBB19: If you are wondering what I’m investing my money in, currently on amazon buying puzzles 😂 #thechallenge33
- @DerrickMTV: @JOSHMBB19 Great Move...can you DM me some good ones if you find any that have “The Challenge” written all over it..
@_LizNolan: Smiling on the outside, freezin on the inside ☃️🥶 thanks for the laughs and the beautiful snow Denver! Now back to LA ✈️ @ Denver, Colorado …
@Marie_TBD: "@ChallengeMTV: HOW DO I UNSEE THIS 🙈  #TheChallenge33 " RT I thought a fan digitally made this when I first saw it!!!! Hdsunshzsb
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV This is terrifyingly fabulous lmao
@ToriFiorenza: @Marie_TBD This is a prime Example of trying to be a regular: flirts with Johnny....homegirl didn’t make it far enough to be remembered other than flirting with johnny, so she starts a twitter fight to make sure they call her for 34. #movingon 🙄
@ToriFiorenza: Just because they go to church doesn’t mean they will protect your heart the way they protect their them, guard your heart until you see authencity, and trust your gut.
@Marie_TBD: This a good one.
@Marie_TBD: Thank you to all of those who have reached out or said kind things. Greatly appreciated.
@mikeymagoo94: Got to Meet kailah and Jenna from MTV the challenge they are both awesome and really nice,more badass in person then on tv nice to see jailah together @kailah_casillas @JennaCompono thank you to @SHOTOFYAGER for hosting a great even look forward to attending more in the future
@MikeMGTV: The following are social media tips for the cast of #lohanbeachclub;  1. Not everyone’s gunna like you. Good! If everyone likes you, you’re boring.  2. Stop responding to hate. The fuq you look like getting back to a hazbeeen!?   3. We’re going to fight. It’s not personal.
@dailydot: Hey, fans of #TheChallenge! We have a treat for you. 😉 We interviewed 6 @ChallengeMTV stars about this beloved show and how it's changed over the years: … #TheChallenge33
@dailydot: Veteran cast member Nany Gonzalez grew tired of the Twitter drama and now focuses on her professional Instagram. #TheChallenge33
@dailydot: .@_LizNolan explains that it’s important for rookie #TheChallenge cast members to “take advantage of this incredible opportunity and try to make money off the social following.”
- @_LizNolan: @dailydot Get that coin sis 💰💅🏻
@dailydot: .@DerrickMTV has risen above the inequality brought about by #TheChallenge stars’ social media followings: “I’ve always been at a disadvantage and still found a way.”
@dailydot: Read the full story on your favorite @ChallengeMTV icons here: … #TheChallenge33
@dailydot: .@Ninja_Natalie opens up about how nerve-wracking it is to navigate the show’s online fanbases: “The vets on the show have warned me ‘Challenge’ fans are very passionate.” #TheChallenge33
@dailydot: .@CaraMariaMTV laments the tendency of new cast members to prioritize “getting famous and being seen” over showing their authentic selves. #TheChallenge33

@kailah_casillas: "@CaraMariaMTV: Hey uh Amanda...  looks like no one likes YOU 🤷🏻‍♀️ @ChallengeMTV #NotTodaySatan " RT The hypocrisy with this one is unbearable.
@kailah_casillas: Imagine being known for being the self proclaimed “weirdo” and always standing with them yet picking on someone for being chosen last. Brings me back the elementary school. On that note, @iammikeyp is dropping a new music video about anti-bullying tomorrow! stay tuned.
@DayDaVonne_: "@allrealitychat: Team #MaMaBear is really THAT team that’s gonna make legendary status 😩🙌🏽✊🏽🗣♥️🐻 @DayDaVonne_ @stephen_bear #TheChallenge33 " RT The Kirk Franklin at the end took me OUT !!! 😂😂😂😂😂
@WestonBergmann: Bananas just called me a liability while wearing a denim T-shirt
- @johnnybananas: @WestonBergmann I'm amazed you were able to see the TV screen through the paper bag your wife makes you wear over your head
@tjlavin: "@GTakesAction_: The Challenge is on the best shows I’ve watched and continue watching! Season 33! WAR! It’s exciting every season. Hopefully one day I’ll get the chance to be part of that community! TJ is the best host! @ChallengeMTV @MTV @TheChallenge33 @tjlavin" RT Thanks man
@cairinthecity: Loved seeing @tjlavin in his element on that ATV popping wheelies #thechallenge33
@tjlavin: 🤙👊RT @twlucas13: @tjlavin my man! Just watched the first episode of @ChallengeMTV. Excited for this season!! Gonna be dope brotha!
@crimudgeon: Loved watching @tjlavin on the quad.  That made the entire show. Could we add a stunts by TJ on every episode.
@kailah_casillas: "@_Nsilo: @kailah_casillas @lindsaylohan Let’s settle this in a 1v1 elimination. Winner takes the beach club! " RT Lol just like that elimination, that would be unfair due to her fragile 33-year-old, 80-pound body.
@ChallengeMTV: As we saw last night, Theo's mouth might be bigger than his stride - which says a lot, considering he's almost 7 feet tall 😱  The Vets tell us why they think he might be a good partner, or get himself into trouble... #TheChallenge33    First Impressions: Theo | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / The Vets give their first impressions of Theo.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Aw fuck, you guys didn’t show mine and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE opinion of him??? Hahahahah sissys. 😈🤮
- @HTChallenge32: @ChallengeMTV I'm like 99.9% sure Bananas was retweeting shit about AYTO and UK people sucking last season and asking for competition, then he complains when they bring an olympian. Make it make sense
@RealityTVBits: Kyle said “Turbo looks like he could stare at me for a good thirty seconds and my neck would break.” 😂😂😂😂😂 @turabicamkiran is already intimidating his competitors! #TheChallenge33
@TheNolanTwins: Fab Four ✨ We had so much fun at #thechallenge33 watch party last night! Thank you for an amazing time and lots of rosè @reveldenver 😝 What did you guys think of the premiere?! @ REVEL… …
@itsmiguelyo: The prospects that said they didn’t trust “the hillbilly” @GusSmyrnios. Look at who came off not only very likable but also is also on his way to being one of the new fan favorites after last night’s episode. Do work, guys @JennaCompono 👊🏻 #TheChallenge33
@kailah_casillas: "@lohanbeachclub: Somebody's getting fired! 👀 Don't miss #LohanBeachClub Monday at 10/9c on @mtv! " RT Wait wait wait. She said “I’m just not good at firing someone” but I thought she was a “boss” *insert finger snap* huh... weird.....
@kailah_casillas: “Bosses” know how to fire people & usually give them a valid reason @lindsaylohan... you are not a “boss”, you are a fraud.
@kailah_casillas: I can’t stand NYC (sorry to anyone who loves it) But I’m at an Irish Bar & the bartender/ everyone around me has thick Irish accents & I’m pretending to be in Irland right now. You can’t convince me that I’m not. 
@kailah_casillas: In other words, “most of you are stupid” because in his head he’s smarter than everyone. But it’s not him, it’s you lol
@kailah_casillas: I wish @Twitter stepped their game up a little & let us personalize our bios more
@mtv_truth: @kailah_casillas @MTV_AMANDAG 🙄You AND Amanda have been saying for seasons that nobody likes her. She tweets and says the same thing to Amanda and you call it hypocrisy. That IS hypocrisy. How do you not understand. All parties involved are displaying hypocrisy. You don’t get a pass just like she doesn’t.
- @kailah_casillas: @mtv_truth I never claimed to be an angel or be “standing for the weirdos” THATS the difference
- @CaraMarieNany: @kailah_casillas Love you Kailah! I guess I’m confused cuz it’s not a one sided beef; can’t cara fight back against someone whose also said bad things about her?
- @kailah_casillas: @CaraMarieNany No beef. I just want people to stay consistent. I hate hypocrisy. As much as you all hate @MTV_AMANDAG & as bitchy as she may seem, it sucks to be picked last & Cara laughed in her face... all Cara fans who have been picked last should be ashamed.
- @lashun14: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp So it was ok for Amanda to say nobody likes you. But if cara says that she is a weirdo she can't say or tweet nobody likes you. Come on now. That is not right.
- @kailah_casillas: @lashun14 .. @MTV_AMANDAG aren’t that close, I hate the way she treats @JennaCompono but AMANDA NEVER claimed to be anything!! She never stuck up for “weirdos” and then backhands someone, the one thing she does, is keep things consistent. Sorry not sorry.
@kailah_casillas: PICK A SIDE, YOU CANT DO BOTH. Sorry.
@kailah_casillas: either you’re Regina George or you’re not.
@kailah_casillas: "@shboogies: @kailah_casillas No but for real guys! 😂 you shouldn’t have!" RT Idk though. Imagine there being more of me in the world lol but then again, maybe I’d be less insane if I had a sibling. You all have to realize I’m not only an only child, but I’m Puerto Rican & a scorpion. That’s a recipe for reality tv lol
@JOSHMBB19: @MTV_AMANDAG Let’s get it 😈😂❤️
@johnnybananas: And an honorable mention to @JustJem24 for continuing to participate on @ChallengeMTV from the loneliness of her apartment 📺😔 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: How the fuck you gunna buy an engagement ring when you can’t even afford your amazon prime!?🤣😂
@turabicamkiran: 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 #TheChallange33
@HaydenPWeaver: The term “turbocharged engines” was named after Turbo himself #TheChallenge33
@CoryWharton: Lmao thank you guys for making me feel better about my acting skills on Instagram 😂😭💀
@JOSHMBB19: Overthinking will destroy your mood breathe and let go
@JOSHMBB19: Thank you everyone for the support last night during the premiere of @ChallengeMTV I love ya ✊🏽❤️ #thechallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @JOSHMBB19 Feels
@kailah_casillas: k I’m over this topic. You guys don’t have to love me or agree, but at the very least, allow me to have an opinion. hope you all have a great night 💘
@allrealitychat: Team #MaMaBear is really THAT team that’s gonna make legendary status 😩🙌🏽✊🏽🗣♥️🐻 @DayDaVonne_ @stephen_bear #TheChallenge33
@JUDDNATION: Wow #TheChallenge33 is stacked this season.
@JOSHMBB19: Thank you everyone for the support last night during the premiere of @ChallengeMTV I love ya ✊🏽❤️ #thechallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@Destiny34996080: Nah I can’t. @CaraMariaMTV got you on 33 @DayDaVonne_  & you side with her enemy? She saw that sh*t & was like 0 fxcks w/ some1 siding with Self proclaimed Satan b*tch @MTV_AMANDAG! She’s…" RT Lmao MY PERSONALITY GOT ME CALLED BACK FOR 33 Josh was the one who convinced me to accept the offer ,  Cara just convinced me to think about it...  but go off sis 😂😂😂😂😂
@DayDaVonne_: It’s really not that deep lol
@DayDaVonne_: Did I say I was dropping that video tonight ? 🤧
@DayDaVonne_: It’s time to grow up lol . As an adult you can make a decision to not want someones energy around yours. Doesn’t mean you “have a problem” with them or they made you mad.. perhaps you just saw who they truly are and decided FOR YOUR PEACE,  “hmm , I don’t want that around me”
@BradFiorenza: "@rashidfentyy: Day also loves and respects @BradFiorenza and everything he has gone thru in life and says she used to talk with him about their kids and God and a bunch of amazing good hearted stuff. 😭❤️❤️" RT True story @DayDaVonne_ is incredible!!! Her & I would talk all the time.  It was one of my favorite escapes from the game EVER!!!
@ThatRealityBlog: If Theo isn’t your favorite prospect, you’re doing it wrong. 😂 #TheChallenge33
@n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas Don’t even give her attention that’s all she’s looking for 🙄🙄 @MTV_AMANDAG I would have picked you in a heart beat 😘
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @n_zanattaMTV @kailah_casillas Hahahaha thanks sister!!!!!! Believe me I could give two fucks I got picked last. This show is not my life. LOL. And I knew they’d never send me home. HAHAHA. I’m there for a REASON whether that gross horsey girl likes it or not 😈💁🏻‍♀️
@johnnybananas: Some people are worth melting for ☃️⛄ @kyleCGshore #snowmen #thechallenge33 #bananasdoingthings #Newcastle
- @WestonBergmann: @johnnybananas I hate you
@KyleCGShore: "@tonyraines: @KyleCGShore because of your commentary, I will be watching my tv every Wednesday night 🤣🤣🤣 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33" RT Love you T-Dog @tonyraines 😂
@JuliaNolan_: Had a blast in Denver for #TheChallenge33 premiere! Thanks for an amazing time and the best bacon wrapped dates @reveldenver @cbmcnary 😋
- @morgan_willett: @JuliaNolan_ Came to watch the show. Stayed for the bacon wrapped dates. @reveldenver
@kailah_casillas: It just so happened to roll off the tongue lol I’m way too hungover to think like that
@Kailah_Garcia: @TheChallengea @kailah_casillas It's hypocritical asf of Cara tho and Kailah is just pointing it out. Cara claims to been the weirdo for everyone and proud to have been picked last but made fun of Amanda when she was picked last. Call a spade a spade.
@boldwildflower: @kailah_casillas @MTV_AMANDAG @JennaCompono Cara  didn’t she just win an award and dedicated it to those kids picked last, but didn’t she just last night make fun of Amanda   for not being liked? I mean should Amanda also play the victim card and cry on camera to be liked?
@nicoleewalker9: @kailah_casillas @MTV_AMANDAG Cara is a self proclaimed “weirdo” and posts about anti bullying all the time, yet publicly put someone down. Regardless of if Amanda did it first it’s still bullying and hypocritical 🤷‍♀️
@SylviaMTV: It blows my mind how people can actually watch a tv show and truly believe they know someone through and through. Hell, you can be related to someone, married to someone and still not really know them. What makes you think watching them in TV is known the real them? Crazy

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And that will bring things to an end, for now here. The Pulse of the season 2 finale of Floribama Shore is straight ahead, along with a look at Game of Clones. Enjoy your Saturday friends...


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