Thursday, February 14, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Countdown to War of the Worlds & Ex On The Beach EP7

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

If 2018 was the busiest year ever for DCBLOG in covering the all-encompassing spectrum of MTV Reality, then this very moment is the pickup joint to the busiest time yet to be a viewer... perhaps as busy as it was last fall when, for the first time, this MTV fan had something of interest to watch from Monday to Thursday. And as it was then when we had Cheyenne & Cory join Teen Mom to go along with Final Reckoning, Are You The One and Jersey Shore last October, we now have something to look forward to during those four days of the week in a new season of The Challenge, the ongoing drama of Ex On The Beach and the season finale of Floribama Shore -- all of which we'll be covering here ahead along with Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club to follow shortly here. Plus, there are familiar names in and outside these shows coming to a new series which we'll delve into shortly, and Siesta Key for those fond of Laguna Beach and The Hills.

After the jump, the final countdown to Challenge 33: War of the Worlds, and to Week 7 of Ex On The Beach Season 2 and the return of the Bad Girl to town.

@ChallengeMTV: "I had a lot of hesitations coming into this season." Find out how Cara and Paulie felt about doing another season together ☕️ #TheChallenge33 …
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV I'd rather find out how it feels to put a campfire out with my face... #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: I think I just realised how crazy Twitter fans are.. you guys are passionate though. Crazy but passionate 😅
@Morgan_MacAdam: "@ChallengeMTV: You're. Not. Ready. For. This. #TheChallenge33 " RT This is probably one of the only challenge seasons that I'd be honestly absolutely terrified to participate in! Props to this cast, can't wait to see it Wednesday! #WarOfTheWorlds #TheChallenge33 #thechallenge @ChallengeMTV
@rhapups: This week on @ChallengeMTV, @CohenBrian_ and @lashtweets gave a breakdown of the new prospects joining the show and teased the new season of War of the Worlds. #RHAP
@turabicamkiran: @johnnybananas Yeah youre right I cant forget you! Even if u r not bananas. U already have my respect, 18 times challenger n 7 times won. 🙌🏻👏🏻 even just for this u deserve respect. But i didnt understand what u mean  “ #imissyourmusk “ I hope this is good. 😒
- @turabicamkiran: @johnnybananas I m talking good about u. But if u r talking shit i ll cut your BANANA. Trust me i ll do it. I m a man of my word. What u give me u ll take back. Dont thinking i m some CHICKEN CHALLENGERS. I hope u mean good. U r people gonna explain me what is that mean !!!
- @GusSmyrnios: @turabicamkiran Turbo out here like Twitter is the killing floor 😬💀 #challenge33
@turabicamkiran: @johnnybananas If just good joke. It s ok. I like joke. :). Still we good.  If not we have prop.
@ChallengeMTV: "He's got a face for soft-core porn." 💀  Mysterious or misplaced? Here's what The Vets think of Alan ☕️ #TheChallenge33  First Impressions: Alan | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / The Vets give their take on Prospect Alan. The Challenge: War of The Worlds premieres Wednesday, February 6th at 9/8c!
- @XBRITNI_: @ChallengeMTV bananas constants joke about people who have accents or whose first language isn’t english are getting old. they aren’t funny at all. all of these were mean besides nats, wes & amanda’s. can the prospects do their first impressions of the challengers please?
- @mtvchall3nge: @ChallengeMTV Not cool. Most of these prospects are from outside the country, ofcourse they’re going to be socially awkward in the beginning. Not cool, vets. Especially you @MTVNanyCarmen
@MarissaMeleske: Shout out to @AdaptingSocial for having common sense & judging someone based on what you know about them & not what assholes behind a computer screen spew about him. @PaulCalafiore_ is one of, the most genuine people you’ll meet. I always have been & always will be #TeamPaulie
@stephen_bear: Taking over MTV AMERICA from Wednesday 6th Feb . I hope the American audience likes me 😂😂😂 who’s cares right ? Might be on many more American shows this year 🙃🥂🍾 @MTVUK #thechallange33 #waroftheworlds 🐾
- @WestonBergmann: @stephen_bear @MTVUK God damn you’re the funniest man in the world in short doses. And God damn you’re the most annoying man in the world in longer doses.
@kailah_casillas: In the least, most non-creepy way I love when @joss_mooney voice messages @iammikeyp. What I wouldn’t do to have that accent.
@samperlman__: Can’t wait to see @GusSmyrnios on the new season the challenge! It just needs to be February 6th already #Challenge33
@CohenBrian_: We’re pumped for the new season of The Challenge. Let’s enjoy this moment of optimism.
@lashtweets: [Two] People are saying this is our best podcast ever. Spending ~5 years setting expectations low is finally starting to pay off!
@ChallengeMTV: There are so many reasons why these two don't get along, but here's the real reason why Wes is targeting Bananas on this season of The Challenge 😂 #TheChallenge33
@CaraMarieNany: I’m tired of Johnny plantains little offensive remarks on the international cast. You’re not slick, and you’re not clever. I see what you’re doing lil xenophobe. Smh. 😑😖
@fckedwithpod: You F*cked with the Wrong Podcast - #TheChallenge33 War of the Worlds Cast Breakdown …
- @shboogies: @fckedwithpod SURPRISE! Me, @gigi__moreno sand @CaraMarieNany started a #TheChallenge33 podcast! Our premiere episode is a cast breakdown, but we’ll do weekly episode reviews and break down ALLLL the off season drama!
@JOSHMBB19: My biggest motivation is failure and seeing other people win. I get inspired when I see others doing good. I don’t understand how y’all can hate on a person trying to do better for themselves. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@tjlavin: Told ya! He’s a nice guy too. Wait till you watch how cool he is.. RT @AmyIcu2: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV I’m really liking Turbo. This is what we are taking about @tjlavin real sportsmanship! No more Floribamahoe nonsense. 😂
 - @turabicamkiran: @tjlavin I ❤️ @tjlavin   I m happy to working with u n with @ChallengeMTV TEAM. Best experience ever. 🇹🇷❤️🇺🇸
@aandrew_34: Not ganna lie, @tjlavin entrance and the vets entrance to the challenge was hella dope. Fucking excited 😤 @ChallengeMTV
@TLBGray: Yo this season of @ChallengeMTV looks like the best season EVER!!! I mean you guys really listened when we said step the challenge up #WarOfTheWorlds & my challenge crush @WestonBergmann is back I'm so excited for this season #teamwes Let's go @tjlavin looks great too
@ChallengeMTV: Nobody:   Amanda:
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Hahahahaha ACCURATE AF
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV 🗣That arm though !! 💪🏾 come through lil muscle lol 😂
- @brjotape: @ChallengeMTV So arrogant! I expected more of a few here 🤷🏽‍♂️
@WestonBergmann: I’m seriously considering running for President in 2020. I’m testing the waters. Let me know what you think! Who is ready for a ginger POTUS?
- @kailah_casillas: @WestonBergmann 👨🏼‍🦰🌋
@tjlavin: I really hope you guys like this season as much as I think you’re gonna... @mtv challengemtv @bunimmurray #goodtimes #thechallengewaroftheworlds …
@JennaCompono: Finally realized that I don’t owe everyone an explanation 🤷🏼‍♀️
@jossie_flores: Loving the @turabicamkiran vibe ❤️🔥🔥😈 #TheChallenge33
@cbmcnary: Maybe it’s just me but the hype around this season of #thechallenge33 is real and it’s for good reason.  @ChallengeMTV
@JuliaNolan_: Ayy BB in the house 🤘🏻
- @RealityRecaps: I’m so excited to get to cheer @JuliaNolan_ and @_LizNolan on again!  And yes we’re covering #TheChallenge33 !
- @JuliaNolan_: @RealityRecaps Yass can’t wait to spill the 🍵💕
- @WestonBergmann: @JuliaNolan_ It’s called lava 🌋. You need an upgraded vocabulary since you upgraded shows.
- @msdeenguyen: @WestonBergmann Now that’s some lava. 🦊
@acenichols33: Watching #TheChallenge33 preview thing... why did I have to watch @iamkamiam_ just vomit while spinning? I dont care. THIS SEASON LOOKS LIKE WHAT WE'VE BEEN BEGGING FOR.
@iamkamiam_: Soooo... there’s this guy right😍... lol
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ Ahhhhhh we totally need a business and personal catch up for SUREEEEE 🔥
- @iamkamiam_: @Kmorrisx WE DO 😭😂❤️
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ Ok give me an hour. ♥️🤛🏽
@NataliaNegrotti: LIFE UPDATE! I’m doing my first Boston appearance this Sunday and everyone is welcome. Check out the link below for details and come watch the game with me 💕 …
@iamkamiam_: Be forgetting y’all care so much 😂
@iamkamiam_: But... I might’ve ruined my chances (as usual 😂) but I still got hope sis 😩
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay, who the f*ck tripped me? 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @ExOnTheBeach My exes always trippin for no reason 💁🏼‍♂️
@jossie_flores: People be really tweeting me some BS   Waking me up out of my sleep👀 like go to bed and stop texting/tweeting that rah rah bullshhhhhh off of you’re iPhone 4 and upgrade yourself and you’re life.....ugh   (life of a troll i could never relate)   Ok going back to sleep now😴
@jossie_flores: Actual video of what Twitter trolls look before you guys argue back with these types of people always remember you’re blessed 👀😉
@angelababicz: I wish Bad Girls Club alumni would celebrate the accomplishments of their BGC sisters instead of being bitter, resentful, and jealous of their success
@jossie_flores: PSA!!! FOR ALL TROLLS  #exonthebeach
@MonteJr5: It was great seeing Morgan and everything but i gotta say... The way i look at Romeo is special #ExOnTheBeach
@coreybrooks34: @AbbyZinger: If you want to know the impact working in reality TV has had on my brain, every time I see "Cory Booker" I misread it as "Corey Brooks" @coreybrooks34" RT Lolll I’ve actually done that too 😂
@amblerleigh: Finally got to watch @ExOnTheBeach and I am so excited for the HBIC next week. LEGGGOOOO GURLLLL @angelababicz
@BigTymers228: Happy Birthday!!!!!! @laurenconrad #LaurenConrad #MTV #LagunaBeach #TheHills #HappyBirthday #HBD #Blessings

@ChallengeMTV: He's fought for love, and now he's fighting on The Challenge! Will everything come up roses for Chase? 🌹  Here's what The Vets think... #TheChallenge33   First Impressions: Chase | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / What do The Vets think of this former Bachelorette contestant? Don't miss the season premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds, Wednesday at 9/8c on MTV!
- @cbmcnary: @ChallengeMTV New profile pic.  Who dis? @johnnybananas
- @johnnybananas: @cbmcnary Well played 🌱
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV 🤙🏼🤘🏼
@WestonBergmann: So how pumped is everyone to watch this season, The Challenge: Subtitles
@ChallengeMTV: Natalie, aka "Ninja," was an American Ninja Warrior and she's got all The Vets' attention 👀 #TheChallenge33  First Impressions: Ninja | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / The Vets weigh in on Prospect and American Ninja Warrior, Natalie. The Challenge: War of The Worlds premieres WEDNESDAY, February 6th at 9/8c!
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Honestly, I was a BIT worried about watching this video... But I have nothing but respect for these Vets voicing their honest opinion about me coming to @ChallengeMTV @mtv  So let's give em hell 💪🏽 #TheChallenge33 #TeamNinja
- @5olhcak: @ChallengeMTV True @Ninja_Natalie training tactics...They all look so shook! #Challenge33 😉😎
- @Ninja_Natalie: @5olhcak Ninja Nat's training tactics... use men only as physical support systems 💪🏽😏
- @iammikeyp: @ChallengeMTV 5 TIME NINJA WARRIOR CHAMPION?!?! WHERE?!? 😂🤣...she’s never advanced to the finals. There have been 2 people that have competed the entire course and she was not one of them, so saying champion is ridiculous. 🤦🏼‍♂️
@kailah_casillas: I’m feeling PETTY oh so PETTYYYY 🎶
- @MTVDefender: @kailah_casillas Why do y’all hate her so much? Serious question what did she do to you or your boyfriend?
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVDefender Nothing. I don’t hate her. She’s a strong girl, trust me I know. But these claims are just INSANE considering she never went past THE FIRST PHASE of ninja warrior. If people called me a “challenge champion” people would be starting wars.
- @MTVDefender: @kailah_casillas Y’all can be nice though because y’all don’t know her personally idk why your boyfriend is so upset with her 😳 did she beat him on ninja warrior or something? I’m confused like
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVDefender She didn’t beat him on ninja warrior... he made it to the finals 2 out of 3x & he doesn’t call himself a “champion”
@kailah_casillas: To be a champion means you have to WIN @ChallengeMTV. Being on Ninja Warrior 4 times & not ever making a final doesn’t make you a “champion”.... but if we wanna throw that word around then I guess I’m a 4x Challenge “champion” because I’ve been on 4 seasons.
- @Ltorres3685: @kailah_casillas @ChallengeMTV I like you but this comes off as salty and attention seeking. No offense she'd smoke you in just about anything.
- @kailah_casillas: @Ltorres3685 Never said she wouldn’t. She would! She’s strong. Bu I’m just stating facts.
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @kailah_casillas They DID put you on #CHAMPSvsStars. So you might be on to something. Pretty soon, they’ll count people who used to work at @ChampsSports! #Champs #ChallengeMania #Preach
- @ogchallengefan: @kailah_casillas @ChallengeMTV Why so petty tho?
- @kailah_casillas: @ogchallengefan @ChallengeMTV not petty this time, just all facts. The ninja community is pissed at these claims and I’m voicing them.
- @brimarielarkin: @kailah_casillas @ogchallengefan @ChallengeMTV Why are they pissed when Ninja never said it? A Vet did in an interview, who knows if production told her the wrong info - who knows if said Vet had a misunderstanding. You moved beyond petty with this.
@kailah_casillas: let me clarify!!!!!!! Read this. Thanks.
@kailah_casillas: "@mmmmmmmmp: @kailah_casillas Which they probably never will given your challenge history. Only 1 final and nothing else, but fights. You’re great TV. I’ll give you that with your fine self 😋" RT In the 4 seasons I’ve been on, I’ve lost 1 elimination & went to a final. But your back tracking and compliments are cute.
- @mmmmmmmmp: @kailah_casillas @ChallengeMTV Lol girl please...... win a challenge and we will ALL gladly call you a champ 😘
- @kailah_casillas: @mmmmmmmmp Yeah I would expect that? No one has called me that before so if I won I think maybe that would be a thing.... lol
@kailah_casillas: "@simplynanner: @kailah_casillas I will never understand why so many "fans" dislike you so much?? I've been watching The Challenge since like I think (?) Inferno 3 and man, you're a great competitor, you speak your mind, and you're fun to watch. I just don't get it." RT me either 🤷🏻‍♀️
@kailah_casillas: "@mmmmmmmmp: @nicoleewalker9 @Baseball_Kyle19 @kailah_casillas Baby, I don’t need the attention. Lolz. And you are very wrong.... do you know how much I love bananas and don’t agree with half the shit he says or does? It’s like saying I can’t be a fan of my sister... I don’t agree with almost anything my sister does, but I love her anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️" RT Anyone that starts any comment with “baby”... kinda speaks for itself if ya ask me.
@Trisha_Cummings: @johnnybananas Literally the same Nanas, just muscly-er
- @johnnybananas: @Trisha_Cummings And how would you know? You haven't seen me since I was 12 🧒
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️It’s TURBO time!⚜️ ... #Turbo #TurkishTurbo #TurboTurabi #TurkishWarrior #thechallenge #thechallenge33 #challenge #survivor #survivorturkey #champion @mtv @challengemtv #survivorallstar #survivor2014 #survivor2018 #power #war #warrior #king #thechallengewaroftheworlds
@hhakaneren: #Survivor Türkiye Yunanistan ba؛ladı; hayırlı, reytingi bol olsun. Gerçi Turbo yok ama onu da @ChallengeMTV de izleyeceğiz 6 ھubat’ta. @survivorturkiye @acunmedya @turabicamkiran
@turabicamkiran: Me n Chicken Challengers. I m waiting... Which chickens r talking Shit behind my back???. 😒 #TheChallenge33 #TurboTurabi #itsTurbotime @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@turabicamkiran: Where is mine “first impression” video ?  @ChallengeMTV ?  🤦🏻‍♂️Of course u know they R talking shit behind my back. 🤦🏻‍♂️. Ok ok. I ll not touch them. “Lie” 😈 “i ll touch them” 😈  “WHO GIVE ME BAD, LL TAKE BACK.” 😎🇹🇷😎 Anyway. So soon @MTV Show us. CANT WAIT. 😍😍  #thechallange33
- @DayDaVonne_: @turabicamkiran Saving you and Bear for last I’m sure lol ❤️
@BrunoBttencourt: 29 years later and I thought I’d be married with kids or either or... I wouldn’t change a thing 😂 no stress no anxiety... Bet
@JOSHMBB19: "@girlsmeg: Lolo: No. I can't talk right now. Kato get out. Ricky, get him out of my room. Get out of my room Kato. Production. Get him out of my room!…" RT People that attack big brother players when you have no idea what it’s like to be locked in that house. They’ve been locked away for 2 weeks imagine 90 plus days ☠️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JOSHMBB19 Facts. What’s worse is the alumni who DO KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE. Yet they still trash the people going through it. Which then in turn validates the morons who have no idea.
@KendalSheppard: "@BytesPodcast: Happy 15th Anniversary to one of the Greatest seasons of the Challenge. The 8th season of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno premiered 15 years ago on this day; February 2, 2004 on MTV’s 10:00pm block…" RT Has is been that long??!! Maybe it's time for a return..
@BytesPodcast: In the end The Road Rules team won the Inferno final challenge  taking home $260,000 !
When World’s COLLIDE...Again! 🌋  - SPECIAL GUESTS include: 🦹‍♂️🦸‍♀️ NANY, @westonbergmann, @MelindastolpMTV, @ToriFiorenza and @SHOTOFYAGER will be adding SPICES to the STEW!  - FOR TICKETS:🍯
@AREUTHE1: TEAM AYTO LOOKING STRONG 💪  Don't miss the season premiere of #TheChallenge33, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6th @ 9/8c! 🔥 @ChallengeMTV    The Challenge: War of The Worlds | Official Red Band Trailer / An extended look at the upcoming season of The Challenge, with never-before-seen footage.
@ExOnTheBeach: Two singles on the chopping block, but the exes can't come to an agreement on who needs to get the boot! 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Woke up in the best mood and this weather is NOT it. I thought it never rained in LA. WHAT. TF. IS. THIS. SHIT
@MayaBenberry: February is going to be a BU$Y month for me. I’m excited 🤑💜
@ExOnTheBeach: No need to offer @realChadJohnson a cigarette, he's already smoking hot.
😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@mattliguori: catching up on Ex on the Beach and I still can't believe this is happening
@giannahammer: Just pulled a fan move and saw Gary from teen mom at target in the kids section but just stared and kept on strolling 😭😂 #officallyjustanMTVfan

@ChallengeMTV: It's no secret Zach and Amanda don't get along, but where does everybody else stand? This is who The Vets are aiming for heading into #TheChallenge33 🎯  Who Was Your #1 Target? / The Vets reveal who they're gunning for on The Challenge: War of The Worlds, premiering Wednesday, February 6th at 9/8c on MTV.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Beast 😋
@turabicamkiran: ⚜TRAINING FOR THE CHALLENGE⚜ 🇹🇷IT’S TURBO TIME!🇹🇷 THE CHALLENGE WAR OF THE WORLDS ... #turboturabi #turbo #thechallenge33 @challengemtv @mtv #itsturbotime #turkishturbo #thechallengewaroftheworlds
@turabicamkiran: @JOSHMBB19 😊😊😊👊🏻✌🏻✌🏻
@ChallengeMTV: Having a sibling in the game can either help you, or put a target on your back 🎯 What do The Vets think of twin Prospects Liz and Julia? Find out... 👯 #TheChallenge33   First Impressions: Liz and Julia / The Vets give their first impressions of twin Prospects Liz and Julia of Big Brother. Watch them on The Challenge: War of The Worlds, Wednesday, February 6th at 9/8c on MTV!
@Djewlie: How can Ninja Nathalie climb so fast the rope.
- @DerrickMTV: @Djewlie Yep, haven’t a climbing technique this rare since I saw Landon scale a palm tree like an Ape.  This is a new one for me. 🤔 @Ninja_Natalie @mtvrrdarrell
- @Ninja_Natalie: @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell Just waiting for the right moment on @ChallengeMTV to bust out these monkey toes moves 🐒
- @mtvrrdarrell: @DerrickMTV @Ninja_Natalie 😳 Bruh she climbed up invisible stairs
@_LizNolan: @ChallengeMTV thanks queen Jenna! @JennaCompono 👑💘 & lmfao @WestonBergmann 🤣
- @JennaCompono: @_LizNolan 😘
@_LizNolan: Okkk 😜 Vets weren’t too harsh 👯‍♀️💕👍🏻
@turabicamkiran: “I ❤️ NEW YORK.” When i broke my head. 🤦🏻‍♂️ But cant stop me. 😏 With New York Break Dancer Team. #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@turabicamkiran: Turkish serial “KERTENKELE” #Kertenkele #atv @atvcomtr
@MrAshleyCain: For all you guys that were wondering where I disappeared to... I was filming one of America’s 🇺🇸 biggest shows the @ChallengeMTV ‘War Of The Worlds’ for @MTV USA representing the UK! 🇬🇧 - Stay tuned, it’s gonna be a madness! 💥
@johnnybananas: Every man dies... But not every man really lives ⚔ @1stlooktv  #BananasTheButcher #Scotland #ScotlandIsNow @VisitScotland
@v_cakes: "@ChallengeFanVet: @DerrickMTV @KendalSheppard @mtvrrdarrell @ToriFiorenza @susie_meister @v_cakes you guys see the front of these buses in the #WarOfTheWorlds trailer!?" RT Ha!  Is there even one Road Ruler on it?
@MattieLBreaux: 3 More Days #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@ExOnTheBeach: How can we extend weekends? #ExOnTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: Man I can’t believe they still play the Yung Yang Twins in the club 🤦🏽‍♂️ Y’all the reason my dad keep asking if he can go out with me 😤
@BionicBrooks_: Let all that hate in your heart go.
@jossie_flores: Ok guys if you could pick one of these 3 legends to host our @ExOnTheBeach season 2 reunion #exonthebeach who would you wanna see just saying...👀😈 @TiffanyPollard @missnatalienunn @Tanisha_DaDiva
@CamilaMTV: @ddlovato girl, you’re beautiful, talented, financially independent, sober, fucking badass - why do you give a fuck what ANYONE thinks? Do you. Fuck the haters.
@SylviaMTV: The song “thotiana” reminds me of all the highschool house parties I used to go to.. 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I’m going to be honest I kind like it 💁🏽‍♀️

@ChallengeMTV: "Gus looks like a young CT." 💪 Find out if this Prospect can live up to the hype when The Challenge: War of The Worlds premieres, THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c! 🌎💥 #TheChallenge33  First impressions: Gus | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / From the Shore House to the Challenge House, Gus is turning heads.
- @GusSmyrnios: @ChallengeMTV Nothing but respect for my vets ✊🏼 Not just here to party I’m giving this my all I can promise you that 👊🏼   @Thechallenge #thechallenge33 #truecompetitor
@FloribamaShore: Give 'em the ole Perdido Special, ya hear son!? 👏  Watch Gus turn heads on the season premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds, THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c on @MTV! 🌎💥 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33   First impressions: Gus | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / From the Shore House to the Challenge House, Gus is turning heads.
@Kerrie_Facey: So excited to watch @GusSmyrnios of the fricken Challenge! I think people are going to underestimate him! #TeamGus for the win! You deserve it the most! 👌🏻
@jojoslife94: @ChallengeMTV I find it incredibly  adorable how happy @hbarfield13 was when mentioning how hes long time friends with @GusSmyrnios . The bromance we need in 2019.
- @GusSmyrnios: @jojoslife94 That’s my boy!! @hbarfield13  Went from growing up in the same small town playing sports together to now in the challenge house. Time to show em what these small town southern boys are made of ✊🏼 #thechallenge33
@brjotape: Hey everyone! Please support the Brazilian to watch the Challenge in Brazil. Use the tag #TheChallengeInBrazil . Appreciate 🙏🏽
@turabicamkiran: WHAT DO U THINK GUYS? May i go American Got Talent Show???  😂#AGTChampions @AGT #gottalentturkey #turboturabi #turbo #TheChallenge33
@turabicamkiran: GOT TALENT SHOW TURKEY  #gottalentturkey #turboturabi #turbo #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: GOT A TEXT! 📲  Meet one of the newbies from the UK: Georgia! 🇬🇧 And don't miss the season premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds, THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c! 🌎🔥 #TheChallenge33   First Impressions: Georgia: The Challenge: War of The Worlds / Meet one of the new exports from the UK, Georgia!
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Little legend ❤️
@GusSmyrnios: "@McKennaaxox: I honestly think @GusSmyrnios is going to be great on #TheChallengeWarofTheWorlds don’t disappoint me pls 💁🏼‍♀️" RT Won’t I promise ✊🏼❤️ #thechallenge33
@Morgan_MacAdam: They actually have an indoor pool and game room this season! At least they had entertainment inside this Challenge house! #TheChallenge33 #WarOfTheWorlds #TheChallenge
@TheOfficial_CT: [Please Help] For those of you willing to help and support Isabella and her family as they battle leukemia with chemo therapy for the next 25 months, this fundraiser will help the… …
@JennaCompono: I’m such a spaz... i asked for natural cold remedies for home, and everyone’s saying honey. I’m sitting here thinking that’s what everyone’s calling me! I was like damn everyone’s in a good mood 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ but yes the honey helped thank you! 🍯
@JennaCompono: Be a bottle of water. Not a bottle of soda. 🥠
- @CaraMariaMTV: @JennaCompono We literally dont deserve you jenna. 🤣
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JennaCompono Love this
@turabicamkiran: Thanx @ChallengeMTV  i loved. ❤️👊🏻❤️😊
@JennaCompono: Gotta learn to stop explaining yourself to people who have already made their minds up about you 🤷🏼‍♀️😜
@ExOnTheBeach: .@DarianV_ was 👌 close to taking credit for @MTV_NellyT's crush chip for @BadGirlJanelle, but why didn't Darian chose to save his ex? ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@Kmorrisx: Being off work on a Monday with nothing to do is so pants. The only good daytime tv is @TheEllenShow 💯
@Kmorrisx: Why Do people in reality tv fake a break up and secretly get back together ...... I’m so confused. As if social media perception isn’t bad enough. We got fake break ups and make ups for some media now too.  More coverage on stupid relationships than real world problems.
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx This is relevant to tonight’s episode of #KailahBeachClub
@ExOnTheBeach: When you got a beach to f*ck up this week! 💅 (@angelababicz) #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: This should’ve been my cast photo 🙄 @ExOnTheBeach
@iamtheophi: 21 Savage is officially Sir Savage the 21st.
@BritniNicol: "@kailey_clyburn: Is this you @BritniNicol ?? This is my friends son, he is 8 now so this was taken years ago. " RT Haha YUP! that’s lil 20 year old Britni😂
@ForeverPettyPod: As somebody who was in an abusive relationship, I support the way Barbara is handling Jenelle’s situation. It can be very hard to have a loved one in an abusive relationship but supporting them until they are ready to leave is sometimes all you can do. #TeenMom2 Xoxo, @JustJem24

@cbmcnary: Living that house plant life today! 🌱 Super Bowl Sunday let’s go!
@JustJem24: New Orleans is petty 😭. #weinthenolababy
@morgan_willett: All I want to do today is consume a large amount of unhealthy food and watch the Patriots lose. Too much to ask?
@WestonBergmann: #NotMySuperBowl
@CamilaMTV: What Super Bowl Sunday looks like in 🇧🇷... #GOPATS #SBLlll #TomBrady Who are you rooting for??? …
@HaydenPWeaver: Can you bet on if Drake shows up at halftime? No way they perform Sicko Mode without him
@blairherter: Definitely not the #SBLlll that I wanted but I’m still happy for the fans that get to watch the teams that bring them so much joy. If you’re not into it, be cool. Maybe just pencil your “sportsball” joke into your dream journal today and let folks have their fun. Namaste.
@F1abraham: #superbowl #Atlanta can’t wait to watch #HalftimeShow 🏈🏈🏈 #SuperBowlLIII  #sunday 🍑🍑🍑
@MattieLBreaux: Gotta go Rams 🤦🏻‍♀️🤓
@JazMTV: He’s turned our babies into patriots fans #SuperBowlLIII
@CoryWharton: ALL DAY RAMS 🐏🙌🏽 Let’s go get that super bowl ring 💍
@ToriFiorenza: Not a #patriots fan, but if y’all haven’t learned not to bet against Tom Brady by now, then I don’t know what to tell you...who do you have winning? #SuperBowlLlll #patriots #rams
@TheOfficial_CT: Go Pats! …
@MtvJess: How fabulous is @MsGladysKnight 🔥🥰
@CamilaMTV: Lets go baby!!!!!! 🌟🏈🌟🏈🌟🏈🌟  #GoPats #EverythingWeGot #SBLIII #PatsNation
@MattieLBreaux: Game Time 👏🏻  #SuperBowl53
@morgan_willett: In case you were wondering... why yes, I am a bandwagon fan. And today I’m sayin’ GO RAMS GO🏈 (Cowboys are still #1 in my heart though) #SuperBowl53 #gorams
@RyanAConklin: No one knows when Karma rights itself, but for Saints fans to be upset, let’s remember “Bountygate” when the team was found guilty of paying out bonuses, or "bounties", for injuring opposing team players. Remember Brett Favre in OT? It existed the year they won Super Bowl XLIV).
@TheoVon: I love how everyone just pretendin the Saints aint supposed to be in this game
@WestonBergmann: No, Papa John’s...I never in a million years will pickup my own pizza.
@BadGirlJanelle: This is the most I’ve gambled on a football game... I’m nervous 😩 #SuperBowl
@thekelseyowens: Super Bowl Sunday!!🏈😎 Who do you want to win?
@CamilaMTV: 5 min into the game and my nails‘ already gone. 😰 #SBLlll #GoPats #EverythingWeGot
@tylerobrienn: Watching the Pats play in the Super Bowl makes me feel like I’m home in Boston regardless of where I am
@HaydenPWeaver: Rams coming out to a T.I. throwback?!?!?! They’re winning by 50
@MattieLBreaux: Well well well 😂 I live for the commercials during the #SuperBowl53
@_BG_Gomes: Lets go .@RamsNFL 🏈🏈
@MTVtrey: You have 2 timeouts w/ 14 sec left on the clock. They’re QB kneeling on the 2 yard line and QB kneels always make negative yards. Why not use your timeouts and force them to run a play? It’s the Super Bowl and you have 0 points. Possible safety play before the half. At least try
@cbmcnary: Was that the @DosEquis guy on the @StellaArtois commercial?
@cbmcnary: That was the best halftime since 2018
@CamilaMTV: Im just confused about everything. #SBLIII #m53
@morgan_willett: Adam. I appreciate your vocals. I do not (but feel you on this) appreciate your awkward dance moves. #SuperBowl53
@MTVtrey: He could’ve at least brought Andre with him
@MattieLBreaux: This performance 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@cbmcnary: That’s not a necklace that’s a $250k dog collar. #HalftimeShow
@blairherter: That commercial was only Gurley’s 4th touch of the game. #SuperBowl #SBLIII
@CamilaMTV: Maybe @maroon5 will score a touchdown. #SBLlll
@MattieLBreaux: I know these guys are playing their heart out and I appreciate their hard work but let’s GEAUX!  #SuperBowl53
@CamilaMTV: The lack of craziness in this game is pretty crazy. I guess my nails will benefit. 💅 #gopats #SBLlll
@CamilaMTV: Waiting for the 🐐 to make us proud. Meanwhile.... #FREEPORTNOY #SBLIII
@morgan_willett: Lady Gaga and Beyoncé should just rotate and perform the Super Bowl halftime every year. & Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk #SuperBowl53
@BadGirlJanelle: This has been the worst first half of football I’ve ever seen. #SuperBowl
@BadGirlJanelle: I hate low scoring games. 🙄 This is why I wanted the Chiefs to get to the #SuperBowl
@HaydenPWeaver: We got spongebob and y’all mad on the timeline 😐
@HaydenPWeaver: Great halftime show. Just a few musicians rocking out and having a blast. #PepsiHalftime
@HaydenPWeaver: I LOVE YOU ADAM
@HaydenPWeaver: I feel like I’m watching the Butler/UConn national title game
@CamilaMTV: 🐐 to the rescue. #TomBrady #SBLlll #GoPats #PatsNation
@CamilaMTV: About fucking time! 🎈 #Touchdown #GOPATS #LFG #SBLlll ps... #FREEPORTNOY
@JOSHMBB19: Tom Brady always showing up in the 4th 🙌🏽🙌🏽 #SuperBowl53 #PatsNation #GoPats
@CamilaMTV: It’s official. @stoolpresidente ‘s freedom is more important than the biggest sport event of the year. Congrats @nflcommish.👏  @barstoolsports #FREEPORTNOY #SBLlll
@shandathapanda: YO FREE MY MAN 21!!!!!
@KayCamUmagat: I miss being an NFL cheerleader. I love @TheSeaGals 💚💙
@KayCamUmagat: I love spongebob
@MTVbrettski: Tony Romo’s first trip to the Super Bowl  #SuperBowlLlll #SuperBowl2019 #PatriotsvsRams
@Couturesworld: Travis Scott when sicko mode comes on
@Couturesworld: Spongebob with sicko mode was the best play of the game so far
@JasmineeAndreaa: Travis Scott won the super bowl with that spongebob intro
@tjlavin: Congratulations Tom you’re a badass. I don’t really give a shit about the football but I’m very glad you’ll be 43 by the time I will care.. Go Las Vegas Raiders 2020!!!!
@TheOfficial_CT: #StillHere …
@MTV_NellyT: It’s a sad day for @RamsNFL , y’all played amazing game🐏.   #defensewingames Shout out to the🐐, #madrespect
@CamilaMTV: So we’ve established we’re still the best and #TomBrady is still the goat 👏🏆🏈 #GoPats⁠⁠ now the question is - what the fuck happened to Dave??? #FREEPORTNOY 
@MattieLBreaux: 👏🏻 to all the players #SuperBowl53
@MTVtrey: Postgame is absolutely madness.
@mtvrrdarrell: 2 hands 6 rings #tombrady #goat #SuperBowl
@MikeCManning: Damn 😒🏈 #superbowl
@WestonBergmann: BORING
@brittany_baldi: #BREAKING : #Patriots win superbowl!
@tonyraines: Early congratulations to the New England Patriots 🏆 #DrakeCurse 
- @tonyraines: Thank you, Drake...I’m a little bit richer tonight 🍻
@CamilaMTV: “It’s not about the points, it’s all about winning”... Congrats Pats! @Patriots ❤️🍾🏈 #SBLlll #EverythingWeGot #PatsNation #SuperBowlnaESPN
@DayDaVonne_: Thoughts on that halftime show ?
@SiestaKey: Hey, here's some photos of @__GarrettMiller with a football.😍😂#SuperBowl #SiestaKey
@nillythesquid: I just wanna know who the guy in the Mercedes commercial is.... #SuperBowlSunday
@realChadJohnson: Tim Grady won the Superbull!
@BadGirlJanelle: Rams really put up 3 sorry ass points in a #SuperBowl game  I want the money and time spent cooking all this food back 😭
@MurraySwanby: Which hockey team is winning 🏆
@MTVbrettski: Good. Great. GRAND. WONDERFUL. Still hate the Patriots. Always will. Oh yeah, nice pass interference call on  Gilmore on that would be TD to Cooks... 🙄
@MTVbrettski: Brees & the @Saints would’ve scored more than 3 points.....
@JasmineeAndreaa: This time last year Kevin Hart tried to go on the field and got pushed by security 😂 #NeverForget
@JasmineeAndreaa: I don’t care. The EAGLES are still the SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS! 🤷🏽‍♀️🦅
@KayCamUmagat: I hate @Patriots.
@blairherter: The Pats won the #SuperBowl two hours ago. I bet Gronk has already stuck his head through seven walls.
@faithstowers: Is it just me or is there a lot of commercials featuring robots 🧐 #SuperBowl2019 #Superbowlcommerical
@thesaratariq: This shoulda been the Chiefs and Rams round 2!!! #SuperBowl
@thesaratariq: Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
@thesaratariq: *cuts to Bill Belicheck*  unphased lol #SuperBowl
@thesaratariq: Man this is THE most boring super bowl wtf
@MattieLBreaux: And I’m ✅ nite nite tweeties
@johnnybananas: Hey Tom Brady... Welcome to the club 💍💍💍💍💍💍
- @ChallengeMTV: @johnnybananas 🐐 x 🐐
@AshleeFeldman: 💍💍💍💍💍💍

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Ahead at 5 PM Eastern here, a Special Pulse Extra covering the invasion to Greece of a girl who's made noise on four Challenges and on Real World. Kailah comes to Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club... coming up.


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