*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hey there folks, we're glad you're here with us again. Our preseason coverage of The Challenge: War of the Worlds -- three posts in all -- has wrapped up, and as we count down to that new season come Wednesday now we're turning our focus to getting caught up on two weeks' worth of the episode interaction and social activity in the MTV Reality universe that we have not covered yet because of our Challenge focus, but thanks to the archives we're now starting to get caught up on it all.
For Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club, from the producers of The Challenge and Real World, a fact to share here is that its director of photography, Jason "Ninja" Williams, is a longtime veteran camera op for those shows... Bunim-Murray Productions also handles the Kardashians franchise, too. And as the group's first week in paradise lacked in effort but excelled in drama in one Brent, Episode 3 saw LiLo spice things up a bit as she brings in a new host with a solid work ethic and common work credentials with one of the guys to paradise to help to accelerate the summer crowd about to invade Mykonos.
With all that went down in Greece and in Florida, we've decided to let the Tuesday offerings of January 22nd have their own post to start things off. All the action, reaction and interaction of Episode 3 of Lohan Beach Club and the rest of the interaction before Episode 5 of Ex On The Beach is below, with coverage of the ladder to come here later tonight after the Super Bowl.... enjoy.
►IN BETWEEN: After Episode 4
@angelababicz: "@thatkidddneah: @angelababicz Angela in your YouTube video u said,it’s taking me to ex on the beach season 2 so you’ll see that in a few weeks,so your telling me it’s going to take a few weeks for us to see on ex on the beach?" RT I say “a few weeks” loosely because i don’t know when I’ll be on 🤷🏻♀️ I will be just as surprised as you!
@CoryZ07: I just wanna say thank you to everyone that gave me positive feedback from Thursday’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach. It really made me feel special. 🥰🥰 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@morgan_willett: Afternoon announcement time: I’ll be back hosting for @afterbuzztv to chat all things Celebrity Big Brother 💃 Tune in tomorrow for our preview show with the one and only @MarissaJWinokur - 8 pm PST! #cbbus2 #goodtobeback cc:@bryceadvice
@NurysKMateo: "@ccaarlottaa: ❤ This rap he made for @NurysKMateo is the most beautiful thing you'll ever hear today. @EmoneySunset is so cute and talented. #ayto #MTV #season6 " RT Still hands down one of the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! I’ll NEVER forget this ♥️ @EmoneySunset
@OliviaBroussar1: Very confused as to how Maya can be cordial and nice to Kareem, someone who blatantly disrespected her. But mean to Diandra, someone who defended her and has done nothing to her #ExOnTheBeach
@KendalSheppard: Paulie the day before his cruise knowing he used a mom of a special needs child/owner of a nonprofit to gain followers & smooth over his downgraded reputation. Not a care in the world as he preps for his voyage WITHOUT the "WINNER". @wodonthewaves @PaulCalafiore_ #scammuch #fixit
@johnnybananas: @CaraMariaMTV CC: Paulie Pocket
- @PaulCalafiore_: @johnnybananas Bro.... you have my number from when I left you a voice mail a week ago. You can CC me yourself.
- @johnnybananas: @PaulCalafiore_ Not now... I'm busy #PauliePocket
@johnnybananas: !!!PLEASE RT!!! I saw this earlier @datefitofficial I’m sure there’s a way to get @meghanyarnall on this cruise, hit me back and let’s figure this out. Meghan and Gina deserve this! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1B9rzDav_/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=eth6kw368s4o … @KendalSheppard
@alexkidwell: Damn. Looks like Cara Maria just deleted her twitter and Kendal from Road Rules is claiming Paulie is out here defrauding more women and charities. #TheChallenge drama never takes a day off.
@alexkidwell: 👀👀 #TheChallenge
@ThatCoral: So today is the day...I leave behind my 30’s with class and appreciation. I’ve learned so much-had beautiful experiences and loved deeper than I could ever imagine. Thank you for celebrating me and thank you for all the #bdaylove
- @DerrickMTV: @ThatCoral I know im late, but I hope you had one of the Happiest Birthdays EVERRRR!! 🧸
@NotoriousAJM: Happy birthday to the iconic queen @ThatCoral. Thank you for blessing us with smarts, charisma, commentary and all around excellence! We will Stan forever💯🙌🏾
@ThatCoral: Birthday throwback! My 25th with my besties...Miss those ladies and I SLAYED that night. I remember it like it was yesterday. #thegoodlife
@joss_mooney: Cheers to the weekend...🙋🏽♂️
@kailah_casillas: I couldn’t be any more proud of my bf @iammikeyp.. an ex co-worker oh his just came up and said, “you impress me so much bc since I’ve worked with you 3 years ago, you’ve literally taken over Vegas.” So true. Ugh #ProudGf moment He is undoubtedly the most sought after MC in Vegas, the party capital of the US. PROUDDDD
- @Asickster: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp Y’all are seriously relationship goals! What’s your secret😭
- @kailah_casillas: @Asickster Just love & maturity. I use to be a little shit in my relationships. We have no jealousy. He’s my BEST FUCKING FRIEND. We party, we make each other food & were happy
@JOSHMBB19: Be the light in someone’s life today, you don’t know the battle they are fighting 🙏🏽
@cbmcnary: Well I gave it a good run. Made it 18 days sober. And today I’m paying for all the productivity with a brutal hangover 😩.
@TrishelleC: "@GamerVev: @Dillybop08 @TrishelleC @KendalSheppard Agree 😕" RT If they want me on a show, they need to pay me like I’ve done 13 years of TV on a dozen different networks 💁🏼♀️ If they want good tv, they need to pay instead of using recyclables who work for nothing.
@TrishelleC: "@CraigEffingD: @BeBamberss @KendalSheppard and 3 others All good! Also to go on your original, there are several cast mates that talk about the money regularly and get called back. We just want a season that reminds us of this shows roots... I mean without the misogyny and literal rape (but that’s another thread)." RT I don’t think it’s a bad thing to say it would take a lot of money for me to go back on a challenge. If you thought “you couldn’t pay me enough to live with that person” think about that x 35 haha. I only like probably a dozen people from the shows
@TrishelleC: "@sancheezmo215: @TrishelleC They need to pay you and Coral and Landon like we know you fucking deserve and leave the scrubs at home. I need to be the casting director holy hell." RT Idk about anyone else but it would take a lot for me to go back. Especially to live with random people from shows I have never even heard of. Slim chance I’ll do another challenge unless I get $$$$
@ExOnTheBeach: 😂 I'm this friend! RT if you relate! #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: Can @BadGirlJanelle just have her own talk show? RT if you agree. #teatimewithjanelle
@joss_mooney: Losing abs & making memories...✌🏼 Final night in Thailand...❤️🙌🏼
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST!! (@TheOfficial_CT)🚨 You may seen him go H.A.M. on some people, you may have seem him win his 1st CHIP, and you probably even felt like you were at his WEDDING, but you’ve NEVER HEARD him like this!! #ChallengeMania 💯 @SHOTOFYAGER 🎯🎯🎯🎯 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2 …
@MtvJess: I don’t know what we were doing 😂 but we def we’re living our best lives back then 💕 HAPPY DIRTY 30 @TheRealNiaMoore
@n_zanattaMTV: Sunday’s are for sauce and football :D Saints or Rams AND Chiefs or Patriots?!?!? What do you guys think!?!
@SylviaMTV: TODAY IS THE DAY !!! #ChiefsKindgom
@ToriFiorenza: I think it will be a @Saints vs @patriots Super Bowl...I actually prefer the @Chiefs but I think Brady and the boys will pull out the W today. What are your predictions? #NFLPlayoffs
@Marie_TBD: NFL did the Saints dirty
@ToriFiorenza: If the @RamsNFL win the #superbowl they owe those Ref a ring. 🙄 #passinterception #howdoyoumissthat?!
@blairherter: Hey, I’m a @RamsNFL supporter. I have season tickets. I helped pay for that new stadium. THEY. DID. NOT. DESERVE. THAT. WIN. #WhoDat
@ToriFiorenza: Hey @ChicagoBears we should start looking at the @RamsNFL kicker...he just got it done. #clutchkick
@johnnybananas: Sliding into the Super Bowl like 💃🏈@1stlooktv @LARamsCheer @RamsNFL #cheerleading #cheersquad #LaRams
@TrishelleC: Hey are we going to talk about that BS non flag on the pass interference that they replayed about 6 times?! Those refs need to be FIRED. GL to the Rams, honestly, but that call was total crap.
@Marie_TBD: Kansas City is going to the Superbowl
@HaydenPWeaver: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! 57 YARDS TO THE SUPER BOWL
@kareem_fathalla: This game is insane I love it!!!!
@MTVbrettski: National Fixed League (NFL) @NFL Waaaay too much money involved to think that these games just play out like this. It’s all set up. All entertainment. Like watching your favorite TV show #NFCChampionshipGame #nfl #SaintsRams
@MTVbrettski: Saints got robbed of a chance to play in the big game. How that’s not called a P.I. is beyond me. Would’ve been a 1st down. Clock run down to a few seconds and a FG or TD to win. Wrong team is playing for the SB. @NFL
@Urge2Pose: If the refs ain’t cheat for the Rams i would be happy for them ...
@_BG_Gomes: Lets go .@RamsNFL
@morgan_willett: Well since it can’t be the Cowboys.... I guess I’ll hop on the LA bandwagon and say GO RAMS. #SuperbowlLII
@BadGirlJanelle: Rams Win!!!!!! Super Bowl time 🤪
@RomeoMiller: A lot of missed calls but overall hell of a game.
@TrishelleC: #SaintsvsRamsLive @Saints
@CamilaMTV: Cmon #pats!!!!!!!!!! We got this. LET’S GO!!!!! #patriots #GoPats #PatsvsChiefs 🏈❤️
@JOSHMBB19: I need Tony romo as a hype man all 2019, he on one 😂
@NataliaNegrotti: Pats fans right now
@ToriFiorenza: The #Saints could have used these Refs during their game.... #passinterference
@JOSHMBB19: These refs can suck it with all these flags 😤
@CamilaMTV: Who’s taking this to Atlanta???? 🏈🏆 #SuperBowl53 #gopats #PatriotsvsChiefs
@CamilaMTV: Seriously. Heart attack on its way. Bye. #GoPats #PatriotsNation #PatriotsvsChiefs
@EricBanks: Can. He. Do. It.?!
@ToriFiorenza: I’m not a Patriots Fan, but #Brady is about to put on a show...
@JOSHMBB19: Tom Brady about to show why he’s TOM BRADY let’s go
@CamilaMTV: If anyone has a video of how these guys train to be so good at falling down pls send me. Too lazy to google. But never too busy to tweet that I’m too lazy to google. Sorry I’m mumbling. This touch down got me too anxious. I think my balls are sweating. Gotta go pee.😰 #GoPats
@CamilaMTV: Shitballs. I’m mean it. It’s gonna come out any second. 😵 #GoPats
@CamilaMTV: Idk what’s gonna happen first, heart attack or shitballs. Is there usually an order? #GoPats #PatriotsvsChiefs
@MTVtrey: Tony Romo calls every play. Hate on him if you want, but the guy is brilliant.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Y'all. I never bet on football because it's not my sport. I'm a basketball bih. But I basically put my life on this one. Y'all better tell me that patriots steal it😣🙏🏽
@JOSHMBB19: Wowwwwww incredible game 👏🏽#PatriotsvsChiefs
@TamiRoman: Man there’s nothing like watching the game in a sports bar! Everybody is so hype & I can drink as much @budlight as I want. #ThisIsTheLife 😂🤷🏽♀️
@TamiRoman: OVERTIME!!!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@kailah_casillas: Football right now in Challenge terms 🏈: @SylviaMTV (Chiefs) vs @MTVDevinWalker (Pats)... WHOS GOING TO WIN??? 👀
@ToriFiorenza: I don’t care who your team is, both of these games have been 🔥🔥#NFLPlayoffs #sundayfootball
@TamiRoman: Thought we had it and then Ford lines up in the neutral zone 😤😤🤦🏽♀️ #KansasCityChiefs
@TheMarkLong: I’m not a @Patriots hater...BUT they do get some bullshit calls go their way more often then not...just sayin’ 🤔 #NFL @nfl
@EmFitMTV: Can we just say @tonyromo is killing the commentary? I don’t even really like football but he makes you feel behind the scenes on what players are thinking 🙌🏼
@JOSHMBB19: Fucking LEGEND 🙌🏽
@CamilaMTV: Let’s go 🐐!!! Let’s gooo!!! #TomBrady #AFCChampionship #GoPats
@ToriFiorenza: Oh this was all planned...no QB has 3 OT wins...#Brady is like watch this...🙈
@JOSHMBB19: @Patriots Helllll yeahhh baby 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@CamilaMTV: 🏈🐐👏 #GOPATS #AFCChampionship #SuperbowlLlll #PatriotsNation
@TheMarkLong: Brady getting the ball first in OT, is like giving Charles Manson the keys the your front door #murder
@TamiRoman: Damn 😩😩 #KansasCityChiefs
@MTVtrey: Regardless, Patrick Mahomes is the real deal. What an incredible season.
@_PaulinaAguilar: Boston vs. LA.. the ultimate rivalry #HereWeGo #SuperBowl53 #RamsHouse
@CamilaMTV: #SuperBowlLIII here we come baby!!! 🏈❤️🏆 What a great game! 🙌 #oopstheydiditagain #GOAT #PatsNation #AFCChampionship
@WestonBergmann: 🤮
@JOSHMBB19: Down to the wire and the Pats did that 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #PatsNation
@PaulCalafiore_: Dear old ass challengers who can’t perform anymore. Take note from Tom Brady..... who can still perform 😂🤣 #AFCChampionshipGame
- @DayDaVonne_: @PaulCalafiore_ Lmaoooo you are such a troll !!!! 😂
- @JazMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Who the fuck is you talking about. Look dude, I get it you got a taste of the challenge sauce and you think you a bad ass now! If you want Johnny as your rivals partner for the future just ask him nicely!
- @Marie_TBD: @PaulCalafiore_ You’re embarrassing the franchise.
- @JustJem24: @PaulCalafiore_ You’re the jameis winston of the challenge, shut upppppooo
@lpcpcjr: @18challengefan @KendalSheppard and 4 others Thier job is to create drama to get veiwership. Only brain dead trolls like you living in a fake world think it's real. Bother me when you show your fake a$$.
- @GamerVev: @lpcpcjr Pauline’s dad confirming that Paulie does things for the camera.... but we already knew that from the details of his and Cara’s relationship.
- @XBRITNI_: @lpcpcjr this man really exposed his own son... the whole family is a mess :/
@ToriFiorenza: Friends, can we just agree to #mutepaulie....he needs help from professionals, not attention on social. Don’t take the bait, and he will be gone soon like many before him. Stop responding.
@HaydenPWeaver: Please football gods, not the Patriots again
@HaydenPWeaver: Again 🙄
@HaydenPWeaver: I lived in LA for a year so I’m a huge Rams fan amirite
@WestonBergmann: Although I’m literally sick from that Chiefs game, I at least get to look back on a long, hard, but fun week with Hunter. One of my companies brought him in to do some serious consultation… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4asiin5GW/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=wurpqt156bym …
@SylviaMTV: It was a very tough loss, but I will forever love my team! #CHIEFSKINGDOM #heartbroken
@ToriFiorenza: No matter how bad your day was...you could always be the #NFLRefs Of the #saints game, who are now in the witness protection program... #SaintsWereRobbed
@brittany_baldi: #BREAKING:: #Patriots headed to the superbowl
@MTVbrettski: Fuck the Patriots. Let’s get this bad boy retweets left and right if you agree
@princeofnorway: Conference championships > super bowl
@natesestok: College playoffs are awful and NFL proved that today! What finishes two great games today!
@BadGirlJanelle: I wanted the chiefs to win so damn bad 😩 rams vs chiefs would’ve been such a good Super Bowl game 😭😭😭😭
@BadGirlJanelle: Tom Brady doesn’t lose
@KirkMedas: ..............................
@KirkMedas: AHHHHH FUCK THE AINTS!!!!!!! Let’s go
@KayCamUmagat: I hate the patriots.
@Urge2Pose: LETS GO CHIEFS !!!
@JoshAllanMurray: What a game! ... OT rules need to change for future games - BOTH offenses should get opportunity, always have HATED the current rule!
- @ToriFiorenza: @JoshAllanMurray I literally just said the same thing...no team Should end their season on a coin toss...both should get a shot.
@MattieLBreaux: Win some ya lose some❤️ Still a great season!
@tonyraines: Serious question...if the Rams win the Super Bowl do these refs get a ring??
@BritniNicol: I’m pretty sure the Grunt guy and the guy who ran the #FyreFestival are one in the same 😂🤦🏼♀️
@CamilaMTV: Who do you got winning the #SuperBowlLIII ?? ✨🏈👉👉 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs55UQRgNBJ/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=4tjn4bmbrej1 … #GoPats #PatsNation
@WestonBergmann: I’m ashamed at how many friends I have that are Patriots fans. I’m gonna start trimming the fat.
@coreybrooks34: Chicks love Tom Brady
@ExOnTheBeach: Who was messier? Nelson sliding in Diandra's DM's knowing she was cool with Nurys, or Diandra actually entertaining Nelson? 😲 #ExOnTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: This weeks episode is going to be epic 😂😂😂😈 #ExOnTheBeach2
@Mackemdrummer: I’m soo happy for the BLOCK button on IG, it’s so handy 😂😂😂
@Mackemdrummer: When they ask you who stopped up the toilet 🤦🏽♂️
@Mackemdrummer: When you waiting in the kitchen wondering what took her so damn long to go to walmart at 2am 👀
@faithstowers: It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day! A lot of y’all forgot what his teachings were about. Take a min to go back and remember what he stood for today. Its never too late to come together.
@faithstowers: @angelababicz I just watched your YouTube video! It was my first time and I’m hooked! First off you looked amazing! And what you said about me made me tear up! I’m not just ya partna im your friend and I’ll have yo back 4eva! 💯
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers My sister for lifeeeeeeee ahkay 💕
@angelababicz: It baffles me how easy it was to snatch your man from right under you 🤪😂
@johnnybananas: Sometimes when my mom yells at me I like to stare at her through a fork and pretend like she's in jail🍴👮♂️
@johnnybananas: Mean Mug 🍌☕ http://Realjohnnybananas.com @1stlooktv #Coffee #CoffeeFirst #HostBananas #BananaSwag
@JennaCompono: So let me tell you about my best friend...👯♀️🧠🍕
@JennaCompono: Guys... I’m allowed more than one best friend!!! 🤦🏼♀️
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono She’s talking about me 🥰 she can love me & Nany guys!!!
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao exactly 😘 love you both
@CoryWharton: Everybody has opinions nowadays some people just need to shut the hell up 🤫 especially if you have nothing to do with the situation
@kailah_casillas: happy Monday everyone! I hope you got to pet at least one puppy today! 🐶♥️
@SylviaMTV: Finally watching surviving R Kelly, not sure what I’m in for but we’LL see.
@SylviaMTV: I’m in literal tears for the families who’s daughters that went through this with this disgusting man and for the families who still haven’t seen or heard from their daughters in years.. Omgosh this is so heartbreaking
@JustJem24: 3 adults & 2 kids cramped into a 2 bedroom apartment but they rented out a house for a bday party? #TeenMom2
@JustJem24: Nothing confuses me more in life than Leah’s morning routine #TeenMom2
@JustJem24: I dont have a baddy daddy but I’m going to provide y’all with some solid life advice. DONT pay your baby’s father to come to your child’s bday party, just collect your L & keep it moving. Start a savings account with that money, it will be more reliable than the father #TeenMom2
@ToriFiorenza: All parents are in survival mode, just hoping we make the right choices and don’t screw our kids up. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. #parentmanualneeded #realtalk
@Marie_TBD: Kailah please don’t forget the little guys when you get your tatas done. We were here first. @kailah_casillas cc: @JustJem24
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD haha my love for you guys grows with my bra size
@jossie_flores: Time for @CBSBigBrother ✌️😈 #CBBUS
@CBSBigBrother: 90 cameras. 114 microphones. 12 Celebrity Houseguests. #BBCeleb
- @JOSHMBB19: @CBSBigBrother Ahhh let’s go 🕺🏽🙌🏽
@JOSHMBB19: These Celebs are badass group of housguest, respect that a few are huge fans of the show 👏🏽 #bbceleb #CBBUS
@JOSHMBB19: Hyped to see how @RyanLochte plays this season, top 3 favorite. Hope he doesn’t get targeted early 🤞🏽 #BBCeleb #CBBUS2
@morgan_willett: Tom Greens reaction to seeing Kato Kaelin is literally ALL OF AMERICA’S reaction. #why #CBBUS2
@JOSHMBB19: Tamar not letting any one know she’s a fan till finale 2 reminds me of someone. 🤔😂 #bbceleb #cbbus2
@jossie_flores: Team Tamar & kandi & LOLO @CBSBigBrother #cbbus final 3
@jossie_flores: Why @TamarBraxtonHer eating those grape like that... 😂😂😂❤️ #CBBUS
@JOSHMBB19: Team @JonathanBennett let’s go 😎 #bbceleb #cbbus2
@JOSHMBB19: Tom green is about to give the best DR sessions 👏🏽👏🏽 #bbceleb #cbbus2
@JOSHMBB19: Ricky Williams just said I haven’t been this high since yesterday 😂 #bbceleb #cbb2
@JOSHMBB19: My 2 favorites just won the first HOH comp let’s Go 👏🏽 #bbceleb #cbb2
@JOSHMBB19: Yoooooo this twist is crazy you go from winning the HoH go being the first nominee. @CBSBigBrother out did themselves 💀 #bbceleb #cbb2
@JOSHMBB19: Twist on premiere night make for great tv, but as a houseguest you go instantly into a mental breakdown 😂#bbceleb #cbb2
@JOSHMBB19: I need an Alliance between Jonathan, Ryan lochete, Eva, Tom green, and Tamar I can watch them all season #bbceleb #cbb2
@coreybrooks34: I’m here for @lolojones 🔥 #cbb
@morgan_willett: "@klie0120: Lolo Jones has the personality of @morgan_willett and the competition prowess of @alexshay1. Love it. 😂 #BBCeleb" RT Someone told me she’s crazy. I think I’m flattered by the comparison?
@Ninja_Natalie: Yall' show Dee some love! She just got on twitter #BeNice 😈😘🥩 https://twitter.com/msdeenguyen #Challenge33
@msdeenguyen: Still getting use to this whole Twitter thing! Australians don’t really use Twitter 😂
@ExOnTheBeach: .@realChadJohnson & @NicolexoRamos just restarted their romance, but will their tighter connection be strong enough to defeat a sour ex? 😅 | Catch an all new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 8/7c 🙌
@MTV_NellyT: Enjoying this Beautiful day @RoyalCaribbean #Dayefit @wodonthewaves !!!! Tune into my ig _nelsonthomas !!!! Guess who I’m with
@angelababicz: Let me just enjoy my vacation with your ex damn lmao chat later xox Ciao 💅🏼
@Mackemdrummer: It’s selfish for an ex to try to climb back into your life when you’re doing better without them 😂😂
@00Hitsdiidii: Lord baby jesus thank you for what’s coming my way 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@jossie_flores: This reunion is about to be no joke ! Or no holds bar.. all hell is about to break loose!!! and i will give you a hint on the sicking hairstyle that i will be rocking fire engine red....
@jossie_flores: When you’re one of the stars of the show and you remain humble 😌🙏🏽💅🏽
@ChallengeMTV: Former Rivals, Wes and Nany, are stopping by the @MTV studios along with some other Challenge cast members and they all want to hear from you! What questions do you have for them? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV @MTV So what do the vets REALLY think about #challenge33 Fresh Meat 🥩 😉
@JazMTV: 10 years ago I walked into a restaurant in Cancun Mexico. I met 7 people that I would call my family .I’m so proud of the people that we have become today. @_ayiiia @CJKoegel @BronneBruzgo @jonnamtv @d_e_r_e_kc @Joey_Rozmus @iwantmyemtv #RealWorldCancun #10years
@d_e_r_e_kc: Since all my Real World Cancun fam is posting, I will too. 10 years ago we did something that changed our lives and brought us together. I love you all iwantmyemtv @jonnamtv @jazmtv… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8lZltn0wf/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=btbo9cmqr1hb …
@Kmorrisx: LOL! I’m actually so slow 🤦🏽♀️
@ToriFiorenza: I don’t know if I get easily creeped out in the dating world, or if the guys I attract are actually creepy...🤔
@MrAshleyCain: 2018 was an amazing year when I look back at it... But bwoyyyy 2019 is gonna get spun on a different level! Cliche, but I’m all about positive vibes, positive actions, positive outcomes! Let’s go! 🔋💯
@joss_mooney: This time last year I was in a bad place mentally. Last week I was with bathing these beautiful elephants with some of most amazing people. Everything happens for a reason. Keep your head high, travel far & wide and don’t let anyone kill your vibe...❤️
@syrusmtv: #StayTuned 📺Over at #Bravo 🎬 Tryin to mk some thangs happen 🙏🏽Reality TV Royalty #RealWorld @MTVBeth @NormanKorpi #Reality #TV #Television #Fan #Tuesday #TacoTuesday #MTV… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8wwnvnEAO/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=d93i5qqflgi5 …
@DayDaVonne_: I love catching up with @jossie_flores Him : Hey Sis Me : So....
- @jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ 😂😂😂 so us!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 all the tea and nothing but the tea !!!
@TrishelleC: "@forgivenchy: @TrishelleC What was your favorite season of the MTV challenges that you have competed on?" RT I loved the very first challenge I did, Gauntlet, bc the ppl were so fun and everyone hung out together. I liked BOTS though bc I got 2nd place and won $ and was proud of how I did at the final. I liked the ppl on that one too actually!
@TrishelleC: "@forgivenchy: @TrishelleC I loved the way The Real World team played on The Gauntlet! You guys really wanted everyone to make it to the end instead of trying to eliminate players for a bigger cut of the money!… " RT Yes! In the gauntlet 1 it wasn’t about the money, we wanted everyone to remain a team. Dustin took awhile to warm up to me bc he felt like he would be betraying Nany since she left. I totally respect that. He’s a good dude. At least we did well
@lohanbeachclub: If someone is stealing your super expensive juices at work...buy less expensive juices. 🤗 Hear more advice from Lindsay TONIGHT on #LohanBeachClub at 8/7c on @mtv!
@panosofgreece: Goodmorning 🇬🇷Cannot wait for tonight’s episode of #lohanbeachclub 😍
@thesaratariq: OMG hi @Alesso 😍🥰 new episode of @lohanbeachclub tonight @ 8 pm on @MTV. I can’t wait ✨ #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Tonight @lohanbeachclub as I said...😜
@gabigreeneyes: Who’s ready for @lohanbeachclub tonight at 8PM EST?! I am ✋🏽 #LohanBeachClub @MTV
@lohanbeachclub: The lines between personal and professional are starting to get a little blurry. 🙃 Don't miss an all new episode of #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@lohanbeachclub: Some of the #LohanBeachClub VIP hosts are gonna be stopping by the MTV studios. If you have any questions for them, let me know! 👀
- @BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub We all know I am an open book so don’t hold back and ask away 📖 💁🏽♂️ #lohanbeachclub #mtv
@MTVJules: Wonder what I’m talking about... Tune in to @lohanbeachclub tonight at 8/7 c on @MTV ! #lohanbeachclub
@lindsaylohan: BE HAPPY. GRATITUDE. SMILE. THAT IS WHAT @lohanbeachclub IS ALL ABOUT... OTHERWISE Dance
@panosofgreece: Like I’ve said before, EVERYONE is replaceable! 🤷♂ Watch all the drama on #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@MikeMGTV: Are you in LA!? Come hang tonight at Revolver Bar in West Hollywood! The boys from @lohanbeachclub will be there and @aristotlepolite will be slangin drinks! Starts at 8pm !!!!!
@MikeMGTV: Will I be in tonight’s episode? Find out tonight at 8pm on @MTV
@MikeMGTV: The media’s really reaching with this “beef” they’re trying to start between us and #PumpRules should I make a video about it?
@lindsaylohan: @MTV It is not nice to be judged, bullied, or to be "made an example of" @lohanbeachclub just live in GRATITUDE and be happy, otherwise #DOTHELILO
@JonittaMarie: In less than a hour a new episode of #lohanbeachclub will be airing on @MTV ! I’ve been waiting for this since last Tuesday 😩
@lindsaylohan: Are you guys watching tonight?! ❤️ #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Almost that time!!! @lohanbeachclub #lohansbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: All new episode of #LohanBeachClub is HAPPENING NOW on @mtv! Tune in and tweet along with me! 📱
- @thesaratariq: @lohanbeachclub 😱😨😮😦😩 <— MOOD
@lindsaylohan: here we go again! #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: #lohanbeachclub drama starts now!😂
@BillyEstevez_: #lohanbeachclub NOW!!!!!!
@BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub is going live now!!!! #lohanbeachclub #mtv
@MTVJules: It’s starting..... @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Leave your drama at the front door. You can pick it up after your shift ends. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Me when I only press snooze on my alarm once
@thesaratariq: Can I just say that all the ladies slayyyyed w/ their looks this episode! 😍🥰 @may_yassine @MTVJules @JonittaMarie @gabigreeneyes #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: YAAASSS TUNE IN TO @MTV right now for a new episode of @lohanbeachclub 🙌🏽 If I’m on a plane watching you can tune in too #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@gabigreeneyes: A new ambassador 🙄🙄 #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: @BrentMarks and this on top thing 🙄 oh stop #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: Step 👏🏽 your 👏🏽 game 👏🏽 up 👏🏽 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Facts are facts....I always stay on top 😎 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub #mtv
- @MTVJules: @BrentMarks You make literally no sense.. weren’t you asking for my face masks the entire time we were in Mykonos?!! 🧐@lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: What the fuck.. why even ask me to take @Alesso cabana if your going to say no!! @panosofgreece playing games with me... 🙆🏼♀️🙆🏼♀️🙆🏼♀️
@gabigreeneyes: Should have put @MTVJules on the cabana #justsaying #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: We get it @BrentMarks ... you work at the Wynn lol do you want a 🍪 🙄🗣 #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: .@BrentMarks: “I’ve been with too dogs, I’ve been with bottom dogs, but I always end up on top!” The gay community: “ we love a Vers Queen into puppy play 🐶” #LohanBeachClub
@outmagazine: .@MikeMGTV on working with the "unpredictable" and "mysterious" Lindsay Lohan. #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: I’m telling you I’m always the one to mind her business and catch all the tea #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: We get @MTVJules you’re so boring 😴😴😴 #lohanbeachclub #mtv
- @MTVJules: @BrentMarks Rather be boring than a dick face!! 😇
@lohanbeachclub: You'd be blocked IMMEDIATELY! 📵 #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: At least you know you were wrong calling @thesaratariq a six.... still looking for the apology for calling the rest of us a 2 #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: Overrrrrr itttttt #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: @MikeMGTV and @MTVJules are the couple i root for. LET THEM FLIRT @panosofgreece
@MikeMGTV: Omg @thesaratariq you forgave @BrentMarks that easy!? #LohanBeachClub @JennaMarbles
@MikeMGTV: Oh trust me @panosofgreece everything about me was “working” when I was staring at @MTVJules 😍 #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: @BrentMarks let me show you what a team player looks like #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: @BrentMarks needs to suck it up and do his job... you dug your grave now you need to lie in it #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: Anyone else not buying the Mike and Jules love story? *yawns* #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: Did Panos just cut me off mid sentence........ Lord help me through this summer 🙏🏽 #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: Look at @BrentMarks going so hard for his 6 😆 #lohanbeachclub
- @lohanbeachclub: @JonittaMarie Hmmm 🧐 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: @panosofgreece @Alesso Hahaha not cute enough I guess 🙄🙄🙄
@munkeezrool09: Like how can they act like she hasn't been totally professional and thinking she was just partying ep 1 when the footage showed she wasn't even taking shots! #JusticeForJonitta @JonittaMarie #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: Natasha is back 🤭😳 OH SH!T ! #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @may_yassine @lohanbeachclub Get her a waffle 👋🏻
@lohanbeachclub: Let's see if Brent is a changed man. #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub 😇 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Let me refill my glass real quick. This is about to get very interesting. #LohanBeachClub
- @thesaratariq: @lohanbeachclub I’m gonna go crawl in a hole now k byeeeee 😅 #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: @thesaratariq you owe us an explanation baby girl #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Low key all I can notice watching this is how much weight I lost 😂 perks of not drinking daily #LohanBeachClub
@lindsaylohan: Work is work. Nobody has time for personal drama! ✌️
@lohanbeachclub: Hey @Alesso! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Damn @MTVJules throwing shade at @thesaratariq and @JonittaMarie calling them fan girls 😂 🍿 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: It's not always easy to adjust to new situations. #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: I’m just trying to be as lit as the guy on top of the bar #lifegoals #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Oh you don’t want to take a shot? Im wondering what type of person you are tbh #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Hahahaha sorry girls... @thesaratariq @JonittaMarie 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: Omg @thesaratariq please wear that plaid top in your confessionals more 😍
@JonittaMarie: How are you hating from outside the cabana? You can’t even get in! 😆 #lohanbeachclub
- @MTVJules: @JonittaMarie Damnnn J.... 🧐 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@may_yassine: Ok that guy dancing on top of the bar honestly made my day #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: I JUST DID MY HAIR DONT SPRAY ME 😭 #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Time for a shower.... 🚿 😜 #lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Watching moet be wasted like that is so disheartening. 😭 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: You always need a @MikeMGTV to get those angles! #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @lohanbeachclub It’s a full time jerb 😜
@lohanbeachclub: This guy is living his BEST life. 🕺 #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: I got Moroccan hair I don’t do champagne showers 🙅🏽♀️🍾 @lohanbeachclub #LOHANBEACHCLUB
- @gabigreeneyes: @may_yassine 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 just trying to live my best life at #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: What’s a best friend? Someone who lets you use their clothes to wipe champagne out of your eyes @MTVJules #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: @MTVJules finally got her first facial!! Dreams do come true 😂😂 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Better luck next time @lindsaylohan. 😂 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: It hurt so fucking bad!! @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Be careful where you aim next time @panosofgreece! #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Yassss💥💥💥 #LohanBeachClub
- @gabigreeneyes: @panosofgreece SPIRIT ANIMAL #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Everyone is replaceable! #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: @MTVJules took that to the face like a champ 👀You’ve been training for this? #LohanBeachClub
@lindsaylohan: so fun! 💃🏻🥳😂
@thesaratariq: Alright guys... plz don’t judge me for the following turn of events... lol #LohanBeachClub 🤦🏻♀️😭
- @lohanbeachclub: @thesaratariq Uh Oh. I think we all know what this disclaimer means! 🙃 #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @thesaratariq All that girl power and hyping yourself up the last week, I still got you back...To all the haters, I would hate me to 😂 #gotherback #mygirl #lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Forgive but never forget @thesaratariq #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: I don’t understand.. queens deserve to be treated like queens? Am I right? @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: .@thesaratariq's heart is so pure. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: This new VIP host is really about to shake things up. #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Lmao @MikeMGTV in regards to @stumblyalex 😂😂 I’m crying #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: No comment. 🤐 #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: I completely agree with what @MikeMGTV said about bisexuality. It’s not something to fear. It’s something to own and be grateful for. #moretolove #lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: Hahahaha @panosofgreece dying!! “Mmmkay Alex.. “ 😂😂😂😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@panosofgreece: @MikeMGTV sorry alex!😂#LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece Literally already replaced 😂😂
@stumblyalex: #LohanBeachClub I’m coming through beeeeeeeeetches
@MikeMGTV: Oh shit, yup, mhm, I know @stumblyalex #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Bae?!!! WtF is going on!!! @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Did Brent just call @thesaratariq bae on day 3? I die. 😭😂 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Did he say bae? 🗣 BAAAAAAEEEEEE?!? #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub This just in...I’ve officially secured the bag 💼 #lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: Am I about to lose my shit or what.. 🙆🏼♀️ @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: I am so fucked up at this dinner omg #LohanBeachClub I can barely talk and my voice is 9 octaves higher than normal 😂😂❤️😂
@lohanbeachclub: 😱😱 #LohanBeachClub
@lindsaylohan: So grateful having @Alesso at #LohanBeachClub. 🙏🙏💞
@MTVJules: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Get it girl! @may_yassine 💃 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Raise your hand if you didn't see this coming! #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Such a slut 😂😂😂😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: Oh shit that came out so wrong @MTVJules, your not slutty you’re perfect 😍 #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: This is episode has me cracking up 😆 🤣😂 #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: @thesaratariq @JonittaMarie I wouldn’t pick anyone else to go out with 🎉 #Ateam #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: .@JonittaMarie, I think you've finally impressed Panos! #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: I’m glad @JonittaMarie hard work is getting noticed ♥️
@thesaratariq: Shine baby girl, shine!! ⭐️💫 @JonittaMarie #LohanBeachClub
@stumblyalex: @JonittaMarie body for dayssssss girl. fek. 😍 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Oh gawd... @thesaratariq @BrentMarks 🤭🤭🤭🤭 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: Never not working ☝🏽😌 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Welp, here we go. #LohanBeachClub
- @thesaratariq: @lohanbeachclub Hang on y’all... it’s about to be a wild ride... 😩🤦🏻♀️
@panosofgreece: @JonittaMarie yes girl! Time to work! ❤️❤️❤️ #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: LMFAO wait.. WILL YOU BE MY WHAT!?!? #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: Mood... #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Panos isn't here for it! #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: That glow from my glam glow mask.. your welcome @BrentMarks 😇 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
- @BrentMarks: @MTVJules Who wouldn’t glow kissing @thesaratariq 🤷🏽♂️☺️ #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: This pretty much sums up my mentions right now. 🙃 #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: I’m bored so yeah if a cute guy walks in I’m flirting 🤷🏽♀️ #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: Still over here thinking about @BrentMarks... anyone else?? 😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Damn straight savage @may_yassine #illtakeyoman #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@may_yassine: 😩 @MikeMGTV doesn’t understand how lucky he is to have his friend show up #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: All the girls in the house when we find out another dude is coming... @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@MTVJules: Jealous?!? Me??? Of course 😈 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Wow my first time on camera. Let’s talk about a nervous wreck. LOL
@may_yassine: Little did I know Alex is not into girls. Congratulations May, you played yourself 😅🤣😂🤷🏽♀️ #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Welcome @stumblyalex! 👋 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Me when I'm not ready to share the tea just yet #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: Ladies and gentleman welcome to the stage @stumblyalex #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: I feel you.. 🤷🏼♀️ @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: You have a boyfriend? A BOYFRIENDDDDDD? #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Everyone on this cast is a snack, tbh! 😍 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: When you see that he deleted all his pics with his girlfriend #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: Welcome @stumblyalex! You’ll fit right in #Lohanbeachclub
@thesaratariq: Bruh @JonittaMarie hitting on @stumblyalex right as he walks in the house.... I can’t 😂🤣 #LohanBeachClub #BoldBitch
@lohanbeachclub: *sigh* #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: I need all the attention always 😂😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Ooop 😳 #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: @panosofgreece finally acknowledging @JonittaMarie 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Alex bringing the shade! 🌴 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: It was long overdue! #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Make that muthafucka pass out flyers!! 😂😂😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@00Hitsdiidii: Lindsay you have done it with this show🙌🏼😍 #LohanBeachClub
@Kenyaa_NOT: I’m sorry but Jules from Lohan’s beach club is annoying asf and needs to go
@MikeMGTV: My Nonna just called me to tell me I’m a slut 😂 #lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: Flyers???? @panosofgreece come on man 🤦🏽♂️ #lohanbeachclub
- @panosofgreece: @BrentMarks Yes! That’s a job too!😉
@MTVJules: @BrentMarks acting like he knows what’s going on 😂😂😂 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Time to party! #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: YESSSSS @stumblyalex #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: WAIT... did @BrentMarks just say something nice about someone ?? 😧🤯 #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Take passing out flyers as a nice opportunity for self reflection. 👼🏻 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: @stumblyalex can I take it off though?? 😍😍😍 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Honestly....that was really kind ❤️@BrentMarks #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: Working hard or hardly working...? 👀🍸🍹🥃🍾🥂 #LohanBeachClub
@stumblyalex: My best frannnn!! 😍#LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Is someone gonna get let go?! I guess we'll find out next week! #LohanBeachClub
@stumblyalex: Don’t know what the fuck I’m looking at but it’s probably them pouring more shots and I’m MORTIFIED 🤢 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Can’t get over how beautiful @stumblyalex is.. 🥰🧐 @lohanbeachclub #lohanbeachclub
@thesaratariq: Me ignoring all of the red flags already... #LohanBeachClub
@lindsaylohan: Sometimes you just got to change it up, right? 😉 #LohanBeachHouse
@panosofgreece: You are the star of the day ⭐️ @stumblyalex #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: No Jonitta slander will be tolerated. That was something that I’ve been regretting since the summer. #lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: I’m here to take jobssssssssss, girl. Wanna build my mykonos dream. #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: 😖 That is so hard to watch. I had a lot of bottled up anger that I had to deal with. There should be no one or nothing that is able to take me out of character like that. I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT ! #lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: Who just saw that preview for next weeks episode 😳 So much for “Girl Power” @JonittaMarie slap just was heard around the world 🥊 #lohanbeachclub #downgoesfrazier
@stumblyalex: Get class, or Lindsay’s gonna pass. 👋🏼👋🏼 we building a brand. #lohanbeachclub
@BillyEstevez_: Wtf...next weeks preview😦 #Lohanbeachclub
@may_yassine: I wanna watch more 😩😢😭 #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: A little therapy and a lot of meditating helped me through it. Learn... grow... prosper more ! #lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Well.... next weeks epsiode should be interesting. #LohanBeachClub #girlfight
@gabigreeneyes: Not ready for next Tuesday 😔 hope you guys are though, tune in. #lohanbeachclub @mtv @lohanbeachclub
@stumblyalex: Well I don’t know about y’all but I’ve got carpal tunnel in my thumbs after tweeting tonight. Till next week 👋🏼 #lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Next weeks epsiode is honestly going to be a hard one for me to watch, I’m trying to make a come back and this is what I get myself into. #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: See you next Tuesday guys! ❤️#lohanbeachclub
@lindsaylohan: See you next Tuesday! 🙃🏖
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Our stretch of catching up on all of the past two weeks' Pulse of the MTV Reality world is just getting started around here, with this past week's events in Malibu and Greece still to come as is Floribama Shore and a special Extra covering the Season 2 premiere of Siesta Key. And of course, we'll be on top of The Challenge: War of the Worlds as well.
But as we speak to you on this Sunday, February 3rd, the attention of America and the sports world is on Atlanta: Super Bowl LIII and the Patriots vs. the Rams. Game time is just a few hours away over at Mercedes Benz Stadium in the Dirty South, and you can follow it all on #DCNOW @DC408DxNow... enjoy that, and we'll see you back here later tonight.
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