Saturday, February 23, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach Season 2 - "Un-Bear-Able"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome back... as we come to grips with the one who took all the money getting ousted on War of the Worlds and a girl from NOLA seeing her theory come to light on two Challengers, there's already been a lot going down on Ex On The Beach as it is about two-third's of a way through its second season... and there's still a lot left to go down.

Previously in Malibu, something that's a familiar sight on the original UK version that started this global MTV franchise happened for the first time in America. Season 1 original single Angela became the first two-time castmate of Ex On The Beach U.S. when she came in like a scene out of Baywatch as the newest single in the house, just after Farrah was given her pink slip by the exes when they had control over the latest Cut or Crush elimination proceedings. And there was also a rather unusual sight on MTV: a scene out of Animal House taking over the EOTB crib as the house hosted a animal costume party, including Malcolm being dressed up as a penguin.

But at the end of Episode 8, the party vibes disappeared when Angela got into it with this season's Bad Girls Club rep in the EOTB house, Janelle... and as someone who's used to violent drama and getting into fights earlier on this season, she will learn that rules are rules, and she may face some big consequences. For the strongest couple in the house who also happens to double as its strangest, they'll confront their first Ex hurdle... which may lead to another premature exit. And after rumors circulated earlier this winter about the shady past of one of the exes who has grown close to one of the singles, the truth finally comes out... literally in the most oddest of places.

After the jump, it's the Pulse of Episode 9 of Ex On The Beach 2... all taking place on Valentine's Day night, plus more reaction to Hunter's revenge on Ashley M. on The Challenge. Dive in...

@ChallengeMTV: You couldn't have asked for a better revenge story 🙏 If you missed last night's episode of The Challenge, watch it NOW on 💻 #TheChallenge33
- @turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV Last episode; I liked me n Nany conversation.Cong. Jash n Amanda for first win.cong. Hunter n G. Was nice war.N i m sad for jenna. 😔She is nice person. She didn’t deserve it.I didnt know this.N amanda i m sad for u to u lose your best friend but didnt lose power. Dont worry.
@MTV_AMANDAG: I haven’t watched last nights episode  yet but ALERT🚨 THAT WAS NOT THE BOMB. I REPEAT. THAT WAS NOT THE BOMB. lol #TheChallenge33
- @TheAllanAguirre: @MTV_AMANDAG This is like in call of duty when you can shoot someone and instead you just use your hands for clout.  Them bullets come at you fast.
@GamerVev: 💣💥 The “bomb” Amanda was supposed to drop is that Jenna and Tony were caught hooking up after the season in a hotel and NELSON walked in on them.. production didn’t want that info to ruin Tony’s proposal on the reunion last season so it was never revealed. 🤭  cc: @rashidfentyy
@GamerVev: Jenna didn’t know the bomb was about her so THATS why she was asking Amanda to spill it on last nights episode, most of the cast (including her) thought the bomb was only about Zach 😌 have a nice day
@CohenBrian_: I know there was a lot of talking surrounding the Big Brother finale, but it needs to be pointed out that was the cleanest and purest episode of The Challenge in years.
@lashtweets: Could someone please make me an @MTV_AMANDAG motivational poster? "There's nothing worse than a follower, be a leader." #Thechallenge33
@brandijhoag: Out of all the shirts that TJ has worn on the Challenge this one has to be my favorite one. Just recently watched this episode of Dirty 30. @tjlavin
@Bella09721255: God damn TEEEEEJ thank you so much for this frikken season 😭❤️ @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin #TheChallange33
@tjlavin: Pretty much the day I get there I get a card and pics.. study study.. RT @LaribethMay: @tjlavin do you have flash cards with everyone’s pictures and names to memorize on the flight there? how do you remember all these people. #TheChallenge33
@DannyMatrix: @tjlavin you were right this season is dope and exactly what the people want! #challenge33
@Nancy62584: @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV love that we see a challenge and a elimination in one episode just like the challenge back in the day.. hopefully it stays that way...
@tjlavin: How much do I owe you!!! 😂 I love you ❤️ RT @KellySenatra: I just discovered that TJ Lavin is 42. Like, he’s my age. And he looks like that? What moisturizer do you use @tjlavin?!?! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge
@Daily_Star: .@georgiaharisonx knows how to leave fans wanting more 😯 …
@georgiaharisonx: "@JOSHMBB19: @georgiaharisonx commentary 😂👏🏽 #TheChallange33" RT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@georgiaharisonx: @CaraMariaMTV @hbarfield13 Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ChallengeRewind: That’s not our sweet little prospect @georgiaharisonx is it? 😯💪🏼. LETS GO!
@ChaIIengeMania: Classy move by @hbarfield13 after his elimination win last night! An equally happy surprise was @MTVASHLEYBROOKE wishing him the best on Instagram afterwards! #Challenge33 #Respect 👏🏼
@DerrickMTV: "@johnnybananas: I think we may have something here @morgan_willett 😉 #Banorgan #TheChallenge33" RT I think I like #Mananas or #Mornanas 🤷‍♂️
@BritniNicol: "@ChallengeMTV: Amanda's talking about that "bomb" again, but will she drop it this time? 💣" RT Kinda glad I wasn’t here for this.. Bc I don’t think my team #Switzerland would get me very far😩 #TheChallenge33
@BritniNicol: "@JennaCompono: Lmaoo well there you have it folks the next Ronnie and Sam 😂🤦🏼‍♀️" RT OMG JENNNNN NOO LMAO
@BritniNicol: "@ChallengeMTV: Hunter at the beginning of this episode: I like to fly under the radar. Hunter 30 minutes later: " RT My boy😂
@MrAshleyCain: #TBT to looking like the caveman that I am in Skeleton Coast Africa representing the U.K. in the @ChallengeMTV War Of The Worlds!!! Big shout out to all the supporters, especially to the ones all the way over in the USA watching it now!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SO FAR? 🇬🇧🇺🇸💪🏾❤️💯
@ChallengeMTV: "Having our relationship out there is very hard."  We watched Zach and Jenna get into a heated argument the day before Valentine's Day,  and now they're opening up about it ☕️
@Marie_TBD: Wondering if Zach swiped right. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33 😂😂😂😂 @bumble had too.
@iamtheophi: Guess since @ChallengeMTV not bringing me back. I gotta pull a @iamcardib. Catch the masses by 2020 mark this tweet.
@_AnywayDoe: @MTV_AMANDAG Sis I fell in love with you after watching last night's episode. You are EVERYTHING!!! You take shit from NO ONE and I love it!!! You don't waver, you're extremely loyal and you don't back down whatsoever. You and Day are my favs 😍. I love strong women!!! 💪
@BritniNicol: Get lost with me?🌻 ***(Shout out to @jessskitchens for making me feel confident enough to hope out of the car and snag some shots in sweats and nothing but mascara🖤 Best hype man ever🥰)
@Marie_TBD: "@rashidfentyy: WE WILL GIVE AMANDA A SECOND CHANCE AND WE WILL LET THE PAST GO !!! WE WILL ONLY JUDGE HER BASED ON HER ACTIONS FROM HERE ON OUT !!   PERIOOOOODDDDTTTTTTTTTT" RT Gets one cosign from Day, and she’s welcomed. Crazy how that works... but I like it. #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: @stanchallenge @Marie_TBD @JennaCompono Actually , I have no idea what the “bomb” is ... I only knew what the bumble thing was. Let’s speak facts or not speak at all hun
- @Marie_TBD: @DayDaVonne_ @stanchallenge @JennaCompono This tweet has nothing to do with a bomb or anything at all??
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD @stanchallenge @JennaCompono I was replying to the fan account.
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD @stanchallenge @JennaCompono I saw it , I didn’t believe you so I decided not to respond. Plus you have enough on your plate... so to me, THAT wasn’t really that important.
- @DayDaVonne_: @stanchallenge @Marie_TBD @JennaCompono Who was hitting on Zach ????? Lmaoooooooooooooooooo honey , no shade to him but I like CHOCOLATE men.... DARK CHOCOLATE!!! DARK DARK DARK CHOCOLATE!!! Furthermore ask Jenna, I’m the one that told her YES he was on bumble BUT I didn’t see him doing anything crazy on it.
- @JennaCompono: @DayDaVonne_ Davonne was no way shape of form hitting on Zach lol, she actually was super real and honest when I talked to her one on one and even though she owed me nothing, I appreciated the honesty. ✨
- @DayDaVonne_: @JennaCompono Thank you ❤️  Lol these people 🤦🏾‍♀️
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD @stanchallenge @JennaCompono I appreciate the view 😌 like I said , I was under the impression that you and I were good .. I’m aware that you’ve talked shit about me behind my back. WHY?? idk. I’ve never said or done anything to you. So . What’s the problem ?
- @Marie_TBD: @DayDaVonne_ @stanchallenge @JennaCompono I actually haven’t viewed it. A fan sent me a screen record. Ive said nothing but good things about you publicly and privately. I’m not sure who said what to you - but I have a feeling they probably don’t like me much. Thanks for keeping it real 🙏🏻
@Marie_TBD: I do a pretty great job of letting people know how I feel. Sometimes to my own detriment. Podcasts, blogs, twitter fingers... if I had an issue with you, @DayDaVonne_ - everyone would know.. but go on. I’ve been nothing but supportive.
@DayDaVonne_: Ok
@Marie_TBD: Mood
@Marie_TBD: "@ChallengeCara: Marie, sis, this ain’t it …" RT Neither is addressing an issue via youtube when the person you’re shading is unaware... but what do I know.  Maybe third time will be the charm for me 🤷🏼‍♀️
@JustJem24: For yall that don’t know. It’s called spilling the tea bc T stands for the truth. Like shade before it, tea originated in drag culture, and specifically black drag culture so don’t call it lava or whatever my fellow cast members are trying to do/make a thing bc that shit is weak
- @WestonBergmann: @JustJem24 Jemmye with the 🌋 🌋 🌋
- @JustJem24: @WestonBergmann If I didn’t love you so much I would literally hate you 😭😭
@JustJem24: "@MarieCaraDfnder: People love to make up lies about Tony hooking up with all these random cast members "Off camera," Ummmm... History has shown that if Tony is going to mess up in anyway that sh*t will be on camera. Everyone should STFU with this fake tea and let Tony and his fam live their life." RT Also, this isn’t my business but I hate flash info so i will do some fact checking 1. It couldnt be at a reunion bc Alyssa was always there. 2. Nelson wasn’t eliminated with them on dirty 30 or invasion.. 3. I can probably keep going with facts that make this story not add up 🤷🏻‍♀️
@DayDaVonne_: "@RealityRadioPod: .@MTV should pay @DayDaVonne_ to recap their shows from now on.. her recaps make me more excited about this season than the promos on TV! Also, need to air whatever footage you have of her and Theo mmkay.. thanks :) #TheChallenge33" RT Lol just let me host a show .. that’s all I want 😂
@ChallengeMTV: Banorgan may have bested the Quad Squad in last night's challenge, but The Vets' first impressions of Dee prove that she's a force to be reckoned with 💪 #TheChallenge33 @msdeenguyen   First Impressions: Dee | The Challenge: War of The Worlds / See more of The Prospect from down under, every Wednesday at 9/8c on new episodes of The Challenge!
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Don’t sleep on Dee from Down Under 😈🇦🇺🦘
@kailah_casillas: I may not be good at much, but atleast @bustle thinks I’m a Pro at Reality Shows 😂🙈 (late post, but I’m just now seeing this) ♥️
@georgiaharisonx: "@hbarfield13: @GloriaS12107076 @georgiaharisonx I won two rounds they didn’t show it Georgia won one round. But yes that win still goes to Georgia I agree" RT 😂😂 no boy the win was down to you I thought ud broken your nose at one point 😂😂 was fit in real life, fitter to watch back  @hbarfield13
- @hbarfield13: @georgiaharisonx Lol noooo you beat a 2 time champion girl you are a legend now!!!!!!
@msdeenguyen: This is why @DayDaVonne_ will understand me on a differentt level. This is what the Challenge House does to you.  @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @msdeenguyen I’ll never forget this story pretty girl .... you’ve DEFINITELY made it ❤️
@ChallengeMTV: The first team challenge of the season was a physical battle that gave us Wes vs. Bananas, and we couldn't be more excited for what's to come 💪 Rewatch the latest episode of #TheChallenge33 NOW on! 💻 Link:
@ChallengeMTV: To win this next challenge, you can't be afraid to play dirty 😈 #TheChallenge33 is all new WEDNESDAY at 9/8c! 🌏💥
@alex_wham: @tjlavin this season is everything i ever wanted and more and it only just began 😂💆‍♀️😭
@ShawnDeal: So we got a challenge, a vote, and an elimination all in one episode? @tjlavin was correct on #challengemania. This season is bringing me back #TheChallenge33
@TasiaOlson86: @tjlavin staying true to his word. This season is on fire and reminiscent of the old days! Thank you! #TheChallange33
@2Grls1Challenge: We appreciate the fact that @tjlavin is very active in this season. Love seeing that boy drive big trucks !!!!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Who’s got the best screen grabs of me or my team from last night. POST BELOW 👇🏼🙏🏼💋
@ToriFiorenza: What’s the obsession with the @JennaCompono and @ZNichols15 hate/tea? If any of y’all have a perfect relationship, go ahead and drop some advice below. If not, why don’t we encourage love...I promise it’s a better route. 😘✌🏼
@Marie_TBD: There is a huge difference with @JennaCompono and @ZNichols15 compared to other couples. Outside of being forced to air their dirty laundry due to being on a reality show, they keep their relationship private.
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD & they got together in 2014 when people weren’t faking relationships for callbacks 🙃
- @v_cakes: @JustJem24 Don't forget they don't post almost nude photos of each other in intimate settings for all of us to see. #Thirsty
@NataliaNegrotti: Welp the cat is out of the bag thank you @usweekly for my latest interview where I open up about my super hot girlfriend 😜😍
- @JOSHMBB19: @NataliaNegrotti @usweekly Don’t know how to be jealous but happy at the same time for you 😂❤️
@turabicamkiran: 🇹🇷TURBO-NANY🇺🇸 #thechallenge33
@turabicamkiran: Just for #TheChallenge33  #ikincisayfa @KanalD @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@georgiaharisonx: @TheOfficial_CT thanks for the lovely comments you said about me on wednesdays show xxx
@kailah_casillas: Not that I have to explain myself, but when my manager tweeted about my first 5-figure deal, she meant that it’s ONE deal out of my many. Sure, lots of people make that in half a years work, but I made it in one day. Stay hating, I’ll laugh my way to the bank.
@kailah_casillas: I’m not one to usually ever talk about money or success. This just all rubbed me the wrong way. She tweeted about it in excitement to say congratulations & everyone turns it into a negative thing, I’m tired of that shit.
@kailah_casillas: On that note, thank you to everyone who is happy for me. Let’s focus on that. I hope you all gain love, happiness & success, also ♥️
@DayDaVonne_: Whew , Lindsay a whole troll out here
@Marie_TBD: Girls girl?? @lindsaylohan

@JennaCompono: Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! And remember if you are single, your family and friends love you! 💕🤗
@joss_mooney: Happy Valentine’s to me. Love me.
@Couturesworld: Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, if anyone’s in love with me tell me now
@Couturesworld: It’s almost Valentine’s Day and i don’t know what to get myself yet.
@blacuesta: My TL is a whole bunch of “iM SiNgLe oN vAlEnTiNeS dAy wAhHhH” You’re single all the other days too. Stop being weak.
@BrunoBttencourt: Happy Valentine’s Day and good luck to all my fellow Scorpios 🦂about to be conceived. Soon to be heart breakers, passionate lovers, completely out of control or hated 😂🤷🏽‍♂️
- @n_zanattaMTV: @BrunoBttencourt Happy valentine’s day Bruno!!! couldn’t have said it any better lol
- @BrunoBttencourt: @n_zanattaMTV Happy Valentine’s Day love, it’s only right we tag @_Kazuhnova love you bro ! 😍😂
- @_Kazuhnova: @BrunoBttencourt @n_zanattaMTV Love you guys too 😍🤣
- @n_zanattaMTV: @BrunoBttencourt @_Kazuhnova Hahahahahah my favorite two valentines 🥰
@WestonBergmann: I really just want to send out a heart felt thank you on this Valentine’s Day to the person that’s been obsessed with me for 10+ years; is constantly thinking and talking about me; and has based their entire career off riding my coattails. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. @johnnybananas
- @johnnybananas: @WestonBergmann Ever wonder who the first person is that @WestonBergmann thinks about on Valentine's Day morning? So does his wife 🤷🏼‍♀️🍌 #MakeItMakeSense #ValentinesDay
- @FanOfBadTV: @WestonBergmann @johnnybananas The love story we never knew we needed in 2019. Go ahead and sprinkle some ginger on that banana and enjoy.  #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge
@KendalSheppard: Happy Valentine's Day, Lovers! ❤❤
@ToriFiorenza: Im obsessed with Love...I love my people hard. I pull up a seat in the middle of their mess. I love fast  and unapologetically. I love and cheer wildly when they win. I love today Bc it celebrates Love...I love you all. Happy Valentine’s day! #iseeyou #iloveyou #everyday
@Kmorrisx: Happy Valentines Day ♥️
@TheOfficial_CT: Wanted to share this special clip of us on our honeymoon for Valentine’s Day... Te Amo Mi Lili. #muymucho lilianet_tamb1123 …
@MattieLBreaux: Happy Valentines Day ❤️
@JustJem24: Happy Valentine’s Day @michaelb4jordan
@ChallengeMTV: This meme may be over, but our love for TJ is eternal ❤️ Happy #ValentinesDay 😘
@itskcheyenne: Loving all these Valentine’s Day post this morning 🥰❤️
@itskcheyenne: I love love.. I am so happy seeing so many of my friends are in healthy relationships ❤️
@angelababicz: "@iamkamiam_: Beach Days 🏝 " RT Giving us the cheeks we deserve 😍
- @iamkamiam_: @angelababicz 😂😂😂
@Marie_TBD: I’m single because I’m perfectly fine at ruining my life myself. #HappyValentinesDay2019
@morgan_willett: Ruined a mirror for this photo. Happy Valentine’s Day! Xoxo 💋
@v_cakes: Happy Valentine’s Day, ladies!
@brittany_baldi: #HappyValentinesDay2019  to all of the amazing SOULMATES celebrating today and everyday xo
@JustJem24: I was trying to remember what I did on Vday last year... then I remembered it was the day @johnnybananas showed up at my apartment with his big ass head on a even bigger truck🤦🏻‍♀️
@MattieLBreaux: If you don’t have a love, be the l❤️be! The world 🌎 needs more of that! xoxo
@AneesaMTV: I love Valentine’s Day... I get to see all the girlfriends you’ve been hiding
@kareem_fathalla: I’m single.. but if you see me out with someone please mind ya business! I’m doing interviews. 🤣
@thekelseyowens: 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮’𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝔂 Hope everyone’s day is full of lots of yummy chocolate and wine!🍷🍫
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Staying off social media today cause I ain’t got no valentines and imma salty bitch .
@HaydenPWeaver: Fml I can’t find any of my red pairs of underwear now I can’t post a racy photo for you guys today. Maybe for Easter
@giannahammer: My happy Valentine 🥰💋
@tylerjohnpratt: roses are red, true love is rare, booty booty booty booty, rockin’ everwhere ❤️ #happyvalentines
@MikeCManning: Happy Valentine’s Day to all my lovers out there!! Whether you’re boo’d up or waiting to meet that special someone. LOVE today, yourself too! ❤️
@lohanbeachclub: Hopefully your #ValentinesDay is off to a better start than mine. 🙄💔 #LohanBeachClub
- @panosofgreece: @lohanbeachclub Happy #valentinesday to all❤️❤️❤️ #LohanBeachClub
@caliraeofficial: Where would I be without you? (Pic of her and Tomas)
@caliraeofficial: Happy “post your lingerie photos” day ❤️
@AshleeFeldman: Happy Valentine’s Day lovahhhhhs 🏹🖤
@ryanmalaty: Love yourself. Love, yourself.
@Marie_TBD: "@KimKardashian: NO BIG DEAL KENNY G IN MY LIVING ROOM!!! Happy Valentines Day 💋💋💋 " RT How many vases did he break leaving that spot?
@tylerobrienn: Walk up to a random couple & go “So you were just never going to tell me about this person? Really?” Then walk away
@JOSHMBB19: Happy Valentine’s Day kids
@SiestaKey: Without a little kompomise Valentine, you'll be single AF. #ValentinesDay #SiestaKey
@SiestaKey: Boy, bye. 👋 #ValentineDay #SiestaKey
@SiestaKey: We’re feeling a little nostalgic this February 14th.💘Sigh.  #HappyValentinesDay2019 #SiestaKey #TBT
@chloe_trautman: ❤️Just remember, you don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. ❤️Happy Valentine’s Day my loves.❤️
@juliettep0rter: Holy shit I just hit rock bottom. Ordered myself a box of assorted donuts delivery😂 gotta do whatcha gotta do. Maybe the delivery boy will give me a rose #wishfulthinking
@FloribamaShore: Don’t settle this #ValentinesDay. Find someone that loves you as much as Nilly loves pizza ❤️🍕 #MTVFloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: If men were as loving and as loyal as male dogs, Girls we would have it fuckin made. #HappyValentines

@MikeMGTV: Thanks for being a real one. Thanks for saying we connected because I made you laugh. And thanks for never questioning me or making me question myself @MTVJules ❤️ #HappyValentineDay #LohanBeachClub
@jasmineeandreaa: Listen men: Today is a test. I repeat, Its not a drill. If u got a girl in ur life & u havent sent a V-Day text or gift. I’m reminding u now. Bc today she’s going to be quiet to see if u pass. But at 12:01 am be prepared for a paragraph that starts with” I think it’s funny how..”
@JazMTV: Im drinking my Jack in a wine glass to be fancy, kids are sleep, my man is in the kitchen making me dinner! Plus he said I get to pick tonight’s movie!! Bitch I’m blessed!! Lol! #HappyValentines
@SylviaMTV: Heart so full! Happy day of appreciation for anyone putting their heart out there! Or for anyone needing a little love in their life ♥️
@CamilaMTV: Happy ❤️ Day!
@Couturesworld: valentine’s day is cancelled, so all you happy ass couples, i don’t wanna see any pictures today. thanks.
@tonyraines: Happy Valentines Day 🌹
@kailah_casillas: Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️
@Marie_TBD: Nobody hates me more than me.
@Jay__Qs: Happy Valentine’s Day You Beautiful World You! .........Thanks kayleesiii for helping me shoot this!! #shoutouttoallthegirlswhodothis #ridiculous #love… …
@mikethemiz: From the #ItCouple to you. #HappyValentinesDay ❤️❤️❤️@marysemizanin …
- @mikethemiz: @marysemizanin  Thank you for being the best mom and wife I could ever ask for.  There’s not a day that goes by where I am not WOW’d by your beauty and strength.  I love you. #HappyValentinesDay #ItCouple #ItFamily
@Couturesworld: 10th consecutive no valentine for Valentine’s Day
@MTVbrettski: Fuck Instagram dude.  90% off my followers don’t even see my content so what’s the point. I’m going back to MySpace and making a fire ass top 8.
@yourbros20: Happy Valentine's Day favorite couples @Ozzymm11 @NUTSIOOO
@caliraeofficial: Like if you’ve ever burped and told yourself you could have a couple more bites now cause it made more room
@tylersemicolon: For all the single people feeling salty looking at all the couples on insta remember: ~50% of marriages end in divorce~
@tylerobrienn: Fellas, bring a rose with you to the bar & look for a girl there who’s just your type. Walk up & say Happy Valentines Day & give it to them.

@GameOfClonesMTV: I'm just trying to meet ONE person that hits every mark on my dream date checklist. Meanwhile, these MTV singles get 7! 😫 #GameOfClones premieres Next Thursday, February 21st at 9/8c on @mtv!  This Season on Game Of Clones / #GameOfClones premieres Thursday, February 21st at 9/8c on @mtv!
@enews: MTV has a new reality show where stars date lookalikes of their celebrity crushes and it's really something.
@eonlineTV: Make way for another crazy reality show: #GameofClones is coming to @MTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @eonlineTV It’s coming just in time for all the love birds out there!!! Happy Valentine’s Day players!! ;)
@HaydenPWeaver: So Giannis is a fan of @AREUTHE1 @ExOnTheBeach and @ChallengeMTV so I’m ordering his jersey @Giannis_An34
@Bucks: "I'm gonna go home and sleep all day tomorrow, wake up and get some breakfast and watch some MTV. The next day I'm gonna get some breakfast and get a haircut and look handsome." 😂😂😂
- @KThomas38: @Bucks Just when I thought I couldn’t like Giannis more.. he watches @ChallengeMTV and @mtvex.. We should be best friends.. @johnnybananas @ZNichols15  @morgan_willett @MattieLBreaux @GusSmyrnios
- @MattieLBreaux: @KThomas38 Hell Yea! I dig it!
@itskcheyenne: When I can’t sleep, I go Pinterest crazy
@AliviaHuntxr: men need HELP and THERAPY
@TheRealAnthonyM: My whole family wants me to have a kid. WTF...
- @NurysKMateo: @TheRealAnthonyM Give the people what they want!
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @NurysKMateo A little Tony? 🤔
@blacuesta: I had an amazing Valentine’s Day and I could not have asked for more. PerioDTTTT

@ExOnTheBeach: Chad is hoping that it'll be his ex who storms the beach, just to see how far Nicole will go to fight for his love! 💔 Watch it all unravel TONIGHT on an all new #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV!
- @maddiesullivan1: @ExOnTheBeach Will it be me ?!!!!! 😉👙💋
@NurysKMateo: Snapchat memories are the worst! Like no I don’t want to be reminded of who I spent my valentines with last year or the year before that 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️
- @DoctorGP08: @NurysKMateo You deserve to be loved after all you truly are not only intelligent and beautiful but also you have the most amazing personality to match
- @NurysKMateo: @DoctorGP08 You just made my day! ☺️
@NurysKMateo: Thank you to all you amazing people who wished me a happy birthday yesterday! Also a HUGE shoutout to those special people in my life that made me feel like the Queen that I am yesterday ♥️
@ExOnTheBeach: My single a** on Valentines Day: 😓🍦🛋
@MayaBenberry: Happy Valentines Day ❤️🏆
@ExOnTheBeach: Let me know when y'all are done with all of your #ValentinesDay business! 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: ARE YALL WATCHING @MTV ‘s EX’S and OH-NO’s COUNTDOWN?! Tune in to a brand new Valentine’s Day Episode of @ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c 🐻💕#exonthebeach
@angelababicz: I’m taking over the @ExOnTheBeach Instagram come say hi!!!! 🐻💕
@JDVibezzz: Brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach on @mtv tonight at 8/7c !!! TUNE IN ‼️❕❕‼️❕❕
@natesestok: Do I start blacking out now ? Asking for a single friend ...
@jossie_flores: Brought back the curls for #ValentineDay 💋😉
@MonteJr5: Dont forget to treat your significant other right 365 days of the year, not just today. Give thanks everyday, not just on a Thursday in November. Remember to spend time with loved with ones, not just on Christmas day. Etc etc ( its all a business and days like today spike sales)
@MonteJr5: Actual photo of me in love. Tune in tonight #ExOnTheBeach only on #MTV #ValentinesDay
- @natesestok: @MonteJr5 I taught him everything he knows
@ParkerCheyenne: "@TooFab: Here's what @ExOnTheBeach star @ParkerCheyenne had to say about his costar @F1abraham -- Full interview here:  " RT Check this out!
@NurysKMateo: Chivalry ain’t dead. Y’all just fucking with the wrong men 🤷🏽‍♀️
@MurraySwanby: Tonight’s episode is literally going to be un-BEAR-able 😅😳🧸 #itsalive #wtf #isgoingon @ExOnTheBeach @MTV 8/7c
@F1abraham: Happy Valentines Day to my favorite valentine @sophialabraham this day has been epic in the Bahamas with you! Always makin waves💯❤️💋🌹#shellabration #valentines #valentine #bahamas #exuma… …
@ExOnTheBeach: Love is in the air and so is DRAMA! 😅 Get ready for an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8pm on @MTV! ❤️
@CoryZ07: Ohhh shit. Two valentine requests 🥰 but who will I choose? 🤔
@jossie_flores: It’s a curly valentines 💋
@roxystriar: 3 tips for anyone who’s lonely today:  1. Do 1 thing that makes you smile (eat chocolate, buy flowers, take a long shower) / 2. Think of 1 thing you love about yourself / 3. Tell someone you love them   #ValentinesDay is just another day to spread ♥️ to yourself & others. I love you!
@johnnybananas: In a healthy relationship nobody should wear the pants 🚫👖❤ #TrustMeImAnExpert #HappyValentinesDay #NoPantsParty

 AS THEY SAW IT: "Un-Bear-Able" 
@ExOnTheBeach: An ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV! 📺 RT if you're watching + live tweet with us using 👉 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: There's no better way to celebrate 💕true love💕 than with a NEW EPISODE of #ExOnTheBeach tonight on @MTV at 8/7c
@maddiesullivan1: TUNE INTO #ExontheBeach RIGHT NOW !!!! On @MTV
@morgan_willett: Who woulda thought I would make such a cute Valentine..😁 @ExOnTheBeach new episode right neowwwww #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: BIG MOOD that a new episode of @ExOnTheBeach falls on #valentinesday 💕 Tune in NOW
@ExOnTheBeach: .@BadGirlJanelle vs @angelababicz 😱 Maybe they just got a little TOO close to each other? #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of their fight)
@angelababicz: At least I’m a clean hoe 😂😂😩 #exonthebeach
@Jay__Qs: Haha @JDVibezzz Prez JD doing Clinton justice! @ExOnTheBeach #ididnothavesexualrelations #yet ;)
- @JDVibezzz: @Jay__Qs @ExOnTheBeach Hahaha I had a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT
@DarianV_: East coast brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach right now!!
@JDVibezzz: Me and @angelababicz was trynna tell y'all
@frankieendoondo: Also can someone please find the clip of diandra laughing with @BadGirlJanelle last week when Angela was called a hoe #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: Ex On The Beach is airing tonight 8/7c!!! Don’t miss out!! @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Are @realChadJohnson and @NicolexoRamos made for each other? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: The only person I fought was Diandra. Darian got a good ass tackle 😂 let’s get the facts right #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@BadGirlJanelle was on her third strike from being sent home, and her fight with @angelababicz has sent her packing! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of her talking to Darian)
@BadGirlJanelle: Oh God 🙄 I hate watching myself cry 😭😭😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: Seeing @BadGirlJanelle cry is making me want to cry 😥 love you sis. #exonthebeach
@maddiesullivan1: I honestly tear up watching @BadGirlJanelle and @DarianV_ talk by the pool. 😩 #ExontheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Two hoes in a pod. I mean peas 🌱 @morgan_willett @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: (Meanwhile) while @BadGirlJanelle left the house she had other things to attend to 😉 oh yea we are about to take LA by storm !! #exonthebeach @boohooMAN @HollywoodFix
- @BadGirlJanelle: @jossie_flores Big Thangs Poppin ALL 2019
@ExOnTheBeach: Bear with us! 😩 Drama is starting in 3...2...1.. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Bear walking into the house)
@MurraySwanby: And in waddles all my fucking Drama lol @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@JDVibezzz: Shack of shits 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: But thanks @mtv @ExOnTheBeach for sending me home for NOT attacking someone first ☝🏾😂 Way to be consistent
@BlkArtMatters: I thought Janelle was delusional because I haven’t seen Darian show any real interest in her, just fake remorse and apologizes. But I’ve concluded he’s a liar and a manipulator. #ExOnTheBeach
@basicdaniel__: im really pissed janelle was sent home like wtffffff #exonthebeach
@ovofever: they sent janelle home when it was angela who touched her first?  #ExOnTheBeach
@Ultra_Marx: Why does Janelle have to go, angela touched her first. #ExontheBeach
@CallMeLitty: I dont understand why Janelle had to go to a hotel when angela was clearly the aggressor. I smell racism #ExOnTheBeach
@aytotea02: So Janelle is really going home y’all set her up #exonthebeach
@MTV_NellyT: Damm @DarianV_ ran fast back into that house 😂😂 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@PurveyorsofPop: Janelle to Darian before she leaves  #ExOnTheBeach @BadGirlJanelle
@PurveyorsofPop: Cory Z: Murray has a boyfriend   Cheyenne:    #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Nurys watching Angela and Janelle fight. The SHADE @NurysKMateo #ExOnTheBeach
@jilliansuzannah: When Nicole said that her and Chad were two pieces of shit that fell in love with each other... I felt that. 😂#ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: The whole house when Murray and Cheyenne go down to the Shack of Secrets #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Murray and Cheyenne: everything is fine between us  Shack of Secrets:   @MurraySwanby @ParkerCheyenne #ExOnTheBeach
- @MurraySwanby: @PurveyorsofPop LoL
@PurveyorsofPop: I think Nick missed the memo, the animal costume party was last week #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: I didn’t even say that the same day 😒
@_Kb93rd: Soooo mad they’re sending Janelle home 😔 #ExOnTheBeach they wrong for that
@DarianV_: What I said was, maybe I’m the reason why @BadGirlJanelle keep reacting that way, an maybe I’m not the one for her.. if that’s the case then I do need to get to know other people cause I keep messing up with her
- @BadGirlJanelle: @DarianV_ ✋🏾😒 save it
@ExOnTheBeach: .@CoryZ07 knew exactly what he was talking about! 😩 @MurraySwanby had a boyfriend this ENTIRE time! #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Murray's boyfriend, Nick, talking to him and Cheyenne)
- @MurraySwanby: @ExOnTheBeach Nooooo girllll... we broke up before the show started filming 🙄🙄
- @CoryZ07: @ExOnTheBeach Told ya! He’s a shady lying cheater. That will never change 🤷🏻‍♂️
@DarianV_: Love me one episode hate me the next 🤷🏽‍♂️ #exonthebeach
@RobTiniOfficial: Secret agent DiDi strikes again @00Hitsdiidii
@BadGirlJanelle: "@JordanRealityTv: How can you leave us Janelle 🥺. First it was Farrah now you 😩😩 #exonthebeach" RT Ask @mtv @ExOnTheBeach I thought self defense was allowed 🤷🏽‍♀️
@angelababicz: I see teddy bears in my nightmares thanks to #ExOnTheBeach
@MrStealYourMan6: the fact that Janelle Went home cause angela hit her first is messed ! ANGELA TOUCH JANELLE SO JANELLE HIT BACK ! JANELLE LITERALLY PROTECTING HER SELF ! #exonthebeach @MTV @BadGirlJanelle
@ExOnTheBeach: All of us right now #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Malcolm - "Who the f___ could it be")
- @maddiesullivan1: @ExOnTheBeach Hey it’s me 😚👋🏻
- @RomeoMiller: @ExOnTheBeach S**** getting crazy!
@maddiesullivan1: Tomorrow’s a new day with a NEW EX !!!!!!!! Who’s it going to be?!! #ExontheBeach
@angelababicz: Who should I end up with? #exonthebeach
- @MonteJr5: @angelababicz Hmmmm
@maddiesullivan1: My heart is pumping so fast !! #ExontheBeach
@MurraySwanby: 🧸#woof @ExOnTheBeach
@JDVibezzz: Looks like somebody ex washing up?? Who could it be 👀👀👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: Well it’s my crazy ex from Oklahoma! Welcome to the streets of fucktopia @maddiesullivan1 #ExOnTheBeach
- @maddiesullivan1: @realChadJohnson And I’m here to stay 😚
@ExOnTheBeach: I guess @realChadJohnson got what he wished for 😅 welcome to #ExOnTheBeach @maddiesullivan1  (GIF of her walking on the beach)
@ExOnTheBeach: Me trying to be unbothered when my boyfriends ex walks into the room 💅 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Nicole)
@MTV_NellyT: Lmao watching @ExOnTheBeach there’s so many things ppl dnt know... all these #fakerelationships 😂😂😂
@jossie_flores: Period!! #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@RobTiniOfficial: @maddiesullivan1 HMU when you old enough to drink baby I got your first shot. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @maddiesullivan1: @RobTiniOfficial @ExOnTheBeach Ha. Ha. Thx
@MonteJr5: What's my best move? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Chad when his ex Maddie arrives on the beach @realChadJohnson @maddiesullivan1 #ExOnTheBeach
- @realChadJohnson: @PurveyorsofPop Uhohhh
@ExOnTheBeach: .@DarianV_ you might want to tread lightly with @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "The joke is on you")
@morgan_willett: No one is remotely surprised they asked these two to host the pink party.  👇🏼 Is it really that obvious it’s my favorite color... #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach @MurraySwanby
@PurveyorsofPop: Maddie: Chad is really into blondes   Nicole:   #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Nicole when Chad gets sent to the beach to (maybe) meet his ex @NicolexoRamos #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: "@bbrrittannyy: @ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson @maddiesullivan1 why does he go after the girls who literally have NO curves. These girls need a cheeseburger" RT I like what I like. #ExOnTheBeach
- @WelbornFerrene: @realChadJohnson @maddiesullivan1 SMH!
@realChadJohnson: ExOnTheBeach house knows what’s up. Give this Barbie her own party @maddiesullivan1 @ExOnTheBeach
@JDVibezzz: @angelababicz Is funny af 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@DarianV_: Last part I saw was Maddie coming onto the beach, having my Valentine’s Day dinner now! Will watch an tweet rest of episode later!
@xoxobrianc: Daddy Chad finally getting screentime, this is the content we deserve @realChadJohnson
@jossie_flores: I’m looking like a whole thug!  In tonight’s episode 😌🔥 #exonthebeach
@DQ_the_Man: I hate to see @NicolexoRamos get her heart broken by this dude. You deserve better. #ExOnTheBeach 🖤🖤 I would give you pink hearts but I did hear you don’t like Pink.
@BionicBrooks_: @coreybrooks34 has me dying 😂
- @coreybrooks34: @BionicBrooks_ I didn’t watch the show what did I do??
@JDVibezzz: @00Hitsdiidii I forgot you fell in the pool 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- @00Hitsdiidii: @JDVibezzz Fucking jayyyyyyyyyy
@PurveyorsofPop: Nicole when she sees Maddie and Chad talking at the pink party #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@realChadJohnson trying to stop @NicolexoRamos 😪 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Don't go!")
@ExOnTheBeach: Enjoyed tonight's episode? Next time on #ExOnTheBeach, the house is filling with rage, and it's time for someone to pack their bags! 😱 Don't miss it next Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV!
@MonteJr5: So looks like me and @Jay__Qs got some beef next week.... #ExOnTheBeach
- @Jay__Qs: @MonteJr5 Are we grilling?
- @MonteJr5: @Jay__Qs Possibly. You like it rare?
@natesestok: Ohhhhhh here we go 😉
@Princess7011536: Just impatiently waiting for @natesestok to pop up on that beach. And it better be next week or I’m fighting!

@realChadJohnson: It’s never a good sign when someone cares more about their image more than they care about you. #ExOnTheBeach
@iamelihiggins: Until we meet again @BadGirlJanelle 🤷🏾‍♂️😘 #ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@Jay__Qs: Jealous Jay comes out to play next week on @ExOnTheBeach ! #tuneinnextweek #whenidgafagain #letsgo #stayloco
@laurenreeves: @ExOnTheBeach I’ve never been more proud of anything I’ve ever written. Ex On the Beach is so funny, don’t sleep on this show.
@ParkerCheyenne: You couldn’t pay me to put this costume on to humiliate someone...let alone do it for free!! Hahaha! ✌🏽#icantwiththis #trashyruxpin #nightmarebear @ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: JAYYYYY I am laughing so hard at your commentary 😂😂 #ExontheBeach @Jay__Qs
@Marie_TBD: You might hate pink @NicolexoRamos but pink DOES NOT hate you. 🔥🔥🔥 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach2 #EOTB
@Marie_TBD: Ghosting could be a two way street. Ghosty ghost. @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach #eotb
@00Hitsdiidii: I wasn’t able to watch the episode tonight but what’s the update friends!
@ForeverPettyPod: Nicole is all of us. #EXONTHEBEACH
@realChadJohnson: New personal record! Probably should have added some more weight but this works for me. I was on MTV’s Ex On The Beach which is currently airing, but I was… …
@BadGirlJanelle: "@_karlacohen_: Kinda mad they put Janelle out the house but Taylor spit on somebody and she stayed the whole season SMH #ExOnTheBeach" RT She’s white, I’m not 🤷🏽‍♀️
@AdondreSmart: So Janelle goes home because she defended herself when someone touched her face 🤨🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@_karlacohen_: Kinda mad they put Janelle out the house but Taylor spit on somebody and she stayed the whole season SMH #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: #ExOnTheBeach producers did Janelle DIRTY. Trifling.
@thepheshow: Angela put her hands on Janelle 🤔but Janelle was wrong #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: "@KellyEmerald: @00Hitsdiidii The best part of the episode 😂 Dying " RT Lmaooooo fun fact I was so drunk after this I literally took a shower got dressed, woke up from a nap not remember any of this
- @realitystxn: @00Hitsdiidii The most entertaining part of the episode was you falling into the water tbh. But you looked 🔥 in that one piece 👙
- @00Hitsdiidii: @realitystxn I need footage lmaooo
@00Hitsdiidii: Okay but seriously, my valentine is better then yours. Just sayin🌹🤷🏼‍♀️💋
@DayDaVonne_: “Winning Big Brother with a Unanimous vote”  ✨
@MTV_NellyT: If you have to fake relationships and drama, reality tv isn’t for you.... @ExOnTheBeach @mtv
@MurraySwanby: Girlllll.. @ParkerCheyenne already knows i broke up with @nick_masc before the show. I’m straight forward w everyone.. why you all so fucking headcase about this situation
@MurraySwanby: Everyone so fucking shocked about me being single. WHY WOULD ANYONE enter a dating show not expecting to sleep w people, rekindlefeeling, find lov/lust/evrything else. @ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Girl @realChadJohnson lookin at @maddiesullivan1 like a fuckin piece a meat 🍖🤤
- @maddiesullivan1: @MurraySwanby MURRAY ily 💕
@MurraySwanby: Can someone tell @coreybrooks34 he looks good with his hair pushed back? Lol @ExOnTheBeach #pinkparty @MeanGirls
- @coreybrooks34: @MurraySwanby @ExOnTheBeach @MeanGirls 😏 love it when you talk to me that way
@DarianV_: I really was devastated @BadGirlJanelle went home on @ExOnTheBeach I actually moped around an stuck to myself for days
@briakristaaal: Lmaoooo why did EOTB zoom in on the stuffed animals’ eyes and play sad music 😫😫😭😂
@DarianV_: Finally watching @ExOnTheBeach episode
@MurraySwanby: Tonight is the new best #ValentinesDay I’ve ever had haha ❤️😍🤪
@MurraySwanby: If none of you REmember my relationship with CoryZ.. we dated for 3 years. And bec of his #bipolar ass, we were never together for Any  Christmas, any birthday, any holiday, special occasion. Y’all don’t see anything between the cute tweets ;) remember that baby cakes 💋
@DarianV_: Me explaining the same shit I’ve been explaining from the jump is not me shooting my shot #ExontheBeach
@DarianV_: Lmao 😂 so I said  “I can’t stand @MTV_NellyT the exact same way back to back weeks huh”   I was cool with them  hints why I was sittin next to them an was happy for em but ok haha
@DarianV_: Y’all really wanted to kil me on Valentine’s Day huh damn 😂 can I live
@JDVibezzz: First Valentines Day alone 💔🤷🏾‍♂️
@ExOnTheBeach: Am I doomed? 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: "@ILoveBeinBlack: Look how ungrateful she is on Valentine’s Day this is fucked up smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ " RT Bitches be so ungrateful 🤦🏽‍♀️ I would’ve done anything to simply just have my man to spend the day with and then there’s females like this... smh
@realChadJohnson: Come see me next Friday, February 22nd, in NEW YORK CITY at Public House NYC! 😈 @publichousenyc
@MonteJr5: I use the peace sign in every photo except when it actually would work #ExOnTheBeach #smh
@MurraySwanby: I’ll be in NYC next weekend! 🎉 #reunion #eotb
@MayaBenberry: Should I vlog the trip to New York for our #ExOnTheBeach Reunion?! 💔✈️
@joyettalynn: “You are one tough cookie, motherfucker”- Corey she sure is! Dang! #ExOnTheBeach
@lkbootman: I don’t think there’s another reality tv person I love more than Corey #ExOnTheBeach he’s a true angel boy omg
@maddiesullivan1: Me when I saw the girl Chad was talking about...... all I can do is laugh 🤭 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
@JennaCompono: Tired of twitter... taking a break.. lately it’s a cesspool of negativity and I’m over it ✌🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: Just a note to say: castmates (who never even personally spoke to me about my situation) were thrilled to bash/podcast/etc nonstop about my relationship yet remain DEAD MUTE or defend other situations...well. Good. You must be learning not to  be dicks (at least to other people)
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV RE FUCKING TWEET
- @actualgreatest: @CaraMariaMTV You literally did interviews in your issues so cast members have every right to voice their opinions publicly on it 🤷
@ExOnTheBeach: .@NicolexoRamos packed her bags and headed straight through the door over @realChadJohnson's ex @maddiesullivan1, but could Nicole really be done? 😳  #ExOnTheBeach
- @maddiesullivan1: @ExOnTheBeach Let’s hope so
- @DerrickMTV: @ExOnTheBeach Nicole!! Wait!! Come back! I gotta tell you somethin!
- @DerrickMTV: WHAT?!? Really?? 1st I miss the Cat Fight, now this!! Wow...I’m a terrible @ExOnTheBeach Fan.

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, Janelle's fight with Angela caused the Bad Girl to get the boot, though that has overtones of what we had with Kailah and Melissa on Final Reckoning in it being a controversial fight sending one home. He may have missed that animal party, but Murray's boyfriend Nick was that bear who emerged in the Shack of Secrets. And we saw Chad's ex Madeline make her way to the beach, which may see Nicole leave the house... we'll find out if she stays or goes when the Pulse of Episode 10 comes up in a few days.

In less than 24 hours, the biggest night in Hollywood will take place: the 2019 Academy Awards. DCNOW will offer all the buzz from the Dolby Theatre starting a little bit before showtime at 8PM Eastern... and after the awarding of the last Oscar in Best Picture, yours truly will be watching and live tweeting the Season 2 premiere of Staying Relevant, the YouTube series starring fan favorites from Ex On The Beach and Are You The One?. Enjoy those, and enjoy your Saturday everyone...


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