Saturday, August 31, 2019

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge War of the Worlds 2 - The Premiere

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Well, we have arrived at the end of the summer of 2019 here on this Labor Day Weekend. And it's been quite a week in MTV land... one that started on Monday when the Video Music Awards took place in New Jersey, and saw Taylor Swift head home with the most astronauts. And as the year's hottest season as seen by the world of nature, the best time of year for TV fans is now starting up: what many people call fall, and others refer to as autumn.

The other good news about this week is that the good stuff is now starting if you're a fan of the fifth major pro sport, as Season 33 of MTV's The Challenge kicks off. When we were last in this world back in May, War of the Worlds helped rejuvenate this show following the year & a half's proceeding trilogy with newcomers aplenty from around the reality world. There, the old guard faltered while the new blood took command of a season that stepped things up to fit the bill of a $1 million season... and at the end of what many called the most difficult final in Challenge history, Turkish Survivor star Turbo took the throne as champion as Am1erica and his fandom celebrated a new era on this show.
   Now some 90 days later, he and much of that cast of veterans, newcomers and those who represented four countries this winter and spring are back for more on War of the Worlds 2, as this time it's a battle between the United States and Great Britain for continental supremacy and a share of $1 million. This week, the two armies representing the Stars & Strips and the Union Jack - including some newcomers from the Isles - will go at each other, quite literally, in the trenches of the jungle. Of course, no Challenge season would be complete without a bomb from host TJ Lavin, and there will be plenty of those here - including a set of new players ready to join in on the proceedings.

All of that will be covered for you here in a moment... but if you're joining us for the first time, we welcome you, and get yourself acquainted with our surroundings with the hope that you can indulge in all that we at DCBLOG offer in covering The Challenge and the whole MTV Reality spectrum. The SocialPulse is our exclusive diary that offers the other show taking place concurrent to when the episodes air each week: the Twitter interaction among cast, alumni and fans as they get to watch what goes on each week, and the leadup and aftermath too of not just The Challenge, but other shows too.
   We've curated and pieced together the entire social timeline while the episodes air for your enjoyment to see how everyone saw the competition, drama and the moments that leave our jaws dropped as it took place in its original airings on Wednesday nights -- and that includes uncensored language, too. This service to fans everywhere - whether you're reliving it again or if you're a cord-cutter and catching up for the first time here... and that's just part of the story: there's also the usual episode recaps, opinions, analysis and our unique look at the MTV world through ExtraTime.

Now, the following is the action, reaction and interaction, and the actual posts of the cast of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2, fellow reality alumni and you the fans as they watched the premiere on Wednesday, August 28, along with the Wednesday buildup and after hours aftermath.
• As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
• Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

After the jump, veterans, newcomers and $1 million on the line in a game for national pride... welcome to the debut 'Pulse of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2. We're so glad you're with us.

@TheAshleysRR: #TheChallenge star Theo Campbell says he’s been left blind in one eye following a champagne cork accident; co-stars react:
@theo_campbell91: I currently have 7 stitches in my eye (gross) and the doctors say it’s unlikely I’ll see properly again, they done a good job saving it as they said I might loose my whole eye to begin with.  But Im hopeful and don’t want to believe my eye is gone forever. Anything is possible 🤞🏽
@theo_campbell91: Just Wana say thanks again for all the love and support there’s been 100x more then I imagined ♥️. I haven’t had a chance to read all the messages yet but they’re much appreciated 🙏🏽🙏🏽
- @JazMTV: @theo_campbell91 So sorry you are going through this !! Wishing you a speedy recovery and praying 🙏🏾you get your sight back!! Don’t give up keep being the fighter you are! 😘😘😘😘😘

@ChallengeMTV: "@CarleyMatusak12: @ChallengeMTV ITS CHALLENGE DAY PEOPLE" RT Let the battle begin 💥🌎️⃣ #TheChallenge34
@acenichols33: Ohhhh, I love Wednesdays, but this one is gonna be a doozie. Excited for The Challenge tonight though!
@turabicamkiran: Çok yakında 🎥 So soon.
- @Kmorrisx: @turabicamkiran Jesus 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- @PaulCalafiore_: @turabicamkiran 😂😂😂😂
@DerrickMTV: What do you get when you mix @ChallengeMTV Champs, Legends, REINFORCEMENTS, MERCENARIES, and Extraordinary Personalities??🙊  - #ChallengeManiaLIVE Full of Surprise in #SanFrancisco,CA NEXT SATURDAY September 7TH @CobbsComedyClub, is what you get!💥  TIX: http://ChallengeMania.LIVE
@JazMTV: My thoughts about War of the Worlds II challenge tonight. I’m going to get an early workout. I’m already got my crockpot dinner on, so I can feed the kids & future hubby. I will be giving my opinion as a fan. So sorry if anyone gets offended!!(not really 😂) #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ChallengeMTV: "@FlyLikeJets: New @ChallengeMTV tonight 🙌🏽" RT New Challenge, vintage CT 👀 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@Timmy83771116: It’s challenge let’s go #TeamBananas @ChallengeMTV" RT 😱 #TheChallenge34
@wyldthing89: So happy that @ChallengeMTV is now 90 minutes, even more to enjoy the best reality TV competition show on the planet and the greatest host of all @tjlavin, 12 hours left for the start of a great season !!!
@ChallengeMTV: "@tvacchio2: @ChallengeMTV never been so excited for something in my life 😁" RT It'll knock your socks off 💥 #TheChallenge34
@peopletv: .@tjlavin takes us on a tour of the @ChallengeMTV house before 'War of the Worlds 2' begins (and the cast wrecks the place!) #TheChallenge34
- @Kmorrisx: @peopletv The villa looks so much better with no 1 init
- @Rogan_OConnor: @peopletv HOME 🏡
- @itskimwebster: @peopletv I got to direct this lil #MTV Cribs-style piece for @PeopleTV before #TheChallenge cast came in and wrecked the joint. Check it out
- @joss_mooney: @peopletv Home sweet home.
@tjlavin: TONIGHT!!! War of the Worlds 2 challengemtv @mtv @bunimmurray
@tjlavin: Happy Birthday to hottest little wifey in the world...! roxannelavin you’re an amazing mom, friend, trainer, athlete, dog/cat mom, and wife... Thank you babe I hope you have the best day ever! We love you baby..…
@johnnybananas: Happy Challengeoliday 🍌🎅 #WarOfTheWorlds2  @ChallengeMTV
@BAMOK: Video: #Oklahoma native @JordanW_usa appearing on @MTV #TheChallenge: War of the Worlds 2,' premiering tonight
@HollywoodLife: Learn more about #TheChallenge star @Rogan_OConnor, who's back and ready to prove himself on War of the Worlds 2!
@mtv_men: ITS CHALLENGE DAY!!! LETS GOOOO @Rogan_OConnor @joss_mooney #challenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Can you believe the biggest betrayal of the season was when ████████ promised ██████ they wouldn't vote for ████████ ?? 😵😵😵 You don't want to miss a single second of The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 premiering TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV. #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Did I forget anybody? 😂😂
- @Idrisvirgo: @ChallengeMTV @MTV 👀
@joss_mooney: Guess’s f*cking time for WAR!! The @ChallengeMTV started today! Tune into @mtv 9/8c for War of the worlds 2!!! #thechallenge #UKvsUS #LFG 🇬🇧🇺🇸👊🏼
- @PaulCalafiore_: @joss_mooney @ChallengeMTV @MTV Ohhhhh it is sir 😈😈
@PaulCalafiore_: “I’m the chosen one and flowers never picked themselves” The Sistine Chapel wasn’t painted in a day. My masterpiece is just beginning. Tag your favorites and make sure they see this ☺️
- @PaulCalafiore_: Decided to tweet this and make it my story before I entered the house. That way my cast mates have no excuse to be shocked when I do exactly what I say I’m gonna do. I do this before every season I’ve been on so far, somebody shut me up 😉😘  @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥🚨Is that a poster for an ACTION MOVIE...or http://ChallengeMania.Live SF?! HOLY MOLY, @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell @turabicamkiran @msdeenguyen @AbramBoise @cohuttalee! This is already our biggest #ChallengeMania ever. Could get bigger. GET YOUR TIX, BAY AREA! Welcome to THE ROCK!⛓
@istanwhoiwant2: The day we’ve been waiting for is finally here ... ✨ HAPPY CHALLENGE DAY ✨ 🤪🔥 let the wars begin!!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34 #wow2
@marisa_molinaro: Idc when he gets eliminated or how much drama he causes, I am rooting for @JOSHMBB19 100% this season and I am SO excited to have him back on my tv! #TheChallenge34
@sjmedd: Soo glad #TheChallenge is back tonight! 90-minute episodes now too :D
@ComedyCentral: Hey, you dropped your shoe. #TheChallenge34 airs tonight at 9/8c on @MTV.
@turabicamkiran: The Challenge: War Of The Worlds 2.Premiering TONIGHT at 9/8c On @mtv @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallenge34 #TurboTurabi #Turbo
- @JOSHMBB19: @turabicamkiran @MTV @ChallengeMTV 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
- @turabicamkiran: @JOSHMBB19 @MTV @ChallengeMTV ❤️❤️❤️
@bycharlescurtis: Ahead of tonight's @ChallengeMTV premiere, I spoke to @JordanW_usa about competing alongside fiancee @tori_deal and inspiring countless fans.
- @jordan_wiseley: @bycharlescurtis Pretty cool 😎  Thanks Charles ✌🏽@USATODAY
@people: .@ChallengeMTV premieres tonight and we can’t wait to see some of our favorites return to the show! Who are you most excited to see come back? Answer our #RealityCheck poll or tweet us your pick and watch at 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT.
- @jordan_wiseley: @people WHO!?
@ChallengeMTV: 🚨 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO 🚨Watch the first 6 minutes of TONIGHT'S The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 premiere on Youtube RIGHT NOW!  Don't miss it tonight at 9/8c on @MTV. 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: ...When I see the line-up for the British. 😤
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Contemplating going live later to answer all your questions. Should. I do before, during, or after the episode...?  What do you think I should do? Comment below to let me know ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️  #thechallenge34 #thechallenge…
@kailah_casillas: Lol it’s Wednesday. Happy Wednesday. Honest to god I thought it was Tuesday.
@msdeenguyen: You all aren’t ready for this link up.. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ #TheChallenge34 premieres today! What do you think these pictures mean for my alliances this season? 👀 Tune into @challengemtv to find out. It’s challenge season! 🇺🇸🇬🇧
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @msdeenguyen I'm sooooo freaking excited. I feel like it's my first #thechallenge. #thechallenge34
@georgiaharisonx: 1,2,3 or 4? Help a girl out! 🥑🥑🥑 Thankyou theblowdrybarloughton for my hair tonight I love it and Thankyou zahidaallenx for my advocado socks yay
@JOSHMBB19: It’s challenge Day!!! Team America 🤘🏽🙌🏽🇺🇸 Tune in to the Premiere  tonight. @ChallengeMTV  @mtv #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: The Challenge starts tonight but I just wanna take some time and wish this guy a speedy recovery! All shit talk and game aside, you’re a good man and a phenomenal competitor! You’ll bounce back just as strong 💪🏼👊🏼 @theo_campbell91 #TheChallenge34
@Morgan_MacAdam: Tonight's the night! @ChallengeMTV can't wait to see what's in store for these stacked Americans and British teams!! #USA #TheChallenge #WarOfTheWorlds2 #ChallengeAccepted #GameOver
@people: The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 Set Visit Reveals How the Cast Gets Paid — and Served Alcohol
@Kmorrisx: My kind of sandwich .....  #thechallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Kmorrisx What a tasty looking sandwich 😋😋
- @Kmorrisx: @PaulCalafiore_ Haha I was waiting u & Cara’s commentary on this 😂🤷🏽‍♂️
@ChallengeMTV: Pro tip: when CT asks for space, GIVE 👏 HIM 👏 SPACE 👏!! The epic premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 starts TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Did anyone else wet their pants a bit when CT popped back after being called an asshole? 🙋🏻‍♀️ #TheChallenge34
@joss_mooney: Smiling on the outside, broken man on the inside...🚑😫 Finally home from Ibiza as we missed our flight yesterday. Get me in my bed...😴
@joss_mooney: Can’t wait for this season...with my brother from another mother!! @Rogan_OConnor 🦁🐻 We are #JOGAN Tune into the @ChallengeMTV tonight in the US on @mtv 9/8c 👊🏼
@WestonBergmann: Wes: Hey Ashley, are you ready for The Challenge tonight? ⁣     Ashley: Awww honey, I was born ready. (In southern drawl) ⁣            Wes: You want to split a bowl of popcorn and watch it together? 🍿 ⁣  Ashley: Awww honey, you know I don’t split anything. ⁣  Wes: Too soon. ⁣
@Rogan_OConnor: Started on the beach, now we here..  TONIGHT, WE GO TO WAR!! (In the USA) 😁 UK we’ll be on your tellies soon!! #JOGANBABY  @challengemtv  UK 🇬🇧 vs USA 🇺🇸
@MTV: Don't miss the season premiere of #TheChallenge: War of The Worlds 2 TONIGHT at 9/8c on MTV! 🔥 You can watch the first 6 minutes of #TheChallenge34 season premiere on Youtube NOW: 👀
@iamkamiam_: In celebration 🥂 of @ChallengeMTV  #WarOfTheWorlds2 airing tonight I’m wearing my #QueenOrKilla 👑💪🏽shirts now available at @SHOTOFYAGER  @ http://ChallengeMania.Shop ‼️ #challenge34
@iamkamiam_: Since the start of my Challenge journey I’ve showed my strength & my brain!   1.Who do you think I will show this season 👀?  2.Which one is better 🏆 ? 3.Which one are you 👑 OR 💪🏽? ‼️COMMENT ON MY IG POST TO BE ENTERED IN A GIVEAWAY FOR ONE OF THESE COOL SHIRTS ‼️ #challenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Love @ChallengeMTV and free pizza? Then tweet #TheChallenge34 + 🍕 + #giveaway for your chance to win! And don’t forget to watch the season premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 TONIGHT at 9/8c!
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Game Time.
@FloribamaShore: Pro tip: when CT asks for space, GIVE 👏 HIM 👏 SPACE 👏!! The epic premiere of The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 starts TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge34
- @aimeehall1001: @FloribamaShore Y’all @laurelstucky is a whole mood.
@tonyraines: In recognition of the new season The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 premiering tonight here’s a little look at the Tony Time that’ll be missing from it 🐯⌚️• #tonytime #thechallenge34#mtv #earlyretirement
@BreanneNYC: .@georgiaharisonx's packing skills for #TheChallenge34 might be a little out there — but they're sure entertaining! 🙏for showing @people your suitcase! @ChallengeMTV
@TerrenceJ: Looking for you new obsession? Look no further than the season premiere of @ChallengeMTV on TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge34
@chloe_trautman Chloe/Siesta Key: Major key alert: Watch the season premiere of #TheChallenge34 TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! @ChallengeMTV
@_BG_Gomes Brandon/Siesta Key: Excited for @ChallengeMTV on tonight! Everyone tune in💪🏽 #TheChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: 1 HOUR UNTIL IT'S GO TIME! 💥 Who's watching?! The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 premieres TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallenge34
@TheOfficial_CT: HABITUAL #soon habitualmovie @thejohnnyhickey sugarstudiosla
@SHOTOFYAGER: Still time to head over to so you get tonight’s WAR ROOM podcast where we go DEEP into tonight’s Premiere of #TheChallenge34 & take your uncensored Questions! This week we will actually have one tonight AND one tomorrow during #FantasyDraft #ChallengeMania
@emilylongeretta: #TheChallenge34: @tori_deal & @jordan_wiseley had a condition of MTV wanted them back. @challengemtv
@EstherFalana1: Absolutely shattered. But trying to stay up to watch the premiere of the @ChallengeMTV hope ya’ll are ready final hour yooo #challenge34
@georgiaharisonx: war of the worlds has been promoted all day in Times Square 🙊 very grateful to be a part of this MENTAL! challengemtv starts in 15 minutes in the states! Who’s excited ? Show some support and ask some questions I’ll…
@BigTymers228: In Honor Of The Premiere Of The Challenge War Of The Worlds 2 Tonight, Here's Pics Of Me Meeting Some Of The Cast. #MTV #TheChallenge #TheChallengeWarOfTheWorlds #TheChallengeWarOfTheWorlds2

AS THEY SAW IT: The Premiere - "The British Are Coming!" 
@ChallengeMTV: The war is about to begin! #TheChallenge34 is starting right NOW on @MTV!  (GIF of Americans riding in van)
@acenichols33: Challenge timeeeee!!! Who's watching?! #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: Me running to my TV! #TheChallenge34 starts now!!! @ChallengeMTV
@johnnybananas: Let the BananArchy begin 🍌💀 #WarOfTheWorlds2 #Bananarchy @ChallengeMTV
@RJImmel: It’s finally time!! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Somethings never change! #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Wes - "I am here for first place and nothing else)
@ChallengeMTV: Me leaving the bar without me friends, shoes, or credit card 🙃#TheChallenge34  (GIF of Bear waving)
@Rogan_OConnor: The USA Team are the strongest team to ever compete of @ChallengeMTV... Of individuals....
@ChallengeMTV: No one:  Not a soul:  Leos:  (GIF: Idris - "I'm a lion, we live in a jungle)
@AliceInSpaceToo: Me trying to decide whether to root for team USA or team U.K. #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: LAUREL. IS. BACK. 🙌 #TheChallenge34  (GIF: "Suck it, bitch")
@ItsBriittaniiee: It’s so good to see Laurel back on the challenge. She used to have these bitches SHOOK! #TheChallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: Wes & Jon laying down the lines they’ve been practising in the mirror all night 😂😂😂
- @JustJem24: @Rogan_OConnor This 👇🏼😭🤦🏻‍♀️😭
- @Rogan_OConnor: "@i_Am_Remix: Hey @Rogan_OConnor!! #TheChallenge34" RT Hey 😏
@jordan_wiseley: IIIIIIT’s TIIIME!!! @ChallengeMTV on @mtv right now
@ChallengeMTV: Eyes are the window to the soul... 👀  #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Bear - "I see passion")
@ChallengeMTV: "@1LadySky2Blu: Bear and this monologue #TheChallenge34" RT He found love in a hopeless place #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: We love to commit to a theme. #TheChallenge34  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "Trench Warfare")
@ChallengeMTV: Who would you want on your team? #TheChallenge34  (GIF of CT, Dee, Ninja and Turbo emerging)
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Let's go it's reinforcement season baby! #TheChallenge34
- @turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV It’s TURBO time!
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Haii 🙋🏻‍♀️
- @MrCissic: @ChallengeMTV There's legit no wrong answer #TheChallenge34
@girlonthefly17: No mercy TJ starting out this season premiere hard. #TheChallenge34
@LostMarbles913: Aaaaaaaaaa turbo!!!! Ct!!!  #WarOfTheWorlds2 #TheChallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: Who’s this big fucker CT?! Kinda recognise him...
@msdeenguyen: I wish my real Dad would look at me like the way @WestonBergmann does... #TheChallenge34
@TheMarkLong: If I ever need private security, Turbo’s got the job @ChallengeMTV
@JazMTV: I just love Turbo!!!
@TheAllanAguirre: @WestonBergmann  looks at @msdeenguyen  like a proud dad. #Goals #challenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@cleverkatiep: I appreciate MTV showing the CT, Bananas backpack scene every damn season 🤣🤣 #TheChallenge34" RT It's a real crowd pleaser #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: GO GET YOUR FLAG.  #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: "@_itsbrittn3y: I love how everyone has their real name on their shirts. But @johnnybananas has bananas 😍 #WarOfTheWorlds2 #TheChallenge" RT But that is my real name 🤔 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ChallengeMTV: The stakes here a just a little bit higher... #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Georgia - "Is this The Challenge or is this Game of Thrones?")
@msdeenguyen: The soundtrack is everything... #TheChallenge34
@StevenWSchultz: Me to Turbo right now #TheChallenge34  (GIF: "Wear the crown! Be the crown! You are the crown!")
@ChallengeMTV: Me: I'm over him, done. Bye. Never speaking to him again. Him at 3am: U up?  Me:  (GIF of Bear)
@Fallen_Angel356: " I've been ready to hit some of these bitches" 👊YASSS Tori! So glad to have you back! @tori_deal #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: "@DUrbanLifeCoach: Bear might’ve taken my heart away from @johnnybananas" RT And replaced it with STD's 👾  @stephen_bear #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ChallengeMTV: "@j_camss: The Challenge always has been and always will be the best reality tv show in the world 🙌🏼 #TheChallenge34" RT Can't disagree with that #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Turbo's challenge narration cannot be beat #TheChallenge34  (GIF: "Like a potato poof")
@ChallengeBBook: Paulie rn #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Me during a friendly game after telling everyone I'm "not that competitive" #TheChallenge34  (GIF: CT - "You gotta pick it up! PICK IT UP!")
@johnnybananas: Let's sharpen spears and run head first towards eachother through a narrow forest... What could possibly go wrong? #Banarchy #WarOfTheWorlds2
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Just freaking out because I'm on a team with some of the best challengers ever!! #thechallenge34
@HedrichFiles: TFW when you steal a million dollars and you're damn proud of it @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #TheChallenge34
@briasoboojie: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE is fun. I don’t care what y’all say. #TheChallenge34
@jossie_flores: Yes laurel!!!!! Work !!!!!!!! Fucking yes!!!! #TheChallenge @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge34
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Yasssss @laurelstucky!! Such a bad ass #thechallenge34
@Sylviadefender: LAUREL IS THAT BITCH
@jordan_wiseley: This first challenge was absolutely barbaric and I loved it #WarOfTheWorlds2
@Rogan_OConnor: You really gunna let me KO half the USA team through hedges in my first challenge and not show it, for real?
@ChallengeMTV: "@csoniaofficial: Laurel be like “No Bitch”  #TheChallenge34" RT Basically #TheChallenge34
@GlamGoon: "If you're looking to hire a private contractor, check out my highlight reel."
@ChallengeMTV @TheOfficial_CT  BOW DOWN 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 #TheChallenge34
@angelababicz: Only watching this season of @ChallengeMTV for my Final Reckoning partner @faithstowers SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE MAMA
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Love you partner !
@ChallengeMTV: Give em that Dee #TheChallenge34 (GIF of her embracing Kyle)
@SavageBranch: Laurel blocking Big T so USA could win #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: The US have no idea what they’re missing out on 😜 Let’s go team UK 🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: Seriously..... how do you pick between all these reinforcements?!?!?! All monsters #TheChallenge34  (GIF: "I'm stressed lol")
@msdeenguyen: @georgiaharisonx screaming “She’s single now!” That’s my kind of wing woman #TheChallenge34
- @georgiaharisonx: @msdeenguyen That cracked me up haha love ya
@jossie_flores: Tough decision team USA 😳 which one ...🤯 #TheChallenge34 #TheChallenge
@MTVLaurel: “so suck it bitch” 😂😍 @laurelstucky
@TheAllanAguirre: Laurel is me trying to remember if I locked my car while at a concert. #Challenge34
@CohenBrian_: Wes is playing chess, not checkers. Also he loves watermelons #challenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Did anyone else just hear that? That sound of CT's heart breaking 💔 #TheChallenge  (GIF of Turbo after he is chosen by Team USA)
@JLac__S: Wow they on bs already i see #TheChallenge34
@TylerJRoney: @ChallengeMTV When Team USA chooses Turbo over CT... #TheChallenge34
@jossie_flores: What just happened!!!  😳🤯 #TheChallenge34 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: So Jordan's definitely going to pick Tor-- LAUREL??? #TheChallenge34  (GIF of her)
@dramabananna: I mean, it’s CT, but I mean, it’s Turbo #TheChallenge #TheChallenge34
@JazMTV: I’m going to be honest I really don’t understand why Laurel and Cara are not friends and why they don’t like each other. It can’t be just over Twitter and social media beef.
@ChallengeMTV: "@Fiercegemini: Wtf Tj and these rules #TheChallenge34" RT Tj always keeping it spicy #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: So thankful for my haters #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Cara - "Just been, bitching about me on Twitter nonstop")
@JOSHMBB19: The kid got blessed with a team full of champs 😎🙌🏽 #TheChallenge34
@joeldlcn: Georgia said it best, this season is Game of Thrones. Its gonna be full of betrayals #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: The betrayal you feel when you find out your coworkers have a group chat without you #TheChallenge34  (GIF: CT - "Cause at that point I was still thinking, 'That's my squad'")
@JazMTV: Wow!! BITCHHHHHH!! That’s a twist for eliminations!!! Yesss production!!!! Y’all really came through with this shit right here!!
@KatieScottNews Katie Scott/Global News Canada: Team USA .... and I oop!! @ChallengeMTV #ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge CT knows all your secrets LOL Bad choice #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ChallengeMTV: When my mom asks me if I'm seeing anyone #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Wes - "I have slid into a few DMs if you know what I mean")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV He slid...
@TripleBeees: They turned on the fam?! #TheChallenge you disloyal fool ass punks!
@msdeenguyen: Omg... I can’t @Rogan_OConnor 😳😳😳#sexonlegs #TheChallenge34
@HedrichFiles: Team Jogan is the Challenge friendship I never knew I needed. #TheChallenge34
- @ChallengeMTV: @HedrichFiles #JOGAN #TheChallenge34
@nickehlani: Kam giving me “Killa Kam” right now her stance and all 😍😍😍 #TheChallenge34 @iamkamiam_
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@BrandonJRomero_: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE they might not respect your wins but YOURE A 2 time motherfucking champion ! 💙 2 wins in 4 challenges? Who else has done that? ." RT ❤️❤️❤️
@SavageBranch: Damn is Wes building a new Brady bunch alliance? #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: When you see your friend getting their flirt on at the bar. #TheChallenge34  (GIF of Tori)
- @jossie_flores: @ChallengeMTV This was the cutest 🥰 @tori_deal
@JazMTV: Wes be sliding in them DMs!! 😂😂
@mariestan3894: Okay Georgia and josh are so cute djdjdjdjs #thechallenge34
@TheMarkLong: What the f is shipwrecked? @ChallengeMTV
@deecsupreme: @tori_deal Watching Josh and Georgia’s PDA from the pool 👀. #TheChallenge34
@georgiaharisonx: @JOSHMBB19 shit boy that got deep real quick 😂❤️
- @JOSHMBB19: @georgiaharisonx 😘
@morfair71: @georgiaharisonx glad to see you back and serving up some Harley Quinn Birds Of Prey vibes #WarOfTheWorlds2
@SHOTOFYAGER: “She is my mucker at home. And mucker means my number one.” - UK Slang Lessons by @georgiaharisonx 🇬🇧#TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
@JazMTV: Big T  its called Napoleon syndrome! I have it too!! #shortchicksROCK
@ChallengeMTV: That escalated quickly... #TheChallenge34  (GIF of CT going off on Josh)
@msdeenguyen: 1/1000000 fights that’s @JOSHMBB19 is involved in 👀😳 #TheChallenge34
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @msdeenguyen 😩😩😩
- @Kmorrisx: @msdeenguyen Second this.
@TheMarkLong: I still love amped up CT @ChallengeMTV #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ToNy_GoT_BaRz: Damn first night, and it's getting real?!?! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@cj_fairfield: The elimination/tribunal rules though #TheChallenge34" RT I had the same reaction #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: Who will get #thelastword @ChallengeMTV #WarOfTheWorlds2
@caitanne_: Yo. Killa @iamkamiam_ hopped out that truck ready to BEASTTTTTT. whew. c’mon legacy, let’s get ittt #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: "@amybird88: I feel the need every season of #TheChallengeMTV to profess my love for CT. 😍 Good God @ChallengeMTV" RT HOW CAN YOU NOT??? #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: "@irisheyes475: @JOSHMBB19 the fact that you speak your mind without backing down was a trait I was slow to warm up to, but something I have mad respect for now 🙌" RT ✊🏽❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Single Dee came to ~slay~ #TheChallenge34  (GIF: her on Rogan - "Have my way with him")
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV I’m glad I’m not on the US team, there’s no one I wanna fuck 😂 #TheChallenge34
@georgiaharisonx: Na they’re all old and dusty I am fucking done @msdeenguyen
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @msdeenguyen well damn tell us how you really feel #thechallenge34
@AliceInSpaceToo: Me during this premiere #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV  (GIF: "I just have a lot of feelings.")
@Fallen_Angel356: " I'm glad I'm not on Team USA. There's no one I'd like to fuck over there."  CLASSIC. Line of the season already! 🤣🤣🤣 #TheChallenge34 @msdeenguyen
@TheMarkLong: My “favorite accent” award still goes to @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV  #WarOfTheWorlds2
@jordan_wiseley: Rogan saying “being a stripper doesn’t define me as a person” is the perfect irony for all the strong ass strippers out there holding it down despite the social lashing 🤘🏽
@TheAllanAguirre: I just want to note that when CT is angry, he went after the most emotional guy in the house. Yes, CT is a tough guy, but he has a long history of bullying those he can easily. Davis, Adam, etc. He should curse out Jordan, not Josh. #TheChallenge34
@kendallongg: I’d never EVER argue with CT, yet these fools try him every season
@kmacisco: God the things I would do to @Rogan_OConnor WOW #thechallenge34
@KyLLeJohnnn: You can't be that intelligent if you step to CT #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Live look at me during Josh and CT's fight #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: "I'm telling you, you'll make five figures, be your own boss, choose your own hours, and work in an office setting" #Challenge34 #MLM
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan's logic is sound, to him CT is person who's on his 16th season and has only twice while being not in his prime. Turbo's been on Survivor twice, won twice, and then just won the most difficult final in Challenge history. #Challenge34
@CohenBrian_: There would be a riveting 30 for 30 on the Laurel and Cara relationship. #Challenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: When you didn't see your teacher's email from the day before and she tells you to turn your homework in. #Challenge34
@helloalievans: How did they not pick CT. I can’t get over it. I haven’t been this disappointed in a choice Team USA made since the last election. #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Defining the relationship in 2019 be like. #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Dee - "Exclusive casual though right?")
@ChallengeMTV: Did Bananas get lost on his way to Stagecoach? #TheChallenge34  (GIF of him)
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV Save a horse ride a Banana 🐴🍌 #WarOfTheWorlds2 #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: Banan-Archy and the Challenge are never far apart 🇺🇸🍌💀 Available now for a LIMITED TIME only at #WarOfTheWorlds2#Bananarchy #TheChallenge34
@Jay90sBaby: No @DayDaVonne_ or @JustJem24 ⁉️ WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO GET THE REAL FROM⁉️ #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@JazMTV: No offense to this Sean guy on the UK team. But he’s playing like he is a deer in headlights!! he’s seems scared about everything. I want him to take a big deep breath. #TheChallenge34
@missdayagaga: @TURBOTURABl Turbo is cute legend💋 #TheChallenge34
@1stlooktv: ICYMI, @johnnybananas revealed #TheChallenge34 spoilers ahead of tonight's premiere. #1stlooktv Watch here:
- @johnnybananas: @1stlooktv Oop... 🤐 #WarOfTheWorlds2 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@AliceInSpaceToo: Wes is like Oprah - “you get an alliance, you get an alliance” #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV" RT Look in your DMs and you'll see AN ALLIANCE INVITATION! #TheChallenge34
@MrNashMendes: When the @ChallengeMTV finally comes back with a bloody vengeance #challenge #mtv #tvtime
@johnnybananas: "@MTVRWRRQuotes: Love him or hate him.. you must admit @johnnybananas ages like a fine wine. 🍷 🍌" RT Wine doesn't even age this fine 🍷🍌 #WarOfTheWorlds2 #TheChallenge34
@ChristiJolette: My brother: “The Challenge still exists after all these years? You still watch it?!” Me: “Listen, as long as @TheOfficial_CT still comes on, I’m still watching.” @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallenge34
@CaraNinjaMarie: Interesting tribunal/elimination twist...looking forward to seeing how this plays out. #TheChallenge34
- @georgiaharisonx: @CaraNinjaMarie @TheOfficial_CT
 fucking hell youre look well here !!!!! Xx
@ChallengeMTV: TFW you narrowly escape elimination nominations #TheChallenge34  (GIF of Bear)
@Idrisvirgo: Me telling @johnnybananas new era of challengers are here to take over! @ChallengeMTV premieres AUG 28TH!!! Back on your 📺🖥 #challenge34
- @johnnybananas: @Idrisvirgo Me thinking your outfit has more personality than you do 🤔 #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@msdeenguyen: I'm still coming for Bear.. #TheChallenge34
@drew1up: That feeling when you thought #TheChallenge34 was an hour and it turns out to be 90 mins.
@ChallengeMTV: An actual look at Sean right now #TheChallenge34  (GIF of man sweating)
@PaulCalafiore_: A tribunal full of cut throat savages #TheChallenge34
- @ChallengeMTV:  @PaulCalafiore_ We love to see it #TheChallenge34
- @faithstowers: @PaulCalafiore_ Thanks for pushing me over!! Lol
@MTVTheoCampbell: “Raise your hand if you’re voting  for Sean” #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: Why does it look like the tribunal is running a shady lemonade stand?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Awww I love him though #thechallenge34
@TheMarkLong: I’m so happy shipwrecked was explained in such detail 🤔 @ChallengeMTV #WarOfTheWorlds2
@Fallen_Angel356: Yes Georgia! Got get you a nice boy! @georgiaharisonx  #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: Poor @SeanALineker sorry babe but nothing ever prepares you for how diabolical @WestonBergmann is 😬 #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@feistyfrank: same @msdeenguyen 😭😩 @Rogan_OConnor  #TheChallenge34
@Dumbledore_BB: Absolute nobody: @Rogan_OConnor  the second he walked into the #TheChallenge34 house:
@Rogan_OConnor: WOW.... What a response... And in reply, I’ll shag you all!! #TheChallenge
@Ninja_Natalie: 🇺🇸 LETS GOOO 💪🏽 #thechallenge
@DontClapatJanae: I'm sksksk weak why they did Sean like that- #TheChallenge34
@Fallen_Angel356: I love Ninja and Dee's friendship! @Ninja_Natalie @msdeenguyen #TheChallenge34
@morgan_willett: @msdeenguyen DEE🤣
- @msdeenguyen: @morgan_willett I don't think the world is ready for single Dee 😂
@faithstowers: @WestonBergmann Is hilarious ! Im so happy he was our roommate!
@Ninja_Natalie: @johnnybananas You know what tho...
@msdeenguyen: @Rogan_OConnor I'm done, you all can have him now x
@ChallengeMTV: #JOGAN is too pure #TheChallenge34
@SeanALineker: What didn’t make the edit: I was told I was going into elimination on the first night by the girls as the boys had decided that. Theo also told me I was going up which led to an argument betweenc us on the first night. That’s why I felt awkward.  #thechallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: Come for me baby, just make sure you don’t slip on that 🍌 #TheChallenge
@jossie_flores: Yes Jordan !! Let them know !! #TheChallenge #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: It's definitely getting repeated #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Jordan to Rogan - "Please don't repeat that")
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Am I going home first again? I’m just gunna leave this here....
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV @Rogan_OConnor NOOB
- @Rogan_OConnor: @Ninja_Natalie You can repeat it all you like baby, it’s too late now...
@Daily_Star: Love Island babe @georgiaharisonx begs for a 'nice boy' during US TV return #TheChallenge34
- @georgiaharisonx: @Daily_Star Lool @JOSHMBB19 your In the UK press 👀👀👀 👫 @ChallengeMTV
@sogando94: Rogan snitching so fast 😂😂😂😂#TheChallenge34  (GIF: "I snitched.")
@darlingmegan11: Turbo and Idris shadow-boxing tho.  😍😍😍😍 #TheChallenge34
@mrs_malander: With so many schemers this season, I dont think wes is going to get away with anything.  #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Team USA needs to get together for some trust falls. #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Leroy - "We can sit down as a team and just talk.")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: It's about to go down. You have no idea #GameChanger #thechallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Only referring to people as potatoes or rabbits from now on #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Turbo - "Sean is like a rabbit. Put here and do, do, do, do, do. He's nice.")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV And 🐓...
@georgiaharisonx: @JOSHMBB19 anyone who can say they’re attracted to me when my hair looks like that is a keeper
@Dumb_Eat_Trees: 🤣🤣🤣 Turbo #TheChallenge34
@LostMarbles913: Butterflies, rainbows and American stripes is what we tell ourselves each day hahaha  #WarOfTheWorlds2 #thechallenge34 #tooreal
@ZombieLynn89: CT still looking good 💁🏻‍♀️ #TheChallenge34
@lashtweets: Any questions about the ep? @CohenBrian_ and I are recording RIGHT after the episode #thechallenge34
@Juanderful19: Poor Sean lol he seems like a good guy #TheChallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: IM READY TO GO!!
@georgiaharisonx: Egg Pajamas and Scrunchies! The Challenge's Georgia Harrison Takes Us Through Her Suitcase
@johnnybananas: Me:   Wes' Spot: #TheChallenge34 @WestonBergmann
@JustJem24: Me and Cara might not be cool anymore but it seems that she still likes my clothes 😭. My camo shirt looks good on her 🤷🏻‍♀️ #TheChallenge34
@1LadySky2Blu: Did he say he’s a legend? #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: Step 1: Observe   #TheChallenge34
@nillythesquid: Who’s watching @ChallengeMTV with me?!
@_Trillest24: Idk which team to root for because I have favorites from both teams 🇬🇧🇺🇸 #TheChallenge34 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you think wins this elimination round? #TheChallenge34    Idris -  77% / Sean -  23%    2,094 votes · Final results
@ChallengeMTV: "@coralfanatic: We are kicking off the season with a classic??? #TheChallenge34" RT Gotta give the people what they want! #TheChallenge34
@dramabananna: Bear when Wes nominates him #TheChallenge34
@lmartinez716: @ChallengeMTV I’m torn!!!!!!! I would want all 4 of them on my team Urgh!! Do you go with someone who’s an OG or the recent Champ!?  #teamturbo #teamdadbod
@AgnesJean256: Where did Idris come from!  #TheChallenge34
@ZachEarley: This is INTENSE. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@AliceInSpaceToo: I think Idris just boxed his way into my heart 😍 #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV" RT PRETTY MUCH #TheChallenge34
@DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV I dunnoooooo!! @Rogan_OConnor’s quite the charmer...
- @Rogan_OConnor: @DerrickMTV RHINO misses you too
@jossie_flores: Great job boys !!! Idris & Sean No matter who wins it takes Guts to be be in elimination!! 🙌🏼🔥💪🏽 #TheChallenge34 #thechallenge

@Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Me running for samples at Costco...
@ChallengeMTV: 100% no question #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Idris after winning in elimination - "Are you entertained?")
- @Idrisvirgo: @ChallengeMTV No better way, to start my challenge journey with an elimination!!! #thechallenge34
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV So good..Lol
@JOSHMBB19: Say what you want I’m just blessed that God made this happen for me. Enjoy the season I’ll be chaotic and emotional af 😂✊🏽🙏🏽 #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: Is every English man named Idris fine AF? Bc this little rookie bae is cuteeeeeee
@georgiaharisonx: @ChallengeMTV  poor Sean ❤️
@yanab0015: They need to add someone to the show with funny commentary! Like its so ecessary for a show like this! They need a @DayDaVonne_ @JustJem24 !!! Hell anybody funny!!! #TheChallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: Sean was one of my favourite people, not just on the challenge.. ever! Would love to see him back!
- @SeanALineker: @Rogan_OConnor Thanks man! Xx
@ChallengeMTV: Our cast breaks down every moment from tonight's epic premiere on Behind The Challenge exclusively on youtube! #TheChallenge34 👇👇

@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds II Episode 1: 10 Biggest Takeaways
- @TheAllanAguirre: Did you watch the first episode of the Challenge WOTW 2?  If so, here were the 10 BIGGEST Takeaways from the first episode. Including: @laurelstucky being back and making a huge impact... @msdeenguyen and @Rogan_OConnor becoming exclusively casual... @jordan_wiseley dominating
- @msdeenguyen: @TheAllanAguirre Exclusive casual is the new relationship definition of 2019 #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: “Are you entertained?!” - @IdrisVirgo   “YUP” - Us   #TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
- @Idrisvirgo: @SHOTOFYAGER Only way I could prove myself... now its time apply my game plan!!!!
@JazMTV: @JustJem24 Jen!! 😂😂😂😂 I love you for the xtra pettiness!!
@LostMarbles913: Are you entertained?!!! Woooo this is why I like #thechallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@PaulParmar1: Laurel & Nany as friends? I’m liking this concept #TheChallenge34.
@StevenPlummer22: This season is going to be all over the place! #TheChallenge34
@RealLifeFlop: So the only gay guy on the cast (Sean) is being made to feel unwelcome & segregated from everyone else? Disappointed but not surprised 🙄 he deserves better #TheChallenge34
@Daily_Star: Has @georgiaharisonx finally found the one in @JOSHMBB19 ? #TheChallenge34
@faithstowers: @SeanALineker You did great Sean!!
@faithstowers: @ChallengeMTV Yas Idris!
@kevincox31: @hbarfield13 TYB will be back for 35 🦌 🦌🦌 @MTV_NellyT @CoryWharton @hbarfield13
@AshleyPeeace: Forgot how perfect @JOSHMBB19 was going to be for the challenge #getthepotsandpans
@jossie_flores: @ChallengeMTV I mean look at @Rogan_OConnor hair 😍🔥
@megmagee19: Hot take: @PaulCalafiore_ is the best thing that’s happened to the challenge in terms of an athletic stand point and making other challengers want to be more athletic
@Daily_Star: Battle of the hunks: @Idrisvirgo takes on @SeanALineker in savage elimination showdown #TheChallenge34
@BreadChallenge: like be rude and FOR WHAT? Sean did not deserve that 🥺 @SeanALineker #TheChallenge34
@melodramamix: @SeanALineker DONT LISTEN TO BANANAS WE ALL WELCOME YOU BACK #TheChallenge34
@Dumbledore_BB: I SWEAR TO GOD if @ChallengeMTV does not bring @SeanALineker back on S35.............. #TheChallenge34
@kendrahappyy: @SeanALineker me watching you go up against Idris on @ChallengeMTV when you didn't deserve to get voted in, in the first place. #WarOfTheWorlds2
@carlyynicolee_: they were such asshole to @SeanALineker !! regardless how the elimination plays out, i’m #TeamSean #TheChallenge34
@lindseydee14: I have never been so emotionally attached to a rookie before. SEAN DESERVED BETTER. #justiceforsean #TheChallenge34
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Im horrible at social media 😩🤣
@MTVjennifer: who TF are these UK people. why why why. (no offense i just literally have no clue who these people are) @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
@MTVjennifer: what the heck is shipwrecked. that’s a show? ok i’m done. over it🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: @SeanALineker Sad we didn’t get to see more of you Sean! Hopefully we will for future seasons 👀
@SHOTOFYAGER: I am instantly realizing how much I missed @tori_deal on commentary. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge34
- @tori_deal: @SHOTOFYAGER Bless your soul
@PaulParmar1: Jordan looks hot as f*ck #thechallenge34.
@drerdz99: If it weren’t for @laurelstucky bodying the UK girls... USA would have lost. LAUREL IS THAT BITCH. QUEEN 👑 🇺🇸👏🏼 #thechallenge34
@sjmedd: I’m shook that Team USA didn’t choose CT. Dude is out of shape still tho #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Don’t slip back into your old fighting days CT lol #TheChallenge
@istanwhoiwant2: My husband is looking so fine 😍🔥 @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge34
@TheNoujFOX9 Pierre Noujaim/KMSP-TV Minneapolis: “I’m ready to die for my crown” Turbo is TV gold. Never change. #TheChallenge34
@megsnuggets: This was by far the best part of the challenge tonight #TheChallenge34
@ShoBusyLivin: Turbo just chilling like he has no care in the world.  #TheChallenge #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@realityiconsss: I missed Turbo! #TheChallenge34
@King_Henry: I can see Turbo getting to the finale again easily this season. He's not involved in the drama. Oh at all #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@therealityroyal: TURBO KING #TheChallenge34
@PsychoTTT1: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ‼️𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐎 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐈‼️ 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 #TheChallenge34 #TurboTurabi #KingOfGames #WarOfTheWorlds #Survivor #TurkishTurbo @turabicamkiran ⚜️👑⚜️
@BreanneNYC: Um, so, where was the @johnnybananas toast that was teased in #TheChallenge34 trailer? @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @BreanneNYC A toast to the toast that wasn't 🥂 #TheChallenge34
@ArmstrongTaran: Watching my second season of #TheChallenge34 in a row, and immediately there are adults screaming, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" over & over. Yep, checks out.
@IiIbigbrother: josh is SUCH good tv. you have to stan an entertaining king especially after the boring mess that was last season #TheChallenge34 @JOSHMBB19 😍
@AndyHerren Andy Herren/Big Brother alum: The producers and casting department of #TheChallenge are all so bad at their job. The fact that they haven’t put me on the show is appalling. Can you just imagine me having to compete against these people? COMEDY GOLD.
- @kailah_casillas: @AndyHerren lol this needs to happen. (But really though youd prob do better than you think, the biggest trees fall the hardest)

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

The only out & proud champion of Big Brother, Andy Herren of Season 15, with the last word to what was quite an opening act to this Challenge season: an intense first challenge with flags, trenches and hallway collisions where, luckily, no one got purged out right on the spot as we've had the past few seasons. But everyone's talking about Team USA botching the guys' reinforcement choice in taking defending champion Turbo over CT, which suddenly makes this game a bit more interesting - especially with the Teej-bomb at the end of this episode where players can bolt to the other side... and if what happened with Josh and the beast is an indication, it will be a mess. And the first elimination sees Love Island continue its amazing summer on both sides of the pond in boxer Idris knocking out Shipwrecked UK alum Sean in Pole Wrestle... all in all, good first episode.

We're gonna taking a break here now, and in just a bit we'll return with the Pulse of Ex On The Beach as the summer lovefest rolls along in Malibu with a party in the ER, and more reaction to this premiere. But the big thing I'm looking forward to this Saturday is still to come: tonight, I will reveal the destination for my big trip this fall. Right now, a poll is taking place on by my Twitter and Instagram channels - both at @DC408Dxtr - both expire just before 12AM Eastern and 9PM Pacific, for which the host city will be announced in a roadblock across this blogger's entire social network right at midnight out east and club opening time out west.

But before all that, a live tweet of the season finale of The Real World Atlanta is just ahead over on #DCNOW at @DC408DxNow, followed by a Labor Day weekend DC Playlist. See you there, and make sure to rejoin us here in a few hours as we roll on Inside MTV Reality.


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