*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Well, welcome to what Derrick Kosinski likes to call on his podcast "Fight Week"... and in the case of this site, it's the week that a new season of The Challenge will debut. And in two days, it's War of the Worlds 2, and we've just posted our season preview on here. But for now, love rules in MTV Reality as we enter the last week of the summer, including our view of this week on Season 3 of Ex On The Beach.
Last week in Malibu, someone who got his start on MTV as a single on Are You The One Season 3 (which will not have representation on this coming Challenge for the first time), Devin, got rung up for making mention of a love scale to his date ex Marie, and her being ranked in the middle. It's not the only thing on her mind, as the one she flirted with in that run-down Challenge Invasion shack, Anthony, popped up on the beach, while Billy made his move on a Kaplan twin.
It was what happened last week that sticks with the Statitude girl, as this week, it's Cut Week for the exes to endure as the Singles try to do what they can to send home an Ex that's making sure a friend won't be sent packing. Meanwhile, the focus shifts to this season's sister act, as Mama Kaplan decides to take a cue from the annual visit of family to the AYTO house and become the first parent to drop into the Ex villa... all as someone from their past is coming in.
After the jump, it's the action, reaction and interaction of Week 6 on the 'Pulse of Ex On The Beach - as this season is so juicy it now has the spot the first season of this show had - airing after Jersey Shore... thanks for joining us, lovebirds...
@ExOnTheBeach: Finding random videos on your phone like 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: "@ginahemi: Expect the unexpected at @UniversalORL . Was great running into @JOSHMBB19 @elenadavies @realmarkjansen. Elena..you’re adorable! #BB19" RT Omg!! I LOVED meeting y’all! 🤩🤩
@ExOnTheBeach: On a scale of friend-zone to bae...how would you rate the person you're interested in? 👀#ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: Aye y’all want us to fight soooo bad on our season. And the crazy thing is... there were an ass of fights and every single one has been edited out so far. Idk, Maybe they wanted to focus on the premise of the show... which is love. Soooo be mad at them, not us. 🤷🏽♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust........... and a friend who knows mickeymouse 🤩 @ Walt Disney World https://instagram.com/p/B1T_Y8MpKtS/?igshid=xoqsyuyqglu4
@ExOnTheBeach: Happy Monday 😓 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Choose your fighter 💋 @shannnonmaee @AlexisHanaMusic #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: THURSDAY 9p on #ExOnTheBeach... ❌Another Ex gets CUT from the house 📦The Kaplans get a surprise package in the SOS 🍿and the popcorn is flowing when drama unfolds!
@TeenMom: Is @itskcheyenne finally ready to have a conversation with Taylor about those tweets on tonight's #TeenMomOG season finale? 👀
@TeenMom: You got this, @itskcheyenne 🙏 #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: We love to see this! 🙌 #TeenMomOG
- @itskcheyenne: @TeenMom ❤️
@itskcheyenne: Cheers to the season finale 🎉🎉 #TeenMomOG
@MaciBookout: Damn @CoryWharton ... You really have the best seat in the house sitting between those two beauties! 🙃 @itskcheyenne #taylor
@ExOnTheBeach: Kenya's return to the house has her catching up on TEA & KISSES 😌 #ExOnTheBeach is all-new Thursday at 9 on @MTV 🙌
@ExOnTheBeach: This Thursday, we're seeing how well the cast can handle a few surprises ⏲#ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: Happy. MY. Birthday. To. YOU. So, even though I do this thing where I make everything about me... today, I fully have an excuse to make everything about me!! 💕🤩💅🏼This is the episode we’ve all been waiting for...… https://instagram.com/p/B1bFMhJFJDo/?igshid=18u8a70c90v9v
@vulture: The current "sexually fluid" season of the MTV dating series is equal parts messy, beautiful, entertaining, and #important https://vult.re/2U1SBC4
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @vulture This article 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 #ayto
- @Remdelarem: @vulture Oh hello more press hehe
@TessaSkara: I wrote an article about @AREUTHE1's exquisite queer season for @vulture. Please @mtv put me in the next season: I am good at yelling and I love bathing suits. #AYTO
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Kelsey Jurewicz @missjurewicz #KelseyJurewicz #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R2ojCgzG0/?igshid=c0wusrvtd7yr
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Eric Hall @realerichall #EricHall #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R2wZfAxJc/?igshid=86egu137v8l9
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Ray Gantt @raygantt #RayGantt #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R27niA5-m/?igshid=3t4lmqc1ta7o
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Cormac Murphy iamcormacmurphy #CormacMurphy #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R3D-YA0jL/?igshid=36lv9tyztbna
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Emily Salch @emily_salch #EmilySalch #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R3OKKglw2/?igshid=11ct6wqgzt1yy
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Love Island Contestant Aissata Diallo @aissatatdiallo #AissataDiallo #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #AfricanAmerican #AfricanAmericanBeauty #Black #BlackBeauty #BlackIsBeautiful #BlackGirlsRock… https://instagram.com/p/B1R3hsyA1Rg/?igshid=11rg7wyrj6hql
@BigTymers228: A Group Shot Of Me & The Love Island Cast iamcormacmurphy
@rayganttt @realerichall @missjurewicz @emily_salch@aissatatdiallo #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R3zOugNUX/?igshid=dxo3afgmq7yc
@BigTymers228: Me & The Awesome Dudes Of Love Island iamcormacmurphy @raygantt
@realerichall #LoveIsland #CBS https://instagram.com/p/B1R3_NUg8X7/?igshid=1qnj3jscc3oiq
@BigTymers228: Me & The Beautiful & Youthful Ladies Of Love Island @missjurewicz @emily_salch @aissatatdiallo #Beautiful #Youthful #Models #BeautifulWomen #GodBlessTheseCreations #LoveIsland https://instagram.com/p/B1R4LVQAc4A/?igshid=b8x9f251odl1
@ExOnTheBeach: Spending y(our) mans money 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: I haven’t been watching this season of EOTB is it good? Should I catch up?
@A_Bartolotte: New #ExOnTheBeach tonight (GIF: "I don't know what happened last night")
@RomeoMiller: Dear future Wifey, I’m kind of a workaholic so I have one ultimatum. You keep me wild, and I'll keep you safe. - RM💍
@BillyReilich: I sat down with @jairodriguez and @MikalahGordon today to talk about @ExOnTheBeach , dating, and sexuality in today’s world. Check it out on @wearechannelq and let me know your thoughts!
@realmarkjansen: Guess what I’m watching and I’ll go live with you tonight during the show!!!!! https://instagram.com/p/B1d_0MmDs6q/?igshid=1kx9f5th4lspf
@ExOnTheBeach: .@thekaplantwins have found themselves on @Marie_TBD's sh*t list for being straight up "FAKE" ☕️Watch the drama unfold on an all-new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 9/8c
- @BillyReilich: @ExOnTheBeach @thekaplantwins @Marie_TBD *Billy casually strolls out of room*
- @XemfitX: @ExOnTheBeach Shit+ the fan= HIT
@BillyReilich: Wanna be cool? Watch @ExOnTheBeach at 9/8c on @MTV (GIF: "It's cool to be cool")
@TheRealAnthonyM: No matter how much you work, there will always be haters out there.. So might as well do whatever tf you want 🤷🏻♂️
@Kenyaa_NOT: She’s back. @ExOnTheBeach tonight LESSGETIT (GIF: "I'm back b____es")
@_gelesann: another episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight at 9/8c you don’t wanna miss it! 🌊🌴💖 #ExontheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: 🤘It's Thirsty Thursday which means we're back with all new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 9/8c 🙏 @MTVTEV @Marie_TBD
@MTV: "I didn't sign up for corniness." 👀☕️ A new #ExOnTheBeach is on TONIGHT at 9p on MTV. 🔥
@ExOnTheBeach: There's nothing wrong with a little LOVE & WAR right? 😅NEW #ExOnTheBeach starts in just ONE HOUR on @MTV 💔
@ExOnTheBeach: @Marie_TBD & @Kenyaa_NOT are coming in HOT with superlatives for their fellow cast-mates 😂 Watch for the real tea, and catch an all-new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 9PM on @MTV ✨
- @_gelesann: @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂 facts tho
@RomeoMiller: Just reminding yall to tune into a new @ExOnTheBeach tonight (right now for some of yall) on MTV tonight at 8/7c. Repping @AllBlacks and Moneyatt’s. Time zone difference killing me in NZ 😅
► AS THEY SAW IT: "The Mother of All Secrets"
@ExOnTheBeach: Let there be tears & BEEF 💔 Brand new #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV 📺 RT If you're watching + live tweeting with us 🤘
@PurveyorsofPop: Let's get this show on the road! #ExOnTheBeach starts now!@TheRealAnthonyM: it’s time 😈 #ExOnTheBeach
@nourfraij_: EX ON THE BEACH TIME !!!
@mechiesocrazyy: Who is ready for an all new @ExOnTheBeach Tweet live with me!!! Let’s gooooooo!!! @MTV
@ExOnTheBeach: Anthony is moving in on Geles 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "This just gives me the greenlight")
@BillyReilich: “I don’t know what happened last night...” @A_Bartolotte Well lemme give you a run down, you peed your pants and had hot dogs in your pockets... #LoveYouThough #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: I cannot handle Anthony’s facial expressions 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Awww @_gelesann and @A_Bartolotte 🥰 #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Geles currently in her budding relationship with Anthony. #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann @A_Bartolotte (GIF: "Faster! Go Faster!")
@thekaplantwins: Marie coming at us for no reason and we’re sitting here like... #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop (GIF: "Maybe I am jealous of them")
@ExOnTheBeach: Whose ex do we think will wash up on the beach? #ExOnTheBeach Allie 17% / Lexi 61% / Tevin 22% 224 votes · Final results
@thekaplantwins: @TheRealAnthonyM savage 😷😷#ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: @MTVTEV you look nervous 😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @MTVTEV: @mechiesocrazyy You know why 😂😂
@TheRealAnthonyM: revenge sex with your ex? I don’t think that’s how it works 🤔 #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: @MTVTEV lookin a little nervous 🤫#ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: It’s on folks! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Buckle up Lexi, your man @MaxKurtzman just rolled up 😅 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him walking on shore)
@BillyReilich: Welcome to the house Max... #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I’m thankful that this ex’s name isn’t Anthony 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@thekaplantwins: @MaxKurtzman I see you 👀👀#ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@iCamArmstrong: U SEE THE BOI!!! @MaxKurtzman #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: Another soccer player in the house.. not mat at it 🤷🏻♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: MAAAAAXXXX @MaxKurtzman
@AlexisHanaMusic: Atta boy Maxxy!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: Welcome @MaxKurtzman 😉 #ExOnTheBeach
- @MaxKurtzman: @TheRealAnthonyM my g
@_gelesann: @A_Bartolotte Hi hi, I’m glad you found your phone, still waiting you to return my FaceTime 🙂
@MTVTEV: Welcome to the beach Max!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🥳 #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: @iCamArmstrong twin ideals kill me #ExOnTheBeach
- @iCamArmstrong: @ariana_nova 😂😂😂
@thekaplantwins: @MaxKurtzman don’t blame the peanut gallery #ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@AlexisHanaMusic: Billie when Max comes in 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: Major PTSD when that bottle comes up... #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @AlexisHanaMusic STRESS! #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: We ate ALOT of popcorn ate 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@BillyReilich: @MTVTEV You make a better door than a window
@ariana_nova: Lol I need stills of everyone eating popcorn for their contact pics #ExOnTheBeach
@MaxKurtzman: Here we goooo @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me showing up to start drama #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Twins' mom, Amy, in the Shack of Secrets)
@ExOnTheBeach: Marie is NOT here for ANY of this 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I begged for them to bring my mom.. I needed help 😭😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Kaplan Twins in the Shack of Secrets like #ExOnTheBeach @thekaplantwins
- @thekaplantwins: @PurveyorsofPop 😂
@TheRealAnthonyM: I would hate to be Max... FUCK THAT #ExOnTheBeach
@A_Bartolotte: Marie is a god damn savage
@PurveyorsofPop: This whole house watching the Shack of Secrets like #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Drama")
@ExOnTheBeach: Mama Kaplan just called Max a "fixer upper" Lexi: (GIF)
- @thekaplantwins: @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂
@iCamArmstrong: Watchin this shit like... #ExOnTheBeach @MTVTEV
@_gelesann: @MTVDevinWalker how did you get my ears lol
@AlexisHanaMusic: @iCamArmstrong and I sitting there like #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Reply to this tweet NOW with the first person YOU think should get cut! 👇 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Ooooooh girl")
@TheRealAnthonyM: if someone dares the house to send them home.. what do you think should happen 🤔 #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: This... yeah this is... #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Twins - "AWKWARD")
@90sbop: “Take a step back we’ll ask the questions here buddy! Can you believe this guy?” LMAOOO Y’all gotta admit Devin is a funny ass dude @MTVDevinWalker 🤣🤣🤣#Exonthebeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: so they’re not going to show any of my speech for Shannon. Over this bullshit #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I said that if she got sent home, I’d leave with her so that we can be together and start over... but of course...I’ll continue being the one that “doesn’t care” #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Nobody: Marie: #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Sounds so corny")
@shannnonmaee: @Marie_TBD 😂😂 (GIF: "You seem upset")
@TheRealAnthonyM: I could’ve been told to just not say a word and I could’ve saved ALOT of time #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: @_gelesann genuinely happy when @Kenyaa_NOT walked in! That was freakin cute 🥰#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Queen Kenya is BACK #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her returning)
@PurveyorsofPop: Billy now that Lexi's ex Max is in the house. @BillyReilich @thekaplantwins #ExOnTheBeach
- @XemfitX: @PurveyorsofPop It’ll all be okayyyy i promise
@MTVTEV: Thanks for the help on my hair Ken ❤️😭
@ariana_nova: Keep Shannon please 🤞🏽 @shannnonmaee #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Kenya returning to the house like #ExOnTheBeach @Kenyaa_NOT
@ExOnTheBeach: Romeo is ready to give someone the boot but who will it be? 😅#ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Step up to the pineapple")
@TheRealAnthonyM: fun fact: geles and I spoke in the morning and she wanted to see if I would give her another shot and I declined... once again.. guess where her vote is going #ExOnTheBeach
@oh_heyitsemilyy: It’s annoying how toxic they are making @shannnonmaee and @TheRealAnthonyM relationship like everyone in the house is being hella dramatic. REAL LOVE COMES W TEARS AND MANY FEELINGS. At this point ex on the beach is just making a joke out of Shannon and Anthony #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: “Cameron has a mind of his own today?” Was I not the only dude disagreeing with y’all the whole time. Shit I argued with everyone! 😂🤷🏽♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: Me seeing nothing I said being shown #ExOnTheBeach
@SectionalTuber: “The dream of so many, the nightmare for the few who know.” @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: "@meggxox_: ex on the beach rlly played @TheRealAnthonyM" RT ONE FUCKIN HUNDRED PERCENT
@ExOnTheBeach: Geles finally has her groove back #ExOnTheBeach
- @_gelesann: @ExOnTheBeach 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@AlexisHanaMusic: @iCamArmstrong and I when we say we want a date #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I mean... my outfit is fire 🤷🏻♂️😉 #ExOnTheBeach
@XemfitX: Everyone needs a @realmarkjansen in their life #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach #bashbros
@ExOnTheBeach: Things will not end well if the house choses Anthony or Shannon to be cut #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: her - "I would uhm... not be okay")
@TheRealAnthonyM: so I’m wack.... but what most of the others like to do is gossip and have act like high schoolers #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Anthony B in a relationship vs Geles in a relationship @A_Bartolotte @_gelesann #ExOnTheBeach
- @_gelesann: @PurveyorsofPop The accuracy 😂
@ariana_nova: @Marie_TBD faces 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: well ... it is what it is. All I can do at this point is wait #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Anthony, pack your bags my friend. Someone help Shannon 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: This was one of the hardest moments of my life... this fuckin sucked #ExOnTheBeach
@carisajoannee_: My fav is leaving 😭😭😭 @TheRealAnthonyM
@ariana_nova: Aww @TheRealAnthonyM and @shannnonmaee #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: This is heartbreaking#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: The fun doesn't end here. ☝️ We're back with an even more spicer episode next Thursday at 9 on @MTV
@carisajoannee_: @shannnonmaee crying when Anthony left was the worst I was crying 😭😭
@TheRealAnthonyM: AND they didn’t show my hour mental breakdown in my confessional for Shannon #ExOnTheBeach
@shannnonmaee: It’s okay @TheRealAnthonyM we know what really happened ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: Me thinking about next weeks episode like... #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Thanks for live tweeting with me tonight! Sad to see @TheRealAnthonyM go, how will @shannnonmaee cope? #ExOnTheBeach
- @shannnonmaee: @PurveyorsofPop With a bottle of tequila, BYE
@PurveyorsofPop: Aubrey when Shannon tries to stay outside with Anthony after he gets cut #ExOnTheBeach @AubreyODay @shannnonmaee
@TheRealAnthonyM: I’ll be waiting at home... or I might be back.. we’ll see 🤷🏻♂️😈 #ExOnTheBeach
@oh_heyitsemilyy: I don’t get why tf they pick Marie to stay who has NO chance w Devin bc clearly she is a 6 to him & they get rid of @TheRealAnthonyM who had a romantic relationship w @shannnonmaee ??? Like toxic or not they at least had something they were working towards #exonthebeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I should’ve done what me and geles talked about and given her a chance. Maybe I would’ve stayed in the house 🤷🏻♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@nourfraij_: @Marie_TBD CALL THOSE BITCHES OUT PLEASE #exonthebeach
@nourfraij_: and that’s why i fuck with marie!!!!!! #exonthebeach
@shannnonmaee: My girl ❤️ @AubreyODay #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealAnthonyM: I got more airtime than all the ones calling me “boring” 💀😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: Am I scared to jump into this... #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: Soo the EOTB producers stole my idea of superlatives but never showed the ones I did last season. Except I asked every castmate (that was in the house at the time) to vote! I know I’m a season late but I still have the results? Any care to hear them? #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo SPILL THE TEA SIS
@00Hitsdiidii: I love Thursdays
@caraacooper: Me watching all this shit go down on twitter tonight😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@A_Bartolotte: Another Episode in the books! Stay tuned #ExOnTheBeach
@regphalange_: Anyway...caught up with @ExOnTheBeach ...I don't even know where to start!! One thing is for sure tho...... @Kenyaa_NOT should be the president of USA...croatia...europe...africa...the universe
@LemGonsalves: ICYMI: @ExOnTheBeach aftershow on @afterbuzztv was 🔥🔥🔥. Shout out to @Kenyaa_NOT for coming through and setting the studio on fire! You can check out the aftershow on the link below: https://youtu.be/KRF-2UmZwVk
@ExOnTheBeach: Friday Mood: Dad moves with @MTVDevinWalker 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: The arrival of a new ex isn't nearly as bad as a surprise visit from mom or is it? 👀 Re-watch the latest episode of #ExOnTheBeach NOW https://t.co/JmvvWQIXew?amp=1
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Quite a week for the Twins, and for Anthony M. in him being voted off and his ex Shannon consoling him. But believe it or not, this blogger has been so busy with putting together the preview of War of the Worlds 2 that was posted here earlier today and other DCBLOG matters that I have not watched this episode... I will though on DCNOW after tomorrow's VMA's.
A note here: you might have noticed something different in terms of the running order - British slang for rundown in TV news jargon. This week's Are You The One? episode had just about everything - except that it ended in a cliffhanger during the week's matchup. As is tradition, we will be carrying our Pulse diary for this week's episode into our coverage of the following episode... but that won't be until Labor Day night next week..
In lieu of that, we plan to spotlight one of the key figures of this season as we'll be focusing on Max appearing on a made-for-the-web version of the show that made reality television mainstream... that's coming up in the week ahead along with the season 34 edition of "Who Are These Newbies?" on the new Challenge season's all-British rookie class, among other things.
But before bedtime, ahead we'll head to Vegas to meet a pair that, had the American version of this show debuted earlier, would've been considered for the "relationsXXX" madness. Stay with us...
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