Saturday, August 17, 2019

DC SociaPulse: Are You The One? Season 8 - "Games Players Play"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Well hey there, it is the weekend - and for many of you, the last one before a new year in college and school begins. We here are headed towards the end of our summer in the MTV Reality calendar, but the good news is we're only a couple weeks away from the start of fall in the fifth major pro sport. Before that, we have the Pulse to bring you here of Are You The One? Come One, Come All.

When we were last with our sexually-fluid group in the Hawaiian islands, they recovered from the first blackout in a matchup ceremony since Season 5 two years ago (and thus, the first one of Terrence J.'s hosting tenure) with not just the first upward movement in the beams but also a first Truth Booth match. And as the house tries to build on that momentum, two annual traditions of any AYTO season took place: the getaway challenge seeing those know the singles better than we do of family, friends and exes popping in via skype to spill some dirty secrets. We also had Kai's latest trip to the Boom Boom Room cause more riff, as well as the other tradition: a party.

That party is the time where the house gets down and dirty under the night sky, and there's more of that on this week's quest for love. And THAT guy and his player ways is once again causing everyone to pick up the pieces and do what they can to tell him that what he's doing to them may not get them to the $750,000 - for which they face their seventh matchup this week. For another guy here, he tries to put his player ways behind him to make the hashtag #Rage the one that perhaps will bring them to eight beams.

We'll find out that and much more after the jump on the Pulse of AYTO Season 8, plus meet the show's biggest new fan. Thanks for spending part of your Saturday night with us...

@AREUTHE1: We don't know if Paige and Remy are a Perfect Match, but we do know this date is cute AF 😍 Watch a new episode of #AYTO THIS MONDAY at 11/10c to see if their connection is something more... 👀
@BobbyBrandoXL: @aashawells_ #AYTO The President and First Lady 👑 👑
- @amba1210: @BobbyBrandoXL Hi mom & dad 💘
@AREUTHE1: Just when you thought the drama had passed, more sh*ts about to pop off 🍿 Don't miss it, TONIGHT at 11/10c on a new episode of #AYTO 👀
- @_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 SKLSKSKSKSKK OMFG my butt looks good wow
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 This is the thing I saw this morning when I woke up I don’t know how to respond
- @JustinaveryPalm: @AREUTHE1 Omfffkjjjgsgbsb “hit dat hoe!” this episode is gonna be 🔥🔥🔥
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 Turns out it was a trick question: Nour and I don’t fight each other we stick together. JERSEYYY
- @nourfraij_: @AREUTHE1 okay i have a few things to say: 1st listen to what i’m saying to JASMINE.. (i’m not trying to fight you)  2nd NOW YALL SEE JUST A LITTLE FUCKING GLIMPSE OF SHIT PAIGE WOULD DO TO ME.  3rd you wanna go preaching bullying is bad, well look who the hypocrite is now.
- @DannyPrikaz: @AREUTHE1 Lol! @_PaigeCole “I’m just dancing.” You said, “Hit that hoe!”
- @amba1210: @AREUTHE1 Now this is what we want to see🍿 You already know I always got front row view 😏
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @AREUTHE1 Here we gooooo!!! Let’s all meditate RN HOLD MY HANDS RN AND COUNT TO MF 10!!! #AYTO
- @JassJaquay: @AREUTHE1 Can we just admire my baby @KylieMarie808 being by my side 🥰❤️ lmaooo imma fill y’all in on alll the tea on live tomorrow tho fr this time! so tune in tonight @AREUTHE1 11/10c so you’ll know what’s going on #AYTO
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @AREUTHE1 Paige is really that bitch lmfao
- @mariae296: @AREUTHE1 Paige’s gestures during that brief confrontation is a whole mood lmfao Iconic wow
@nourfraij_: lastly, i love @QueerGirlzSlay and @KariselleSnow for being the ones there for me through this hot mess!! y’all are the realest ones for that. love you both so much 💗
@dramaxic: #Jax is going live today at 7:30(est)!!! We will you know more details throughout the day.. make sure you follow us both on insta !!!
@_PaigeCole: I already see people saying “oh her accent changed” like 1st of all... Yes it did lol I’m drunk boots,!slurring and feeling feisty- my Texan accent JUMPS out when all of those things are a factor 💀💀💀
@_PaigeCole: Of course Nour couldn’t wait until the episode actually aired to start w the shenanigans, but....
- @Remdelarem: @nourfraij_ LMAOOOO HERE WE GOOOO
@Remdelarem: Brb making “Hit That Ho” t shirts before @_PaigeCole does
- @_PaigeCole: @Remdelarem AHAJSKJSKAKSKS
@Remdelarem: Me telling @JassJaquay “You know what? Just get her, fuck it” 😂😂😂😂
@Remdelarem: I love @DannyPrikaz btw y’all lol that will never change! I love my big dick nerd king even when he’s wrong and wears Lil House On The Prairie skirts 😍🤩
- @DannyPrikaz: @Remdelarem King I hope everyone knows that I stan #raige
@dramaxic: Justin looks like Blastoise. Like if you agree #ayto
@Remdelarem: Guess what guys??? Your favorite rock and Ostrich are gunna go LIVE tonight TOGETHER for the first time!!! Yes that’s right #RAIGE is gunna be on Instagram live together so stay tuned 😌 cc @_PaigeCole
@KariselleSnow: I stan Paige & I stan Nour- even if you only agree with one side you don’t have to hate the other!  💜
@QueerGirlzSlay: Yes, @nourfraij_ has some messy tendencies. And falling for @kai__wes has a tends to quake those emotions to a new level. But Nour is the kind of person that drops everything to comfort someone so you better bet I’ll be holding her hands when she needs me. Love you ❤️ #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: Season 8 birthed icons & that’s just the facts
@QueerGirlzSlay: I stan #Raige and I stan #Jax. I STAN LOVE Y’ALL - now where’s my knight in shining armor??? #AYTO #tonight
@JassJaquay: @kai__wes in the background #AYTO 🤣
@amba1210: Okay so the real question is who’s live are we tuning into tonight’s! Nours? Paige? Jasmine? Jax?
- @_PaigeCole: @amba1210 Remy and I are going live , but earlier as to not interrupt the JAX live🤪
@QueerGirlzSlay: Not trynna take sides in this fight - but buttons have been pushed and I think @_PaigeCole was ready to clap BACK. Her confessional had me 💀💀💀 she said THAT
@JassJaquay: Can we just admire my baby @KylieMarie808 being by my side 🥰❤️ lmaooo imma fill y’all in on alll the tea on live tomorrow tho fr this time! so tune in tonight @AREUTHE1 11/10c so you’ll know what’s going on #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @JassJaquay I will ALWAYS have your back! Tune in tonight for some juicy sheeeeeeeiiiiittt Are You The One On MTV 🥳 make sure you got your snacks and some 🥃 close by you will need it.👅🤣 @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Waiting for the new episode of #AYTO like... 😩Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 11/10c to watch! 👀
@dramaxic: Omg look at me in the middle of the club alone !!! There’s a new episode of #ayto tonight on @Mtv @ 11/10c. Not pictured for some reason: @JustinaveryPalm
@KariselleSnow: When all those shots finally hit 😂 NEW EPISODE TONIGHT #AYTO
@kai__wes: If you aren’t as excited for tonight’s episode as I clearly am being picked up by @JustinaveryPalm with @dramaxic as hype man paparazzi then are you even a real @AREUTHE1 fan? 🤔 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: It's this Queen's birthday! 👑 Celebrate @aashawells_ by watching an all new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c on @MTV 🎂
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Happy bday @aashawells_  !!! My 🦁 queen !!
@_PaigeCole: Can I just say.... ITS MY QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE CUTEST, BADDEST BETCH AND MY FIRST PM!!! I love you @aashawells_ 🥺😍🥳
@AREUTHE1: Don't miss an all new -m̶e̶s̶s̶y̶- episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c on @MTV 🍿
@AREUTHE1: Smile! An all new episode of #AYTO starts in ONE HOUR on @MTV 😄
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 👀
- @amba1210: @AREUTHE1 Which jersey are you ?
@dramaxic: Wow that #Raige was lit !!! We Stan !!! #jaxforever #Raigeforever
- @_PaigeCole: @dramaxic UGHHH WE LOVE JAX
@KariselleSnow: Happy
@MTV: Just when you thought the drama was over...👀🔥 Things are getting HEATED on tonight's new episode of #AYTO at 11/10c!
@KariselleSnow: When it’s past your bed time but you’re on TV in 20min
@Remdelarem: ALMOST #AYTO TIME
@BobbyBrandoXL: @_PaigeCole @Remdelarem Y’all get on my damn nerves Paige I miss hitten the “Woah” with you every time we made I contact And Remy, I miss..... The CLOSET 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@amba1210: Okay everyone get your Doritos because @AREUTHE1 is starting in 10 mins !
- @dramaxic: @amba1210 @AREUTHE1 No you have sour cream and cheddar ruffles you ain’t foolin nooooo body !!
- @amba1210: @dramaxic @AREUTHE1 Lmaoooo okay so I’m on a diet. So what 🤷🏼‍♀️
@QueerGirlzSlay: I’m beyond excited for you all to see this episode.

 AS THEY SAW IT: "Games Players Play" 
@AREUTHE1: Fill up your cup, take a seat, and turn on @MTV to watch a brand new episode of #AYTO, starting RIGHT NOW 🥂 (GIF of Kai pouring drink)
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Or pour it all over the dance floor !!! Let’s get it !!! #AYTO
@MTV: A new episode of #AYTO starts right NOW! It's about to go down. 👀
@AREUTHE1: Nour, to be fair... 😅 #AYTO (GIF: Jasmine - "Kai's been in the Boom Boom Room with everyone")
@AREUTHE1: When they say they have bad credit, are emotionally unavailable, and are over 6'1" 😍 #AYTO (GIF: Remy - "Break my heart")
@KylieMarie808: Who is tuned in!?👅
@AREUTHE1: The flashback footage doesn't lie, Kai! 📼 #AYTO (GIF of Nour confronting him)
@JassJaquay: Here goes nothingggggggg #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: When you realize you might be Kai's match 😩 #AYTO  (GIF of Danny shrugging his head)
@dramaxic: I think I would have gone to Kai in that situation if I was Nour. Not Bc it was the right thing to do but because I would never approach the Queen @JassJaquay like that 😨#ayto
@JassJaquay: Okayyyyyyyyy and just not at me sis #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Does anyone know where @JassJaquay is from?
- @JassJaquay: @DannyPrikaz MISSISSIPPI !! #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: Me and @dramaxic I’m this cat and dog chase #AYTO
@aashawells_: Yo lmao #AYTO
@dramaxic: Danny should/will literally have thousands of people chasing after him. Myself included #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO I think I just did the macarena while I was trying to calm @nourfraij_ down.
@KylieMarie808: Not the Princess ASS.🤣😘 @nourfraij_
@amba1210: What was Danny doing with his hands ?
@_PaigeCole: Me every time Remy tries to get close :/ #AYTO
@dramaxic: Paige Targaryen: Texas Born; Third of her Kind; Breaker of Hearts; Queen of Ostriches; Owner of Rocks #ayto @_PaigeCole
@AREUTHE1: This is a forever mood 👏 #AYTO (GIF: Nour to Kai - "You're nothing but a f___boy, bitch")
@JustinaveryPalm: When everyone is walking around in their panties 😰 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Ok not a completely wrong assessment... but I’ll try to not be too possessive or clingy tonight.. #ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: When that flashback comes in #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: Nour: “yOu sAiD tHaT iM. yOur. nUmbEr. 1.”  Kai: “i NeVeR sAiD tHaT”   #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: Danny trying to calm Nour down #AYTO
@aashawells_: I think there’s a reason me & @BobbyBrandoXL weren’t invited to the function 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #AYTO
@dramaxic: Lol no they got him on a flashback !!! See, ya did say that @kai__wes #ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: 👀😏 okay #Ayto  (GIF: him to Max - "You're not f______ anyone else but me tonight")
@JassJaquay: Baby we been at that 🤷🏽‍♀️ #AYTO
@amba1210: Jenna looks so good 😍
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @amba1210 👅👅👅 ARIEL WHERE U AT
@QueerGirlzSlay: SPEAKING FACTS WITH @DannyPrikaz
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Hello, my name is Danny. I'll be your @kai__wes translator tonight.
@dramaxic: Need a gif of Kai saying “spec-ific-ally” #hookedonphonics #ayto
@JassJaquay: @kai__wes and @nourfraij_ are both so drunk rn #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: I SAID WHAT I SAID🗣🗣🗣 #AYTO (GIF: "Jasmine, hit that tho!")
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Perfect match? @QueerGirlzSlay @kai__wes
- @kai__wes: @DannyPrikaz 🤷🏼‍♂️ @QueerGirlzSlay
 might be on to something. #AYTO
@dramaxic: “Hit that ho” - @_PaigeCole Trademark. Now. I want T shirts, key chains everything #ayto
@QueerGirlzSlay: I’ll enjoy the party w u @amba1210 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@AREUTHE1: Nour:  *Is winding down*   Paige:  (GIF)
@aashawells_: Omg hey Derrick #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me trying to stop myself from making bad decisions 😂 #AYTO (GIF of Jasmine being sent off)
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 I love how I’m still breaking up the fight even when they walk away 😂
- @BobbyBrandoXL: @AREUTHE1 @KariselleSnow , babe! Who were you holding back? The poltergeist? #AYTO
@aashawells_: I woulda been in that hoe throwing shit and twerking 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Hey @_PaigeCole Do you happen to know "what's good?"
@aashawells_: "@sofiaballestin: imagine fighting your match like that #ayto" RT LMAOOO
@JassJaquay: 🙃 ouuuuhh don’t ask me what’s good  cause ain’t hear nothing else after that  #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Honestly tho- we all need a best friend like Kari #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Watching this house descend into chaos...
@QueerGirlzSlay: @Remdelarem FALLING FOR EVIL @_PaigeCole #AYTO
@dramaxic: Lots of Bitches, assses and bleeps tonight !!! I love PG-13 !!! #ayto
@aashawells_: @Remdelarem a whole mood I’m dead #AYTO
@aashawells_: LMAO “OSTRICH OUT” IM FUCKIN DEAD @_PaigeCole #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: #AYTO (GIF: "Ostrich out, bitch")
@_PaigeCole: Nour really tried coming for my bff in the house @JassJaquay and thought I wouldn’t step in?!?  #AYTO
- @JassJaquay: Okay @_PaigeCole was one of my bffs in house so at that moment it was strictly protect Paige #AYTO , imma give my reaction on live tomorrow 🙃
@Remdelarem: Wait the episode is so good I’m forgetting to live tweet LMAO #AYTO
- @aashawells_: @Remdelarem COME ON KING WYA
@_PaigeCole: Ok anyways my ass looks so good like this fighting is cute but my ass is cuter #AYTO
- @KariselleSnow: @_PaigeCole That’s all that matters boo! It’s all about the ass
@JustinaveryPalm: When @amba1210 calls you a snack merman 🥰🥰🥰 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: RT if you want Amber and Justin to stop dancing but are also kinda turned on by it!!! 😅 #AYTO  (GIF)
@_PaigeCole: @dramaxic when I said I love #JAX this is what I meant!!! *also someone come get remy * #AYTO
- @dramaxic: @_PaigeCole Sry Rembrandt I forgot about this #ayto kinda 😜
@amba1210: Dancing with the stars ?
@Remdelarem: Hey Miss Magic @_PaigeCole 🤪✨  (GIF: "I think you're f___ing magic")
@AREUTHE1: Oh, you poor baby 😩 #AYTO  (GIF: Max - "Where the hell's my boyfriend at?")
@dramaxic: Live your best a reasonable amount I guess #ayto
@BobbyBrandoXL: Boyfriend? When this happen? #AYTO
- @aashawells_: @BobbyBrandoXL Ahahahahahahhahahwhwhahhwhah
@JustinaveryPalm: Is @amba1210 a good dancer or is @amba1210 a good dancer? #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: A recipe for trouble? Does this look like trouble? ☺️@TheBasitShow  #AYTO
@aashawells_: @JassJaquay petty asf real asf and dgafffffff my MFFFFFF SISS #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: Okay maybe it is a recipe for trouble 🤷🏽‍♂️ #AYTO  (GIF: "This is trouble right here")
@LivOD: Wow @KariselleSnow and @QueerGirlzSlay seem like they’d be really good people to have in your corner. #ayto
@dreamingoutlxud: But @KariselleSnow and @QueerGirlzSlay are absolute angels 😇 #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Me drunk trying to get Paige’s attention at this damn Under The Sea Party #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: @kai__wes I don’t understand why there are dinosaurs under the sea ?!? @AREUTHE1
@QueerGirlzSlay: I’ll always be the girl that calms people down!!! Screaming ain’t no way to communicate! #woke #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: "@Mackenziekinss: Jenna: I think Kai is your match   Danny:" RT I wasn't very subtle, was I?
@amba1210: Tokyo is protecting me right now ...
@dramaxic: Damn watching yourself follow someone around like a lost puppy isn’t cute... high key embarrassed #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Justin said SKRRT and THAT'S growth 😂 #AYTO
@dramaxic: O no... I think Lil Maxy is in..... love #ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: I banish temptation in the name of the lord! 😇 Sorry @amba1210  #AYTO
@dramaxic: Amber I love you but damn he got me #ayto
@AREUTHE1: When you're passed out at the party and you hear someone yell "shots!" 👂 #AYTO  (GIF of Kai waking up in middle of dance floor)
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Lol, Kair is having a full conversation with himself while Nour has a full conversation with herself.
@_PaigeCole: Watching Kai TRY manipulate Jenna back in like.. #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: Finally @QueerGirlzSlay!!! Yes!!! #AYTO
@JassJaquay: We're sleep @kai__wes !#ATYO
@_PaigeCole: Danny brought Kai food like the king he is and Kai didn’t give 2 shits IM- #AYTO
@dramaxic: If he puts my feelings over his “desires” I think that’s good right? Or is that pity? Or is that “toxic” on my end? Idk #ayto  (GIF: "I care about his feelings more than I care about my desires")
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @kai__wes! The mac and cheese I'm trying to give you will feed your soul better than this bull shit with @QueerGirlzSlay
- @kai__wes: @DannyPrikaz Love you Danny boy but I clearly should have had that food hours before I got that sloppy 🙅🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
@AREUTHE1: Yaaaay??? 😰 #AYTO (GIF: Kai to Jenna - "I'm madly in love with you")
@dramaxic: JENNA YESSSSS KAI NOOO  #trippin literally #ayto
@KariselleSnow: JENNNNAAAAA!!!!!! Omg yesss Jenna! Wowowowow #ayto
@BobbyBrandoXL: I luh lu luhhh love you..... #AYTO @kai__wes  i see you casting spells pimp
@dramaxic: Nour vs Balloon, Nour vs Jasmine, Nour vs Door, Nour vs Kai, Nour vs Angles, but she actually hits those nicely though !!! #Ayto @nourfraij_
@JassJaquay: Proud of @QueerGirlzSlay for walking away ! #hotgirlsummer #ayto
@hey_melly: “Bc I need to put *me* first.” @QueerGirlzSlay whew I felt that LOL. I’m SOOO proud, such growth. I live. #AYTO
@demiilawrencee: JENNA MY QUEEN YOU 👏🏻 OWN 👏🏻 ME!! LOVE URSELF @QueerGirlzSlay #AYTO
@nowimyourdaisie: Are we crying cause we stan Jenna so much? Maybe. #ayto @QueerGirlzSlay
@AREUTHE1: Kai the type of dude that's gonna have arm tats after this show that look like this: -J̶e̶n̶n̶a̶- -N̶o̶u̶r̶- Jasmine  (GIF: him to her - "You're probably my match")
@_PaigeCole: *me swallowing my pride realizing I might have been wrong for curving remy* #AYTO
@Remdelarem: Oh JASMINE!!! You’re NO ONES SIDE CHICK!!!!! #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: @JassJaquay is not okay with being the side chick. Knowing Jas personally she was just over it and having fun at this point...Babe, I see you taking my tactics and playing by default 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
- @JassJaquay: @BobbyBrandoXL Let them know #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Jasmine: Hi, everyone. I'm Jasmine, I'm 23, I'm from Mississippi, and I like to beat bitches up.  Dr. Frankie:  (GIF of her reacting)
- @JassJaquay: @AREUTHE1 I'm 21! 😇
@JassJaquay: Lol y'all I really didn't gaf and by yall I mean JUSTIN #AYTO
- @JassJaquay: I love @JustinaveryPalm tho 🙃 (he’s going to take me raving) just let me enjoy my last few weeks in Hawaii like you did at that under the sea party 😉#AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Dr. Frankie saw the drama from last night, and she's just like "I'm gonna back away slowly..."
@aashawells_: “I beat bitches up “ -jasmine #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Dr. Frankie be like YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT 😂 #AYTO (GIF: "Good luck at the matchup ceremony)
@_PaigeCole: “I beat bitches up” #AYTO
@Remdelarem: “I have a PERSONAL problem... I beat bitches up!” - @JassJaquay aka my hero the icon the legend my QUEEN I love you so much LMAO #AYTO
@dramaxic: Thank you @drfrankiebashan promoting positive change in the house !!! And no violence also yay !!! #WeStan #ayto
@AREUTHE1: RAIGE CUTE AF 😍 #AYTO  (GIF: Paige - "Remy might be my match")
@nyazobrien: Jenna has a nice post Kai glow 😌 #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Damn Kai be out here with all these “number 1s” and I’ve only been his number 2... EXCUSE ME
@fortheblerds: Jenna is the MVP of this episode. Period no tampon! #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO TIME TO #RAIGE
@_PaigeCole: We love a chunky monkey moment!! #AYTO
- @KylieMarie808: @_PaigeCole 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@AREUTHE1: *Watches Food Network once* 😂 #AYTO  (GIF: Paige - "Banana")
@amba1210: Team Raige💘
@dramaxic: Baby Junior Fetus Crush ..... I don’t like it .... but #Raige I LOVE IT !!! #ayto  (GIF: "Well yes, but actually no")
@dramaxic: Yessssss Remy speak emoji to me #ayto
@QueerGirlzSlay: QUEEN BASIT 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: JAX are the judgey couple goals that I aspire to be 😂 #AYTO  (GIF of them)
@BobbyBrandoXL: @TheBasitShow Damn sis, you woke up ready that morning huh? #Ayto  (GIF: "WHEW!")
@DannyPrikaz: "@yeejauregui: These slo-mos of Danny’s unathleticism 💀 #AYTO" RT That took so many takes! 😂
@aashawells_: I just really love @TheBasitShow that’s my big sibling #AYTO
@aashawells_: @TheBasitShow looks like my auntie rn in the kitchen I just love #AYTO
@gobeheroes: jenna when kai was telling her that he’s madly in love with her #ayto
@dramaxic: #jaxjudgement what’s the verdict ?? #ayto
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO Does anyone else like the song, "Bad Guy" by Billie Eillish? I'm watching these commercials, and they're reminding me that that's like a good song.
@CallMeByAaron: Jenna is that fucking bitch! We have no choice but to stan! #AYTO
@posiewarrior: the lack of kylie and kari makes me upset #ayto
@ashtonandnarry: THE POWER THAT JENNA HELD WHEN SHE SAID “i don’t need that validation anymore” “i can’t do this anymore , this isn’t healthy for me” “i need to love myself first”  #AYTO
@PLLAS_99: I really wish we would see more of Kylie & Kari...🙄 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me yelling at my TV with all this effort Jonathan is putting in 👏😍 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit with Jonathan - "I love it")
@dramaxic: This meant to be our assessment of Kai!!
@dramaxic: Someone should take me to a spa..... *cough cough sneeze wheeze cough*  @JustinaveryPalm  #ayto
@AREUTHE1: True Life: Me on the first date 😩 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit to Jon - "I can't wait for you to know all of my life and for me to know all of my life")
@aashawells_: @kai__wes u r not a fuck boy u just tryna find ur match ok #AYTO
- @kai__wes: @aashawells_ I love you Aasha 💙
@BobbyBrandoXL: @jonathankmonroe #AYTO
@dramaxic: I’m telling you massages in that house hit differently 😎 #lats #ayto
@KariselleSnow: if Jonathan can make that great of a comeback then so can my GPA #ayto
@amba1210: Hey there✌🏼
@QueerGirlzSlay: *unbothered* #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: @QueerGirlzSlay looking at @kai__wes   Like “It’s your turn to feel the pain 😈”
@KylieMarie808: @kai__wes We LOVE YOU.♥️
@dramaxic: We just want you to be great Kai !!! Till you gotta be great 😬😅#trutthhurts #ayto
@dramaxic: Honestly though, I believe in @kai__wes and he can, will be and is great !!! Hopefully 😇 #ayto
@aashawells_: "@mariathebrat_: Damn can y’all show us a glimpse of @aashawells_ in the honeymoon suite like it’s her bday cmon" RT LMAOO RIGHT @AREUTHE1
@_PaigeCole: Justin our merciful king #AYTO
@itsdiamondthoo: Why don’t they ever show @KylieMarie808’s beautiful face?!?! #AYTO
@DannyPrikaz: #AYTO @kai__wes Like to a certain degree, I gotta think about how lucky Kai is. I mean, look at all of the people who love him in this house, trying to help him get past the worst parts of himself. Like how many people get that kind of opportunity?
@AREUTHE1: It's coming from a place of love in the pursuit of self-improvement ❤️ #AYTO  (GIF: Justin to Kai - "We all love you and we support you")
@_PaigeCole: Me trying to escape the #AYTO house  (GIF of Ostrach escaping)
- @KariselleSnow: @_PaigeCole PAIGE!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- @dramaxic: @_PaigeCole Oh my god 💀
@AREUTHE1: Hmmm, Kari and Remy? 🤔 #AYTO  (GIF of them at matchup)
@_PaigeCole: Brandon and Aasha are so HOT #AYTO
@dramaxic: Oooo yikes looks like Kari is as thirsty for Remy’s love as I am for Justin’s 🤢 #Raige #jax #kari #ayto
@_PaigeCole: Remy the only one who wants this blessing 👀🤪 #AYTO
@JassJaquay: Tuh baddieee #AYTO
@dramaxic: he picked me ~again~ 🥰😊#ayto
@amba1210: 99.9% Betch !
@JassJaquay: Terrance if I have to tell y’all one more time IDGAF 🙃 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Terrence to Jasmine: Kai is hooking up with you but telling Jenna he loves her, and you're cool with that?  Jasmine week 1:  (GIF of her quote)
- @JassJaquay: @AREUTHE1 & that is why I don’t care 😂 #AYTO  (GIF: "That's not love")
@KariselleSnow: Why follow your heart when you can follow strategy? #ayto
@dramaxic: Terrence is literally the ultimate tea extractor... I mean it’s impossible to lie to this man #ayto
@lemongeorgelime: this looks like a screencap from the sims #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Three beams? Again? 😱 #AYTO  (GIF: Brandon with Aasha - "That's it?")
@dramaxic: I just wanna be chrome !!!! #Ayto
@AREUTHE1: "We're finally going to find out if Max and Justin are a Perfect Match..."  NEXT WEEK on #AYTO 😱
- @Remdelarem: @AREUTHE1 Not me CRYING ugh wow  @_PaigeCole!! 😭😭
@dramaxic: @BobbyBrandoXL that’s a mood and a half..damn #ayto
@dramaxic: Ok well another episode down and #Jax lives to see another week !!! #ayto
@BobbyBrandoXL: #ayto Come on y’all I need my coins, 😪😪😪
@JassJaquay: Y’all week 1 I was there for love y’all see how I was glowing but by week 7 a bitch was tired and stressed and just wanted to have fun my last few weeks in Hawaii #AYTO but stay tuned for more tea on my live tomorrow! Drop times y’all want me to go live on IG 👇🏾
@QueerGirlzSlay: Hey let’s remember that we’re all human beings!!! No one deserves bullying online!! #Ayto
@KariselleSnow: I just wanna be loved by someone in this house already 🥺 #Ayto

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

"That's it?" is what we're saying after the house gets stuck at three beams and no movement in the matchup chart. And there's not much time left for the house to figure things out even though they have two less beams than what their predecessors needed to get to the magic number... it's just eight that they need, and there are three more tries left. But if history is an indication, time may be on their side to go from three to eight and $750,000.

And while we were watching all of this go down - or the next day for those who didn't stay up from watching Ryan Cabrera return to The Hills, one person became most interested in the nighttime gala and everything that went down in Hawaii: out and proud Bay Area singer Kehlani tweeted her love for AYTO below.

In further tweets, Kehlani added her love for #Rage, called Danny a "big cuddly giant," and admitted to having a crush on Kylie, and Jasmine too. She also proclaimed her Stan status for AYTO turned Ex On The Beach single Kenya, for which her show is next for us to cover here as, tomorrow we'll be delving into the latest action of this show's master puppet-master, plus a visit from the one who helped his cast recover from two blackouts.

Also coming up here, we plan to get our EOTB newbies post up in the coming days, then shift our attention to the new season of The Challenge, as War of the Worlds 2 will go down two nights after this year's Video Music Awards. And we have some other goodies planned then, for which at some point in the coming days, we will have our 1000th DCBLOG post - and we'll have some perspective on this incredible ride to come then. For now, have a great Saturday everyone...


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