Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Inside MTV Reality: The Challenge WRAP - Total Madness Episode 7

BY DC CUEVA                      

Hello again and we bring you back to DCBLOG, where we are seven weeks into The Challenge: Total Madness and things have gotten more juicy as we roll along with things at a brisk pace.

After what went down in previous weeks, last week saw a tension convention in nominations among the losers that now may have a Young Buck staring down a possible trip to the next men's purgatory. We also saw fireworks erupt among the latest threesome of ladies to possibly take over the next generation of challengers. And lost in all this, we had an elimination battle that saw proof that taking a gamble can be as complicated in this game and prove that even what has been going on back home doesn't factor in what really matters.

After the jump, a brief overview of what went down on Week 7 before what does down tonight in a double elimination taking place. See you soon.

EPISODE 7 ▪ "Should I Stay or Should I Go?"

A FIERY NOMINATION: Watching the procedure of players being voted to go into elimination is always, as a well-known sports Twitter user calls it, "a tension convention." But it's after Jordan, Nany & Jenna gain status as the tribunal after the previous week's win in the Fast & Furious mission that things get messy at the ensuing nominations, even with someone who is not up for the vote. Nelson has forged a reputation for being a jack of all trades: a good competitor with finals experience and who has frequently found himself in the heart of drama - including getting sent home on Dirty 30 for his fight with Derrick. At the last challenge he got into it with Aneesa which caused their undoing and here, he tries to put Kailah on blast for what happened with her & Bear. And no wonder why more people are selling off the stock they had for him this year...

 A FIGHT WITH NOODLES: We always seem to have some odd things take place whenever warring players get into it - remember when Cory got into it with Tony over food and got tossed out of Final Reckoning? Well, we have the latest instance of that taking place here when Nany tries to get close with Kaycee while being drunk on a night out. This then causes some drama with Aneesa being part of it which then leads to a fight back at the bunker with noodles being involved. See below...

JENNA'S DILEMMA: There is more drama involving the Holy Trilogy in Kailah & Bear flirting again, but it would seem like a minor item compared to what Jenna is dealing with. As this is taking place, her drama with Zach has made him more prevalent in a season he's not on than with some of those who's on this season but hasn't figured in the season just yet. And below is the latest episode of "As Jenna & Zach's World Turns" -- him giving her an ultimatum...

BRICKS ELIMINATION: It would feel a bit odd that drama involving the girls and one guy would overshadow the game aspect of this in a stretch that we haven't had since War of the Worlds I of the traditional running order being mixed up despite episodes being expanded by a half-hour. But believe it or not, there's still a process of having to choose elimination opponents. By the way, Tori volunteers herself in to go into the arena to try and gain a skull, and the tribunal still gets to choose three players - with one of them, Big T, once again pleading for why she can't get voted in.
   But for her, she doesn't have to worry: Jenna chooses to volunteer herself as well for a game where players are smashing bricks from a ramp up above to fill a wheelbarrow from holes there, and then be able to fill it all up to a line where the first one to reach that plateau advances on. Jordan has dominated eliminations like these where it was a sledgehammer that did it for him, but Tori loses valuable time by breaking everything down into small bits... and it's that time that leads Jenna to now make it 6-2 in elimination. Barbie Beast makes our world right once again for a moment - even though a lot of us thought that she would throw it... this proves she's in it for the long haul.

💣 💣 💣 💣 💣

And that will bring the Week 7 Challenge coverage to an end... but make sure to keep a tab on here as after tonight's episode airs out west, we'll head to Florida and a sport that a man who loves watching it got a mention of in the first significant sporting event held in this country since the crisis began - and it involves someone who competed on the Champs vs. Stars trilogy.
   Looking ahead, as we'll be celebrating Memorial Day in a different manner than what we are used to the day after tomorrow, make sure to follow DC YouTube this long weekend ahead with another wave of #DCVegas videos with FIVE(!) new vlogs to come your way from my 2016 trip to Las Vegas. And as is now tradition, tomorrow I will be tweeting out what is coming up this weekend along with the Pulse of the episodes, and whichever ExtraTime stories will be featured... and it will be dependent upon the results of what goes down tonight.
   As we go for now, a thanks to those of you who have sent us good feedback on the latest slew of DCBLOG content, as we are marking seven years of this journey this month and inching closer to post #1200 on here. If you like what you see here, you're invited to send us your two cents by giving me a follow or leaving me comments at the map of my Social Network below... we appreciate your support. And as always, like, comment, share and subscribe, and enjoy tonight, Challenge Nation...


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