Wednesday, May 18, 2022

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach 5 - It's Prom Night!

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Hello there folks, we are into that time of year when many of your favorite television shows are into their season finales... but for a season that began back last month, MTV's Ex On The Beach is halfway through its fifth season on American screens, and we roll along in the Canary Islands with just as much juicy drama to heat up this early summer.

Whenever anyone goes onto this show as either a single to start things out or as an ex, there is something a bit triggering whenever you see a piece of paper inside of an empty tequila bottle. Well last time out, the Message in a Bottle appeared not one, but three times in the space of week 6 in the villa: its purpose: settling the love triangle with Kyra, David and his ex Dani... and it was when the two love show alums went on a date that saw the 2000's quiz show alum take a flight out of Europe. Plus, we welcomed our first Big Brother 21 alum to MTV in Kat, who has her eyes on her ex Ricky as his thing with his ex Derynn is about to be tested in paradise.

May not only means a transition from fall fare to reality shows taking over network TV in time for summer, it also means a special time of year for those in high school and junior high when it comes to dressing up. And as that sight of prom night returns for the first time in three years, as we come back to the villa that is on the mind for the housemates as they dress up for their own prom night -- but it's not exactly that kind they experienced when they were young back then, and it's what happens here that may cause the single & her husband to be dunzo. It comes just as the relationship with the Islander and Hotel guest gets its biggest test yet when the ex they feared shows up... it's also the case for a guy who loves boats but now has two exes with the same name.

After the break, you are cordially invited to Prom Night in the Canaries, as DCBLOG brings you the 'Pulse of Week 7 of Ex On The Beach 5. Thanks for joining us...

AS THEY SAW IT: "You Can't Get Divorced  
    Twice," and HBD Mama Day!                          
@DayDaVonne_: Another year ….I guess I’ll call this chapter : “ 21…. Again … the remix” 🙃
@DayDaVonne_: So .. I was actually born on a Tuesday at 5pm… so y’all know my mom didn’t tell me happy birthday until 10 minutes ago because “that’s my actual birthday” Like 🥴😩
@Derynn_Paige: Happy birthday to the queen herself @DayDaVonne_ 🎂 👑
@DayDaVonne_: "@SirThurman: The queen of  The Challenge, Big Brother,& now reigning queen of Ex on the beach, the icon herself, DAYVOOOOOOOOONE! Happy Bday to you!…" RT Thank you !!! ✨❤️❤️
@DayDaVonne_: "@tribeswapped: Happy birthday to THEE queen herself!! Wishing you all the best in everything you do❤️ @DayDaVonne_" RT My beautiful girl !!! Thank you !! ✨✨
@DayDaVonne_: "@justydustyy: anywho before i step in this work place, screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY RTV MOTHER 😁❤️!! thank you for the years of entertainment and memories you shared with us! 🤞🏽 enjoy your day ma 🫶🏽 " RT This night was one for the BOOKS we were all sleep deprived 😩 the SlayVonne Nation sleepover was a MESS 😂😂 but I love you Justin !!!! ✨✨ thank you !!
@DayDaVonne_: I’m trying to respond to everyone’s birthday tweet this year … wish me luck 😩
@DayDaVonne_: "@davonnedayton: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @DayDaVonne_ ♥️ I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing day queen 💓💓" RT My baby !!!! Thank you Chynah !!! Love you ✨❤️
@FamousBirthdays: @daydavonne_ Wishing you a special day! Happy Birthday!
- @DayDaVonne_: @FamousBirthdays Thank you ✨
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all saying it’s my 21st birthday … I love y’all so much 😩
@Ariscestocrat: Happy Birthday to my sister i never knew I’d find 🖤 I love you FOREVER @DayDaVonne_ 💫🎂🎈

@ExOnTheBeach: Bryce is ALL GAS NO BRAKES! 🔥 Nicole on the other hand is a COMMUNICATION QUEEN 👸 who knows things can go from HOT 🥵 to COLD 🥶 real quick... Take it EASY you two!   #ExOnTheBeach
@coreybrooks34: I’ve come a long way 💍❤️ #LetsGo
@itskathryndunn: the way CBS did me dirty AGAIN 💀💀💀 ⁦ @CBS11BillJones ⁩ ⁦ @CBS11
@MikeMGTV: I have never been this busy in my life. And at the same time haven’t had as much time for people in my life. I find myself avoiding texts or turning my phone off because sometimes I’m just too overwhelmed with shit to deal with anything else
@MikeMGTV: I’m so excited to go home for 2 weeks, and get out of LA. I need to turn off and refresh. I might even make some family / vlog style videos for my main channel. Gunna be a person for a little bit 💜🤌🏼
@ExOnTheBeach: Kyra's EX, Emily is joining us on the beach 👀 What does this mean for Kyra and David's ✨CONNECTION?✨ Will it CONTINUE or will it E❌pire? 😳 Don't miss an ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV 📺
@ExOnTheBeach: Aww poor David, it's PROM NIGHT and he's sitting ALONE 😭 I can't imagine there being anything worse than watching your CRUSH be at PROM with their EX‼️ Do you think David will be crowned "MOST LIKELY TO GO HOME ALONE?" 👀 Don't miss a NEW #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV! 📺
@ExOnTheBeach: 🤩 IT’S PROM NIGHT! 🤩 Our outfits have been picked out for MONTHS and we’re about to have the time of our lives 😭 or so we thought… 👀 Don’t miss the PARTY OF A LIFETIME on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV 📺
@DayDaVonne_: Smh this is about to be an ugly episode …. The wig and the camera were both not on my side tonight … y’all enjoy.. I’ll be back next week when I’m cute again 🥴
- @DayDaVonne_: Y’all be easy 😩 #exonthebeach
@Ariscestocrat: It’s prom night @ExOnTheBeach at 8pm💞🪩💋W/ my actual prom date @DayDaVonne_ 👏🏽
@MikeMGTV: We’re going to prom tonight! I wonder what I’ll win 🫠
@DavidBarta: Ricky hold me I’m scared 🥲 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: HERE are the 5 MUST-SEE 👀 moments from last weeks episode of #ExOnTheBeach, including a NEW arrival 🤩 blossoming ROMANCES 💕 and more... 😈 Don’t miss an ALL NEW Ex On The Beach, TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV.

@ExOnTheBeach: ARE YOU WEARING YOUR BEST FIT? 🤩 It's ✨PROM NIGHT✨ on the BEACH and we promise you are NOT ready for THE DRAMA! 👀 AN ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach STARTS RIGHT NOW on  @MTV!📺  (GIF of promgoers in slo-mo)
- @DavidBarta: @ExOnTheBeach Wearing my jealous RBF, yes
@MTV: Listen up, 'cause a new episode of #ExOnTheBeach starts right now on MTV!  (GIF of Nicole O)
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW EX ALERT⚠️ You may remember her from LOVE ISLAND...EMILY is here! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her arrival)
- @kiingjam: @ExOnTheBeach Damn I left too soon 🥵😂
@Ariscestocrat: Omg EMILY fine af out this water @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat I’m saving this, just incase I ever get YELLED AT for saying the same thing
- @Ariscestocrat: @MikeMGTV Try me. TRY ME
@CourtRevolution Courtney Revolution/The Circle: Things I need from this week’s #exonthebeach episode: more @MikeMGTV 🤷🏾‍♂️
@RickyRogers_: #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW EX ALERT⚠️ Bryce, is this a bad time?...Your EX, NICOLE has arrived! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her arrival)
@DayDaVonne_: Oh wait … my girls Emily and Nicole look tf GOOD !!! Alright that’s it ✌🏾 #exonthebeach
@RickyRogers_: That’s big tasty to you Emily 😎 #ExOnTheBeach
@therealnicolita: Nicole x2 #exonthebeach
@dj_broadway127: The Battle of the Nicoles is gonna be a moment as SOON as it happens #exonthebeach
@dj_broadway127: It’s gonna be sooooo amazing when I see @DavidBarta fight for his life against Emily over Kyra 😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
@MikeMGTV: Oh an opportunity for me to mess with David and Kyra now that Emily is here? Say less  #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Get yourself a hype team like @MikeMGTV and @itskathryndunn 😂#ExOnTheBeach (Video of them in confessional with David)
- @MikeMGTV: @ExOnTheBeach No DaveGina 👏🏻 only DaveBussy
@DavidBarta: bruh tbh was scared watching emily get mad on the beach
@RickyRogers_: I got ya back big fella @DavidBarta #exonthebeach
@RickyRogers_: Eli when he saw Emily 😂😂 #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: Rip MegaBed #8 for Dave
@DavidBarta: Me, getting a taste of my own medicine. Send prayers #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaoooo I was so mad at David for doing this 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @DavidBarta: @DayDaVonne_ I was mad at everyone for being mad at me 🫠
@ExOnTheBeach: Yeah, not a winning strategy... 😳 @DavidBarta @MikeMGTV #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Here's my girl... take her.")
- @DavidBarta: @ExOnTheBeach @MikeMGTV Note to self: don’t set up a date with your crush and her ex ✏️
- @DavidBarta: @MikeMGTV Yes Davegina 🫡
@RayGantt: "@Alana28191162: I swear Ray don’t be giving no fucks this man is just a menace #exonthebeach" RT You feel me😂🤷🏾‍♂️
@DavidBarta: Hey if anyone wants dating advice lmk
@DavidBarta: Let’s get #davegina trending
@ExOnTheBeach: 🫢🤭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Emily - "I'm so mean.")
@DavidBarta: Basic ? I guess the MLB and Wilhelmina models go for basic #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: QUEEN SAID: UHMM NO. 👩🏻‍🦰🤚🏻 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of Bryce and Nicole O's convo)
@DQ_the_Man: Me every episode of #ExOnTheBeach when @Derynn_Paige is on. ☺️❤️
@ExOnTheBeach: Oh so this is EXACTLY like high school prom... 👀😂 @DavidBarta @RayGantt #ExOnTheBeach (Video of him just sitting by himself)
- @DavidBarta: @ExOnTheBeach @RayGantt Fun fact: I went to prom with my ex girlfriend in high school 🙃 … she’s been happily married for 3 years now 😂
- @ExOnTheBeach: @DavidBarta @RayGantt you were ✨made for this✨
@DavidBarta: I asked Kyra to go to prom with me. She said no
@DayDaVonne_: Me trying to find my way home to grab one of my prom dresses because I can finally wear one w/o y’all talking shit #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Awww thank you @Derynn_Paige ✨❤️
@MikeMGTV: Yo they cut out my speech! I said I talk shit behind all your backs and to all your faces. It’s called shade straight people. There’s tea in it. BYE #exonthebeach
@MikeMGTV: "@dj_broadway127: @MikeMGTV Bish, you better be clocking EVERYONE’s bullshit! Reveal their truths king! #exonthebeach" RT I’m so mad they cut out my clap backs they were 🔥🔥🔥
@DavidBarta: CONGRATS RAY @RayGantt #exonthebeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Ray doesn’t think he’s the biggest player!?!? Sir do we have have to rewind to the beginning of the season!?!? 😩😩😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ✨a picture is worth a thousand words✨ #ExOnTheBeach (Pic of Elias and Ranin at prom)
@DQ_the_Man: @therealnicolita is too cute. 😍😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@RickyRogers_: If I said it once I’ll say it again #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: I wish they aired arisce singing “The Bayannng” when I came out with my bangs 😂😂😂😂😂
@DavidBarta: YO KYRA DIDNT EVEN DENY IT… #mostlikelytogetplayed #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: OOOOO BABY @DavidBarta STILL IN THIS! 👏👏👏 #ExOnTheBeach (Video of Emily's name being revealed with having "Best Abs")
- @DavidBarta: @ExOnTheBeach So ur saying there’s a chance !!!
@MikeMGTV: I also one most likely to go on and on and in and gave everyone a silent #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: Feel disrespected, feel embarrassed. ITS BIG TASTY OKURRR 💅🏽
@DayDaVonne_: Oh Ray they hate us 😂😂😂😂😂
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ The fact they didn’t show all the awards we won is crazy😂🤦🏾‍♂️
@DayDaVonne_: I also won the Ride or Die category 😒 #exonthebeach
- @dj_broadway127: @DayDaVonne_ WHY DID THEY CUT THIS 😭😭😭😭
- @DayDaVonne_: @dj_broadway127: I won 4 categories that night … now who did I piss off in production ?! 😂
@ExOnTheBeach: MORE EXES COMING...🤭 WE LOVE THIS GAME! I MEAN SHOW! 👀#ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them arriving on beach)
@DavidBarta: RAYS BIG DAY 👏 RAYS BIG DAY 👏 @RayGantt #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DavidBarta Out with the old in with the new?🤔😂
@_MindVibesLife: Ray bout that positive vibes only 💯 #exonthebeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Mr. Player Ray going to the beach again!! 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Lifewith_rich: The #exonthebeach producers after bringing in another one of @RayGantt  ex’s😂😂
@EmbarrassSpread: Omg, ANOTHER one of Ray’s exes!!!! 😩😩  #ExOnTheBeach
@EmbarrassSpread: @RayGantt And look whose ex shows up!! But you’re not a player sir! 😂😂 jkjk!
@Ariscestocrat: I’m so glad they didn’t catch me crying. I fucking love Ranin 😭#exonthebeach
- @Ariscestocrat: It’s called self awareness. And it was only two categories, there were like 15
@Ariscestocrat: "@EmbarrassSpread: Arisce is nominating herself for everything. 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Literally two things. Out of 15. Y’all. The edit
@Ariscestocrat: "@thom_ahs: Arisce and Mike are THE villa couple like they’re constantly getting check ins and focus and confessionals… we love a star messy good tv couple that’s never ignored #ExOnTheBeach" RT Oh goodness😹
@Ariscestocrat: Can we talk about the tactless virgins @vevmo ? A light google search will show u I’ve done whats impossible for most cis models, I’m black & trans, you will respect my groundbreaking career👏🏽 #skank #BowDown
- @DayDaVonne_: @Ariscestocrat 🗣 LET EM KNOW SIS !!! HONK THE HORN ON THEY ASS !!!
- @Ariscestocrat: @DayDaVonne_ We HAVE to! They don’t let black people have ANYTHING! We can prove ourselves the most qualified & they’ll say we cheated. FUCK THAT👏🏽
- @sourovr_: @Ariscestocrat @vevmo it's weird how they keep on saying you're boring but your confessionals was one of the things that makes the episode enjoyable for me every time lol. you better tell 'em arisce!!!! they're jealous 🤪
- @Ariscestocrat: @sourovr_ They’re whack AF. If you need screaming and drink throwing instead of well timed humor& high fashion…it’s giving MORON👏🏽
@Ariscestocrat: "@ThicciLake: Know this. If you come for legendary transgender, supermodel of the WORLD (yes, world. COVER of @voguemagazine Germany), reality TV star and iconic host @Ariscestocrat… you’re a racist transphobe. She’s busy being breakthrough while you’re busy being broke. Don’t do it. 💅🏽" RT No lies. No lies told here👏🏽🔥👊🏽
@ExOnTheBeach: Sorry David but Kyra's EX, Emily, has ARRIVED 🔥 and she's not looking to go home EMPTY HANDED !😬  With Emily having an already established CONNECTION with Kyra, we can't help but wonder if David can even compete... 🤔  Guess we'll have to wait and see!  #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: I guess Bryce has a type...NICOLES! 👀 My guy looks HAPPY to see his ex, how will this effect his relationship with OTHER Nicole? 😬 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Well... PROM SUCKED! 😭  (For Elias & Ranin) We have to say, these "AWARDS" are so ON POINT it's sending us 💯  Any of these you would have awarded to someone else? #ExOnTheBeach

❤️    💔    ❤️    💔 

Worst Prom Ever

And the Moment of the Night as we begin the second half of our stay in the EOTB hotel: prom night... and it causes Ranin and Elias to call things off -- along with the awarding of those "most likely to" yearbook awards. That and the other big moments below.

In the 11PM Pacific hour (as we speak to you this late May 18th), we meet up with the new Challenge power couple in KamRoy... and we leave you with some Instagram love for them -- we'll be back...

LAST CALL: KamRoy Engaged  
IG/@iamkamiam_: The easiest yes I’ve ever said 💍💙 One of our favorite quotes has always been to “Trust The Process.” Sometimes I really sit back & look at how God works. To start out on a dating show to find love which I didn’t at the time, but it lead me to the love of my life. To years of you competing and us finding love on that game 🥰. We both found something that we didn’t go looking for & that just came naturally. We aren’t perfect & I wouldn’t trade any of our ups & downs for anything. Kam & Lee back in 2017 wouldn’t of fathom where we are now, but honestly im not surprised, because like we always known deep down there was just always something there that always kept us coming back together. It was definitely God & the universe. You’ve changed me into a better woman & I can’t thank you enough for it. Love you always & I love spending forever with you already 🥰💙
- @aneesamtv: 🥹 I love it. So glad you found each other and have been building each other since. Watching your love and respect for one another in real time is inspiring. I’m so happy for both of you (well all 3 of you). May you continue to receive all of the blessings life has to offer. Love you both!!!
- @davonnedianne_: Awwwww yes!!!!!!!!!! This is beautiful ✨ congratulations to you both and cheers to love , family , and forever ❤️❤️
- @paulcalafiore_: Love you two together ❤️
- @thechallenge: My HEART. 🥺🥺🥺 Congratulations ❤️
- @derrickmtv: Congrats Mom & Dad! All the love! God Speed! @iamkamiam_ @royleethebarber 🤘💙🙏
- @devynsimone: Congratulations @iamkamiam_ & @royleethebarber !! Sending you and your beautiful little family so much love ❤️❤️❤️
- @unwosu: CRYINGGGGGGGG 😭😭😭 congrats to my favs! We love you!!!
- @amberborzotra: So happy for y’all…CONGRATS!!!! 🥰♥️
- @nikkisaintclaire: Congrats mi gyal!!! Whole dem wifey!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- @nehemiahlclark: I can’t express how happy I am for y’all. Thank you for letting me be a part of it
- @bayydayy: SCREAMING! Congratulations my love !!! You guys deserve it !!! This is going to be such a beautiful union !!! 🤍🤍🤍
- @esther_biade: Absolutely beautiful to see, Congratulations ❤️❤️
- @roguesnaps: P.s. @royleethebarber “welcome to the Stabin Cabin” still gets me 😂❤️
- @mr.moxam: Congrats you two!! ❤️❤️
- @jonnamannion: Congratulations you two 😍
- @casmartinezz: Congratulations to my favorite people!!!!😭❤️
- @themarklong: Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉
- @bradfiorenza: It’s been incredible watching this love grow since 2017. The bus rides on Vendettas seem like yesterday. Congratulations!💪❤️
- @natalienegrotti: ❤️❤️❤️
- @justinavalentine: Love you two❗️😍😍😍😍 Congratulations 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- @ashleycmeverett: YES YES YES!!! So happy for y’all!! CONGRATS!!! You both deserve this happiness! 🎉🍾🖤
- @theikawong: Congratulations babe ❤️
- @leesaunique: Awwww yay! Congratulations beautiful!! We are so happy for you guys♥️♥️♥️♥️
- @damnhomie11: ❤️🙌
- @bria_murphy: Congratulations to you both!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- @wendellholland: CONGRATS!!!!!
- @happilycharisma: Congrats!!!! So happy for you both! ❤️
- @mdollas11: Congratulations to you both 🙌🏾🍾🥳❤️❤️ wishing you blessings,love and happiness on this new chapter of your lives
- @danikaberry: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! My faves!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!! 😍😍


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