*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
We are a week out -- five days, in fact -- from the spiritual beginning of American summertime... but you can say that to a certain handful of reality stars who were chosen to go on a summer vacation two months early... only to handle the kind of hell that only comes with being part of MTV's Ex On The Beach. And we are past the halfway point of Season 5 in the Canary Islands.
Last week, my niece got to enjoy what's become a tradition this time of year for students everywhere from elementary to high school: the springtime dance as she awaits graduation from 8th grade. It was also the case for our villa-mates, as they all dressed up for EOTB's very own prom night... but instead of them dancing all night long, the Table of Truth gave them reason to cringe over their ex-partners, and it was enough for Ranin to take a hike the morning after. We also saw a big test come to David and Kyra when his ex came onshore, while Bryce had to endure watching his second ex named Nicole come into the house... but the one those who have Netflix know from watching Too Hot to Handle.
As we return to the Canaries, the complexity has shifted a bit after last week's departure... and that means plenty of open beds in the house. The one who has had to go through this ringer of seeing his exes a bit now enters unchartered waters of seeing the number of them go up to three, while his fellow Love Islander may stare down at the 'It's Complicated' Facebook status as she tries to reconnect with an ex. It's the same thing for another stable couple here, and one wrong choice of words could send our Las Vegas couple down the drain. And the one place in the house that's been the graveyard for many a couple here may prove that good things can happen: take what goes down in the Shack of Secrets.
After the break, DCBLOG brings you the 'Pulse of Week 8 of Ex On The Beach 5, along with a word from one of the parties involved in a key moment in this episode.
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Ready for More Baggage?"
@ExOnTheBeach: ME anytime my friends argue and I jump between sides to keep the fight going for my own enjoyment 😈 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Derynn and Ricky are RE-KINDLING their ROMANCE ❤️🩹🔥 But when RICKY makes a WRONG MOVE how can he keep their relationship from EX-ploding???💥 Don't miss an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach TOMORROW NIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV 📺
@ExOnTheBeach: Emily sets up a date for her and Kyra to see if MAYBE there's something still there between the two of them 💞 Will Emily and Kyra repair their love or is David going to walk away with the girl? 👀 FIND OUT TOMORROW NIGHT on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV\!
@ExOnTheBeach: It can't be ALL MEN think about can it? 👀 Ricky shows signs of his old self and Derynn is reminded why this relationship failed the first time. 😔 Is this a slip up or is Ricky the same old version of himself? 👎 Find out TONIGHT on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV!
@ExOnTheBeach: These are the 5 MUST-SEE 👀 moments from #ExOnTheBeach Episode 7, including a ✨PROM THEMED✨ Table Of Truth, another departure 👋, and SO MUCH MORE. Don’t miss an ALL NEW episode TONIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV!
@danicoco11: I ❤️ karma
@skorrpioo: started watching szn 5 of ex on the beach and all i gotta say is that i love @DayDaVonne_ and @RayGantt ‘s friendship. best relationship in the villa tbh
@minx_ly: One thing about me ; I will use my REAL page to talk shit. IDGAF 😂
@MikeMGTV: Tonight’s episode is quote the scandal actually @ExOnTheBeach @RuPaulsDragRace
@MikeMGTV: The way I hopped in that bed @DavidBarta #exonthebeach
- @DavidBarta: @MikeMGTV I guess this is the Davegina episode 😂
@DavidBarta: Guess it’s that kinda day today, at least Eli is impressed 🤗😂😂 tune in to #exonthebeach tonight!!
@ExOnTheBeach: ‼️ALL NEW EPISODE OF #EXONTHEBEACH IN ONE HOUR ON @MTV!‼️ Sorry was that too loud?
@ExOnTheBeach: IT'S THAT TIME OF THE WEEK AGAIN! 👉 ⏰An E❌-TRA juicy episode of #ExOnTheBeach starts riiight NOW on @mtv. Who is tweeting along with me? 📲 👀 (GIF of Da'Vonne)
@NicholasSye1: Time to watch the new episode of @ExOnTheBeach on MTV #exonthebeach .
@Alana28191162: It’s time for the tea #exonthebeach
@alltoohail: lucky number 3 for ray 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @alltoohail 3rd times the charm? 😉 #ExOnTheBeach
@EmbarrassSpread: The narrator said Ray’s THIRD ex!! 😩😩😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@alltoohail: ray’s exes are all gorgeous #ExOnTheBeach
@Alana28191162: Damn how many exes do Ray got #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me on my wedding day if that ONE ex walks in: #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alexis taking off her wedding outfit)
@RickyRogers_: SHEEESSSHHH #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: Exes > Friends 😶 @RayGantt #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DavidBarta 😭😭😭
@DayDaVonne_: I forgot this was Ray’s episode 😂😂😂#exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Dear god, pray for me😭
@Wooper100: For once, I think that Ray made the best decision. #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: Emily: “David should feel bad” David :
@DayDaVonne_: Oh shit … I forgot 🥴 uh… if y’all see me wildin this episode just smile and nod 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I was on a mission lmao #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Goodbye Day😂😒
@EmbarrassSpread: Omg, crying for 3 hours!?!? 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
Da’Vonne I SAID WHAT I SAW Rogers
@DayDaVonne_: This flashback … 🥴
@RayGantt: When she wanna go Round 2 but you have it all you got in Round 1😭 #exonthebeach
- @Ariscestocrat: @RayGantt Shook
- @DavidBarta: @RayGantt BULLY😂😫
@ExOnTheBeach: 🕯🙏 PRAYER CIRCLE 🙏🕯 #ExOnTheBeach (S-Cap of David, Mike and Ray praying for Day)
- @Ariscestocrat: @ExOnTheBeach Too bad this looks more like a party 😹😜
@DavidBarta: RAY YOU HURT BRYCE’S FEELINGS #exonthebeach
@KEB_20: MTV is on a mission to make Ray's life harder than it is already #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooo
@EmbarrassSpread: Omg, the boys prayer for Da’Vonne!! 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: I HATE YALL !!!!! Lmaooooooo ALL OF YALL !!! @RayGantt @MikeMGTV @DavidBarta 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@holliday_isiah: @DavidBarta @MikeMGTV @RayGantt must have a Bromance going on in their confessionals.💪🏼💪🏽💪🏿😎😎😎 😂😂 #exonthebeach
@DaVonneFlungDee: david ray and mike BYEEE #exonthebeach
@_MindVibesLife: 🤣🤣🤣 David mike Ray prayer for de’vonne LMAO‼️ #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: Friends pray for other friends 😇 @DayDaVonne_ @MikeMGTV @RayGantt
@DayDaVonne_: Ray asking God to send me a man … let me write that down 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Ariscestocrat: "@moonlighttsouls: Bryce really this sad over Nicole leaving ?!? RELAX. #ExOnTheBeach" RT Honestly she was as perfect addition to the house, cool AF, super fun. We were all sad
@Ariscestocrat: "@anthony_gummy: Not even halfway through the episode and we already lost 3 people? Over a heater? 😭 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Yo, it got HEATED 😹
@therealnicolita: That’s it for me back to the water I go #exonthebeach
@Lifewith_rich: Mike Ray and David are the trio we didn’t know we needed😩 #exonthebeach
@holliday_isiah: And they’re goes the bromance right there @MikeMGTV must be still thinking about @DavidBarta in his head and have @RayGantt as his wing man 😂 but he doesn’t want the rest of the house to find out #exonthebeach
@Lifewith_rich: @Ariscestocrat distracted me from the Deryn Ricky drama with her looks😩#exonthebeach #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: I have parent / teacher conference in 30 minutes 😩 let’s get this episode moving ppl
@DayDaVonne_: "@jalenflopera: @DayDaVonne_ put your shoes and let’s go find you man!! (I don’t find you a loser, I just like the gif) #exonthebeach" RT Lmaoo
@DavidBarta: No one , nothing, not even water. Just Kyra 😇🤗
@DavidBarta: Just want Kyra 😍
@DayDaVonne_: "@cirieswin: @DayDaVonne_ what happened with that fight? don’t tell everybody just dm me!" RT Whatever you saw is all I know because I was sleep … brandy was sleep 😩
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all don’t understand .. we hated the shack of secrets after Dani left.. that shit was like a shuttle to LAX … #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: BYE EMILYYY BYEE MI…. no wait Mike can stay
@RickyRogers_: Tbh I almost threw up when I thought Mike was about to leave #exonthebeach
- @MikeMGTV: @RickyRogers_ I’m not going anywhere BB
@Ariscestocrat: "@KlRBYREED: Why are they trying to send home half the cast in one episode?:??:?:/? #exonthebeach" RT Cuz y’all wasn’t watchin’! MTV don’t play!
@DayDaVonne_: Shit I’m not going to be able to finish the episode 😩 ok look 😂😂😂 There’s a method to my madness ok just let me live Lmao See y’all next week 🤭
@jalenflopera: These plot twist be crazy #exonthebeach
@Lifewith_rich: I got to emotionally invested in this cast🥲 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: I wonder how things will ALIGN for ALAIN. 🤭🥁 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him reading a book)
@ExOnTheBeach: It's giving ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Jonathan shrugging his shoulders)
@RayGantt: Day was in loveeeeee yall🥹❤️ #exonthebeach
@DQ_the_Man: First @danicoco11, now @therealnicolita!! Every week, my favorite lady leaves! WTF?!?! My heart seriously can’t take it! Bye Nicole. We’ll miss you. 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: I’m gonna miss @therealnicolita. She had such a great connection with Bryce. Plus, I had a soft spot for her. Safe travels back home Nicole. Hopefully you’ll find your Bryce. 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
- @therealnicolita: @DQ_the_Man You are so sweet, thank you my love!
@ExOnTheBeach: sPick your #ExOnTheBeach mood from tonight's episode:
@charmies21: #EOTB @Ariscestocrat was all of us… them panties been touched. #ExOnTheBeach
@Ariscestocrat: "@Lifewith_rich: I know I ain’t see one of my comfort couples fighting in the previews🥲🥲 @MikeMGTV @Ariscestocrat #exonthebeach" RT It’s. Going. DOWN.
@Ariscestocrat: "@jalenflopera: Not they teasing arisce and mike break up #exonthebeach" RT they sho did
@Alana28191162: Ray is the King of Nonchalantness #exonthebeach
@MikeMGTV: Oh shit imma be real quite on Twitter next week… #exonthebeach
@alltoohail: David, Ray & Mike be like #ExOnTheBeach
@alltoohail: mike has the best energy 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Alana28191162: Mike is one of the reasons why I like this season so much he can’t go #exonthebeach
@Ariscestocrat: "@erlkonigkid: I *looooove* the team of @Ariscestocrat and Da'vonne! Those two can build something strong or be as devestating as a Cat 5 hurricane and I👏am👏here👏for👏it👏." RT 💞
@Ariscestocrat: "@erlkonigkid: Literally what got me through an ass-busting shift behind the bar was knowing I could come home to see @MikeMGTV and @Ariscestocrat on my TV by catching up on tonight's #ExOnTheBeach ." RT 😭💞
@gaymercub77: Was that @MikeMGTV crying?! Oh hell no. Someone hold my poodle I’m about to whip some ass! Point me at them! Tae Queer Do ready and waiting!
@Ariscestocrat: "@TitheGirl: i know damn well @MikeMGTV did not tell @Ariscestocrat that she is not worth it EXCUSE ME?? #ExOnTheBeach" RT He did girl
@Ariscestocrat: "@teriedelson: #ExOnTheBeach hahaha you know when Arisce’s foot is moving she’s not happy!" RT 💯
@ExOnTheBeach: It was a real NAIL BITER as Mike + Emily strolled into the Shack of Secrets... but SURPRISE!💥 Singles Alain and Jonathan are here and ready to MINGLE! Who do you think they are gonna get down in the sand with? 👀#ExOnTheBeach is all-new Thursdays at 8p on @MTV!
@ExOnTheBeach: 🚨 AWKWARD ALERT 🚨 Seems like Kyra + Emily are on different pages when it comes to their connection, maybe David's making an un-EXpected comeback into Kyra's heart. 😬 #ExOnTheBeach
@therealnicolita: Grateful for #ExOnTheBeach because it gave me all the closure I needed romantically and on a friendship level. Thank you @ExOnTheBeach for proving to me that chapter was closed. 📚
@Wooper100: Wait! What? Why exactly did Kat and Bryce get sent home? That made no sense. 😲😵💫 #ExOnTheBeach
- @itskathryndunn: @Wooper100 he called me a b*tch, a c*nt, and r*tarded. I told him that he shouldn’t use that word, especially when I am neurodivergent and it’s a slur. To which he responded “oh so I was right, you ARE r*tarded” so I slapped him on the bottom of his foot. And I’d do it again 👏-
@itskathryndunn: it’s one thing to say the r word out of ignorance, as a synonym for stupid/dumb. It doesn’t make it RIGHT, but it has a different intent. Bryce said this word as a slur. He knows I have learning disabilities, was reminded of this, and used it to justify why he called me that.
- @itskathryndunn: After production pulled me aside and I was waiting for my ride to the hotel, Bryce was pacing back and forth by the pool yelling “HOW DID THEY LET KAT DUNN IN HERE? HOW DID SHE PASS HER MENTAL EVAL WHEN SHES NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD” calling me crazy and berating my mental health
❤️ 💔 ❤️ 💔
What Happened to Kat?
and Perspective on That Word
So, we were left wondering what had happened to Kat? Even me was wondering that since I actually had to take care of business. But on Friday after the episode aired, Kat opened on in a YouTube video and a screencap posted below.
But what happened there with that argument over that broken air conditioner turning into something more than that brings into focus those who have intellectual or developmental disabilities. A certain R-lettered word (which we will not say on here) was historically used as a pejorative towards people with mental disabilities along with calling something stupid or foolish. But in 2010, a law named for a young girl suffering from Down's Syndrome was signed by Congress which replaced that word with "intellectual disability" within federal and lower guidelines... and an organization, Spread the Word, was formed to encourage people to not use the R-word in any way including everyday speech.
Even one of the biggest songs during the heyday of one of the biggest musical acts of this century also had to be changed to reflect this reality. In 2003, the original release of Black Eyed Peas' third album Elephunk featured a track that also included the R-word... but it was ESPN asked them to convert that track and change lyrics in it to "Let's Get It Started" to hype its NBA Playoff coverage the following year, that song into one of their biggest hits... all just by making it both pop-friendly and all inclusive.
Once again below is Kat's expanded response and that screenshot.
not him sending an apology 9 months after it happened but less than 1 day after i tweeted about it- 💀 pic.twitter.com/VPnDis88XT
— Kat Dunn (@itskathryndunn) May 20, 2022
Here Comes A 2-For-1 Deal...
On a positive note, the Shack of Secrets has left so many scars on a lot of the EOTB people over our five seasons watching this show. But as our Moment of the Night suggests, sometimes that is not the case as we welcome in Alain and Jonathan in what amounted to a second beach entry.
Just ahead, we'll have Part 2 of Who Are These Newbies? for Ex On The Beach 5, as we'll do a deep dive into Kat, Emily, the Canadians and the one person on this very cast who will enter this house already gotten an honor from MTV before even stepping foot in this villa... there is even a cameo from the newest dad in the music world too. Talk to you then...
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