*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
If you are one of those in our readership who loves this MTV world so much, then this is the calm before the storm of what goes down next week. But for now, there is a storm of a different kind that has been hitting just as much as those twisters some of you in the country have been feeling: it's the storm of exes coming onto MTV's Ex On The Beach, and season 5 rages on over in the Canary Islands.
Last we were there, not one but two people came ashore... but luckily it was not a pair of exes but rather two new singles to replace the first person to leave the house (ex Caro): Love Islander and America's Got Talent alum Kyra and the third alum from a Netflix show coming onto this ad-supported cable channel in Bryce from Too Hot to Handle. But the big show of Week 4 in the EOTB villa came in the latest visit to the Shack of Secrets: after going on the latest getaway date out of he house Mike and Arisce were invited to that dungeon that was turned into a home movie theater as they saw what he was doing behind his back including that first night smooch with David.
When it comes to any version of EOTB around this planet of ours, there is sure to be fireworks... and as we arrive back in the villa someone who hasn't been in the spotlight much in our first month in paradise finds herself back under the glare: this time with an ex not as well known as her most well-known one. Another ex also joins him there, which may cause the latest issues in the ongoing saga of the Player of this pad just as his fellow Islander may find herself in love with a Hotel guest. And a place like this forces people to try and perhaps work things out, and the latest visit to the Table of Truth will give them a chance to hone their listening skills... and what happens there may send some people packing.
We'll join you here after the break for the DCBLOG 'Pulse of Week 5 of Ex On The Beach 5... and after the buzz we'll catch up on the one girl who found herself trending on TikTok for having her nose broken on an MTV show. Find out who that is just ahead, and Happy Cinco De Mayo...
► AS THEY SAW IT: "The Ex-Husband and The Best Friend"
@ExOnTheBeach: You thought things were getting HEATED? 🔥 You have NO IDEA how HOT things are about to get! 😈 Don't miss an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach TOMORROW NIGHT at 8/7c on @MTV 👀
@ExOnTheBeach: Last weeks episode was CRAZY! 😵💫 Now that you’ve had time to digest it… Submit your ‼️ WEEK 4 ‼️ answers now! #ExOnTheBeach KEEP RAKING IN THOSE POINTS! ☀️ ➡️http://ExOnTheBeachTrivia.com
@ExOnTheBeach: Being an EX boyfriend or girlfriend is TOTALLY different than being an EX HUSBAND or WIFE! 👰💔👱 With their relationship OVER and now being forced to live together again, can these two remain civil? 🤔 Meet ELIAS TOMORROW NIGHT on an ALL NEW #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV!
@MikeMGTV: New Episode of @MessyPod.... “From Kidz Bopping with Zendaya W/ Kyra Green 'Love Island' ” Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/4jfeyj8e / Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/3r4ymatm / YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fk5s7loN0-A&ab_channel=MessyPod
@MikeMGTV: I’m feeling so blessed and lucky today. So many new brands I’m going to be working with that I can’t wait to introduce to you all! This is gunna be one hell of a summer 💜
@minx_ly: Long live the beefmance #bbcan #exonthebeach @kiingjam
@ExOnTheBeach: Sparks are flying! ✨ David & Kyra are growing CLOSER than ever before!🥵 While David finds his nEXt, Dani has to come to terms with witnessing it all first hand 😳 MORE DRAMA unfolds TONIGHT with an ALL NEW episode of #ExOnTheBeach starting at 8/7c on MTV 📺
@ExOnTheBeach: Here are the 5 MUST-SEE 👀 moments from #ExOnTheBeach Episode 4, including a REKINDLED ROMANCE 🔥, the Shack Of Secrets doing its worst 😱, and SO MUCH MORE!!. Don’t miss an ALL NEW episode of Ex On The Beach, TONIGHT at 8/7c on MTV! 📺
@DayDaVonne_: Maybe being buried alive, pulling heavy ass sandbags, pole wrestling, and solving puzzles wasn’t that bad after all 🥴 Anyway… new episode of @ExOnTheBeach tonight @ 8pm … ✨
@danicoco11: mood when you realize your ex is STILL a f**kboy… all new @ExOnTheBeach tonight at 8/7c #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: How to INSTANTLY put me in a bad mood… 😤 #ExOnTheBeach @Ariscestocrat I HOPE YOU’RE READY for an ALL NEW episode TONIGHT🏝 Don’t miss it! 8/7c on @MTV 📺
@Derynn_Paige: Ex’s for a reason #ExOnTheBeach tonight at 8/7c!
@DavidBarta: Prepare for PLENTY of live tweets during this episode
@DavidBarta: High key Boutta be some bs
@DavidBarta: Need the Barta Boys Alliance to stand by my side today 😤🤟🏼
@MTV: I need all eyes on this brand new episode of #ExOnTheBeach, starting right NOW on MTV! 👀 📺 (GIF of Ray)
@ExOnTheBeach: There can only be TWO MOODS tonight... We just LOVE the DRAMA on #ExOnTheBeach! 😊 If you do too, then join us RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 📺 (GIF of Ray applauding and Bryce feeling down)
@DavidBarta: Here we gooooo
@danicoco11: here 👏🏻 we 👏🏻 go 👏🏻 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW EX ALERT⚠️ Meet @therealnicolita! #ExOnTheBeach(GIF of her)
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach Get it @therealnicolita!!!! 🔥 🔥
- @therealnicolita: @danicoco11 Thank you!!!
@Derynn_Paige: Nicole!!! #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: Okay Nicole KILLED that intro @therealnicolita 👏
- @therealnicolita: @DavidBarta Thank youuu!! ☺️
@RickyRogers_: RAY KILLING ME RN 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Oooh Raymond lol smh #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: ⚠️ NEW EX ALERT⚠️ Meet Elias! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him flexing)
@RickyRogers_: MY DAWG ELI🐶 #Exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: 🗣ELIIIIIIIIIIII ✨✨ #exonthebeach
@RickyRogers_: I still hate Mike 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @MikeMGTV: @RickyRogers_ Same
@DayDaVonne_: David definitely put forth A LOT of effort to show Kyra he wanted her… it was so cute y’all 😂❤️ #exonthebeach
@Derynn_Paige: Funny that these couples are sitting on rocks #exonthebeach
@DavidBarta: Can’t wait to watch myself jump outta a cake on my first date w Kyra 😇🥰
@DayDaVonne_: Ranin 😞 I hate seeing my friends sad #ExOnTheBeach
@mrphilhernandez: Okay, I see you Ray. @therealnicolita is GORGEOUS so I would want her as a best friend too. #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: Da’Vonne stays queen 👑
@ExOnTheBeach: LIES??? 🤥 On #ExOnTheBeach? @DayDaVonne_ where did you get this from? 👀 (GIF: "The lies continue...")
@NicholasGravan2: @DayDaVonne_ SHE IS THE UPGRADE ##exonthebeach
@Lifewith_rich: “I am the upgrade” @DayDaVonne_ #ExonThebeach
@danicoco11: Nothing like a good tea-spilling sesh with @therealnicolita 💕 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: @ExOnTheBeach Action definitely speak louder than words. @Derynn_Paige @danicoco11 @therealnicolita @DayDaVonne_ #ExOnTheBeach
- @danicoco11: @DQ_the_Man I said what I said 🤷🏼♀️ #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DaVonneFlungDee: YOU ARE THE UPGRADE 🗣 IKTR SIS @DayDaVonne_ #exonthebeach
@Alana28191162: I see Queen Dani is doing a lot better that’s what we like to see #exonthebeach
@justydustyy: “ I AM THE UPGRADE”. CMON MOTHER! @DayDaVonne_ #exonthebeach
@TheNickCity: Jamar and Minh-Ly are TV gold, I said what I said #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: What do YOU think? DATE or NOT A DATE? 🤔🍦 #ExOnTheBeach (Video of Ray and Da'Vonne)
- @RayGantt: @ExOnTheBeach #NoDateZone 😂😂😂😂
- @therealnicolita: @RayGantt Yeah ok Ray....
- @RayGantt: @therealnicolita I don’t do social media beef😂
- @therealnicolita: @RayGantt There’s no beef over here just not with the lies that all. Have a blessed day Ray.
- @RayGantt: @RickyRogers_ Bruh i’m crying😂😂😂😂
- @therealnicolita: @ExOnTheBeach Do I get a vote because I say it’s a date.. when he picks you up like this and buys you dinner and ice cream I vote #exonthebeach
@charmies21: Hell no I won’t go! @DayDaVonne_ 🤣🤣🤣 #ExOnTheBeach
@anthony_gummy: All this talk about ice cream 😂 now I want me a scoop #ExOnTheBeach
@DavidBarta: I like ice cream
@alltoohail: brb going to get some ice cream #ExOnTheBeach
@justydustyy: im sorry i love Ray😂😂. he keeps me laughing fr. #exonthebeach
@Alana28191162: Ray if you go anywhere and pay for it , it’s a damn date #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: No because my sister looks good in EVERY SCENE @Ariscestocrat #exonthebeach
- @Ariscestocrat: @DayDaVonne_ I was gon’ call out my sis for the SAME 👏🏽❤️🔥
@RickyRogers_: Two kinds of people I’ll meet you 100% of the 50 yard line…. 80% of the truth 100% of the time lmfao #ExOnTheBeach name those two people 😂😂
@Derynn_Paige: Can @DayDaVonne_ host next season??? #exonthebeach
@_CallMeBlessed: They definitely needed Davonne on #exonthebeach She is such a good mediator. 👏🏽
@DayDaVonne_: "@tiffanyscookout: @DayDaVonne_ so you hosting this show?😭😭 #exonthebeach" RT 🗣WAKE IT UP !! #exonthebeach lol
@DayDaVonne_: Not Ray big smiling because the attention shifted 😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Like leave Ray alone man, let him enjoy his summer😭
@JoeyBeansLI: @Derynn_Paige , this is my Thursday tweet about you. I’m gonna say it all season. Here it is, you’re amazing. Also #slay. #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: We CANNOT blame you @danicoco11 👑 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "And that's my cue to get the f___ outta here")
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach Byeeeee! #exonthebeach
@danicoco11: So sleeping in bed with your new girl, right next to me, 48 hours after you slept in bed with me, is uncomfortable for YOU? Here’s an idea… stop thinking about yourself for 2 seconds & go find another room. #narcissist #exonthebeach @exonthebeach
@danicoco11: I love Ranin. She was so sweet and supportive of me - it was much needed & appreciated ❤️❤️ @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@danicoco11: Also in terms of giving him the “green light” … I’m not going to beg someone to stay with me who clearly couldn’t care less. No thanks! #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @therealnicolita: @danicoco11 @ExOnTheBeach I miss our tea spilling seshes ♥️♥️ #exonthebeach
@Derynn_Paige: After watching this episode, I’ve learned to never date your best friend #exonthebeach
- @therealnicolita: @Derynn_Paige Yupppppppp agreed lol
@RayGantt: David and Kyra Megabed?👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@TheNickCity: Jamar and Minh-Ly are TV gold, I said what I said #ExOnTheBeach
@therealnicolita: "@Under_theSeaa: Not Ray acting like he was never on Nicole’s bodyyyyy 🥱😱#exonthebeach" RT & You know the realllll tea sis 🍵 #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all heard what she said 😂😂😂😂
@alltoohail: ray scurrying away has me SCREAMING #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Ray PLEASE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ExOnTheBeach: Bro's the TIPTOEING TEA SEEKER ☕😂 @RayGantt #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him eavesdropping on girls conversation)
@danicoco11: He should be scared 🤷🏼♀️ #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@Derynn_Paige: The best communication skills??? Babababaah #exonthebeach
@RickyRogers_: @BryceHirschberg read that like a pro #ExOnTheBeach
- @BryceHirschberg: @RickyRogers_ Appreciate u brotha! Us watching the Table was JOKES 😂
@DavidBarta: Watch this
@DavidBarta: DERRYN LOUDERRRR @Derynn_Paige
@mattd41391: im team @DavidBarta period #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay but this is LITERALLY all of us right now. 😵 @Ariscestocrat #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her reacting to events at the Table of Truth)
@EmbarrassSpread: Omg!!!! Dani’s letting it all out! 🙌🙌 #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: AGAIN: I am not going to beg someone to be with me. I am not going to withhold “permission” for them to move on. That doesn’t mean he had to go about it in a horrible, disrespectful, immature way. #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @CandycornDog1: @danicoco11 He's all over you when you get there and within 24 hours he's ignoring you to pursue someone new. He only pretends to care because you two have history. But clearly he doesn't. You definitely don't need that in your life!!
@SavageGamer400: Yassss Dani speak your mind #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: I did destroy him in one minute flat, and it felt GOOD. Thanks narrator ❤️ #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@Bradley35452240: @danicoco11 don't waste your time with him
@Alana28191162: I love how Dani ain’t holding back her true feelings that’s growth right there good job Dani #exonthebeach
@danicoco11: "@Diamond60561515: Lol dani girl I’m on your side but you did tell him to go for it 😂 😂. But David you jumped ship real fckn fast. #ExOnTheBeach" RT He was DM’ing her before the show. His plan was always to jump ship as soon as she came along. Wasn’t going to beg someone to be with me who wasn’t actually there for me. #exonthebeach
@DQ_the_Man: @danicoco11 @ExOnTheBeach Kicking ass and taking David’s name and SHAMED HIM!! Well said Dani! #ExOnTheBeach
@Wooper100: WTF is wrong with this man? He couldn’t repeat what she said. 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@aytotea0: Ray a fool 😭 #exonthebeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Ray is too much!! 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@alltoohail: Ray is me is trying to study in school #ExOnTheBeach
@StephonJS87: Ray wasn't listening #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: This exercise was AMAZING !!!! #exonthebeach
@RickyRogers_: Eli has hands down the past swag in the house also #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: NO BUT REALLY, DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE'S SAYING⁉️ @kiingjam #ExOnTheBeach (Video of Jamar and Ming-Ly's conversation and of "What I'm Saying" counter)
- @kiingjam: @ExOnTheBeach Lmao 😂🤷🏽♂️ YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN!!??
@RickyRogers_: You know what I’m saying 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@danicoco11: you know what I’m sayin? #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: #exonthebeach
@anthony_gummy: Whew!! Dani let David HAVE IT #ExOnTheBeach
@Irving_A07: “I am the upgrade, don’t ever get it twisted” @DayDaVonne_ I need this on a freaking vision board! 🙌🏼 Queen things #exonthebeach
@charmies21: I am the upgrade! Don’t ever get it twisted. Girl I know that’s right. #exonthebeach @DayDaVonne_
@StephonJS87: "I am the upgrade. Don't get it twisted" @DayDaVonne_ #ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: "@DwayneJay: …”and I look TF good so I know you see me.”- @DayDaVonne_. #exonthebeach" RT Hello !!!! Lmao can we get THAT clip ! 😂
@mtvsired: Derynn spilled. #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: I would just leave and let the spider have the whole house🕷️ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Arisce getting scared by him on door)
- @Ariscestocrat: @ExOnTheBeach That’s what i said! @MikeMGTV
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat 😂😂😂 I used her as a shield, I don’t fuck with spiders
@Derynn_Paige: Ray was nervous the spider was his next ex 😂 😂 😂 #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @Derynn_Paige Seriously though😭
@danicoco11: Not the tarantula 🤢 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooooooo that sums up Me and Ray’s friendship 😂😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Which part?😂
- @DayDaVonne_: @RayGantt You being the hero by getting rid of the spider but then contemplating chasing me with it 😩 …. Sour patch 🥴
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Yeah I was about to get your assssss, but I was in a good mood😂
@DayDaVonne_: 🙌🏾 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Looks like PRETTY RICKY is in PRETTY BIG TROUBLE 😲 @RickyRogers_ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of his ex coming in)
- @RickyRogers_: @ExOnTheBeach It’s the toxicity I guess🤷🏽♂️😂 #exonthebeach
- @Derynn_Paige: @ExOnTheBeach @RickyRogers_ No surprise there. It’s a constant reoccurrence.
@kiingjam: Now that i’m off #exonthebeach the only person i’ll apologize to is @minx_ly !! For lying about who I slept wit and talking shit about her to the other cast mates! Idc what yall say about her she had my back in that toxic ass house!! 💯😤
@kiingjam: As far as the rest of the cast… 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾to every single one of yall! #exonthebeach
@JakesMistakess: @kiingjam Sad to see you and @minx_ly leave. Y’all were entertaining and real. Sucks that most of the other cast were being toxic and fake just to promote their youtube channels.
@minx_ly: Half of Jamar and I’s drama wasn’t aired because it was too intense/complex to be shown on a 30 minute “dating” show with other “couples”. Dr.Phil would have been more suitable. 😆
@RayGantt: Great fricken episode, Hilarious😂#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Dani has been WAITING for this moment! 🙌 GO OFF QUEEN! The Table of TRUTH is honestly very theraputeic.☺️ YES... tears are shed, relationships are never the same and some people have to remove themselves from the show after BUT it's good for the soul, right? ✨ #ExOnTheBeach
- @danicoco11: @ExOnTheBeach Figured it was about time to call out his bad behavior... #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Welcome welcome Nicole! 👋 Nicole is Ray's Ex-FRIEND? Seems like theres a BIT more history than just a friendship...👀 Will she be friend-zoned or bumped up to something MORE? 😳 #ExOnTheBeach
@thom_ahs: I’m glad Nicole realizes that she deserves better than what Ray was giving her and I’m excited to see if she connects with someone new on the show #ExOnTheBeach
@DQ_the_Man: @Ariscestocrat looks Godsmacked by what @danicoco11 told David. #ExOnTheBeach
@willam: @ariscestocrat and i are hosting what im calling BRUNCH BITCH. I dunno if there’s pancakes or bacon or what but I’d probably have some starbursts and wet wipes in my purse or whatever. It’s free too btw @ Hollywood
@danicoco11: "@alltoohail: anyway i’m proud of dani, her words were so put together like she was prepared and rehearsed and everything 😂 #ExOnTheBeach" RT It’s the screenwriting major in me 😂 give me 60 seconds to monologue and I will GO FOR IT lol #exonthebeach
@MikeMGTV: Want the behind the scenes tea you didn’t get in the show last week? Wel I sat down with @Ariscestocrat @DavidBarta and #KyraGreen to go over S5E4 of #exonthebeach https://t.co/BglERTh5oN
@EvanDupree2: love jamar or hate him no one can deny he makes good tv #exonthebeach
@DCAlexander8: The way i'm glad Minh-ly and Jamar are gone should be criminal #exonthebeach
@DayDaVonne_: Sooo Ray and I have a bet going about who has the best confessionals between the two of us (little did we know Arisce was going to be SERVING too 😂) but so far between the two of us …. Who is winning ? #exonthebeach
- Raymond 8.5% / Da’Vonne 91.5%
1,088 votes · Final results
- @DayDaVonne_: @RayGantt don’t you try to vote either 😒
- @RayGantt: @DayDaVonne_ Nah I’m not even going to cap, @Ariscestocrat got it😭🙌🏾
@kiingjam: When the spoiler dropped that said i was off of ex on the beach, ppl quickly assumed i got KICKED off another show! SMH! 😂🖕🏾
@kiingjam: I LEFT on my own will! Couldn’t continue to fight wit these fake ass mfs over literally nothing. I dont care for camera time that much. Lol 😂
@Derynn_Paige: Why am I so attracted to these? I gotta stop. 😂 (GIF of red flags)
@ExOnTheBeach: Elias is HERE!! 💪 Elias is Ranin's Ex-HUSBAND! 😱 He's bringing a lot of history to the beach! Let's see if these two can co-exist... #ExOnTheBeach
@Ariscestocrat: This show is so damn funny @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@MikeMGTV: Bye eggssssss thank God they’re gone #ExOnTheBeach
@MikeMGTV: I love how they didn’t show me kill that table of truth, but Arisce had to redo her round 5+ times cuz she couldn’t listen to me. But let’s not show her looking bad and ever. Werk. #ExOnTheBeach
- @Ariscestocrat: @MikeMGTV Well if we’re going off of track record….STFU. Your first win? Ok😹
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat First win that they show. Be glad you got a good edit. Because I will always tell the truth
- @Ariscestocrat: @MikeMGTV Bitch PLEASE. I’m not the 1 or the 2. Your will LOSE. everything💅🏽
- @MikeMGTV: @Ariscestocrat Lose what? You got more to lose. ME. Don’t ever get it twisted. Or you can go back to those old ass men you didn’t even like or respect . The choice is always yours 💅🏼
- @Ariscestocrat: @MikeMGTV OLD? Bitch you WISH you LOOKED younger than these men! Your energy is old. I’ll see u in hell.
@MikeMGTV: "@KEB_20: Mike saying he cares about Arisce as if he wasn't obsessing over David😭 #exonthebeach" RT Obsessing over David? Did you watch the show? Other way around bubba #ExOnTheBeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Aww, Mike and Arisce! 😍😍 So glad they made up! #ExOnTheBeach
@Alana28191162: Even though Mike is messy I love how he can put that aside and be an adult unlike some people in this house #exonthebeach
@teriedelson: #ExOnTheBeach I fucking love Arisce! The table of truth tonight 😂😂😂
@Ariscestocrat: "@KEB_20: Mike saying he cares about Arisce as if he wasn't obsessing over David😭 #exonthebeach" RT The lies
@Ariscestocrat: "@sbxoxo__: I like Arisce. Love how she catches on to everyone so quick. Can't fool her #ExOnTheBeach" RT Thank 👏🏽you👏🏽
@Ariscestocrat: Humble beginnings July 4th 2020 @MikeMGTV @ExOnTheBeach
@DayDaVonne_: Great episode … see y’all next Thursday 💃🏾 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: SHE GAVE DAVID HER BLESSING... AND BOY, DID HE TAKE IT! 👀 Read up on all of last nights DRAMA from #ExOnTheBeach ➡️ https://t.co/fRC0G6S7lp
❤️ 💔 ❤️ 💔
You Can't Handle the "Table of Truth"...
We didn't know what to expect when it came to the thing that replaced those Cut elimination nights of the first four seasons of this, but now the "Table of Truth" has surely brought out something totally new that we now love here in this return trip to the Beach... and we love it. Our Moment of the Night is of when all but two of singles get together with their exes to air it all out in 60 seconds, and Dani deciding to say enough to David.
Right now, our focus is on this Ex On The Beach season, the drama in Siesta Key (we promise blog wraps will resume) and the subject of our next post on here. But in short order, we will start thinking about any analytics nerd's favorite MTV show... that means one thing: Are You The One? will return this fall, and it will call Paramount+ home as new singles will pin their hopes of finding their perfect match in the Truth Booth. And while we were away from this site the past few months, one who we saw on its first entry into the current dating show craze got two big pieces of news.
Season 2 back in 2014 had quite a bit to accomplish after the amazing feat of the Originals in that very first smash season... and one girl had her season start off on a rather inauspicious note. San Diego's Briana Lacuesta had her nose broken when one of the guys' feet made incidental contact with the poor lady, and she spent a night in the hospital -- and even made it to TikTok too. She also fell in love with a fellow resident of America's Finest City, only for that to be snuffed out in the series' very first "blackout" -- no matches, not one beam lit up in a matchup ceremony... and when she went onto The Challenge two years later her Rivals III experience also got cut short by the actions of her partner.
Yes, those were some unfortunate moments for Bri... but as we told you here back during that season, those paled in comparison to the ultimate agony she endured before her fifteen minutes of fame. While on a getaway date in Puerto Rico with one who just got married this spring in Curtis Hadzicki, she shared with him the trauma of having suffered a miscarriage and losing her first baby while she was going to high school. It's something that several in our MTV family have gone through, including now 2-time All-Star Melinda and recently with Madisson of Siesta Key. But whenever there is heartache, there is some bit of solstice to all that.
In early January, Briana revealed on Instagram @brilacuesta that she is expecting -- it will be her first baby and joining a number of those from the AYTO family who will become a mom (or dad) with the young Lacuesta arriving this summer... and had things not transpired the way they were back then, she would have two kids and we may not have seen her on MTV. And two months later, she got to say yes to an engagement ring from her boyfriend.
One of those who knows what its like to be a mom in this community sent this word to her in another one named Madison -- that from Season 30 of The Real World: "OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!! This is AMAZING, & I am so excited 🤩 for you @brilacuesta ! This is such an amazing experience, I am totally pumped & excited for you! Seriously though, this love & little blessing will be like nothing you have ever felt or known in you’re entire life! Nothing but prayers,good vibes, light, & energy coming you’re way from Harper & Me! I am over the moon stoked for you! Welcome to the mommy club, you will love it 👩🏻🍼💘." And Bri, congrats on all this.
👶 💍 ❤️
The next item of business for us is to kick off our year of covering The Challenge in Season 3 of All-Stars: one who also lived with Madi in Chicago eight years ago is Sylvia, who's among the twenty-four competitors who will be duking it out down in South America... and we'll be previewing all of that coming up on here Saturday night right after the Kentucky Derby. Hope to see you then...
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