Sunday, September 15, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? Come One, Come All - The Finale

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

It was back on May 30th that MTV added another chapter to it and Viacom's long & storied legacy of championing the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer community when it revealed the cast of Season 8 of Are You The One?. There, a group of sixteen singles identified as sexually fluid began their journey during Pride Week (and on the 4th anniversary of the SCOTUS' important same-sex marriage decision) as the cast of the first-ever season of a reality dating show on U.S. television that catered specifically to, and starring, the LGBT community in a season that's affectionately called, Come One, Come All.

This season has had it all when it comes to the drama, love and heartbreak we've come to expect from the AYTO brand, but Season 8 also stood out in many ways from its predecessors. Similar to what we have seen on many Real World seasons past, Come One, Come All also got to showcase gays, lesbians, trans, bi and queer people as they also got to share their stories of how they've struggled to come to grips with who they really are, as they finally got to prove to the world that, at the end of the day, "Love Wins." And last week, the biggest couple in the house endured heartache when Justin & Max found out that they were not a perfect match, all as the rest of the house got good news in figuring out more perfect matches without the help of a Truth Booth.

After the renowned original first cast took only nine tries to ascend into legend status, this week marks the seventh straight season that AYTO has come down to the tenth & last week for the house to go for the money... and only one of them did not achieve that goal. After receiving an unfavorable outcome in their ninth matchup despite doubling their season-high beam output of six, the house has no more strategy cards left to play... and now the game is in the hands of the Stragglers - six of them in all - who must follow their hearts, find their matches and hope luck will be on their side.

After the jump, it's all or nothing as we welcome you to the 2019 finale of Are You The One, as we bring you the SocialPulse of the season finale from Hawaii.

@amyracecar420: This season of #AreYouTheOne is the BEST EVER.. I 💚 this show b/c of the math, mixed with biology BUT Season 8 #AYTO Fluid cast is the BEST - finally a group focused on everyone becoming a BETTER HUMAN vs. just winning ya'll rep your community PLENTY WELL! [Kari] #WIN
@VanityFair: "Given the very real issues the LGBTQ+ community faces, the presence of queer contestants on a few dating shows might seem trivial," writes @lpbradley. "But reality television has played a significant role in educating the (straight) public"
- @kai__wes: Hey @VanityFair @lpbradley  LOVE the article but one small correction! — I am not a trans man! I identify as non-binary like @TheBasitShow, we are just two different expressions of what that can look like 🤙🏼 
@AREUTHE1: Danny is what Kai needs, and what he wants ❤️ Tune into the season finale of #AYTO THIS MONDAY at 11/10c on @MTV 🍿
@tylersemicolon: Watch Kai finally talk about his perfect match #AYTO Full episode:
- @DannyPrikaz: Look at  @kai__wes  spilling all sorts of tea. I had sex with @Remdelarem  the first night, and I asked Kai whether he and @QueerGirlzSlay would be interested in a threesome. On a scale of 1-10 how surprised are you?
@AREUTHE1: Six beams down. Two to go. One episode left. Can they do it!? 😰 Find out on the season finale of #AYTO, MONDAY at 11/10c 👀  (GIF: Amber - "Time is ticking and time is what we do not have")
@drfrankiebashan: Don’t miss the final #AYTO episode for #season8 this #Monday 11/10c! 📺 #BTS in #Hawaii on set. #drfrankie #onset #speaker #relationshipexpert #cohost #tv #matchmaker #psychologist
@QueerGirlzSlay: Also can I just say people that say “well IIiiiiii got AYTO but turned it down” bother me so much like lol oh they wanted me over you but I’m better than MTV trash so hey Jenna go fuck yourself. The point, please?!
@QueerGirlzSlay: Ok I’m currently casting the ayto cast as the avengers right now and I’m mad stoked for y’all to see
- @QueerGirlzSlay: The one and only was too easy of a choice @Remdelarem  (GIF of Remy as Robert Downey, Jr)
- @QueerGirlzSlay: This game might become a big roasting lmfAo love u Justin
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Hear me out. Remember when this tiny genius took on that whole army in GOTG2 ??
- @QueerGirlzSlay: OKAAYYYY y’all know it’s all love for max the crying one was just a lil comic but no for real he is a sensitive & strong warrior God so ya
- @QueerGirlzSlay: He’s a fucking diabolical & wildly self confident playboy billionaire genius who seems to have no soul but turns out to have the biggest one DIS IS REM
- @QueerGirlzSlay: The only person with a soul wholesome enough to embody cap’s goodness. And y’all remember the group therapy he leads in endgame?!  I’m sorry but positivity and hope and empathy radiate out of basit, dis has 2 b it
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Think abt which female in the mcu is NOT THE ONE and tell me this ain’t perfect
- @QueerGirlzSlay: The master of mischief but still somehow your favorite messy character by the end of it all
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Because this ostrich queen is TOO PERFECT to be human so I figure she’s Kree and probably here saving the world no doubt
--- @_PaigeCole: JENNA I LOVE YOU OMFG??????
- @QueerGirlzSlay: All’s fair in love and Nour. Hahahahaha ok hear me out, she at first cant control it- and then over 22 movies learns how and it’s a beautiful growth moment?!?!
--- @nourfraij_: JENNNNNNA lmfaooooo mannnnnn i’ll take it 😼😼😼
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Those smiles 😍😍 #antman
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Because Kylie is a sweetness rainbow with a heart of gold but if you mess with her, she’ll be “petty enough to fuck your family”. Or maybe accidentally help Ultron make a city fly
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Because he sits on top- separated from the mess. Sees all the chaos, is above it, but always shows up 100% when you need him
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Because he’s a MF SORCERER
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Her walls may be built up high but if you break em down you find out you get the most LOYAL bad bitch in the universe
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Because she’s funny af, positive, says whatever is on her mind, and ALWAYS keeps it 💯
- @QueerGirlzSlay: And finally because I created this and get to choose my fav obviously. Plus I’m bendy and do gymnastics tricks and like to think I have clever comebacks to men who underestimate me 😈😈😈
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Oh and definitely can’t forget our hero @drfrankiebashan because she’s definitely groot, saving us all when the world is crashing down around us #ayto #avengers
- @QueerGirlzSlay: Ok #avengers and #ayto nerds, if there are more of us nerd hybrids I wanna see some of yalls ideas and explanations for castmate superheroes/villains
@QueerGirlzSlay: Oh and I used to live the bad girl life but I’m clean and I’m wiping out the red in my ledger.. and I fall for people with temper issues bc I see the good in them.. and I would totaalllyy kiss captain America for a diversion from hydra ok I need to stop gnight world
@QueerGirlzSlay: Tbh none of us are innocent enough to be Spider-Man sorry Tom Holland lovers we’re all sinners here we don’t deserve him
@amba1210: Oh hey  (GIF of her and Nutsa/Season 7)
@AREUTHE1: Max is POSITIVE that Kari is his Perfect Match... What does everyone else think? 🤔 Find out if Season 8 can leave with love and money, on the season finale, TOMORROW at 11/10c ❤️💰 #AYTO
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 This has legendary potential as one the greatest moments in #AYTO history if I end up being right. Don’t @ me bish
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 “Kari is my match I’m freaked out” Jenna: what’d you guys talk about   “Like the fact that... the loyalty... and she like... it’s like... I didn’t like Kari at all.”   BELIEVE IN SOMETHING LIKE MAX BELIEVED IN ME 😂
@dramaxic: Also legendary embarrassment 😬
@KariselleSnow: Max and I never got along in the house before that moment, and he would actually PURPOSELY mispronounce my name to remind me of his blatant disrespect for me 😂
@dramaxic: Lol I’m gonna check everyone’s twitter upon entry to make sure you aren’t the one of the trolls  !! Jk, but that would be funny if I took a pic with someone who’s been talkin mad shit
@dramaxic: I heard if you take a pic with a troll that their face becomes disfigured in the picture... just something I heard
@AREUTHE1: This season of #AYTO has been 😙👌 on't miss the season finale, TOMORROW at 11/10c on @MTV 👏
@KariselleSnow: If someone is into you, you’ll know.  If they’re not, you’ll be confused.
@nourfraij_: it pisses me off so much that mtv isn’t giving us a reunion. there’s a LOT of unfinished business that i’m sure we’d all like to have addressed. IM MESSY! IMA NEED THAT REUNUON BITCH.
@Remdelarem: Having bought followers is always so obvious it’s so embarrassing!!!!
@KariselleSnow: So ummmmm if I post an hour long video on YouTube tomorrow will anyone watch it
@dramaxic: Tomorrow is going to awesome though. It’s gonna be one of those most memorable days of your life that hasn’t happened yet. But I’ll save the sappy shit for later
@amba1210: Listening to podcast about AYTO is sooo funny 😅
@QueerGirlzSlay: So we played truth or dare with my homos tonight for my girls birthday. My sister was dared to show up my legendary AYTO truth or dare moment so she got butt ass naked and wall twerked without hesitation. The brown sisters R life. dead.
@Challengemtv___: @ashleyiaco and @haibon_jared will be hosting the reunion of Ex on the beach? Season 3 filming this week ❌🏝💔👫🏻 (Source: ) #eotb #bacheloreinparadise #BIP

@AREUTHE1: How we wake up on Mondays ✨ Don't miss the SEASON FINALE of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c 🙌
@nourfraij_: I WISH I KNEW WHY YALL. a lot of people are asking me why and i wish i had an answer for y’all. it’s messed up on so many levels. we can come up with something collectively as cast-mates, i’m sure, but it’s the principal of it all.
@AREUTHE1: They got more than three beams for the first time last week, but are by no means in the clear 😱 Find out if they can win it all, TONIGHT at 11/10c on the season finale of #AYTO 👀
@SaraRamirez: It’s #20BiTeen. Are y’all watching, or aware of, @AREUTHE1 on @MTV ? All cast members are bi+ and sexually fluid. So happy for @TheBasitShow cause they. Are. Everything. 😘♥️
- @nourfraij_:  @SaraRamirez RT OMG OMG OMG!!!!! is this real!? y’all know how obsessed i am with @GreysABC ! HI SARAAAAA! 🙋🏻‍♀️😻💓
- @QueerGirlzSlay: @SaraRamirez EEEEEEEP😍😍😍😍
@AREUTHE1: Find out if the Six Stragglers can find their Perfect Matches on the SEASON FINALE of #AYTO, TONIGHT at 11/10c! 😰
- @nourfraij_: @AREUTHE1 COME ON STRAGGLERS #LEFTOVERS !!!! 😩😩😩😩
@Remdelarem: Listen. Regarding that reunion thing. Enjoy it. But just know that shit is going to be some watered down shit because whatever whoever said is not the reason some people werent invited and y’all know that lol
@drfrankiebashan: 📣Don’t miss tonight’s season finale of areuthe1!!!📺・・・Six Stragglers. A ton of possibilities. Can they get it together or will they lose it all!? Find out on the season finale of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c!…
@AshanteSpence: The ICONIC and ONLY (so far) truth booth perfect match! @BobbyBrandoXL and @aashawells_ after a black out giving everyone so much hope that they will find their match.
@_PaigeCole: MTV isn’t giving us a reuinion bc they knew I would literally shit on everyone w the look I would turn. Y’all go thank MTV for sparing the cast! #mercifulqueen
@nourfraij_: FINALE PARTY TONIGHT!!! i’ll be there early to meet some of y’all and talk shit 🙋🏻‍♀️💓👅 see everyone tonight!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Amber's been feeling Justin for some time, but are they a Perfect Match? 🤔 Find out on the SEASON FINALE of #AYTO, TONIGHT at 11/10c! 📺
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 WOW finally something max and I can relate on 🙄
- @JustinaveryPalm: @AREUTHE1 My favorite color and my favorite @TheBasitShow commentary?
@DannyPrikaz: Happy finale day, everyone! #AYTO I’ll see you at the final match up! I wonder who I’m gonna pick 😜 Also, for unrelated reasons, I’m going to be wearing this exact outfit today, so maybe you’ll see it at @BeachesWeho if you come through tonight!
@KariselleSnow: When you watch the same guy playing both of you 😅 but is that enough to think we were the beam? Find out tonight! #ayto
- @dramaxic: @KariselleSnow Lol I’m dead !!!
@kai__wes: Tonight is the night! The FINALE of @areuthe1 on @mtv - I can’t believe I’m saying this but y’all finally get to find out how this incredible journey comes to a close! This is such a bittersweet moment ugh I have so many FEELINGS.
@kai__wes: This experience has meant more to me than I ever imagined it could have, and I would not have wanted to have created the memories and growth I had with any other group of people.
@kai__wes: To my cast — I love our queer dysfunctional family, and I have a special place in my heart for each and every one of you. No matter what has happened or how anyone feels about each other, we DID THIS.
@kai__wes: We made HISTORY and we did it with a radical authenticity that did our community justice. I could not be more proud to be associated with a group of people and I’m going to sincerely miss seeing all your gorgeous faces on tv every week.
@kai__wes: Thank you for the love, the laughs, the various new words (never have I heard someone say cornball or couscous so many times), just everything. You each taught me something about myself and the world that I will always hold onto and you all have forever changed me.
@kai__wes: To the crew — thank you for handling this representation with such special care. We are so lucky to have been in the hands of people who knew the importance of this media and truly CARED about piecing a series together that would impact so many. Thank you @LightheartedTV & @mtv for making this all possible.
@kai__wes: To the fans & viewers — thank you for your incredible support, we would be nowhere without you. Thank you for all of the love, your heartfelt messages, spreading the word, showing your friends, your family, your coworkers what authentic queer relationships can look like and making this representation MEAN something. We did this all for you, because we all know our lives would have been a lot different growing up if we had seen ourselves on a screen the way we do now.
@kai__wes: I have so much love in my heart. Who knew ‘reality tv’ could end up being so real. 💙 #AYTO
@kai__wes: Thank you @TVGuide for this write up and for including this groundbreaking season in your list of #100BestShows 🙏🏼 Y’all have TASTE.
@kai__wes: You bet your queer ass @AREUTHE1 is honored on this list! 😍 #AYTO > #BachelorNation
@KariselleSnow: I can’t post the video until after it’s aired in all time zones so it will be released at 3am east coast time. I’m posting my music tomorrow night- you’ll see why
- @ShirtlessStars: @KariselleSnow Actual footage of me and all @AREUTHE1 #AYTO fans going to work tomorrow after staying up to see @KariselleSnow's YouTube video because we're dying to know what's been going on with y'all.
@dramaxic: Tonight is really like the climax of everything over the past year of my life. Casting, auditioning, waiting, filming, waiting, watching... every other emotion and feeling in between
@AREUTHE1: The finale is finally here! Will they leave with money and love, or will they go home empty-handed? 💰❤️ Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 11/10c to see for yourselves 👀 #AYTO
@TheWrap: How MTV's 'Are You the One?' Became the Show Your LGBTQ Friends Can't Stop Talking About #AYTO #AYTO8
@AREUTHE1: Win or lose, we're going out with a bang 🙌 Don't miss the SEASON FINALE of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c! 💥
- @KariselleSnow: @AREUTHE1 My first time skinny dipping was on national television... I’m so sorry mom hahahahaha
- @JustinaveryPalm: @AREUTHE1 Best pool party ever 😏😏😏 Definitely wasn’t sanitary 😂
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 I had already done my nightly routine: shower, oral care, moisturizer... and you want me to get in a pool naked with these people.... absolutely not. Asked an hour ago, maybe
@KariselleSnow: Are we gonna win? Are we gonna lose? Are we gonna find out who my emo tweets have been about? Let’s see!
@AREUTHE1: There have been a lot of ups: hookups, matchups, and f*ck ups. And now it comes down to this.  Don't miss the season finale of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c on @MTV📺
- @nourfraij_: @AREUTHE1 y’all remember when i punched that balloon y’all felt it through the screen? mehhhh ima miss seeing myself act up every other episode ☹️☹️ #AYTO
@nourfraij_: y’all, i’m getting lit regardless of the outcome so get those tequila shots ready! 🙋🏻‍♀️😈🥴
@nourandamber: #amour getting everyone drunk to go skinny dipping 🤪 #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: WAKEY WAKEY!!!! The newest and final episode of @AREUTHE1 airs in 2 HOURS!!!!!!!!!! #AYTO
@remdelagain: Okay I made this just so I could tweet about the finale tonight
- @_PaigeCole: @remdelagain FOLLOW REMY FOR HIS TWEETS TONIGHT!!!! Twitter jail won’t stop our king
@nourfraij_: i wish @JassJaquay was here for the season finale 😢
@remdelagain: Anyways I’m tweeting from the shower I can’t wait to see you all at tonight’s finale party!!!!!
@DannyPrikaz: Because I’m going to be partying at @BeachesWeho tonight, I won’t be live tweeting for the finale, but I’ll make sure to post yo my Insta. Follow me! @DannyPrikaz
@dramaxic: My tweets won’t be that good tonight cuz im trying to turn up!!! Just saying... But I’ll see y’all in one hour !!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: The season finale of #AYTO starts in 1 HOUR on @MTV! Can they do it!? 😱  (GIF: "Let's go!")
@drfrankiebashan: #Tonight Are You the One? airing on MTV #AreYouTheOne
@drfrankiebashan: 👉🏻Will the Singles be leaving with love and money, or going home empty handed? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Find out on the season finale of #AYTO TONIGHT at 11/10c!📺🍿 ...#mtv #tonight #tonightshow #finale #finalepisode #season8…
@remdelagain: Woah this line is NUTS lmao people deff gunna have to start watching from outside cuz lmao
@Viacom: Check out what publications like @nytimes and @rollingstone have to say about season 8 of @MTV’s @AREUTHE1! Catch the finale TONIGHT at 11/10c. #AYTO
- @Viacom: Discover why @Variety believes @MTV’s “Are You The One?” is successfully portraying “queer experiences for viewers in way that actually feels authentic” now:  (Pic: "An unexpected step forward for queer representation on TV")
- @Viacom: Read praise from @ELLEmagazine on @MTV’s innovative queer reality series “Are You The One?” — the show that offers “open conversations about emotional labor, boundaries, attraction and expectations in queer relationships.”  (Pic: "So unmistakenably queer and hopeful")
- @Viacom: With a sexually fluid cast, @MTV’s “Are You The One?” has built a cult following. Read more from @nytimes:  (Pic: "Nonjudgemental portrayal of queer relationships.")
- @Viacom: .@RollingStone praises @MTV’s “Are You The One?” for showing “elements of queer culture that are rarely seen on television.” Learn more:  (Pic: "Fresh, evolved, and not so straight.")
- @Viacom: “It took queer people on a dating show to honestly reflect just how unpredictable dating can be.” Learn why @MTV’s “Are You The One?” has been a huge success from @NYTmag:  (Pic: "Queer people brought some actual reality to dating reality TV.")
@mic: MTV's 'Are You the One' shows that dating is more fun when it's non-binary:

AS THEY SAW IT: "All or Nothing" 
@AREUTHE1: It all comes down to this! The season finale of #AYTO starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 😱 (GIF: Amber - "This is it, it's week 10")
@AREUTHE1: The Six Stragglers trying to figure out who's their PM like 😩 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: The rest of the house to The Stragglers: $750,000 is on the line, you need to make a connection and find your PM. Amber to Justin: What's your favorite color?  (GIF of Nour)
@JustinaveryPalm: Y’all trying to Kiki? #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: When they’re just “physically” into you #AYTO  (GIF of him sitting alone)
- @BobbyBrandoXL: @JustinaveryPalm That was the whole cast towards me all season...... 🤦🏾‍♂️Welcome to the club sis #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Me: fuck your feelings  The house: statistically you and max are a 50% chance   Me: wow didn’t realize this was are you the mathematician fuck off #Ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: Watching the PM couples on cloud 9 while we’re riding the struggle bus to straggler city #AYTO  (GIF: Jenna - "I'm gonna throw up")
@dramaxic: This in insanity !!! I can’t believe all the people here to support the line is out the door !!!
@AREUTHE1: Would you pie your BFF for one dolla-  (GIF of Max throwing pie in Paige's face in slow-motion)
@dramaxic: Caption this :
- @remdelagain: @dramaxic Paige and I After we won the money in that hotel room
@dramaxic: After waiting a watch #ayto
@Tommalek03: @KariselleSnow  Kari: Math   Math: Max  Kari: No
@BobbyBrandoXL: Damn @TheBasitShow put some force behind that pie #Ayto
@JustinaveryPalm: @TheBasitShow really hit the button .0000354 seconds before I did #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Let's get some of these Stragglers into the Truth Booth! 🔮 #AYTO  (GIF of Kylie & Amber, Basit & Jonathan, and Kari & Max)
@BobbyBrandoXL: $10 @dramaxic and @KariselleSnow lips didn’t touch on that kiss #ayto
@KariselleSnow: It’s a shame max and I have so much beef cause that was so fucking cute hahahaha #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Who would you vote into this Truth Booth: Amber and Kylie, Max and Kari? 🤔 #AYTO (GIF: Paige - "My gut's telling methat Max and Kari are a match")
@KariselleSnow: It’s so funny people have theories that max and i’s beef is staged. Like nah dude it’s just as up and down as you see it and I don’t understand it either lmao #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Max might just be the Yin to Kari's Yang ☯️ #AYTO  (GIF: him to Kari - "You're Ms. Strategy and I'm Mr. Heart")
@dramaxic: Wow the support is so real I am really shook. We love all you and are so thankful I don’t really know what to say
@dramaxic: I can whip !!! Even w Kari in the front seat I’m a good driver !! #ayto
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic Bish you look better next to me chill
@aashawells_: LMAO BASIT #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: @jonathankmonroe driving distractedAF with basit’s twerking #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Is there more to this relationship, or is their connection skin deep? 👀 #AYTO  (GIF: Kylie to Amber - "She's so beautiful")
@_PaigeCole: Jenna/myself, Danny/Kai and Jasmine/Nour being the 3 new confirmed and pressure free perfect matches like  #AYTO
@dramaxic: Be prepared to say “Max was right” #AYTO
@jonathankmonroe: @TheBasitShow and I made a HUGE announcement during our date conversation! No one will ever know bc it wasn’t shown. Write @MTV not us. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is a big one! 😰 #AYTO  (GIF of Kylie and Amber in Truth Booth)
@JassJaquay: My baby Kylie #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Time and place, Max 😩 #AYTO (GIF: "I f___ing knew it")
@dramaxic: Say it with me now........ #ayto 
@dramaxic: Quiet..... let him speak
@_PaigeCole: All the stragglers sitting there knowing they’re the reason we either win or lose like #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: You're doing great, sweetie ❤️ #AYTO  (GIF: Kylie - "I was following my heart")
@shadesofgregory: This is so awkward cause we secretly want 8 of the 14 people left to lose lol #AYTO
@shadesofgregory: Max and Kari been talking mad shit online about each other lately. If they’re a perfect match my wig will be sent into space #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: Watching @KylieMarie808 cry makes me so fucking sad #AYTO
@JustinaveryPalm: Lol @KariselleSnow and @dramaxic faces during the truth booth ceremony 😂😂😂 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Remy's OK with not wearing the 👖 in a relationship 😂 #AYTO  (GIF: "I can wear a skirt")
@JustinaveryPalm: Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how amazing @DannyPrikaz is? #AYTO 
@AREUTHE1: Win or lose, we're going out with a bang 💥 #AYTO (GIF: "Let's get naked")
@AREUTHE1: If this isn't sanitary, I never wanna be clean 😭 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit - "This doesn't look sanitary at all")
@amba1210: Omg hiiii
@amba1210: I haven’t been tweeting
@dramaxic: Yea I hated that but I’m alive and breathing before anyone asks #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Amber's finally "exploring" a connection with Justin 👀 #AYTO  (GIF of them in Boom Boom Room)
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Steve Irwin died exploring mate
@jonathankmonroe: We winning or losing? @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@nourfraij_: i speak facts ALWAYS. idgaf #AYTO
@amba1210: So who ya think is my match ?

AS THEY SAW IT: The Last Matchup, and the Aftermatch 
@AREUTHE1: It's been a crazy ride, but we've come a long way 👏 #AYTO  (GIF: Jenna - "The struggle has been real")
@dramaxic: Ok so this where you become champions. Right here. Right now. It’s do or die. #AYTO
@amba1210: The game is all on me so I hope I pick the right one ❤️
@jonathankmonroe: Talk about it. Go. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is more than a game 🌈 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit -"For the queer community")
@KariselleSnow: Not wearing makeup cause this is Kari with her guard down and she’s not afraid anymore. #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Are you as confident in this pair as Max is? #AYTO  (GIF: "My perfect match is Kari")
@nourfraij_: i say shit that people be too afraid to say out loud #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Who should Amber choose!? 🤔 #AYTO  (GIF: Remy to her - "Obviously I'm the best choice")
@_PaigeCole: Remy said “guess I won, Justin” 💀 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: They're matching, sure, but are they a match!? 👀 #AYTO  (GIF: Remy with Amber - "Guess I won, Justin")
@AREUTHE1: We don't deserve these two ❤️ #AYTO  (GIF of Basit and Jonathan)
@BobbyBrandoXL: Tbh I have faith in ALLL my cast mates So much growth in EVERYONE  I love you all  #AYTO
@BobbyBrandoXL: #Ayto
@aashawells_: Yall already KNO I had to bust out my blonde wig okurr #AYTO
@KariselleSnow: Don’t fuck with Kari’s beams y’all #Ayto
@jonathankmonroe: These beams better get to poppin. @AREUTHE1 #ayto
@kenyaxmark: one of the best seasons of are you the one ends tonight
@itsasiahoops: amber when Terrence said “it’s all up to you” #AYTO  @amba1210
@KariselleSnow: How cute was It when max was like “im right I know I’m right!” And I’m like “Um I know I’m right too!” Already an old married couple #ayto
@AREUTHE1: This is it! For all the marbles! 😱 #AYTO  (GIF: Jenna - "I'm gonna throw up")
@LilAsianRoll: I love how real @aashawells_ is!  #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: BIG. MOOD.  #AYTO (GIF of Paige and Basit after result)
- @_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 Boots!!!!💰💸🥳
- @jonathankmonroe: @AREUTHE1 WE FUCKING DID IT! @AREUTHE1 #ayto SEASON 8! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@AREUTHE1: YOU WOULDA THOUGHT 👏 #AYTO  (GIF: Basit - "You thought we wasn't gonna get this money... ha ha ha that's really funny")
@dc408dxnow: When you’re down, you always try to find something and never give up, even when the odds are stacked against you. Them figuring this impossible equation out, all on their own, makes the difference: a $750,000 rainbow shines down on paradise. Tonight, #LoveWins. #AYTO 🌈
@JassJaquay: We won bitchesssss!!!!! #AYTO
@nourfraij_: i promise i cried like a baby 😢💓💓💓💓💓
@BobbyBrandoXL: #AYTO $750,000 Time to block some numbers.....😂😂😂😂😂😂
- @aashawells_: @BobbyBrandoXL I’m-
@AREUTHE1: Love wins 🌈 #AYTO   (GIF: Kari with Max - "The queer community rises up once again")
- @dramaxic: @AREUTHE1 Bring it bitch !!!!
- @dramaxic: @KariselleSnow Perhaps
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic If I’m dying alone that means you are too PM
- @nourfraij_: @KariselleSnow LMFAOOOOOO CRYINGGGG
@BobbyBrandoXL: #AYTO  ❤️ FOREVER  The best cast and experience  Szn8 we AINT STRAIGHT
@jonathankmonroe: No way we could have pulled it off with the blackout, you’re welcome guys! I knew WTF I WAS DOING. 🖤🖤🖤🖤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🖤🖤🖤 @MTV  @AREUTHE1
@JustinaveryPalm: Omfgggggggg!!!!! #AYTO  (GIF of last matchup)
@KariselleSnow: I genuinely believe max is my soulmate.
- @dramaxic: @KariselleSnow It’s genuine we just hate each other sometimes
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic *most times 😏❤️
- @dramaxic: @KariselleSnow My perfect match is Kari. That’s all y’all gotta know
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic We are both fucking nuts Bahahahaha
@KariselleSnow: Also is nobody gonna address the fact that my match and I are literally just tana and Jake Paul #ayto #MTV
- @dramaxic: @KariselleSnow Only gayer
@joshgowrite: Look at these happy queer lovelies! @dramaxic @QueerGirlzSlay @kai__wes @DannyPrikaz @amba1210 @AREUTHE1 #BeachesWeHo
- @_PaigeCole: @AREUTHE1 Boots!!!!💰💸🥳
@TheRealAnthonyM: Congrats on season 8 of #AYTO on winning 🙏🏻🕺🏻🎉🍾
@00Hitsdiidii: CONGRATS TO THE @AREUTHE1  tonight for taking home the W🎉🎉🎉 so happy for each and every one of you❤️❤️ #AYTO
@MTVjennifer: congrats to the #AYTO cast! 🌈 @AREUTHE1
@davonnesgarcia: the fact that we’re NOT getting a reunion for the first lgbt+ season of #AYTO with such a good cast and underrated storylines and good drama......... i cant!! #AYTO8
@amba1210: Can’t believe I ripped my pants dancing ☹️
@kai__wes: "@ChiaraLaFazia: I’m Kai crying at the end #AYTO" RT I’m Kai crying at the end too bc god damn that ending was emotional. SO MANY FEELINGS STILL
@cheryltoepaz: kai had so much growth this season and seeing him cry honestly made me go 🥺 #ayto
@NotYerAvgChick: [Kai] is really like a role model for me. - @DannyPrikaz #AYTO #AYTO8 @AREUTHE1
@kai__wes: "@_aria_s_: #AYTO @kai__wes the emotions on your face before that seventh beam. Thank you for that moment. I could read everything you were thinking and I was too." RT I was an emotional wreck. When we got those 7/8 beams I cried bc I knew my life was forever changed in that exact moment. The representation. The family I gained. The check that would turn my life around. Those were the most happy, grateful tears of my life.
@kai__wes: "@HexPositive: Danny is dad. Kai is daddy. There’s a difference! #AYTO" RT Facts.
- @kevinpokeeffe: @as_seenontv reality TV was once a new frontier for queerness. we deserve shows like Are You the One. because we’ll show the fuck up for it
@_DesiDani_: When Jenna said “This is for the Queers” and that last beam lit up, oh my God😭. I have never cried so much in my life. #AYTO
@creepyerim: #ayto this season has made me feel. so happy. so accepted. so seen. so loved. i literally started crying when they won. there’s no other words other than what miss jenna said, “this is for the queers” nobody can take this from us. ❤️🏳️‍🌈
@LauraBreeden: The gays won!!! The cast of are you the one season 8 just ended homophobia!!! #AYTO
@nourfraij_: MY BABIES!! 💜👅
@amba1210: Soooo yesss it was Remy, Justin, and I in the boom boom room the last night. I had to see wassup and who was my match yall 🤷🏼‍♀️
@amba1210: Who would’ve though @remdelarem is my Perfect Match!? I feel so blessed to have such an amazing person like you as my PM and as a life long friend. I mean if definitely makes sense so I’m not mad at all about it. I…
@CSUGradAkirk: The #ayto5 cast in the beginning of the season was probably like yes we won’t be the only losers now lol. Well that sucks for you guys your still the laughing stock of the show. However ayto 5 was good for that reason at the same time.
@skeatings: "Sucking at relationships isn’t exactly something bisexuals can exclusively claim as our own, like mood lighting or Marlon Brando. But we do have our own unique set of predicaments." lots of great Are You The One takes but you don't wanna miss this one

@jonathankmonroe: I got so many questions, myself. I woke up to a video of @QueerGirlzSlay getting proposed 2. An ostrich leading her farmer to her barn (no, bully) (all 💕) #RAIGE and two bottles of pepto waddling down the streets of NYC. Someone call @WendyWilliams bc I need the gossip. #AYTO
@QueerGirlzSlay: I must say - lol. Everyone thinks Grey and I are dating so we were drunkenly like - wouldn’t it be funny if you str8 up proposed?!? And then it turns out we’re kinda good at acting so it seemed way more legit than we thought??? I woke up to so many congrats hahah YALL IM SINGLE
@QueerGirlzSlay: SORRY FOR ALL CONFUSION lmfao ⚰️⚰️⚰️ I was hanging with a kai doppleganger for a while but it wasn’t Grey. I’m SINGLE AS A PRINGLE so what’s good
@QueerGirlzSlay: Omfg now I feel bad because everyone on reddit showed me so much engagement love😭😭 thanks anyway y’all ily tbh I *wish* I was romantically interested in my best friend too bc our costars are ridiculously compatible
@KariselleSnow: Justin & Max are both two of my favorite people. We all have a strong bond with each other. They both taught me things and helped me grow. I would have gone about the situation WAY differently, but I will never regret connecting with them on a deeper level.
@KariselleSnow: There’s no bad guys here- just some emotional queers that want to be loved. I will always support them both. They changed me in the best way possible ❤️
@KariselleSnow: & Justin is AMAZING. He seriously has a beautiful soul and a huge heart. That’s why its so hard to not adore him. No matter what he is forever my best friend ❤️
@KariselleSnow: I cannot emphasis this enough. We ALL made mistakes. We ALL messed up. But it’s because we ALL just wanted to be loved. There were no bad intentions. Both of these men have inspired me so much & we all would still do anything for each other.
@KariselleSnow: We ALLLLLLL made mistakes here, but it’s all love 💗
@shewhocriesalot: it’s so weird to see Kari and Max kiss after they’ve been fighting so much lmao #ayto
@remdelagain: I just wanna say thank you to each and every single fan and supporter of #AYTO this season. It has been so fucking magical because of each and every one of you. I can’t imagine what this would be like without yall.
@remdelagain: Im so happy we won, but goddamn you all would’ve made it worth it even if we lost. The support has been overwhelming and I just wanna say I’m humbled and so so so grateful. Thank you all. It was like pride 2.0 tonight, and really ever since the premier. Love y’all #AYTO
@Remdelarem: On top of winning 1/16 of $750,000 I also won a hot ostrich as a girlfriend! Love you @_PaigeCole 🤩😍🤪🎊🎉😘✨
@JustinaveryPalm: Thank you everyone. This has been the single most amazing experience of my life, thanks for taking this ride with me. ❤️
@amba1210: Ugh what a fucking night !!! WE WON!!! WE WON SOME MONEY BITCHESSSSS
@QueerGirlzSlay: Thank you so much for coming to our LA party, sorry it was too full to let some of y’all in 😭😭 but also thanks god for letting me and amber sing “start of something new” bc I didn’t know how much I needed that in my life
@QueerGirlzSlay: When Reddit says “she was making out with castmates and fans, everyone really” you have to wonder how drunk you truly were
@TheBasitShow: Y’all I’m feeling hella thankful for all of the love, and support!!!! All I have ever wanted was the freedom to be myself and live in my truth, and I encourage you all to the same! You are worth it💜
@remdelagain: Yes it was me who was the secret 3rd person in the Justin and Amber boom boom room threesome from the preview
@remdelagain: Oh and @_PaigeCole made me wait until after we won until she let me officially clap her cheeks!
- @tyleroakley: @Remdelarem @_PaigeCole my fav duo to run into during our messiest moments! CONGRATS REALITY LEGENDS
@dramaxic: I cannot believe the love tonight. CANNNNN YOU FEEL THE LOVEEEE THE TONIGHTTT #AYTO
@_PaigeCole: I got chills watching us win tonight and reliving those emotions. God is so good y’all- I’ve truly been blessed in abundance by this experience. Thank you sm to the fans, thank you so much for the support & thank you for joining me on my journey of coming out!!!🥺☺️ #AYTO #AYTO8
@_PaigeCole: I came out as bisexual, I gained some ostriches, & I found love. This has been the craziest, most amazing & unforgettable journey. I’ve learned so much about myself & I’m so PROUD to be a part of something so much bigger than me & finally represent the LGBTQ community!🏳️‍🌈 #AYTO8
@_PaigeCole: I’m feeling all the feels rn! Tonight concludes the craziest year of my life-Half a year of casting, a few weeks to get ready, 1 month of filming and some relationships made for a lifetime. #AYTO8, it’s been an absolute honor, a privilege and a kiki! Ostrich out, betch! xx😉🥰🌈
@_PaigeCole: SURPRISE!!! #RAIGE lives on! I’m in love w @Remdelarem - We’ve been dating for almost half a year and i finally don’t have to hide it anymore! Went for a girlfriend, left w a boyfriend mind yalls business 🤪😩💕  #AYTO
@kai__wes: Tonight was more than I could have ever IMAGINED. I come from a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere RI & was told it wasn’t okay to be gay & NEVER thought I’d be #realityfamous living in LA w people asking 4 pics bc I’m QUEER!? WUT IS LIFE I AM SO GRATEFUL
@dramaxic: I will give you everything you want just not tonight I’m feeling myself we just $750,000k #AYTO
@dramaxic: Whether or not my perfect match have relationship, friendship, or nothing @KariselleSnow is my perfect match and I have to respect that !!! #AYTO
@dramaxic: I didn’t check no bodies twitter and only gave positive vibes tonight. And it was amazing !!!! I for real distraught at the amount of love tonight !!
@dramaxic: @JustinaveryPalm can you believe it’s over!? You know you always have special place in my heart but itll never be how we wanted. I accept that.
- @JustinaveryPalm: @dramaxic If you put me back in that house knowing what we know now, I wouldn’t change a thing. You’ve forever impacted me and continue to impact me. This has been wild, amazing and surreal Thank you ❤️
@dramaxic: Should @KariselleSnow make merch?? It’s true. Best of both worlds !!!  (GIF)
- @KariselleSnow: @dramaxic Mr & Mrs RaveGod
@dramaxic: If im drunk y’all can check me on this: but i feel like im the best “heart” player in #AYTO history!! I feel in love. I made a life long connection. I found my match in 10 min with no math. Tell me why I’m not !!!
@dramaxic: Kari literally told me exactly what I asked the match makers for !!! I didn’t go in there looking for that. I didn’t even go in there looking for Justin. It just happened. But the growth!! The growth !!!
@dramaxic: At the end of the day I love my cast and I will always go to bat for them. But will I be telling you how I feel tomorrow ?? Yes. 100 p. Im nervous
@dramaxic: Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Lol that’s my type !!!!!
@dramaxic: @kai__wes Okay Kai I made a spelling mistake. But we also agreed on a life long friendship!! I’m gonna fuck up time to time. Forgive me father !!
-@kai__wes: @dramaxic 1. It’s daddy according to Danny and 2. You are absolutely correct we are forever friends aka I will forever give you shit and forever love you and forever have all the #feels with you and forever support you in all your emotional endeavors 🤗☺️😘
@dramaxic: I met two of the most beautiful girls tonight @00Hitsdiidii and @NurysKMateo. Star struck low key!!
- @kai__wes: @dramaxic @00Hitsdiidii and @NurysKMateo On some real why didn’t y’all say hi...... how did I miss you LITERALLY being right behind me...... 🤔🧐😒
- @00Hitsdiidii: @dramaxic Awww stop!! You guys were the freakin cutest last night, so happy for yall 💕
@dramaxic: Wow. We did that. Good night. I love you all !!
@kai__wes: #Kanny #Karax #Jylie #Ramber #Jaige #Jour #Braasha #Jasit  #AYTO Season 8, in a hashtag.
@dramaxic: I just got a check, but my life is just starting!!! Ride this with me !!!!
@kai__wes: Can we just look at how lucky I am that my perfect match is @DannyPrikaz, he calls me daddy, AND we won’t $750k!? If this isn’t love and happiness then idk what is.
@kai__wes: Not only did we win $750k, but I became a better person & a better partner bc of the #AYTO house, & I feel so lucky to have taken my growth to create a beautiful, healthy, balanced relationship w this incredible human. (& it doesn’t hurt that she’s a Pisces 😉)
Ily Kendra💙🧲🖤
@kai__wes: On a more serious note — winning this money means I can finally afford to get my name & gender marker legally changed. Now you really know why I couldn’t contain my #feels at the end. This was more than a “reality show” — it made my real life aspirations an actual reality. #AYTO

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Kai providing us with the last word of this revolutionary season that, except for what happened in the very first season and then two years ago, sees a familiar result: the cast finding a way to win, and recovering from a blackout midway through this season to salvage $750,000 - all by having only one truth booth perfect match and them relying on just their knowledge to get to the end of the rainbow that shines down on them at summer's end... and of course we send our congrats to all of them with the final matchup chart below.

 MATCHUP #10          
 & The Final Order     
 8 BEAMS & $750k    

But the true winner of this season is the LGBT community: a familiar refrain four years ago this summer was "Love Wins." I capped off my last live tweet of this year's love fest with that hashtag as this cast got to become the first reality dating show on U.S. TV to have gays & lesbians be the star of the show. A community that hasn't had much representation on dating shows until this AYTO season and Demi coming out as lesbian on The Bachelor (and before this, Jozea being on Ex On The Beach) now have people to look to and relate to on these shows, and this will hopefully open the door for more of the pride flag to be represented when it comes to love on reality TV. This season was memorable in many ways, and we're pleased to have witnessed history for the LGBT community.

We are not done here with our AYTO coverage: there is one person from this Season 8 cast who made his mark for the first time in a different environment than what we've seen from him this summer. We'll look back to when Max took part in a local version of one of the giants of reality television... coming up on ExtraTime in just a bit.


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