Sunday, September 8, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach Season 3 - Court, Coffey and Cuts

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

It's a Sunday Funday... and wherever you are we hope you are enjoying the last hours of this first weekend of the fall, which includes our first NFL Sunday festival of football and on a night that sees one of our subjects from last year, Big Brother romance Swayleigh, return to the big house tonight after this past week's juicy double elimination. And it's elimination week in Malibu as well as we bring you back here for the Pulse of Week 8 of Ex On The Beach 3.

Last week a lot went on in Ex land, including a Crush Date with Cameron and his ex on the countryside when then was invaded by another one of his exes and turned this romance into a threesome with him, Alexis and Ariana. The Bash Brothers of this house, Mark and Billy, were at it again with the Kaplan twins... while we had another house party: this time it was an ER-themed shindig after Kenya returned from a brief stay in hospital attending to personal matters.

This week, the threesome is once again the focus, as this time they are summoned to court and the man at the heart of the matter stands trial for crimes against his Exes... and you'll never guess who is the judge. For our lone Big Brother rep in the house and the star lady of this season, they may have some company coming to the house in this week's Ex arrival. And the hilarity of what we've seen here continues with some sumo wresting.

After the jump, the Pulse of Episode 8 of Ex On The Beach, plus more reaction to this week's War of the Worlds 2, another pregnancy announcement and good news for one of the competitors. Thanks for joining us...

CHALLENGE ENDGAME, and More Baby News... 
@ChallengeMTV: The lone wolf isn's so lonely anymore...👑 #TheChallenge34
- @Kmorrisx: @ChallengeMTV That pretty little face 🥰
-@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV A link up 😈😈 Also, can we contact the editor.... you spelt strong **challengers** wrong. It ain’t just the women we’re targeting 😉😘
@joss_mooney: What did everyone think of last nights episode of the @ChallengeMTV ⚔️ Of course myself & @Rogan_OConnor packed our 🇬🇧 boxers. We’re “strippers” 👀😂 #JOGAN #TheChallenge
@Rogan_OConnor: Fell asleep just before the ep started 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 What did I miss? @ChallengeMTV
@Kmorrisx: Just caught up on the episode. Thanks guys
@Kmorrisx: "@BrittneyJ24: @iamkamiam_ and @Kmorrisx are the duo I always wanted on the challenge ❤️❤️👸🏽👸🏽" RT Love this ☺️
@DerrickMTV: Let the QUITTING, AMBUSHING, and RUTHLESS @ChallengeMTV GAME PLAY begin!! 🤣💣- BONUS PODCAST where Me and @SHOTOFYAGER get crazy breaking this **** down is UP NOW at 🤪🧨(Available for Patrons Only). ✊-#TheChallenge34 🏊‍♂️🦈
@tonyraines: "@SciFiJenX: @tonyraines my 13 yr old son was stoked to go into this challenge for church. He was gonna yell "Tony Time" and said it's preparation for @ChallengeMTV .. reality came in the form of Vienna Sausages and Mayo .. he'll keep training 😉" RT That’s good form, with my help he could be the best
@blackzeusfit: @jordan_wiseley Solid 10/10 👌🏾
@jordan_wiseley: "@GHLover5: @tori_deal @jordan_wiseley and @ChallengeMTV Jordan is a competitor. The Challenge brings it out of him. Also, Jordan has gone through life having to prove that he can compete because people have looked at him a certain way over his disability." RT That was very articulate 👌🏽
@PaulCalafiore_: @jordan_wiseley Always have said this. Competition brings certain things out of people. Now add a chip on your shoulder to that competitive side. Then again, that’s why only 2-3% of people that start sports make it to the pros. It’s a unique and rare mindset 💪🏼👊🏼
@tori_deal: Gods lesson for me — You gotta get comfortable being disliked.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @tori_deal Please please.... call me Bro... I am no God, merely a human who’s watched Remember The Titans and The Dark Knight too many times Sis 😂😂
@MattieLBreaux: Modify your energy so yo skin and ya bank glow ⭐️
@JustJem24: What’s your type? Me: Any man named Idris..
@JustJem24: @Rogan_OConnor is hands down the funniest person on this season..  #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: I fucks with @Kmorrisx so hard 💅🏽
@tori_deal: I’m trying to post this incredible video of @jordan_wiseley lifting today but it won’t post... 😭
@JOSHMBB19: Taking Over @CBSBigBrother Instagram during tonight’s Double Eviction. tune In 🕺🏽🤘🏽🙌🏽 #bb21
@JustJem24: "@ChallengeMTV: 👀👀👀 #TheChallenge34" RT Just like Jordan nominated Jordan
@ChallengeMTV: Miss last night's episode? Catch up NOW On Demand, at, or on the MTV App! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Can't get enough of last night's episode?! The cast dishes on every single moment, including that WILD elimination vote on Behind The Challenge! 👀 #TheChallenge34
@RealityBlurb: 'Vanderpump Rules' Alum Faith Stowers is Pregnant With Her First Child! See Her Sweet Pregnancy Announcement #VanderpumpRules #PumpRules @FaithStowers #FaithStowers
@usweekly: Oh, baby! #TheChallenge's @MTV_AMANDAG is pregnant with her first child. 💕🍼
@faithstowers: Me and @MTV_AMANDAG  are in the MOM section in @usweekly 💕 Thank you!
- @BravoWWHL: @faithstowers @MTV_AMANDAG and @usweekly MAZEL 💙
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @faithstowers @usweekly YASSSSS!!!!! So happy for us both sister 💕
- @faithstowers: Thank you so much!! @Andy @BravoWWHL  This means a lot to me! Blessings to you and your families over at #watchwhathappenslive
- @PaulCalafiore_: @faithstowers @MTV_AMANDAG @usweekly Congrats you two!!
@syrusmtv: Me & my #RealWorld Roomate Elka on top of the world #EmpireStateBuilding #NYC #TBT #ThrowBackThursday #MTV .... #OnTopOfTheWorld #HighRise #Building #Views #Fun #Heights #High #Up #AllTheWayUp #Live #Love #Learn…
@EstherFalana1: "@ChallengeMTV: These UK rookies catch on quick #TheChallenge34" RT I can’t be played 😂
@johnnybananas: 🏈NEW EPISODE ALERT🏈 Kickoff the @NFL season with an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv TONIGHT! The madness begins in select markets at 7 ET before tonight's @NFL pregame show 📺👀 #bearsvspackers #NFL #HostBananas #1stLooktv #ThisViewIsBananas #bananasdoingthings
@JOSHMBB19: You say you wanna see me, but you can't right now  You never took the time to get to know me  Was scared of losin' something that we never found  We're running out of reasons but we can't let go. I felt that    @PostMalone  #HollywoodsBleeding
@DayDaVonne_: Thinking about starting a podcast ....
- @JustJem24: @DayDaVonne_ I’m down to co host 😏☺️🙃
- @DayDaVonne_: @JustJem24 Ya know what....  🤔
@mtvrrdarrell: Get em @jordan_wiseley! Just getting caught up 🐀🐀🐀🐀#WarOfTheWorlds2 @ChallengeMTV
@PaulParmar1: That’s heartbreaking that Zahida had to leave & hear such heartbreaking news☹️☹️ . @xZahida #TheChallenge34
@usweekly: "I started thinking and decided, I can’t do the show like this," #TheChallenge34's @FaithStowers tells Us.
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @usweekly Here you go. This should clear things up as to what was said / went down that we didn’t see on #TheChallenge34 last night. #ChallengeMania
@Idrisvirgo: Fight night tomorrow let's go!!! #fightnight #thechallenge34 #loveisland #knockout #letsgochamp
@ChallengeMTV: Before this week's tribunal, Kayleigh and Kam decide it's time to shake things up and send a reminder that no one's safe in this game! 🔥#TheChallenge34
@DerrickMTV: Dear SAN FRANCISCO,CA!! Not sure if you’re ready for all this SAUCE?!! But it’s en route and it’s gonna be HOT and REAL FUKKN SPICY! #ChallengeManiaLIVE is going down tomorrow @punchlinesf! 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 - SATURDAY…
@ChallengeMTV: Me waiting for my friends to cancel plans so I can stay home and watch Netflix tonight. 🙃 #TheChallenge34
@LurkerTweets: Fun fact: @Marie_TBD and I were almost on the same season of The Real World. I got dropped because of a change in the age restriction for the show that started with St Thomas. 💔 could y’all imagine...
@LurkerTweets: I’ve tweeted enough tonight... whew... but one last tidbit. After the War of the Worlds trilogy ends, a superfans season has been discussed as a segway into the post-CBS/Viacom merger state of The Challenge. More to come. Hindsight is 2020. 😎

@bobbiest0ne: watching @theo_campbell91 on this morning and wow is he one strong guy!! the positivity is unreal
@theo_campbell91: Some of my fellow challengers like to make fun of people in unfortunate situations. But I’m doing a challenge final style Chartiy run this Saturday for people with sight and cataracts disease. Link is in my bio - every donation helps, especially if you want to go to heaven 👀🙌🏽
- @SHOTOFYAGER: You are an absolute savage, @theo_campbell91. #ChallengeMania just donated $100 on behalf of @DerrickMTV & myself. The fact that you’re turning what happened to you into a way to raise money for a good cause, already, this soon is incredible. Happy to help. Run hard, my friend.
- @tonyraines: @theo_campbell91 This hits home with me and I feel for you. I lost 85% of vision in my right eye from blunt force trauma when I was 12. I had a detached retina and almost lost my eye. I’ve had cataract surgery in that eye since then. So I’ll be donating and wish you a full recovery! 🙏
@BBCNewsbeat: Love Island's Theo Campbell lost sight in one of his eyes after being hit with a champagne cork in Ibiza.  But don't feel sorry for him - in his first interview since it happened, he says he's staying positive 👏💪

@ExOnTheBeach: All I care about is all-new #ExOnTheBeach airing TOMORROW, at 9/8c on @mtv 💅
@ExOnTheBeach: Billy is me whenever someone brings up my ex: "PFFF...I don't care, trust me" Also me: 😭
@ExOnTheBeach: Cam's truth about the whereabouts of his heart were a little unclear to Alexis & Ariana up until NOW! 👀 Judge Devin will be revealing the truth this Thursday, at 9/8c 👨‍⚖️#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Catching feelings 💕 and avoiding drama ✋ The relationsh*t show continues this Thursday, at 9/8c only on @MTV 💔
@ExOnTheBeach: Geles moved on from her situation with Cam, to love and affection with Anthony B, but it looks like h̶i̶s̶t̶o̶r̶y̶ herstory may be repeating itself. 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: My go-to poses for every photo 💋 #ExOnTheBeach is all new Thursday at 9 on @MTV 🙌
@_gelesann: Wanna see why we are unimpressed tune in tonight 9/8c to see a new @ExOnTheBeach 🌊🌴 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Missed all the drama on #ExOnTheBeach so far? 👀 Don't trip ☝️We've got more drama coming your way TONIGHT at 9/8c only on @MTV ☕️
@iCamArmstrong: Welp the happiness was cute while it lasted... Tune in tonight to see why it may be coming to an end. #ExOnTheBeach @AlexisHanaMusic
- @AlexisHanaMusic: @iCamArmstrong It’s UN-FU-ORT-tunate
@_gelesann: Omg I just got so excited for Christmas and cuddles 😍🎄
@MTV: On tonight's new episode of #ExOnTheBeach, Cam takes the stand to get to the bottom of his relationship with Alexis & Ariana. 👀 Watch Judge Devin reveal the truth, TONIGHT at 9/8c on MTV! 👨‍⚖️
@MTVDevinWalker: Someone gave me a gavel...🙂🔨💀🍻 all rise for the honorable judge foamer 🍾⚡️ #judgefoamer #exonthebeach #whatisaygoes #imincontrol #tonight #coycameron #truthseeker #tunein
@A_Bartolotte: New #ExOnTheBeach tonight
@AlexisHanaMusic: Emphasis on the F-R-I-E-N-D 😂 #ExOnTheBeach #tvbypop  (GIF: "Then be his friend")
@ariana_nova: Not sure if I’m ready for tonight’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach but do I really have a choice 😬😫NOOOO. #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: Does geles even know what slow means.... watch tonight at 9/8c @ExOnTheBeach 💖🌊  (GIF: "We're taking it slow")
@TheDunnDunn: .@WellsAdams & @Sarah_Hyland play the dating game with @DevynSimone at Facebook Dating launch
@AubreyODay: @ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT AT 9pm pst after @JerseyShore TUNE IN IT’S GONNA BE A GOOD ONE ;)! @AlexisHanaMusic
@ExOnTheBeach: 😅 I don't like rushing things ya know? #ExOnTheBeach
- @_gelesann: @ExOnTheBeach Finally someone understand me!
@AubreyODay: you don’t know what you got til it’s gone.  #exonthebeach TONIGHT at 9pm pst after #jerseyshore! IT’S GOING TO BE A GOOD ONE! @exonthebeach @ Level Up
@ExOnTheBeach: KTSE #ExOnTheBeach is all-new in just ONE HOUR on @MTV 🙌
@kai__wes: 27 is off to a great start. #teamemotional @dramaxic @QueerGirlzSlay

 AS THEY SAW IT: "Coffey Run" 
@ExOnTheBeach: There's trouble in paradise, a new ex arrives, and someone is about to get CUT ✂️#ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @mtv 🙌 RT if you're watching + live tweeting with me ✨
@MTV: Me walking by the TV and seeing that a new episode of #ExOnTheBeach starts right NOW on MTV! 👀
@PurveyorsofPop: #ExOnTheBeach starts now on MTV!
@XemfitX: ITS TIIIIIIIME  Cue ominous Jaws music   #ExOnTheBeach  @ExOnTheBeach
@caraacooper: Here we go y’all!!! #ExOnTheBeach y’all smell that?? Fresh brewed coffey comin at ya! ☕️❤️
@ExOnTheBeach: My friend: I'm outside, you ready?   Me: Yes, TF!    Also me:  (GIF of Geles doing her makeup)
@caraacooper: Yaaaaas @AubreyODay getting glam done! Queen of #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: I did my makeup in that tub everyday #ExOnTheBeach
@BillyReilich: It’s that time of the week again!! #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Let's get it on!")
@_gelesann: Why MTV play me like that with my makeup lol #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Geles: I'm taking things slow Everyone:   #ExOnTheBeach   @_gelesann
@AlexisHanaMusic: Enjoy the episode y’all ♥️ I’m gonna go meet my new nephew instead 🥰 #ExOnTheBeach #alllove
@caraacooper: I hate seeing @ariana_nova cry! #ExOnTheBeach
@BillyReilich: When Superman and Superman collide #bashbro #ExOnTheBeach @realmarkjansen
- @realmarkjansen: @BillyReilich BASH BROSSSSSS
@ExOnTheBeach: Ariana is starting to feel the burn of not being chosen by Cam 😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Completely opposite of what you thought it was gonna be")
@ExOnTheBeach: The amount of RT's is how many people stan for Mark & Billy's friendship ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them hugging)
@XemfitX: We not just getting tea served todayyyy, we getting served COFFEY. 😛
@_gelesann: I clearly don’t care 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: My ex needs to come @ExOnTheBeach
@Remdelarem: LMAOOO okay y’all are being robbed of an experience not watching #EOTB with @Kenyaa_NOT in person omg
@_PaigeCole: Watching ex on the beach w Kenya and Rem... I can’t even hear the tv bc we can’t stop laughing WE-
@PurveyorsofPop: Me watching @AubreyODay @Kenyaa_NOT and @_gelesann walk down the beach #ExOnTheBeach
a@ExOnTheBeach: Uh Oh! Whose ex do we think will storm the beach? #ExOnTheBeach   Aubrey 73% / Geles 14% / Kenya 13%   243 votes · Final results
@ariana_nova: This situationship leaves a bad taste in my mouth #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of her)
@caraacooper: Every girl knows what that belly bulge is 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Wynton_Mohorn: @mechiesocrazyy is 1 of the best listeners in the house. Would you let him be your therapist? @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: A flick with my @ExOnTheBeach familia and alumni @_gelesann and  @Kenyaa_NOT after today’s ex reveal. Tune into @mtv 9/8c. #ExOnTheBeach
@caraacooper: HERE SHE ISSS!!!!! My sister, the goddess!!! COFFEY! #ExOnTheBeach
@realmarkjansen: You underestimate the smile @_gelesann 😁😁
@caraacooper: I agree @_gelesann Coffey is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen 🥰🥰🥰
@ExOnTheBeach: Aubrey's ex Coffey just crashed the beach & by the sound of it, she's back with a vengeance! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: #ExOnTheBeach House: Chaos  Coffey:
@PurveyorsofPop: Mark when Coffey enters the house #ExOnTheBeach @realmarkjansen
@easierharrys: romeo :  #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: *Bad b*tch Coffey has entered the chat* #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: to Aubrey - "I'm not gonna make it easy for him")
@DQ_the_Man: @AubreyODay looks very beautiful on tonight’s @ExOnTheBeach. Slay Queen!! #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: Bro said he feel bad and did the same daym thing! Please understand this house shit is fake af. 😂 #Clown #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Money leaving my wallet on payday #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Romeo - "Alright bye y'all")
@AlsinaGivens: .@mechiesocrazyy and @MTVTEV are just omg😩🤤😍🥰 #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Ahhhh!!!! Message in a bottle  #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @ariana_nova Messy! #ExOnTheBeach
@easierharrys: she’s so gorgeous aubree snapped with this one #ExOnTheBeach
@shannnonmaee: Sorry @realmarkjansen I had to move out of the way!! 😂 #exonthebeach
@shadesofgregory: Aubrey, Coffey, and Mark might be a power throuple 🤭 #ExOnTheBeach
@EmbarrassSpread: Omg, The Shack of Secrets is here!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@_Doo_Wop: Aubrey said that she wanna date both of them 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: “I wanna date them both, I just don’t know how to say that”... ummmmmmm 🧐 Aye Atleast she didn’t lie.🤷🏽‍♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: No one:   Devin:   (GIF of him pounding his gavel while wearing a wig)
@PurveyorsofPop: Next time a man messes with me I'm just gonna tell him "I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT!" and call @MTVDevinWalker #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Aubrey trying to decide between Mark and Coffey #ExOnTheBeach @AubreyODay @realmarkjansen   (GIF: "Why don't we have both?")
@PurveyorsofPop: Coffey washes up on the beach and all of us are like #ExOnTheBeach   (GIF: "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy")
@PurveyorsofPop: Coffey: Who's Mark?  Mark:   #ExOnTheBeach   @realmarkjansen
@PurveyorsofPop: Alexis deserves a man who treats her with dignity and respect! And that's that on that! #ExOnTheBeach @AlexisHanaMusic
- @AlexisHanaMusic: @PurveyorsofPop Thank you! 💕
@mechiesocrazyy: Press the charges @ExOnTheBeach @mtv
@ariana_nova: Seee I’m not crazy  #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Jocelyn came with TEA! And guess who's sipping? #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: I DIDNT PAY HIS RENT @iCamArmstrong #ExOnTheBeach
- @iCamArmstrong: @ariana_nova I’ll just leave this here.
@allrealitychat: get Jocelyn on the show, send Alexis home! Jocelyn screams a BADDIE #ExOnTheBeach
@caraacooper: Oooooo Jocelyn is my BITCH! 😂😂😂 she said “ooooo by the way she pays ur rent”😳😳😳😳😳 #exonthebeach
@iCamArmstrong: Alexis knew all this information, that’s why she said I was pretty honest with her. Told her all that stuff already expect the shower shit. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Who DIDN'T Cameron say he was going to marry? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Nobody in the #ExOnTheBeach house got banged harder than that gavel.
@PurveyorsofPop: Jocelyn walking into the Shack of Secrets like #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "I have the receipts")
@caraacooper: Y’all both came upstairs and said “I still love him” !!!!?!??? #exonthebeach
@AlexisHanaMusic @ariana_nova  (GIF: "No! God! Please, no!")
- @ariana_nova: @caraacooper Bitch I had 10 years!!! Shit doesn’t just go away lol
- @caraacooper: @AlexisHanaMusic @ariana_nova Well that’s all that matters 😏😂
@ariana_nova: "@Guavah_Go: Ariana: You know when you love someone so much, you can't have the whole of them, so you'll take a piece?  "So you want to be Alexis?"    #ExOnTheBeach #EOTB #MTV" RT She caught me with that one
@ExOnTheBeach: This is how you enter a room unbothered #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Text - Witness: Jocelyn - Third roommate! - Here to set record straight!, all as she walks into SOS)
@Iamacocochula25: @RomeoMiller watching this fine chocolate man on ex on the beach 🔥🔥😍
@oh_heyitsemilyy: Aw my baby  @RomeoMiller  i notice u boo, come to me 🤤 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Me watching Geles and Anthony fight. I just want them to be happy 😭#ExOnTheBeach @_gelesann @A_Bartolotte
- @_gelesann: @PurveyorsofPop Same they need to get it together
@PurveyorsofPop: Aubrey the second she detects even an ounce of bullshit in Cameron's apology #ExOnTheBeach @AubreyODay   (GIF: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...")
@PurveyorsofPop: Billy watching this Cut Ceremony from inside the house #ExOnTheBeach @BillyReilich
@amourshai_: geles, babygirl ... do better. please. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "@KwinSoozi: Is it that hard to find good men? #ExOnTheBeach" RT Question of the night ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: That tub was my beauty room #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Loved this date it was the cutest thing #ExOnTheBeach
@caraacooper: Omg @A_Bartolotte & @_gelesann are my favorite couple on this season so far 🥰 #exonthebeach
- @_gelesann: @caraacooper ❤️❤️❤️ love you bby
@caraacooper: Wait... @BillyReilich and @AubreyODay communicating??? 😳 #exonthebeach
@_gelesann: Y’all that date was probably the best date I’ve ever been on in my life, I got out of my comfort zone and will always  be thankful and remember it, thanks AB❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: "@LoudvilleStudio: This should be the final episode of Alexis and Cam on Ex on the beach! @AlexisHanaMusic @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop @iCamArmstrong" RT My dad ladies and gentlemen..the clip tho 😂😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@PurveyorsofPop: Geles when she's doing her makeup #ExOnTheBeach @_gelesann
@PurveyorsofPop: Couple goals #ExOnTheBeach @_gelesann @A_Bartolotte
@tiffanybabii2: @_gelesann is my spirit sister😂 her sitting in the tub doing her makeup 😂😍💅 slay baby!!
@_gelesann: Me and @shannnonmaee coming through with looksssss 🔥🔥🔥
@ExOnTheBeach: Reply to this tweet NOW with who you think will be packing up! #ExOnTheBeach
@realmarkjansen: Words can’t describe how much I love @MTVDevinWalker 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@kenyaxmark: my man mark has a whole song
@iCamArmstrong: And that’s completely fine for Aubrey, coffee and mark!?!? When coffee DOES NOT want that! What the fuck is going on here. “That’s fine cus I know she’ll come back to me” TF! #ExOnTheBeach
- @realmarkjansen: @iCamArmstrong 🤣💀🤣
@kenyaxmark: who’s that man with a wicked tan (mark jansen, mark jansen)🎶🎶
@jaaaybee1: Romeo is such a sweetheart😍😍#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: "I see two queens with a dunce hat" #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: She is talllll tall #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: So they not gone show my response?!? 🙄🧐
@mechiesocrazyy: Play That Man @iCamArmstrong Parts Man🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂 They Needa Hear Wat He Was Saying Back In These Damn Arguments Man😂
@Ms_Smith25: Damn @mechiesocrazyy  look so good in that orange sitting on the couch #ExOnTheBeach
@Dyss_Functional: Billy is a bitter bitch #ExOnTheBeach
@realmarkjansen: #eotb3 #ExOnTheBeach
@won_hndrd: Ariana done damn near burst a blood vessel in her eye from cryin #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Cam's chance with Alexis was just ruined! So long Alexis #ExOnTheBeach   (GIF of her reacting to Cut vote)
- @iCamArmstrong: @ExOnTheBeach Forget the premise of the show... he lied in the past sooooo u gotta go. I HAD ALREADY TOLD HER!!!
@BillyReilich: We had a few siding with me... I appreciate the fellas backing up my campaign
@ariana_nova: Lol why’d I nod when they said her name 🤦🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: Can Next Week Come Any Sooner lol Lets Get This Show Started😂🤤 @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Enjoyed tonight's episode? Next week, the saga continues! 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Sad to see @AlexisHanaMusic go, she deserves the world. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "You deserve to be happy")
@iCamArmstrong: This episode.....
@NicoleMillerrr: @Kenyaa_NOT & @_gelesann are a whole moooood 🙌🏼 #exonthebeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: It’s been fun, it’s been real, but it hasn’t been real fun! See you guys around 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ps. My album is on Apple Music under “Alexis Hana” k thx bye 😘 #exonthebeach #tvbypop @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@Remdelarem: Wait Alexis from #EOTB is beautiful dzamn
@nourfraij_: LMFAO DEVIN IS HILARIOUS 🤣🤣🤣 #ExOnTheBeach
@brenisrael14: Anthony B. is showing Geles a great time. #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: #ExOnTheBeach (NOTE below)
- @AubreyODay: @_gelesann Go girl!
@TheRealAnthonyM: This house loves to break up the real couples ‼️‼️‼️ #ExOnTheBeach
@TheMeek10: @MTVDevinWalker you were at your best as the judge. @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Coffey stormed the scene ready to get her girl back, and Cam was put into the hot seat by Judge Devin 😂 RE-watch the latest episode of #ExOnTheBeach NOW ✨
@BillyReilich: Thinking about all the friends I’d have if there was a zombie apocalypse 😘⚔️🧟‍♂️

@iCamArmstrong: Picked @AlexisHanaMusic at every turn. With Geles, with Ariana. Was honest w/ her. Told her everything. It didn’t matter. It never will. Never even dated Ariana during the time I knew Alexis and me and Alexis were on and off. No winning no matter what u say! #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: What I don’t fuck with... is ppl that know the truth and aren’t speaking! Just cus you wanna be seen as a strong woman. It is what it is tho. #GoAwf 🙄🧐👀💪🏽 #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: My experience with #exonthebeach was a life changing one. But, even though you watched the show, you don’t know my life or my relationship. We ALL go through things and we ALL have our own issues and situations. Please have grace and compassion. All love.

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Going into this season, anyone could've been seen as THE star of this season when it comes to the focus of the episodes here. But we might not have had Cameron as the one to be at the heart of the drama, and it's him facing Judge Walker that has given us a better understanding of his ways with Alexis and Ariana with the help of a witness in roommate Jocelyn... in the end, it's Alexis who gets the cut in the house, while it's Aubrey's ex Coffey that joined the house. And how about Devin in that judge's outfit... a lot of people have sure blown up his messages over the weekend for that outfit.

And for a show that, you might call a parody or a laugh out loud version of all the romantic shows we have on TV now, we saw Geles and Anthony B. engage in some sumo wrestling in the backyard - we'd wish we have those in ours too. She got to post a postnote on Twitter after the episode aired, and here's what she got to say on there...

Coming up, we will keep with the court theme of this week's episode, as we will join one who hasn't been in the drama much this season as he faces the judge... on a possible divorce? Stay with us...


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