Sunday, September 22, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach Season 3 - "Roses Are Red, Exes Make You Blue"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

As you all get to wrap up what's been an amazing TV week on this Emmys Sunday, welcome back here to the Blog as we continue to pinch ourselves after bringing you how those of you reacted to last week's madness that was Week 4 of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2... so much so that we needed a bit more time to rest after we brought you the Pulse of that back on Saturday night. Meanwhile, the drama has continued to intensify over in Malibu as we press on with Ex On The Beach 3.

Last week, there were hearts on offer for the latest crush date, which saw one of those we featured yesterday in our ExtraTime story on Hearts of Reality, Mark, being brought on a getaway date with Aubrey and her ex Coffey, which saw them share some moments in bed... yes, a threesome for you. There was more drama surrounding Cameron as the house began to join viewers at home in turning on him... and we had Halloween arrive early when the circus came to town.

If you've been watching the first two seasons of EOTB, it's always tense when the message in a bottle comes up like those dollars in those '90s magic Coke cans. This week, the tables are turned when Cut week arrives as, this time, it's the Singles who are feeling the heat as the Exes have power in who they want to send home. This comes at a most opportune time for them when they find out some big tea from back home... and the man who dated a Kardashian's ex will finally see the spotlight turn to him as the endless summer rolls along.

All the action, reaction and interaction of Episode 10 of Ex On The Beach 3 is ahead, but after the jump: more of the buzz surrounding last week's game-changing Challenge. Thanks for joining us...

CHALLENGE ENDGAME: Day After the Game-Changer 
@ChallengeMTV: Last night wasn’t the first time Bananas threw a challenge. #TBT to that time on Bloodlines when he “accidentally” slipped into the water. 👀 🍌 #TheChallenge34
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV Probably won't be the last 👍 (time I accidentally lose a challenge for my "team")
- @Idrisvirgo: @ChallengeMTV I remember this! He plays the game to win 👏
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🇺🇸NEW PODCAST UP!🇺🇸We couldn’t break down #TheChallenge34 last night without BRANCHING out (tree pun) & bringing in @usweekly’s @emilylongeretta to help us lay down a 2+Hour Podcast all about the twists & turns, decisions, controversies, blow ups & more! 📲
@DerrickMTV: BONUS PODCAST is UP!! 📝 #TheChallenge34 - Take a Listen as Me, @SHOTOFYAGER, and SPECIAL GUEST @emilylongeretta CARVE thru the MOST CHAOTIC EPISODE of the season, like a Pumpkin on Halloween!! 🎃 -Available exclusively to Patrons at 🧗‍♀️
@Nicolecharbass: Twitter makes me laugh people say stuff on it but to your face they know not to 😂👋  keyboard warriors #NoTimeForThat
@Nicolecharbass: positive vibes 💫 kind people always win remember that guys 😊
@bbgirly26: @turabicamkiran Loved your intro to the episode, Turbo! I wish they showed you more tonight. What an elimination though!
@HLoveInThisClub: I come for @turabicamkiran  I stay for the political drama explosion 💥   #TheChallengeWarofTheWorlds2
@SeanALineker: My trusty yellow shorts can tick another location off the list. 🇹🇷 #yellowshortsontour #Turkey #antalya
@msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV sent me an Alexa but they forget that I’m Australian and we use the plug on the right.... 😂😂😂 Thank you a way! ♥️
@Idrisvirgo: Now last night is how you play the game with no emotion! Take note vets! Rookie of the season 🤙🏽#thechallenge34
@DerrickMTV: "@mikethewhop: Most or 2nd most controversial elim ever @DerrickMTV. As discussin #warroom w @SHOTOFYAGER" RT Daaaaaamn?!!! Can’t believe you found this!!! This was NUTS watching LIVE! Legit was convinced we lost @AbramBoise!
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge34
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Most unattractive gesture ever
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Oh my god 😂😂😂 I almost forgot how amazing this was
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Rogan_OConnor @DerrickMTV You mean embarrassing, right 🤦🏼‍♀️
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV That’s 5 seconds I won’t get back! Terrifying...😳
@DerrickMTV: Who dat?! 😜 And when’s @mtvrrdarrell comin back?!! 🤨 Thanks for the @KyleCGShore n @Kmorrisx 😁
- @Idrisvirgo: @DerrickMTV @mtvrrdarrell and 2 others They need to team us together me and @mtvrrdarrell  #thechallenge
@Rogan_OConnor: "@ChallengeMTV: An instant replay. 😂 #TheChallenge34" RT HEADS UP BABY @PaulCalafiore_ 😝
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂
@Idrisvirgo: All I gotta say team wes 🤙🏽 #thechallenge34
@WestonBergmann: Kyle taking a breathe from licking whosever’s ass has power
- @johnnybananas: @WestonBergmann ☝️
- @GusSmyrnios: @WestonBergmann Dead ☠️😂
@Neily_Ona: Great job @Ninja_Natalie. It shows that @laurelstucky hung out with the UK team...they cheated and lost too!  😂😂😂
@theo_campbell91: I accidentally snitched when I laughed at @Ninja_Natalie when I said ha there’s the hole you missed 🤪.. not knowing @laurelstucky missed the same one on the other side. So Ninja you owe me one really
- @Ninja_Natalie: @theo_campbell91 I'll allow it 😘 Our trees were the exact same pattern, but you guys just couldnt see the other missing hole since it was facing the other side
@joss_mooney: How was the @ChallengeMTV last night?! 👀 Need to catch up on it tonight... @Rogan_OConnor 🦁🐻🇬🇧
- @Rogan_OConnor: @joss_mooney I heard it was a good one ya know 😅
@Rogan_OConnor: "@DerrickMTV: So about that throwing the challenge and getting a strong hold on the game thing... #TheChallenge34" RT It’s cool... @KyleCGShore & @georgiaharisonx told @laurelstucky they deffo had the numbers 😂🥴
@theo_campbell91: They didn’t need to sabotage the challenge. We would have won either way.. @ChallengeMTV
- @Rogan_OConnor: @theo_campbell91 Can’t take a loss that bad, they start throwing themselves on the floor and saying they wanted to lose 🥴 Looks like they had it all figured out...
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Just wanna say my relic never actually HIT the ground. I remember being so heated at that too bc I yelled "it never hit, it never hit "  but whatever....#TheChallenge34
- @DerrickMTV: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE I saw that!!!!
@jordan_wiseley: Welp, the game has certainly changed now.. What’re your thoughts?
@theikawong Ika Wong/Entertainment Tonight Canada: Did you guys watch my interview with josh????? if you didn’t, go watch it and don’t play with me 😂😂😂😂 #thechallenge #TheChallenge34
@JennaCompono: Find your fire 🔥
@Ninja_Natalie: God im so obnoxious... who smiles in an elimination? 🙃 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: With Frenemies Like These: A Challenge Guide To Cara And Laurel's Roller-Coaster Relationship. #TheChallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: @Mholmz1521: @Rogan_OConnor and @laurelstucky Well i think they banked on Kyle being the speaker.. and cara vs ninja.. but they really didnt think it through.. never throw a challenge when its ur genders day" RT I think you’re right.. The maths in that note pad must of been off 🥴
@Ninja_Natalie: "@Tinav516: @Ninja_Natalie I just want to compliment you on how awesome you are doing on the challenge. It can’t be easy coming from a sport where there is so much support from fellow athletes to one where everyone is out for themselves. #Americanninjawarrior #bettercompetitors" RT Camaraderie and supportive athletes is what was the biggest cultural shock coming from American Ninja Warrior to The Challenge. But that's not saying game of The Challenge is something so much more dynamic, and you do feel like you come out stronger. But fight the negativity.
@ucantdothat121 Mike Halloway/Survivor 30 winner: .@JOSHMBB19 can’t wait to see my dude that pulled one of the savviest moves in #TheChallengeMTV history. #ByeWes See you in FL Big Dog!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT!🚨Time to quit barking up the wrong tree & get a first hand account of #TheChallenge34 last night! @Ninja_Natalie will be joining us next on #ChallengeMania! Send in your questions & @DerrickMTV & I will get to as many as we can! 🌲🌲
@Idrisvirgo: When u ask ur mum a simple question and she starts yelling #thechallenge34
@JustJem24: It’s a good day to have a good day🌞
@JustJem24: Trauma is so hard to handle. I went back to a that theater last night. I then had a dream about knight last night that’s bothered me all day. I’m now laying on couch crying. How do we truly ever get over the ones that leave us.. how do we pick up the pieces that broke us..
@AliGarab: There are lots of reasons I watch reality TV. I’m typically NOT watching to see examples of good sportsmanship, women’s empowerment, or moral behavior in general. I get plenty of that in real life. Entertain me with your unbridled instability. #TheChallenge34
@MTVrealityjunki: @HTChallenge32 If they both missed a hole then have a redo, don’t let the other chick, who placed her last peg after the horn, run up the tree and ring the bell. BS, more rigged eliminations. And why was Nija allowed to walk over and analyze Laurals post. The whole thing just pissed me off
@Kailah_Garcia: Laurel wasn't the only one missing a hole, Ninja was too. The horn was blown and both were missing a hole, production should have done a diff elim the next night. Since it was unfair for Ninja to climb back up and ring the bell to "win" #TheChallenge34
@Ninja_Natalie: When she says "Stick It In" #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's elimination was one for the books! Watch the cast react to the wildest eliminitations in Challenge history on Youtube RIGHT NOW! 👇 #TheChallenge34
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Why ppl always tryina fight me...?
@mtvcanada: *When you're five hours into Monopoly and someone trades Park Place for a railroad*  Watch #TheChallenge34:  @Ninja_Natalie  @ChallengeMTV
@Kmorrisx: @DerrickMTV @KyleCGShore Always love for u D 😊 u deffo would winn🤷🏽‍♂️😂
@Rogan_OConnor: When she says she only dates guys that lift..
@hbarfield13: "@WestonBergmann: Kyle taking a breathe from licking whosever’s ass has power" RT Lololololol
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @hbarfield13 @WestonBergmann,  you kill me 🤣 #thechallenge34
@amba1210: Wowwwwwwwww I can’t believe @laurelstucky went home! Really wasn’t expecting that #TheChallenge34
@amba1210: Ok so Cara Maria saying she’s gonna stick by her man Paulie while he’s arguing with Nany is hilarious because she ain’t say one thing. I’ll be damn if a girl try to come at my man #TheChallenge34
@NotoriousAJM: The vindication is REAL. @BunimMurray do y’all SEE the amount of CHAOS & ICONICNESS that ensues on a damn team challenge?! I BEEN saying for YEARS that team formats need to come back & as you see, it brought you GOLD! Remember this for the future. #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@JOSHMBB19: The harder the obstacle the bigger the blessings 🙏🏽
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I just almost typed #thechallenge21 which would be the challenge 34 + bb 21.  😩 obsessed much?
@formerlyRedRose: So production checked before TJ blew the horn. Laurel got screwed over. They should've done a reset or another elimination. #thechallenge34
@kailah_casillas: I often wonder if people on here get tired of arguing about the same shit over and over and over.
@ChallengeMTV: Miss last night's WILD episode? Catch up now On Demand, online or on the @MTV app! #TheChallenge34
@ndlovesndcoiris: exactly , I don't care if Laurel has poor sportsmanship towards Ninja , she was acting like an idiot before hand. If someone taunts me on the sports fields , I beat them and talk shit back , well laughing. Anyone who has played competitive sports,knows that happens #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Bananas & Laurel throwing the challenge 😂 .. you don’t see it often, but it’s always hilarious when people do it #TheChallenge34
@WestonBergmann: Hey TJ! What’s the WiFi password!? I ain’t got no service up in this Redemption House!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🌲SPECIAL LATE NIGHT PODCAST UP!!🌲 @Ninja_Natalie joins me & @DerrickMTV to fill in the gaps from #TheChallenge34 & to *BREAK IT DOWN* as only someone involved in that epic elimination can! Wanted to get this #ChallengeMania up for you guys ASAP! ENJOY!📲
@BreanneNYC: #TheChallenge fans... Laurel was on @peopletv's #RealityCheck and broke down that crazy elimination last night — and what she thinks should have happened. @ChallengeMTV @laurelstucky #TheChallenge34 @people
@knightcaramaria: The real dogs showed up and you couldn't handle it so you threw a daily and cheated in an elimination 🤣 Please never come back. The show is better without you 🤣 #TheChallenge34
@saniacpodcast: Last night was heated! Here are all the cast reactions to last nights elimination #thechallenge34 @ChallengeMTV @laurelstucky @Ninja_Natalie
@ChallengeMTV: Laurel and her notebook, the most intimidating duo in The Challenge. 📝 #TheChallenge34
@blackzeusfit: Fam I’m still mad tripping off last nights elimination round! Ninja’s skill level is looking suspect 🤷🏾‍♂️
@Idrisvirgo: I think my cast members need to give me a little bit of..... #thechallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@DerrickMTV: Still looking for all sides of the story,and the LOOP HOLES,that led UP to this weeks DRAMATIC FINISH @ChallengeMTV?!! 🧗‍♀️📝 - NEW PODCAST!! @Ninja_Natalie joins Myself and @SHOTOFYAGER to BREAK it DOWN!🥋#TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania  -  Get caught up!🎧
@Idrisvirgo: "@cydincalifornia: I loved this shot @idrisvirgo @georgiaharisonx @msdeenguyen" RT The moment before we made a big move. That has changed the game @ChallengeMTV 🤙🏽 #rookieoftheseason #thechallenge34
@mtvcanada: Sportsmanship! 😉 Watch #TheChallenge34: @KyleCGShore @stephen_bear @ChallengeMTV
@rhapups: This week on The Challenge a plan is made to throw a competition, the UK team gets their first taste of power, power moves are made on both sides and an intense elimination sends a champ home. @CohenBrian_ @lashtweets @ChallengeMTV #RHAP @scottstp
@SHOTOFYAGER: I think we have #TheChallenge34 just about covered. To hear @DerrickMTV
@EmilyLongeretta & I break down THE ENTIRE 9/18 episode in a 2 hour WAR ROOM podcast,  To hear @Ninja_Natalie give us a first hand account on #ChallengeMania
@DerrickMTV: Since challengemtv over there showin me love on their New YouTube Channel...miss you boo 😘. - #BMF TITLE 😈🏆  - 📸: ciao70ne @ Spain
@Idrisvirgo: My mood! When I complete a session🤙🏽😏 #thechallenge34 #thechallenge #Training
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Laurel Stucky is the Most Dominant Player in MTV Challenge History
- @TheAllanAguirre: Hi, a lot of people talk about Laurel being one of the greatest women to play in Challenge History, but I think she's the most dominant competitor regardless of gender. @laurelstucky alleviates her teammates and destroys her enemies in ways we take for granted. She is a beast.
@kailah_casillas: A FIRST to @iammikeyp and I: “are you guys the couple from How Far Is Tattoo Far?” Lol yes sir we are
@ChallengeMTV: When you bail on plans that were your idea to begin with. #TheChallenge34  (GIF: Ashley - "Hopefully no one's mad at me")
@Idrisvirgo: It's crazy to think, if myself and dee didnt vote in laurel. The most epic elimination so far wouldnt of happened!  #thechallenge34 #rookieoftheseason

@ExOnTheBeach: Now that Emily is in the house, will Billy stop shedding tears for Lexi 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
@AubreyODay: some of my best work. ;)  WATCH @exonthebeach Thursday 9pm after @jerseyshore on @mtv! @ MTV Networks
@PierceTheDecade: At first I didn’t like @MTVDevinWalker until this episode of EXOTB. I didn’t know after big brother I’d love @realmarkjansen as much as I do. Thank you for blessing the world with your kindness and respect. MUCH LOVE same to you @Marie_TBD
- @realmarkjansen: @PierceTheDecade It took a few days for @MTVDevinWalker to grown on me 🤣🤣
@joylaw13: Who would’ve thought the best thing out of MTV this week would be @realmarkjansen and @MTVDevinWalker (of all people) defending a girl from emotional abuse. I’m here for it.
@ExOnTheBeach: Me when I see my ex with their new partner 😫#ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Imagine trying to move on to a new fling, but not without your ex calling you out on your BS, revealing the truth about your relationship, and more! 😱 Watch the first episode of MTV's new show 'Flex On My Ex' 👇
@ExOnTheBeach: Laughing through the pain TBH. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Hi, how may I help you? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Is Devin's ex (Marie) getting in the way of his next (Shannon)? 😳  #ExOnTheBeach is all-new Thursday, at 9PM on @MTV 👏
@ExOnTheBeach: A scandal overrules the house and things turn upside DOWN! 😱 You don't want to miss an all-new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV 🙌
@Fabreeze131: @RomeoMiller I am such a fan of you on @ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: Believe.
@ExOnTheBeach: Cam only wanted to be with one person, but who?  #ExOnTheBeach   ⚪️ Alexis   ⚪️ Geles   ⚪️ Ariana   🔘 Depends on who's asking
@realmarkjansen: When you know what’s about to happen tomorrow night on @exonthebeach 😎😎😎 #exonthebeach #eotb3

@ExOnTheBeach: TONIGHT, the exes have the power to send home a single, but who will it be? 👀Find out on an all-new #ExOnTheBeach at 9/8c on @MTV. 🙌
@PurveyorsofPop: You're gonna need a lot of wine for this one! Don't miss an ALL NEW EPISODE of #ExOnTheBeach tonight at 9p on @MTV.
@PurveyorsofPop: me when someone says they don't watch TV  catch an all new #ExOnTheBeach Thursday at 9p on @MTV
@PurveyorsofPop: THURSDAY 9p/8c on #ExOnTheBeach....  👑It's CUT WEEK and the exes have the power  👀Marie isn't letting anyone get in her way   🌹and the Shark deliverys a very mysterious package.
@ExOnTheBeach: Not ready for this elimination tonight, or are we? 👀Who do you think will be going home? #ExOnTheBeach is all-new at 9/8c on @mtv.
@JustJem24: Y’all don’t forget to watch Marie on the beach tonight 💅🏽 #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: Me watching #ExOnTheBeach episodes from after I left the house.. tune in 9pm tonight 🤷🏻‍♀️ @PurveyorsofPop @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: New exes, and sudden scandalous confessions 👀NEW #ExOnTheBeach begins TONIGHT at 9/8c only on @mtv ✨
@mtvcanada: "Your ex is getting in the way of your next."Shannon decides the best place to express her romantic interest in @MTVDevinWalker is in front of Marie on tonight's new episode of #ExOnTheBeach, starting at 10e/7p! 🇨🇦
@BillyReilich: @Marie_TBD finding out someone has a relationship outside of the house... Tune in tonight at 9 and find out who Marie loses her shit over this week
@NotoriousAJM: Ready for Marie on The Beach tonight!!!!!!! This will be her best episode yet😍 #EOTB @ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@ExOnTheBeach: Why are the first 5 days after the weekend so hard? 😭 #ExOnTheBeach
@realmarkjansen: I do more than just smile 😏🙄🤣 #eotb #ExOnTheBeach
@AubreyODay: wearing @adoreme for tonight’s @exonthebeach episode. 9pm on @mtv 😘 @ MTV

AS THEY SAW IT: "I Want It That Way" 
@ExOnTheBeach: A few cast-mates are dropping 💣's on the house 😱All-new #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @mtv.  RT if you're watching + ready for MESS ☕️
@mechiesocrazyy: @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop let’s gooooo it’s that time #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: Idk when Ex starts tonight bc I don’t watch that shit but I have on good authority that tonight’s episode is ACTUALLY good again since the first 2 episodes..... thanks to @Marie_TBD. We don’t deserve her.
@ExOnTheBeach: How many of you have your tickets? #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Mechie - "She's about to get on the Mechie train")
@XemfitX: @ExOnTheBeach is on nowwww east coooast
@ExOnTheBeach: Shannon waiting for Devin to respond to her crush confession. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of girl)
@shannnonmaee: Shannon you literally throw temper tantrums everyday 😭 #exonthebeach  (Picture of her sipping wine)
@ExOnTheBeach: Me after getting my 95 roses 😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of girl in roses)
@elenadavies: How I felt about every single person in the house when I showed up 🤗 @Marie_TBD
- @kailah_casillas: @elenadavies Literally half the cast.
@ExOnTheBeach: Whose ex will be showing up? #ExOnTheBeach   Mechie's 89% / Ariana's 4% / Shannon's 8%    303 votes · Final results
@thekaplantwins: 🤭 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: 🥴🥴🥴 @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@PurveyorsofPop: Allie got sent almost 100 roses and I can't even get a guy to send me a text back. #ExOnTheBeach @thekaplantwins
- @thekaplantwins: @PurveyorsofPop 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
@XemfitX: Allie gets 95 roses, I get called "friend" and "little dude".... Hmmmmm @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@shannnonmaee: I’m just awkwardly third wheeling lmao #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Mechie when he gets sent to the beach to meet his ex with two girls he hooked up with. @mechiesocrazyy #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Don't hate the player, hate the game, son")
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie watching Shannon and Devin have a flirty conversation #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@ExOnTheBeach: Allie get's 100 roses and I can't even get 100 characters through a text message 😭 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Geles)
@ExOnTheBeach: Things just got sweeter! Welcome Mechie's ex Kellie to the beach 🌊 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of her entrance)
@XemfitX: Kellie sweet.... But Kellie definitely also spicy @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Do you think Mechie will switch things up with Ariana now that Kellie is in the house? #ExOnTheBeach  (Pic of him)
@KellieSweet: A real bitch just walked on the beach #exonthebeach 🌴
@PurveyorsofPop: Shannon when anyone brings up Anthony M. #ExOnTheBeach @shannnonmaee
@XemfitX: Cammmmm meechie was UPFRONT. I'm sorryyy @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@realmarkjansen: I am soooooo tan 🔥 🔥 🔥Tannest man in Malibu 😎😎😎 #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: A Trial period.....for 5 years.....#ExOnTheBeach
@Kenyaa_NOT: @ExOnTheBeach i am SCREAMING at this picture thank u for the new reaction pic
@RomeoMiller: Chill and @ExOnTheBeach kind of day 🙌🏾🍿 #ExOnTheBeach
@Kenyaa_NOT: "@allrealitychat: THEY BETTER SHOW MARIE AND KENYA BEING PETTY W THESE ROSES LMAO #ExonTheBeach" RT They literally have edited out every single good part of this show so far. I’d rather watch paint dry at this point
@ExOnTheBeach: The exes are WAY too excited about sending a single home. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of exes hugging each other when Ex reversal twist is revealed)
@_gelesann: One of my tits is way bigger than the other #ExOnTheBeach
@shadesofgregory: This is the most anti-climatic elimination #exonthebeach
@kailah_casillas: Wait so this all makes sense, one of the twins has a boyfriend?????!!!!!! #MarieOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: So one is just there for emotion support and to finish sentences? Got it
@kailah_casillas: Ok I’m bored, where’s @Marie_TBD? #ExOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: Wait so if you twins goes, the other one does too? Or no? #ExOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: Lol drunk with power..... @Marie_TBD 😂 TRUE. #ExOnTheBeach
@A_Bartolotte: Ex Squad  (GIF of him)
@BillyReilich: House members: who remembers how long these singles talked about this vote!? Like I don’t think it was a tough vote at allllll #ExOnTheBeach
@laurenashhley_: ex on the beach is so good
@Little_Lallypop: Ex on the beach is my show though lol
@Shortkickz_23: So Allie just taking up space in the house with no ex on the beach.  #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: When someone asks me why I didn't do something I was supposed to do. #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: Coffey - "That was the first time I heard that")
@Kenyaa_NOT: 💀 Marie thank you so much for saving this episode @Marie_TBD
@XemfitX: @_gelesann laugh is everythingggg hahaha@ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@gigi__moreno: @_gelesann your giggle was EVERYTHING 😂🤣💀
@kailah_casillas: I feel like were going to get another good rant from @realmarkjansen tonight 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: Lol you’re not turtley enough for the turtle club @Marie_TBD 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: Marie 😂😂😂 @ExOnTheBeach
@shannnonmaee: When @RomeoMiller tells you that you look happy >>> #exonthebeach
@mechiesocrazyy: Give that man an Oscar he cries every episode #manipulation @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
- @Wynton_Mohorn: @mechiesocrazyy @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPopCameron deserves an Emmy Award for that amazing performance. I hope the @TelevisionAcad was watching that. #ExOnTheBeach
@easierharrys: shannon keeping it classy yes queen  #ExOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: Shannon was terrified the entire time she was speaking to @Marie_TBD. Her voice was trembling lol I don’t blame her. #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: If I was watching Ex instead of Veronica Mars... this would be my favorite part: 👌🏼 @Marie_TBD  (GIF: "Shut up, Shannon")
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie's energy this whole Cut Ceremony #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@PurveyorsofPop: The Exes walking into the Cut Ceremony like #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie as soon as she has the power #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@PurveyorsofPop: All of the exes when they find out they have the power to eliminate a single #ExOnTheBeach
@XemfitX: That speech was actually about 15min long guys @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: When you swat a fly and it suddenly disappears #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Devin)
@_sllafyeslek: pls tell me how @shannnonmaee is a downgrade??? someone’s feeling insecure, Shannon is a whole queen smh
@elenadavies: I fully cannot with Ex. But look I’m about to use @Marie_TBD content to tweet about BB and VM. Y’all enjoy.
@elenadavies: Me when I see fuck-ass Nick in real life: (@Marie_TBD)  (GIF: "Let the games begin")
@brenisrael14: Shannon kept it classy and real at the same time. That’s what I call growth. #ExOnTheBeach
@easierharrys: see i liked marie but trying to tear down shannon over devin’s clown ass?  not a good look .  #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: Me when I wake up from my VIVID sex dreams about Logan Echolls and realize I sleep all alone and covered in dog hair every night: (@Marie_TBD)  (GIF: "I feel betrayed")
@ExOnTheBeach: Reply to this tweet NOW with who you think will be going home! #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: Just...... me anytime I’m NOT at home 🤷🏼‍♀️ (@Marie_TBD)  (GIF: "I just wanna go home")
@ExOnTheBeach: Next week, things are beginning to crumble amongst the house 👀 except for Devin & Shannon #ExOnTheBeach
@iammikeyp: Ok I’m #teammarie again @Marie_TBD #exonthebeach Turtleneck. 🤣🤣
@realmarkjansen: Can’t wait to get home to watch the full episode and focus. Because I am struggling with what was said in the moment then what was said months after 🤔🤔🤔
@BillyReilich: “That’s my towel” @A_Bartolotte @Marie_TBD y’all got me DYING!!!#ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: 😂😂😂 y’all don’t let anyone fool you #ExOnTheBeach
@_gelesann: JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS @A_Bartolotte IS A GREAT GUY AND HOT #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: me when the twins are separated because Allie is sent home #ExOnTheBeach @thekaplantwins
@kailah_casillas: "@GamerVev: Make sure you tune into #MarieOnTheBeach in 1 hour. I’m getting dolphin trainerrrr vibes from this gif alone 🙊😌🙌🏼 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Underrated tweet @Marie_TBD 😂
@kailah_casillas: I’ve met most of Marie’s family & now @Marie_TBD is gonna meet my mom and dad in a few weeks. Look at us, we’re so official.
@LauraLeeWeander: 8 years ago already?! #RealWorldStThomas
@Nky_oz: I guess you can call @ExOnTheBeach my guilty pleasure cuz it’s definitely a dumpster fire train wreck but so entertaining at the same time. Someone tell me why @MTVDevinWalker doesn’t have his own show! Dude is hysterical & half the reason I keep watching.
@ExOnTheBeach: Last night's #ExOnTheBeach revealed one single in the house, wasn't so SINGLE ☕️ Watch how it all went down NOW 👀

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, quite a night in Malibu as the girl with Statitude takes over that Cut ceremony, Mechie finally getting an Ex to come to the house, and the Kaplan twins get cut in half when Allie is caught having a man back home before heading to the 'Bu and is get sent packing in the Exes' Singles cut vote.
   But, not everything in Kaplan land has been about that revelation... in fact, they made news last week for what they did with Nick Carter's ex and Kourtney Kardashian's man. We'll be tagging along with Allie & Lexi as they join Scott Disick and a former pop star to help flip some houses, along with the latest dose of ketchup... tomorrow on ExtraTime. See you then...


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