*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Well... welcome to the weekend everyone, and if you're an MTV fan this is definitely a most eventful week: the season finale of The Hills: New Beginnings as Speidi renewed their vows and got a first look at why Brody & Ashley Jenner went to Splitsville; a new Teen Mom season debuting along with the new series Ghosted, and of course Mike The Situation being set free on Jerzday. And that, along with plenty of love, is just the tip of the iceberg, as we at DCBLOG are about to bring you through this momentous week starting here and now with the 'Pulse of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2.
Last week saw us learn more about the traitor twist to this season where whoever wins in elimination can get a chance to pull a double cross on their own team and join the other... but it didn't happen with Idris. At the week's challenge, swimming came into the picture earlier than what we've had in past seasons, and it was not only a dominating U.S. win, it also exposed the Brit's weakness in communication. And Killa Kam did it to us once again as she became the speaker for her team in leading the discussion in the tribunal, which as it was the previous week saw weak opposition in Big T facing off against WOTW finalist Georgia.
Georgia's impressive elimination win gave the Brits some hope that they can finally get something going in the game itself, and this week they will try to do just that when they and the Americans tackle, of all things, a hamster wheel while also having to figure out some codes and straws... but it's what happens at that third challenge that will no doubt leave a sting in one of those teams. For the man who, two years ago, used pots & pans en route to ruling the summer roost, he contemplates risking it all with an early gamble... and it causes commotion for both teams as they handle the second guys' elimination in Thailand.
After the jump, it's all the action, reaction and interaction of Week 3 of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2. And welcome to this weekend's trip Inside MTV Reality on DCBLOG... nice to have you with us as we delve what's been into no ordinary week.
►IN BETWEEN: Challenge Mania in SF, Dee Down Under Takes LA, Chase on BIP
@ChallengeMTV: Tensions are high as the UK team debates who to put in for the first girl's elimination of the season! 👀 #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Lmao! @iamkamiam_ is a forever mood 😂🤣 “No ones protected in this game” - Esther FUCKING Falana @EstherFalana1 PREACH
@ChallengeMTV: Me sitting down at brunch: I'm never drinking again My best friend when I order a bloody mary 3 minutes later:
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV CT just Office’d the camera 😂
@theo_campbell91: Crazy already hitting and clearing the target. Thanks to everyone who donated 🙏🏽🎉 -link is in my bio still-. 70 peoples lives are soon going to be changed, we can still do more 🤞🏽
@WestonBergmann: All great work takes place somewhere between method and madness.
@ChallengeMTV: Georgia and Big T both have something to prove, and there's no better place to show what you're made of than the The Proving Ground! ⚡️ #TheChallenge34
- @Idrisvirgo: @ChallengeMTV This elimination was like a movie! #thechallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: The cast picks who would be apart of their Challenge dream team and who would turn that team into a nightmare. 😬 The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 airs Wednesday at 9/8c on MTV! 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Everyone loves me 🤣😂😅😂🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: Me watching my cast mates scramble to spin their narratives 😂 @Kmorrisx #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: Congrats on the win this weekend, @IdrisVirgo! Ironically just learned that @IdrisElba is also in fact, a VIRGO. Fun fact. Also, coming to a #ChallengeMania Podcast for y’all real soon. 🥊
@Kmorrisx: .....
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Kmorrisx I put out the one two punch and you just threw the knockout with this tweet, shall we end people together more often?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Kmorrisx Sipping on some tea hunny
@ChallengeMTV: Me after completely overreacting to a situation when I was in the wrong. #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Big T - "I'm thinking I need to call my shrink when I get home")
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everyone after every season of any challenge 🤣😩
@MiranduuhhEvans: now #BBCliff is talking about @johnnybananas taking the money from sarah and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE taking the money from hunter on #bblivefeeds
@logan_esthay: Cliff talking about Ashley robbing Hunter of the million dollars on The Challenge is EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted from the live feeds #BB21
@PaulCalafiore_: There’s nothing better than a little cringe night at @Applebees 😍😍 Handcrafted Burgers and Endless Fries?! Yes please 😈😈
- @Kmorrisx: @PaulCalafiore_ The bouncing of excitement is me at the waiter bringing my food 😂
- @Rogan_OConnor: @PaulCalafiore_ Me and @joss_mooney used to have steak and beer for breakfast here every day in LA! Can’t wait to come back and eat it all!
@msdeenguyen: See you soon San Fran! 😍 @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV #ChallengeMania
@HedrichFiles: Swoooooooooon 😍😍 @msdeenguyen #challengemania
@shundawg: @msdeenguyen is a beauty!
@THE_NICK_SHAW: I'm a giant compared to @msdeenguyen #ChallengeMania #ChallengeManiaLive
@THE_NICK_SHAW: @turabicamkiran I am no chicken Challenger #ChallengeMania #ChallengeManiaLive
@msdeenguyen: I’m ready for you #ChallengeMania
@shundawg: #challengemania bound, with a hat of goodies. Can't wait to meet everyone!
@AbramBoise @turabicamkiran @mtvrrdarrell @cohuttalee @msdeenguyen see my maniacs soon @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER
@BananasTheGOAT: @turabicamkiran is so handsome oh my good day 😻😻😻😻
@at_both_ends: @SHOTOFYAGER kind of a washed out photo, but I thought I would post anyway. I was late and missed the meet and greet, but this was hella fun. @turabicamkiran @DerrickMTV @cohuttalee @AbramBoise @mtvrrdarrell @msdeenguyen y’all are all better looking in person - esp. Cohutta WOW
@HedrichFiles: Holy sh!t it happened #Challenge Mania
@jenee_liddiard: @msdeenguyen it was amazing to meet you! Thank you so much for coming out to California and taking the time to hangout with us! #WeCameForDee #ChallengeMania
@THE_NICK_SHAW: Each cast member we met today was amazing and so friendly! @msdeenguyen was a sweetheart, @turabicamkiran so friendly, @mtvrrdarrell is a real one, @cohuttalee was as humble as can be! #ChallengeMania #ChallengeManiaLive
@dubboimike: Thank you @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV for a great challenge mania live show and thank you Derrick, @msdeenguyen @turabicamkiran @mtvrrdarrell @AbramBoise for the meet and greet. It was great meeting you all and I appreciate. Good luck in future challenges! #ChallengeManiaLIVE
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🙏🏻San Francisco...you guys ROCK. Thanks for making this my favorite #ChallengeMania show ever. Thanks to @DerrickMTV & @turabicamkiran @mtvrrdarrell @msdeenguyen @AbramBoise & @cohuttalee for being an amazing panel. This was truly one for the books. Keeps getting better! 🔥🎙
@msdeenguyen: I had the best time at my first #ChallengeManiaLIVE. I think this pic describes every girl’s dream 😍 You guys were the best it was great meeting everyone!
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @msdeenguyen Thank you so much for coming! It was clear yesterday, they didn’t come for me...they didn’t even come for D...they came for DEE! I think everyone in San Francisco is rooting for you on #TheChallenge34 now! #ChallengeMania #CameForDee
@CAN1SAY: We would all be so blessed in this life to have a friendship like @cohuttalee @AbramBoise. I wish I had half the goodness and genuine soul these two have. I'm humbled and honored to have spent time with them today. #ChallengeMania #SanFrancisco #Montana
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥What’s the term again...#SQUADGOALS. Get a load of this #ChallengeMania Group. @mtvrrdarrell @turabicamkiran @msdeenguyen @AbramBoise @cohuttalee @DerrickMTV!! Link in bio for how to attend the next one. Happy Sunday, everyone! Hope it’s as joyous as the looks in this photo.😁
@PaulB1176: I could try to describe how amazing #ChallengeManiaLIVE San Francisco was but words would only fail me. Nothing I could say would do this show justice. Thanks so much @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV for continuing to put these on.
@MandaMariee__: #ChallengeManiaLIVE was amazing today!! 😬😬felt a little like an awkward turtle 🐢 but meeting you all was dreams come trueee especially @DerrickMTV Thanks @SHOTOFYAGER you are an amazing host.
@ShotOfDiesel: #ChallengeMania was everything I ever dreamed of and more. I see why you guys made the lanyards in Disney font, because it was the happiest on earth. Thanks again @DerrickMTV & @SHOTOFYAGER It was a great show! Can’t wait for the next one !!
@shundawg: So I have been to Brea, Hollywood, Vegas, and 2 premiere shows in NYC. This event in San Francisco was an absolute perfect event! Thanks again @SHOTOFYAGER & @DerrickMTV you made hundreds of people so ridiculously happy!
@mtvrrdarrell: 🤠🤠🤠🤠#ChallengeManiaLIVE
@turabicamkiran: 📍San Francisco
- @DerrickMTV: Respect bro! ✊ This guy really is a class act! Thanks again for making the the trip!
@simonetti_nikki: If you weren’t at #ChallengeManiaLIVE SF this weekend holy shit you missed out! Let me just blow up your feed real quick. 1/many. @msdeenguyen @turabicamkiran @mtvrrdarrell @AbramBoise
@SHOTOFYAGER: ✈️To all of you Maniacs who get on PLANES to come to #ChallengeMania & have been to more than one...you guys are the lifeblood of this touring operation. It’s a dream to have a dedicated following behind this. We couldn’t do it without you. Next stop, Philly, Chicago, Miami. ✌🏻
@DerrickMTV: "@IMLoVer_77: #ChallengeManiaLIVE: The Journey I know that one always says that the latest CML was the best, but this one for me reached levels of emotional depth I never expected to experience. This #SanFrancisco weekend was unlike any other." RT That’s DEEP Michelle! But you’re right! This one was not like any other! The love you guys brought are guests this time around was on a different level...
@Rissy504: Thank you @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV for helping make this moment happen. I enjoyed meeting @AbramBoise and his beautiful wife Rachel! You guys are awesome.
@neh_see: Had the best weekend ever! Thank you so so much @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER you two really put the biggest smile on my face! #ChallengeManiaLIVE
@msdeenguyen: "@IMLoVer_77: @msdeenguyen Aussies have one of the best attitudes about life. You are a prime example of this. Thank you for representing strong independent women everywhere. And thank you for making me feel like I am not the only one with a mother like mine lol." RT Love this 💕
@IMLoVer_77: @SHOTOFYAGER @mtvrrdarrell and 5 others THIS RIGHT HERE! This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship. #AllLion #NoChicken
@Tgraham0711: Shout out to @msdeenguyen @AbramBoise @cohuttalee @mtvrrdarrell @turabicamkiran and the wives - Rooting for you guys on or off the show. It was a pleasure!
@DerrickMTV: "@ShotOfDiesel: #ChallengeMania was everything I ever dreamed of and more. I see why you guys made the lanyards in Disney font, because it was the happiest on earth. Thanks again @DerrickMTV & @SHOTOFYAGER It was a great show! Can’t wait for the next one !!" RT So nice to finally meet you person!! Really appreciate your support! #DieselNation ✊
@DerrickMTV: "@CyndiG86: So many things happen this weekend, so many emotions, and so many memories created with the most amazing people! All I can say is Thank you for letting me experience this with you all! @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV @AbramBoise @cohuttalee @turabicamkiran @msdeenguyen @mtvrrdarrell" RT Sounds like one heck of a rollercoaster! So nice seeing you! And now I’m stealing all your pics!! 😁 #PodSquad ✊
@Rissy504: Thanks @Earnurfeathers for being an awesome friend. Thank you @msdeenguyen and @turabicamkiran for taking time out for us!
@JennaCompono: Hi handsome.
@kailah_casillas: my first, but not last Vegas billboard.
@iammikeyp: Wow @kailah_casillas was on her first billboard..and IN VEGAS!!! So cool!
@jossie_flores: Omg my girls came out to see me today !!! @NataliaNegrotti @iamkamiam_ don’t miss my live performance tomorrow at @RuPaulsDragCon NYC at 3:30pm !!! It’s going to be Amazing!!! DONT Miss IT!!!
@jossie_flores: The queens and prince have arrived at #dragconnyc #dragcon2019 #thechallenge @iamkamiam_ @NataliaNegrotti Song by : (Jozea DUSHST IT OFF) Outfit by : scooterlaforg !! 🔥 Chains by : prettyconnected
@morgan_willett: You can take the girl out of Texas.... but you can’t take the Texas outta the girl. (And yes, we lost. But Texas fans are still cuter than LSU fans) 😜 #HookEm
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨WAR ROOM GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT🚨Joining me & @DerrickMTV in our Post Show BONUS PODCAST at http://Patreon.com/ChallengeMania to break down #TheChallenge34 This Wednesday, is none other than @blackzeusfit! MARLON has been watching & scouting this season! Exclusive to #ChallengeMania Patrons!
- @blackzeusfit: @SHOTOFYAGER Oh yuh tune in ppls!!! I’m coming with no filter as usual!!! 🤷🏾♂️
@Rogan_OConnor: DEAD 😂😂😂 @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV
@Idrisvirgo: 5 steps ahead! #thechallenge34
@Idrisvirgo: Loving the question, I have been receiving for the podcast with @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV all questions will be answered on podcast keep them coming in! #ChallengeMania #thechallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Friendships often get put to the test in the Challenge house but BFFs Joss and Rogan aren't worried about it. 👯 The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 airs Wednesday at 9/8c on @MTV! 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV I KNOW I AM, I’M SURE I AM, I’M JOGAN TILL I DIE... ♥️ @joss_mooney
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Nicole from #bb21 is me from #thechallenge. "I may not be the most athletic but I can do a freaking puzzle!!!"
@Rogan_OConnor: When she says she’s not hungry then takes a hand full of fries...
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT🚨Are You Entertained?!?! Send in your questions for our NEXT GUEST on #ChallengeMania...#TheChallenge34 Rookie & Week 1 Elimination Winner...@IDRISVIRGO! 🇬🇧🇬🇧
- @Idrisvirgo: @SHOTOFYAGER Honoured!!! I will be spilling the tea🙈#thechallenge34
@theo_campbell91: $984 over our original target 🙌🏽 will help nearly 100 people see right again. Thanks to everyone who donated. Ticket to heaven is coming your way 🙏🏽🙏🏽
- @msdeenguyen: @theo_campbell91 Congrats Theo! You’ve really turned a bad situation around to help people. Very proud and impressed!
@Ninja_Natalie: Feed the wolf of Love, Starve the wolf of Hate 🐺
@jessiika_duh: So im only now watching this weeks episode of #ExOnTheBeach and i have to say, the producers of this show are brilliant for making @MTVDevinWalker the "judge" of that situation 😂😂😂 I'm dying!
@ChallengeMTV: This week on #TheChallenge34 tensions amongst teammates start to boil over! 💥 Don't miss it WEDNESDAY at 9/8c on @mtv!
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV When someone looks at my food.. 😅
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨LIVE SHOW NEWS!🚨As announced on tonight’s KICKIN’ IT W/ KAILAH... @kailah_casillas & @iammikeyp will be joining me, @DerrickMTV @tonyraines & @AneesaMTV at @punchlinephilly on Sunday, October 13th for http://ChallengeMania.Live! 🎙Get your tix today! #ChallengeMania 🎊🎊
@Tooms_BB: Holly last night, talking about The Challenge: "It's a fuckfest, where challenges happen to happen in between the fuckfest of everyone switching partners and fucking each other. It's disgusting." I'm not sure how she finds this different than her experience on #BB21
- @angelababicz: @Tooms_BB This is coming from the same girl who caught crabs week 1 in the big brother house right??? Just checking
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz The challenge has nothing on “Are you the one “ this season 😂 I mean I can’t even keep up
@CohenBrian_: "@BBdehab: Jackson is interested to be on The challenge and Holly is starting to get upset. #bb21 https://pic.twitter.com/3R3K6Owuia" RT Welp, guess the new goal in life is to talk Challenge with Cliff
@JustJem24: The only Georgia I acknowledge is @georgia_steel and speaking of my girl..... 👇🏼
@mtvukcribs: There’s just ONE HOUR to go! 🚨 We’re so excited to watch tonight’s BRAND NEW episode of #MTVCribs with @georgia_steel, @JodieHarsh, @YazminOukhellou & @JamesLock__ 🙌🏠
@kailah_casillas: I’m almost 27 years old and my mom still sends me care packages every now and then ♥️ grateful for the best mom ever. (My dad takes credit but has literally no idea what she sends lol)
@cbmcnary: Who wants some kissing lessons? #bachelorinparadise
@BachParadise: Pucker up! @Oldmattdonald22 🍍😘 #BachelorInParadise
@cbmcnary: Imagine this prom night if we all weren’t on a drink limit! #BachelorInParadise
@ChallengeMTV: A cheating scandal leads to an elimination you won't see coming! TOMORROW on The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34 🇺🇸🇬🇧
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Woooooooooo!! If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV God has nothing to do with this.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV A CHEATING SCANDAL?!?!?!?!?! I know a thing or two about these kind of things..... nobody panic, I know exactly what not to do 😜
@DerrickMTV: Words can’t express...so good. #ChallengeManiaLIVE SAN FRANCISCO-You guys blew the roof off. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 - COMING SOON!! 🧸🧨 -PHILADELPHIA,PA (Oct 13TH) -CHICAGO,IL (Nov 22ND) -MIAMI, FL (Dec 21ST) TIX for FUTURE SHOWS… https://instagram.com/p/B2O90HyJ-s3/?igshid=k01vs5znqap9
@ChallengeMTV: Bear and Laurel's bond reaches a whole new level on tomorrow night's episode. The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 airs Wednesday at 9/8c on @MTV! 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Can’t beat a good old blozza in the shitter!!! GET IN THERE!!
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV 🤢👀
@johnnybananas: Tragedies come in 3's 🙈🙉🙊 • This season on @1stlooktv @jerryspringer @JustinaMusic #HostBananas #BananasDoingThings #jerryspringer #ThisViewIsBananas
@Idrisvirgo: A cheating scandal leads to an elimination you won't see coming! TOMORROW on The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on @mtv! #TheChallenge34 🇺🇸🇬🇧
@TVGuide: The @ChallengeMTV is on our list of the 100 best shows right now, and @WestonBergmann, @PaulCalafiore_ and @Bruce_Lee85 were naturally very humble about it 😜 See where it landed on the list: http://bit.ly/2lBVagW
- @WestonBergmann: @TVGuide Humble is actually my middle name.
@tonyraines: #ad Genie 🧞♂️ granted me 3 wishes so I asked for health, happiness, and Disney’s Aladdin! I love this movie and the parent approved message it sends that it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside but what’s on the… https://instagram.com/p/B2P35CEnGh2/?igshid=16q7bj7wboi37
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💚Green Room Flow. 💚I think @AbramBoise @mtvrrdarrell @DerrickMTV @cohuttalee & @turabicamkiran can all agree that you upped the overall shoe game of the group, @msdeenguyen. So thank you. 👡👡👡#ChallengeMania
@kailah_casillas: Do you guys ever have a fav candle and think to yourself “ok I don’t wanna burn it too long because then it’ll be gone really quickly” and then you remember that you’re an adult and can literally just buy a new one? Lol maybe it’s just me
@blackzeusfit: Look I’ll be live with @DerrickMTV & @SHOTOFYAGER for War Room tomorrow! But check my War Of The Worlds recap for Ep 2 in the meantime! https://youtu.be/CzxYEjP_kJY
@TheRealNiaMoore: Antonio Brown isn’t gonna get to turn one page of the Patriots playbook. This saga is getting crazier and crazier.
@Ninja_Natalie: Watching stage 2 had me JUMPING infront of my TV! Congrats to all my ninja friends hitting that buzzer 🚨 So inspiring. #AmericanNinjaWarrior
@msdeenguyen: Public announcement: I am moving to LA... just need to tell my Mum... 😂🙏
@kailah_casillas: I hate how much I like Teen Mom 2. That is such great tv. Like, I don’t watch religiously, I can miss a whole season and then catch an episode and feel like I’m caught up. Ugh so good
@cbmcnary: Paradise as you know it is over 😱
@cbmcnary: Idk what got more airtime, our first date or our breakup? 🤦🏽♂️ @angkay7
@cbmcnary: For the record, I take no responsibility for the appearance of the Jean speedo, Better known as a Wangler on @JohnPaulJonesJP 🤭
@cbmcnary: Tayshia just did the JoJo!!! 😥 Watch my breakup on season 12 if you don’t know what I’m talking about. #bachelorinparadise
@cbmcnary: “I didn’t change my mind just because you gave me the worst answer of all time!” Best quote of the night from @hellokatiemo and exactly the kind of girl @chrisjbukowski needs. #BachelorInParadise
►CHALLENGE WEDNESDAY, and 9/11 Eighteen Years Later
@JennaCompono: It’s crazy we learn about all the major events in history in school, and the fact that 9/11 was in my lifetime is so mind blowing. Especially being from NY. I remember exactly where I was when this happened. Sending out love and prayers to all the families that lost loved ones 💙
@MattieLBreaux: Father God, we pray for the families, the workers, the police, the soilders, the firefighters and all who this individuals who played a role in 9/11. We also pray for those who wronged us and may we forgive them for they know not what they do! Never forgotten 9/11
@TrishelleC: As frustrated and lonely I can get about my husband being deployed, this article puts into perspective how important his job is. Selfishly, I can forget and make it about how I’m feeling, but today I’m grateful. #neverforget #September11 #fighterpilot https://politi.co/34EUZUf
@morgan_willett: Every post and reminder about today has an impact, but this one hit me the hardest. It’s a long read but I promise it’s worth it. #NeverForget
@JOSHMBB19: We remember the victims, survivors, & heroes 🙏🏽 🇺🇸 #NeverForget911
@elenadavies: There really aren’t proper words to acknowledge the huge loss we experienced 18 years ago today #NeverForget #911Anniversary
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎧NEW PODCAST UP!🎧 #TheChallenge34 Premiere Rookie Standout @IdrisVirgo joins me & @DerrickMTV on today’s #ChallengeMania to talk about preparing for @ChallengeMTV, his elimination Vs @SeanALineker, impressions of the Vets, his boxing career & MORE!🇬🇧https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?i=1000449340411
- @Idrisvirgo: Check it out guys 💯🤙🏽😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #thechallenge34 @SeanALineker
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️👑⚜️
@SeanALineker: I think it’s time to say goodbye to warm summer evenings... 😒
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🇬🇧FYI...For those in the UK... #TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
- @Rogan_OConnor: @SHOTOFYAGER Who’s coming to watch the fireworks? 👀
@Ninja_Natalie: Friends: Hey Ninja, we’re going to this fancy expensive restaurant. Behave yourself. @msdeenguyen @morgan_willett Me:
@DerrickMTV: Find out what’s going on in that DAMN HOUSE!! Tonight 9/8C @MTV -More Action from this Era’s @ChallengeMTV BOXER. But will he ever live up to the LEGEND (OG-Challenge Boxer) @mtvrrdarrell?? 🌪🔥🌪🔥🌪🔥 -TAKE A LISTEN! NEW POD! 🥊🎧https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2 - #ChallengeMania 🔥🥊
@ChallengeMTV: Despite a winning record, Team USA is slowly starting to crumble under the pressure on tonight’s new episode of The Challenge: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on @mtv! 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Looks like someone is trying to play too hard too soon 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Looks like someone got caught being a snake 😉🤷🏽♂️
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV WHY CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG?! ...oh wait its The Challenge. k lets go 😈👊🏽
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Lol they can win challenges but they all hate each other 😂😂😂
@MTV: Team USA is starting to crumble under pressure on TONIGHT'S new episode of @ChallengeMTV: War of The Worlds 2 at 9/8c on MTV! 🔥 #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: Two Brothers? Two Kings? Or BOTH? 😜 @turabicamkiran
@JustJem24: A guy just handed me his phone and his screensaver was a year old photo of me. Made my fucking morning 🖤
@tonyraines: That new iPhone tho 📱 👀 #iPhone11
@kailah_casillas: I don’t even want to research the new iPhone bc I know I’ll want it. Outta sight, outta mind.
- @tonyraines: @kailah_casillas I watched the promo for it and I’m now debating paying my car note this month or buying the iPhone
@MattieLBreaux: OMG y’all!!!!!! Ya girl made it to trending for #nextmaximcovergirl Ahhhhhhhhhhh I’m geekin 😂🤦🏻♀️ Man U guys rock! My heart is ahhhhhh just exploding with love!
@MattieLBreaux: 23 Days Sober & Happy! God is good. I will forever be thankful!
@CoryWharton: E-zoo 2019 🐅🐘
@TheAllanAguirre: The Challenge: Top 10 Greatest First Eliminations https://link.medium.com/UGZgMhq5TZ
- @TheAllanAguirre: I wrote about the 10 Greatest Eliminations that started a season. We've seen Challengers proves themselves, Challengers embarrass themselves. and people starting their path to greatness or continuing a streak of failure on them.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everyone knows the smartest challengers wear glasses...how cliché 🤓🤓 Make sure to tune in to night. It's going be one you don't want to miss!!! Promise 📺 9/8c #thechallenge34 #mtv #wotw2 https://instagram.com/p/B2STcRpFQbw/?igshid=1p2tz0j69bcy4
@jordan_wiseley: The look she gives you when sketchy moves are already being made and it’s only challenge 3... challengemtv https://instagram.com/p/B2SdVU6J5MX/?igshid=1rcxnt81jgx2f
- @joss_mooney: @Rogan_OConnor 😂😂😂😂
@joss_mooney: You know what day it is... ITS JOGAN DAY!!! 🦁🐻 @Rogan_OConnor Tune into @ChallengeMTV tonight 8/9c #thechallenge #jogan
@Idrisvirgo: Remember guys after tonight episode head over to my https://instagram.com/idrisvirgo/?hl=en For after show live with a special guest 🤐😏👀 #thechallenge34
@JustJem24: Going live after #TheChallenge34 episode tonight with a special guest😏
@Ninja_Natalie: NERDS. I take it as a complement thx 🤓 #TheChallenge34
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Ninja_Natalie ❤️❤️
@Idrisvirgo: My and @georgiaharisonx before we didnt see eye to eye 😂😭😂😂... guess she was though 😂🤐 #thechallenge34
@turabicamkiran: It’s Challenge Time. #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: When it's the first day of class and your teacher tells you to open your syllabus 🤓 #TeamPlayer #BananasVsEveryone #TheChallenge34 #bananasdoingthings #ThisViewIsBananas @jordan_wiseley @tori_deal
@ChallengeMTV: A new episode of #TheChallenge34 starts in ONE HOUR on @mtv! Are you watching?
@msdeenguyen: Do you think we still have each other’s back even though we’re on opposite teams? Find out soon on @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34 #WOTW2 🇦🇺
@ChallengeMTV: Want to win a pair of Challenge headphones? 10k mentions of #TheChallenge34 unlocks your chance to win, so get tweeting! #Sweepstakes
► AS THEY SAW IT: "God Save the Queen"
@ChallengeMTV: A brand new episode of #TheChallenge34 is starting RIGHT NOW on @mtv! (GIF of Bear)
@blackzeusfit: War Of The Worlds 2...... Leh go!!!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Tune in to @mtv now!!!#thechallenge34 is avout to iii
@Rogan_OConnor: HERE WE GO 😛🇬🇧 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Think the feeling is mutual #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Jordan - "I am most suspicious of Wes")
@ChallengeMTV: Best friend isn't a title it's a tier! 👯 #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Rogan on Joss - "Best Friends")
@blackzeusfit: Josh ain’t tapping Georgia #BigFacts... I think she might be gaming him 🤷🏾♂️
@marisa_molinaro: Wow @JOSHMBB19 standing his GROUND and sticking up for his friend. Love to see it #TheChallenge34
@theikawong: About to watch @JOSHMBB19 stress me out lol 😩 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: I don't know what this is but I'm uncomfortable #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Bear - "There's nothing like this going on in America", as toes are being joined together)
@ChallengeMTV: Taylor Swift writing "London Boy" #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Laurel and American and British hearts)
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV This is the realest/best tweet you’ve ever tweeted.
@ChallengeMTV: We didn't see anything... #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Bear exiting room)
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂
@marisa_molinaro: Everyone on Team UK when Bear says he wants to be speaker #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Raise your hand if you're surprised #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Bear - "I wanna be speaker")
@ChallengeMTV: No one: Nobody on this planet: My dog when I'm trying to take a shower: (GIF: Wes - "Do you all need any help?")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Puppies make @WestonBergmann happy 🐶
@ChallengeMTV: "@Gemini3690: Wes: Do ya'll need any help? 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge34" RT Same energy #TheChallenge34
@Castle_of_Brian: “Do y’all need any help?” 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge34
@dc408dxnow: How about the band Kansas playing into this challenge? I guess the music department took note of what Siesta Key and The Hills had going in their soundtracks and now they’re stepping things up music wise in this. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: It was in 1973 that @KansasBand formed in Topeka, and the track you heard there “Carry On Wayward Son,” charted #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1977 and topped classic rock radio two decades later. And they’re playing tonight in Spokane, WA.
@TheMarkLong: Seems super simple @tjlavin lol 😂 what?!?! #WarOfTheWorlds2
@LostMarbles913: Damn TJ this is a CHALLENGE #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@Robbieallday28: This challenge looks like so much work #TheChallenge34 #mtvthechallenge #thechallenge2019 #waroftheworlds2
@blackzeusfit: I like Bear being the speaker. If UK wins it’s a good way to put a few ppls cards on the table if Wes gets nominated!
@ChallengeMTV: Clothes in the dryer be like: #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Wes - "Don't fall. Don't move!", as the players move around wheel)
@JOSHMBB19: These people got a problem with me rooting for Uk but they all had deals coming into the house with friends from the UK team. What in the Hell 😭😂😭 #TheChallenge34
@DerrickMTV: “Last person we need with Nuclear Codes...”-LMAO #TheChallenge34
@helloalievans: Team UK getting a good laugh at Team USA while forgetting they gotta do the same goofy challenge in a few minutes #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: An encoure #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Team USA falling)
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV In my opinion, the most gruelling challenge of the season.. 🤕
@ChallengeMTV: How I also describe my dating life #TheChallenge (GIF: Tori - "Everything goes to s___")
@ChallengeMTV: 🗣WE DON'T DESERVE TURBO #TheChallenge34 (GIF: "I feel very sorry for hamsters")
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV ❤️❤️❤️
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Hahaha I love turbo #thechallenge34 🤣❤️
@JOSHMBB19: @turabicamkiran we freeing all the hamsters 😂😂✊🏽 #TheChallenge34
@King_Henry: Eesh this Puzzle Wheel is like a Fun house nightmare come true. I hated those spinning giant wheels! #TheChallenge34 #MTV
@ChallengeMTV: "@lupitarubio_: Ugh Zach #TheChallenge34" RT 😂😂 #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: We had a great strategy and shit went out the window as soon as it started spinning. This challenge was fucking brutal 😤😤☠️ #thchallenge34
@JKIRKLANDD: That strategy is actually SMART ASF!! Did he say they all had a designated number that they HAD to unlock?! #TheChallenge34
@BradFiorenza: OMG the toilet comment @ZNichols15 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge34
@lupitarubio_: The American Team #TheChallenge34
@MeelzTV: #TheChallenge34 has gone full sicko mode.
@ChallengeMTV: Bada bop ba baaaa... #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Rogan - "I'm loving it")
@ShinxBoy01: #TheChallenge34 Bananas "I know what my underwear feels like"
@ChallengeMTV: SAME ENERGY #TheChallenge34 (GIF of mouse in hamster wheel)
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: This challenge was so painful!! Like it literally hurt #thechallenge34
- @Ninja_Natalie: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @ChallengeMTV Yea especially when people like Josh come tumbling on top of you 💥
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Ninja_Natalie Ouch. All the boys were landing on me 😩😩
@RoganCalafiore: "68 is one less than my favorite number" - @Rogan_OConnor LMAOOO Rogan has me weak rn #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: @johnnybananas "now i know how my underwear feels after a tumble dry" Classic Johnny
@JustJem24: Camila and Jordan are the EXACT same type of players and I handled Camila so well as a partner so just imagine if me and Jordan were partners on final reckoning...
@ChallengeMTV: "@ZachEarley: I bet smacking into those sticks would HURT! 😱 #TheChallenge34" RT Definitely left a mark! #TheChallenge34
@sam_rose98: I love when @TheOfficial_CT becomes a drill sergeant #TheChallenge34 #MTV
@IamDMVixen: Daaaaaaaaaamn #TeamUK ! #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: lol we could literally hear team UK scheming about just pulling of the last locks #smh #cheatbetter #thechallenge34
@Ninja_Natalie: US. #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
- @Ninja_Natalie: With added 🤮🌀
@potaylortotstoo: got my snacks let’s do this #thechallenge34
@pbandjaaaay: Wes said 'yall need help lmao #TheChallenge34
@_Simply_TT: Turbo is really the best 🥰🥰🥰 #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@ShoBusyLivin: For once I would like to see the best go against the best. Turbo vs Jordan, Jordan vs bananas, turbo vs bananas, zach vs Leroy. Just some examples. Dream match ups. #TheChallenge34
@dc408dxnow: Well… we may have an inquiry on our hands by way of trial by television. And for now, the Brits are celebrating what they think is their first challenge win. But let’s check that, because an encore of the Kentucky Derby mess could happen here in Thailand. #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: The scoreboard is: USA: 🏆🏆🏆 UK: ️⃣ (GIF of Americans celebrating after TJ Lavin announces UK had been disqualified for a rule violation and USA winning it on a technicality and by default)
@dc408dxnow: After further review… @tjlavin shows the receipts of a broken lock that Theo pulled in their heat. And by default and a technicality, Team USA makes it 3-0 on the Brits. As @arlowhite of @nbcsportssoccer loves saying, “What drama.” It is, indeed. #DCChallenge
@johnnybananas: For a country who's known for cheating you'd think the Brits would have done a better job 😏 #TheChallenge34
@faithstowers: Momma always say don’t celebrate too soon 😂
@Clarence_Pryor: WHAAAAAAATTTTTT?!? #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: TJ: Hands UPP! @Rogan_OConnor : OK.. #thechallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @jordan_wiseley If you ain’t cheatin’..
@ChallengeMTV: "@ChallengeFanOG: @ChallengeMTV “You should be good at this.” @tjlavin is RUTHLESS! 💀💀💀#TheChallenge34" RT No choice but to stan #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: We making Power moves all season right? Let’s Play #thechallenge34
- @JustJem24: @JOSHMBB19 You are so annoying and I fuckin love it... 👏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: I love mess. 👏 #TheChallenge34 (GIF: "I know, I actually can't wait to see it")
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV My girl @laurelstucky has the biggest dick at the table. As usual
- @jordan_wiseley: @JustJem24 lol YES Josh
- @JustJem24: @jordan_wiseley Don’t speak to me Jordan. I’m still mad you weren’t my partner on final reckoning and didn’t carry me to the final so I could steal a million dollars from you. How will you ever make this up to me 😫😫😫.
- @jordan_wiseley: @JustJem24 Ughhhh I knowww Jem. I know... smh
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Im such a nerd 🤣 #thechallenge34
@LilMzK22: CT the moticational speaker!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #TheChallenge34
@Juanderful19: This challenge funny as hell #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: I just want to say laurel and Zach are two of my favorite people this season. Thanks for the genuine friendship ✊🏽 ✊🏽 #TheChallenge34
@Ninja_Natalie: Some people desperate for a win, using their strength in the wrong ways 🚨
@ChallengeMTV: "@sam_rose98: I KNOW we’re all not ignoring the fact that Zach, Laurel, and Josh are all wearing tropical dad shirts #TheChallenge34 #MTV" RT A dad on vacation is the ultimate aesthetic. #TheChallenge34
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV I dead ass bet Zach planned this.
@LostMarbles913: Damn look at kam keeping her 👀👀 open Yes girl #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@mariaaa_carmen: "I love TJ, TJ is Karma!" I love you @turabicamkiran
@LostMarbles913: Yes Idris speak up don’t let him try to shut you up!! #TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
- @Idrisvirgo: @LostMarbles913 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁 dont poke the lion
@iAMart_22: I think I fell more in love with @turabicamkiran after what he said about the hamsters. #waroftheworlds2 #TheChallenge34
@RayTray07: “I feel sad for hampster” 😂😂😂 @turabicamkiran commentary is gold 🙌🏻 #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: Actual footage of Josh in the tribunal @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
- @msdeenguyen: And I reiterate #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@msdeenguyen: Interrupt me again Bear I swear.... 🤬 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: My first tribunal of the season I promise not to disappoint 🕺🏽😈 #TheChallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @JOSHMBB19 😂😜
@CaraHunter_18: Me To Bear If He Keeps Raising His Voice At @msdeenguyen #TheChallenge34
@jesswithanS: Turbo’a hamster speech during #TheChallenge34 is why I love him so much. MY HEART.
@knightcaramaria: Turbo feels for hamsters 🖤 #TheChallenge34
@JoshsBandana_: TURBO SAID HES SAD FOR HAMSTERS LMAO #TheChallenge34
@davonnenegrotti: Turbo continues to be amazing at commentary #thechallenge34
@kennahdeee: LMAOOO TURBO IS TOO PURE I LOVE HIM 😂 #TheChallenge34
@dramageek19: Turbo always has the best confessionals #TheChallenge34
@longlivereigns: Turbo kills me 😂 #TheChallenge34
@JensenReigns: Did Turbo just say he's gonna let every hamster outta their cage?😂😂😂 Challenge really blessed us getting Turbo on this show #TheChallenge34
@seemsliketyler: I love turbo more and more everyday. A king❤️ #TheChallenge34
@TWholf: “I am very sad for hamster.” - @turabicamkiran 😂 THE. BEST. THING. ABOUT. THE @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Takes two to tango. 💃 #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Rogan - "Let's dance.")
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV See you on the Dance floor 😜
@ChallengeMTV: Alright so there's lions and bears, who's going to be the tiger? 🐯#TheChallenge34 (GIF: Bear - "The Grizzly Bear... Not the Teddy Bear")
@Shy200712: Bear is letting it all out... #thechallenge #TheChallenge34
@ShoBusyLivin: Teddy bear. #TheChallenge34
@MikeyTBH: Ashley casually reminding everyone she beat Joss in a final... LMFAO. #TheChallenge34
@longlivereigns: Wes’ shirt is an entire mood #TheChallenge34
@Idrisvirgo: @laurelstucky trying to protect her little teddy bear! #GrowUp
- @JustJem24: @Idrisvirgo Aye... let me girl ride or die for her boo..
@ChallengeMTV: The speaker does have to prove themselves though... 👀 #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Josh - "I have nothing to prove to you")
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I swear. Can't trust anybody in this game 😩🙄 #thechallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Can we just take a quick second to talk about this shirt? #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Wes wearing short that reads, "Puppies wine and I'm fine")
@jordan_wiseley: @ZNichols15's giggle is the sweetest #thechallenge34
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@XoxMrsJohnson: "Ya, and I beat him" @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #TheChallenge34" RT I just trying to get his name off the table 😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: "@DamereStarr: Laurel “I’m not sleeepinggg” 🤣🤣 #TheChallenge34" RT An underrated power move! #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: "@MeelzTV: Laurel is like... 😭 #TheChallenge34" RT 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge34
@Castle_of_Brian: Josh thinks he’s a big player all of a sudden after one move 😂 #TheChallenge34
@Irving_A07: I know Bear is problematic AF, but I’m just trying to enjoy the show for what it is, a show.. and god damn, Bear is hilarious, love the guy #TheChallenge34
@Moment4Clive: OMG............. if they throw Wes in?! #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: The mistake they made was thinking I was stupid. Next time learn how to whisper dummies #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: I came to play chess not checkers 😉😎 #thechallenge34
@SavageBranch: Well that was a bombshell only knew it was a matter of time before US Team turned on each other #TheChallenge34
@loviingsly: I love this whole Bear is digging himself. Try targetting my bby again. You will catch these hands. xoxo 💋 #TheChallenge34
@DeeNegrotti: “YOU TALKED NOW LET ME TALK! YOU TALKED NOW LET ME TALK!!!!!” ~ Dee Nguyen 2019
@TheChallengeFav: I LOVE @MTVASHLEYBROOKE this season! The queen came back hard! #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: I ship Jaurel ❤ @JOSHMBB19 @laurelstucky #TheChallenge34
- @msdeenguyen: @johnnybananas @JOSHMBB19 @laurelstucky 🤢🤮
@JOSHMBB19: I’m suppose to stay loyal to a team that was discussing me being disposable and no one told me anything except laurel & Zach. I’m loyal Af till you cross me. #thechallenge34
@v_fernn: LAURELLLL #TheChallenge34
@ZachEarley: I’m ready for this elimination!!! Who is going in!!! Let’s gooooo!! #TheChallenge34
@lupitarubio_: Kyle every time there’s drama #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Drama drama drama!!! #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Rogan - "He can't handle a glass of Pinot Grigio")
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Dry white wine anyone?
- @theo_campbell91: @ChallengeMTV I really do Agree 🍷🥴
- @Rogan_OConnor: @theo_campbell91 Think you touched a nerve 😂🥴 We both had a couple shandy’s too many that Night! Big love Big guy! Surely we’ll make up next week? 👀
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV I live for the drama 😍😂
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂
- @trevaben: @ChallengeMTV My new go-to insult #TheChallenge34
- @mimbly_bimbly: @ChallengeMTV This is my favorite saying ever on TV thanks @Rogan_OConnor #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: Team @Rogan_OConnor
- @Rogan_OConnor: @JustJem24 Hey babes ☺️
@ChallengeFanOG: YOU CAN’T HANDLE A GLASS OF PINOT GRIGIO @Rogan_OConnor getting after it. #TheChallenge34
@lionessregui: this theo and rogan fight #TheChallenge34
@rgreen89: Laurel and Josh are about to do what now?! #TheChallenge34
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Still loving these 90 min episodes 😍
@summer0001: Me: I'm so tired of the drama. Also me: #TheChallenge34
@PaulParmar1: Me watching the drama #thechallenge34
@PynchMe1987: I love when there’s drama on this show it usually starts with two people but by the end half the house got the popcorn out to watch 😂😂 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Who? Huh? Me? 💁 #TheChallenge34 (GIF of Wes)
@JOSHMBB19: @johnnybananas spoke nothing but straight facts 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Old grudges die hard #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Bananas on Wes' potential early elimination exit - "Is more important to me at this point than winning a final")
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see in the elimination against Bear? #TheChallenge34
@xoxobrianc: Laurel when she was pretending to be asleep @laurelstucky
@1LadySky2Blu: The irony of the people plotting against teammates #thechallenge34 (GIF: "The plot thickens")
@Jenna60486430: I want to be @iamkamiam_ best friend. #TheChallenge34
@4ever_Siddy: I love Kam, like seriously how can anyone dislike her @iamkamiam_
@ChallengeMTV: CALL 👏 IT 👏 OUT #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Bear - "Wes, I think you should come down with me mate")
@Frank82562705: Atta fucking boy @JOSHMBB19 stand up for yourself
@ChallengeMTV: YOOOOOOOO #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Laurel - "Wes.")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV 👀
@jordan_wiseley: We just watched Wes's soul leave his body... #thechallenge34
@Rogan_OConnor: WOW! And that is why @ChallengeMTV is the best show in the world!! 😵🌎
@teeffinriffic: Wes saying he’s not prepped and doesn’t need to do this #TheChallenge34
@JustJem24: Another challenge episode, another appearance by my camo tank 😭
- @JustJem24: It’s legit made an appearance on every season since I wore in on episode 1 in dirty 30 😭
@sofia_villalbaa: The challenge never gets old #TheChallenge34
@daisyjohnsvn: americans sending in their own player instead of a brit this game just got even more dirty #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: No bad blood All Game I didn’t come to play someone else’s game. #thechallenge34
@TiltedHal0: Wes: I’m not coming down there. Laurel and Josh: #TheChallenge34
@GoddessKay88: @JOSHMBB19 is one of my new favorite challengers. #TheChallenge34
@Frank82562705: @JOSHMBB19 just became one of my favorites for calling out Wes
@RealityRadioPod: Josh’s brain trying to decide if he should throw in Wes: #TheChallenge34
@Idrisvirgo: Dunno why they decided to put josh as speaker of course he gonna play the game with his emotions #thechallenge34
@Ninja_Natalie: Linebacker coming in 1034MPH BLINDSIGHTED 💥😱 #TheChallenge34
@johnnybananas: An instant replay of the soul @WestonBergmann doesn't have leaving his body 🍊👻 #WesDiedParty #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: I - #TheChallenge34 (GIF: Josh - "Wes.", followed by USA team reaction including Bananas reacting mildly)
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV It’s like he knew 🤔
@MTVBananas: JOSH MAKING POWER MOVES #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this elimination? #TheChallenge34 Wes 55% / Bear 45% - 3,885 votes · Final results
@ChallengeMTV: When you unwrap the present your parents swore up and down they weren't getting you! #The Challenge34 (GIF of Bear reacting well to getting his wish to face Wes in elimination)
@JamesLadalia: Holy shit...didn’t think we’d get a Wes vs Bear matchup this early. Let’s see these fireworks go off!!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: Holy, Shit. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge34
@LostMarbles913: Aaaaaaaaa this decision!!! 👀👀👀 but get ready for your karma 😂🤣#TheChallenge34 #WarOfTheWorlds2
@LilMzK22: Now it's a challenge!! Let's gooooo! #TheChallenge34
@xSuicidalPanda: Theo’s partner from last season and the girl he was hooking up with even wanted to vote him in lmao #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Voting in Wes is a brilliant move for Josh. He's on the bottom of the totem pole for Team USA and he can only go up from here. Laurel is making an awful move because she's at the top of the totem pole and everyone is gonna see her as a traitor to their team. #TheChallenge34
@Juanderful19: Laurel is a LEGEND #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: SAME ENERGY #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: If I trusted Wes after watching last season I would have been a fool. Kids a mastermind and was one of the votes why I went home my rookie season. If I had an issue with anyone coming into this season it was him. I had my reasons #TheChallenge34
@keish121: This is wild #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@summer0001: Bear vs Wes #TheChallenge34
@lalalalickit: I LOOOOOVE A WES BLINDSIDE!!!!!!! @JOSHMBB19 Thank you for this!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! #TheChallenge34
@MTVBananas: @JOSHMBB19 bringing the blindside from BB to the Challenge #TheChallenge34
@PaulCalafiore_: Step 2: Let them show their cards #TheChallenge34
@tessaroseyb: I feel like TJ is living his dream being able to shoot canons at these guys 😂 #TheChallenge34
@cordellsimmons: These British accents #TheChallenge34
@lovelytaegis: honestly mood watching #TheChallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: @stephen_bear proved himself was underestimated by everyone 👏🏽👏🏽 #thechallenge34
@JustJem24: Honestly. @tori_deal truly has a better shocked face than Taylor Swift.
@Rogan_OConnor: Anyone notice the Americans won then got rid of one of their best players?! Cheers ☺️🇬🇧🍻 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: 🚨 New Behind The Challenge 🚨The cast reveals how they felt about Josh's shocking vote on Youtube RIGHT NOW! 👇 #TheChallenge34 https://youtube.com/watch?v=tcm8i4mdWn0
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Spilling the tea...
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Why is Twitter so much more fun when you’re drinking? 😂
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV 😞😞
@johnnybananas: Bear is my spirit animal 🐻 @stephen_bear #TheChallenge34
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Love you though bear 🤣 @stephen_bear
@msdeenguyen: Don’t worry @WestonBergmann vengeance is comeing.. 🙅♀️🐻#TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV
@3miryam7: Amazing elimination!!!
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@minx_jason: Can’t wait for tonight’s war room already @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV" RT Me neither! @DerrickMTV @blackzeusfit & I are going to Break. This. Thing. Down. #ChallengeMania
@Garystardust1: We need more @MTVASHLEYBROOKE You're The best!! 💯💯💯 #TheChallenge34
@kendallongg: Team USA are some damn fools for throwing their own teammate in #TheChallenge34
@StevenPlummer22: What an ending! #TheChallenge34
@Vameridi: Can I just say I am LOVING the music selections on this season of #TheChallenge34 !! Kudos to whoever is in charge of that!! @ChallengeMTV
@CrownTheCaylin: My face when Wes got put into elimination by his own team and lost to Bear #TheChallenge34
@summer0001: This episode tho #TheChallenge34
@loviingsly: Ashley’s confessionals this season are on point. So glad to see she’s killing it without Lavender Ladies. #TheChallenge34
@KyLLeJohnnn: And as far as @JOSHMBB19 goes, way to betray your own team pal! Might as well just join the UK team #TheChallenge34
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds 2 Episode 3: 10 Biggest Takeaways https://link.medium.com/Duyb0stzUZ
- @TheAllanAguirre: Episode 3 of War of the Worlds 2 is in the books, so if you have opinions, read my 10 biggest takeaways. I broke down the most important story-lines. Josh is here to play. Laurel is torpedoing her own game. Team UK is the NY Jets of the Challenge. #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeDfnder: I just love @turabicamkiran confessionals #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: Me when they start talking about throwing in one of their own teammates in Episode THREE. That’s America for you, I guess! 🤯#TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
- @Rogan_OConnor: @SHOTOFYAGER The land of hope and glory 🤙🏽
@JOSHMBB19: No bad blood with Wes it’s all game at the end, the guys a mastermind of the game in that house I just can’t ever trust him. #TheChallenge34
@jammer1027: I'm more proud of @JOSHMBB19 tonight than when he won BB tbh. Way to stand up for yourself! #TheChallenge34
@msdeenguyen: Why is Twitter so much more fun when you’re drinking? 😂
@theo_campbell91: @WestonBergmann what happened bro 😕?
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💣I feel like @JOSHMBB19 just Cersai Lannister’d this entire episode. He’s not just POTS & PANS. My man’s got PLOTS & PLANS! #TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
@tombuelljr: Ooof...I have a feeling Laurel and Josh might be seeing the proving ground sooner rather than later after that...#TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔓Bet ya thought you had that LOCKED UP, didn’t you, UK??? #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: I know I say it every week but THIS is my favorite @ChallengeMTV Security Guard of all time. Now they’re just bringing in The Wyatt Family to break up these fights & I am all for it. #LetThemIn #TheChallenge34 #ChallengeMania
@SHOTOFYAGER: Not going to lie...did not see that coming...#ChallengeMania #TheChallenge34
- @Rogan_OConnor: @SHOTOFYAGER 🤯
@cleachy_18: People saying @JOSHMBB19 is too emotional? So what? He’s consistently shows he’s not gonna back down from anything. He doesn’t play it safe. Plus since when is being emotional a bad thing? Let the man feel his feelings, damn.
@DerrickMTV: DAMN!! He didn’t just lose, he got his ass beat?! Still just a Teddy Bear to me thou! 😉 #TheChallenge34 🧸🧨
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎼To the @ChallengeMTV God in post who chose “Carry On My Wayward Son” by Kansas...I see you. I hear you. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge34
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎼When you realize #TheChallenge34 Episode opened earlier tonight with a song by the band KANSAS...and it just ended w/ @WestonBergmann...who is FROM KANSAS, going home. 🤯🤯🤯#ChallengeMania
@Rogan_OConnor: As a wise @johnnybananas once told me.. If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying!
- @johnnybananas: @Rogan_OConnor Now you just need to learn how 👍
@JanxReality: Me watching @JOSHMBB19 & @laurelstucky blindside Wes #TheChallenge34
@taraljx: At the end of the day, Josh voted Wes in because he was ready to come for him. So why can Wes do whatever, but Josh can't protect himself. Idgaf about vets and newbies. Wes was ready to turn on USA in 2 seconds and so was Bananas. Josh is playing his game. #TheChallenge34
@JoshsBandana_: This might be my new favorite challenge duo. @JOSHMBB19 @laurelstucky #TheChallenge34
@JoshsBandana_: @JOSHMBB19 doesn’t argue or do anything for camera time. Josh wears his heart on his sleeve & doesn’t hide his emotions. He says what he thinks, when he thinks it, and doesn’t care if people like it or not. He’s true to himself and THAT’S why he gets camera time. #TheChallenge34
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Wow, quite an episode... and things have just changed quite a bit there. And if you had doubts about how Josh can translate a playbook of two years ago that won him a half-mill, well you have to bow down to him in making this season's first power move of putting in Wes into elimination and Bear winning it... giving Josh and Laurel targets on their backs for this season's first dirty move.
This is just the start to our Saturday... the Pulse of Ex On The Beach is straight ahead as the circus comes to Malibu as does everyone's favorite moment on MTV Reality: a threesome. And later here, we'll be going to the strip club... all thanks in part to the man who brought his Jersey Shore mates to his new gig at Chippendales. Fun, right? We'll see you back here shortly.
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