*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Welcome on back, and as the television season as those in broadcast network land see it, things are now fairly calm when it comes to romantic reality television goes, with Bachelor Nation now taking a breather after this year's trilogy and just ahead of next month's big return of Temptation Island. But for those in need of some love in reality TV, you have some company now until then with MTV's Ex On The Beach, as we now bring you the Pulse of it here now.
Last week in Malibu, those in the house who moved in when this all began in July were put on pins and needles as their exes turned the table on them for the mid-season Cut ceremony that would send one of the originals home. But while most of the attention has been on Cameron and his treatment of Ariana and Alexis, he can thank those lucky stars that he wasn't the one who got sent home. Instead, it was her getting flowers from her man back home that gave the exes reason to send one-half of the Kaplan twins home when they voted off Allie.
Summer is fast approaching its end in Ex land, and this week sees turning points for two couples: two originals who went on the last Crush date are finding themselves at a crossroads for their relationship and another pair who went outside the house earlier this summer may also head that way with one of them pursuing a relationship with a new ex. The summer's last Crush Date will be handed out, but that doesn't mean that one of the couples this week will be given a free pass. And we're headed back to the beginning... the beginning of this century, that is... for a Y2K house party.
After the jump, join in for the Pulse of Episode 11 of Ex On The Beach 3, plus a castmate heads to the Emmy Awards, more reaction from this week's Challenge and a look ahead to what will be THE hot topic item for MTV Reality fans in the next seven days. Welcome, lovebirds...
►CHALLENGE ENDGAME, and Cory & Cheyenne on #TattooFar
@ChallengeMTV: This is When Cara Decided Johnny Bananas Was Her Primary Target #TheChallenge34 http://mtv.com/news/3138387/cara-johnny-bananas-target-challenge/
@theo_campbell91: "@ChallengeMTV: My body hurts just watching this. #TheChallenge34" RT Duno how its fair putting a 6’6 guy in some tiny ass cage to roll around in 🤨. But life’s about how fast you can adapt. @johnnybananas they had the monopoly on us from the start. The weak band together in secret. Next time g @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @theo_campbell91 If I had to go down, I couldn't have chosen a better dude lose to. We'll get em next time brother ✊
@theo_campbell91: @Ninja_Natalie @turabicamkiran I never make excuses but if you remember I did actually have the flu for like 12 days so all my endurance was awful. But I just about persevered 🤷🏽♂️ I can usually swim 👀
@theo_campbell91: "@ShontorriaRoss: They really put their best player in #TheChallenge34" RT It was only clear to me at this point also. It wasn’t about keeping the best time for the final, it was about who your friends were at the start and if you team @WestonBergmann and @PaulCalafiore_ from day 1. Funny seeing this “vets” scare so easy. Paulie is now your boss.. 👀😄
- @Rogan_OConnor: @theo_campbell91 You said 6”5 in your OTF interview?! Proof that you can’t be trusted 🤪🤣
@Rogan_OConnor: "@ChallengeMTV: The wait is over! A brand new episode of #TheChallenge34 is starting RIGHT NOW on @mtv! Are you watching?" RT Just watched... another bloody good ep 😊✌🏽
@stephen_bear: Really Good feedback from @ChallengeMTV ! Love being part of such a iconic programme ❤️ @MTVUK your da best 🕺🏽🏆🐾 love you all 🙌
@CrownTheCaylin: @stephen_bear goes from Grizzly Bear to Spider Bear 😂😂#TheChallenge34
@bellachu1984: Just watched #TheChallenge brilliant programme obviously rooting for team uk but @Rogan_OConnor and @joss_mooney in particular #teamjogan
@joss_mooney: Touch down Marbella!! It’s been a minute...👀🍾🤪
@ChallengeMTV: Last night wasn't the first time Paulie went back on his word. #TBT to The Challenge: Final Reckoning finale when he hit Joss and Sylvia with his grenade! 💣 #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV I don’t start wars.... I just finish them 😉😘
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Have I told you how much I love Paulie 🤣 he was the best team mate I had that finale
@people: TODAY - @PaulCalafiore_ will be LIVE to talk all about his shocking decision on last night’s #TheChallenge34! Tweet us your questions for him using #RealityCheck and watch at 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT.
@Idrisvirgo: "@ChallengeMTV: Always Remember. #TheChallenge34" RT Facts!
@lilaznboi113: Great job @MTVASHLEYBROOKE playing 'HOOKED' & she's an beast 😍 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: The fundamental difference between Bananas and Wes is that: Wes will do anything for power. Johnny will do anything to win. #TheChallenge34
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @jordan_wiseley Guys he hasn't done anything in awhile 😬😬
@Rogan_OConnor: Who’s Magic Mike? I think you mean @TheDreamboys 🤪 But don’t worry.. me & @PaulCalafiore_ have got something in the pipeline... so to speak 😆
@PaulCalafiore_: @Rogan_OConnor @TheDreamboys Ohhhh everyone should stay tuned 😉
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥@FrankCSweeney joins me & @DerrickMTV on today’s #ChallengeMania for a fun & layered chat about the Past, Present & Future of @ChallengeMTV! We get his thoughts on #TheChallenge34, his regrets from over the years, talk Rivals II & MORE!📲https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F19233937
- @SeanALineker: @SHOTOFYAGER Great interview with ex challenger @frankcsweeney very valid points about the LGBT community on @ChallengeMTV
@mtvcanada: @ChallengeMTV Who is the true owner of this beautiful shirt?
- @JOSHMBB19: @mtvcanada We shared clothes all szn 😂✊🏽
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's episode was WILD! Catch up now online, On Demand or on the @mtv app!
@sjmedd: Ninja doing backstrokes on the swimming challenge. What in the world 🤣 #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Paulie went against his word and voted in Bananas! Huge power move #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Bananas is truly cursed. Can’t even get to a Final now #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: The cast spills every single detail of Paulie's shocking elimination vote exclusively on Youtube RIGHT NOW! 👇#TheChallenge34 https://bit.ly/2mDuaOK
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV I knew everything 😂😛🤪🤩
@Idrisvirgo: So I can't swim! Time to fix my weakness into a strength..... next time I'll beat everyone PERIOD!!!! #thechallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: Catching up on last nights episode of the challenge. Just want to brag I swim like a fvckn 🦈 😂😭 one of my favorite challenges od the szn #thechallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: It’s crazy how being happy for the winner has some of you pissed off. Winning BB is a huge accomplishment and me supporting someone’s gameplay does not mean I stand by negative comments & behavior shown. I wish Michie nothing but the best. 🙏🏽 #BB21Finale
@realmarkjansen: Love watching @stephen_bear on @ChallengeMTV... true stud who doesn’t give a damn
@realmarkjansen: It amazes me how some people are cut from the cloth that’s ok with throwing a challenge especially on a show that’s called the fucking challenge @ChallengeMTV
@realmarkjansen: I’d go to the U.K. to get trained by Jenny 💪🏼💪🏼 #challenge34
@people: Today on #RealityCheck: @PaulCalafiore_ breaks down last night's action-packed #TheChallenge34. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BdGYeLommMGX
- @PaulCalafiore_: @people Although I’m flattered everyone constantly wants to compare me to the greats after only 3 seasons.... I think I’ll take my time with my legacy.... The Challenge made the right decision giving me the keys to the franchise future 😉😘 #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@PsychoTTT1: The only game where turbo is slow, is swimming. Maybe there you got a chance to win :) Because, when he was a kid he drowned almost in the water. Otherwhise forget it to win against him!! #TheChallenge34 #Turbo #WarOfTheWorlds2 #Turabi
@turabicamkiran: @WestonBergmann 😂😂😂
@Tsavina99: @turabicamkiran can we just have a Turbo reality show? @MTV I need more than two minutes of Turbo airtime on the challenge. Sheesh.
@brian_gregory90: You did a great job on tonight’s episode!🇺🇸🇹🇷👊🏻 @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge34
@AnnRainee: @turabicamkiran will always be my number #1. #TheChallenge34
@RachD1214: One of my fav challenger!Timmy is one of the oldest winners from the show, with 3 finales, with 1 win in 5. He also won an elim, where he took out Derrick K! He was also well respected as a champion because of how funny, but strong player he is. @DerrickMTV must remember him!
- @DerrickMTV: @RachD1214 Greatest Farewell speech of all Time!! But how about that Elim?! One of the best,yet most forgotten! Left with shards of glass in his knees!
- @Sylviadefender: This is the challenge that I miss.
@MrAshleyCain: Happy 29th F*cking Birthday To Me! 🎉🎉🎉 I look back through the years of my life, through the good and the bad and I couldn't be happier with the experiences I've had, the achievements I've accomplished and the difficult times I've had to overcome! 🙏🏾💯
@ChallengeMTV: Theo's attempt to save himself from the Proving Ground may have actually done more harm than good... 😬 #TheChallenge34
@JazMTV: Caught up on #WarOfTheWorlds2 all I can say is, looks like the old school challengers are getting a lesson in their own ways of playing the game! It’s a revolution for these new comers! #TimesAreChanging
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds 2 is a Civil War https://link.medium.com/qSOdIYwCk0
- @TheAllanAguirre: It's no longer Team USA vs Team UK It's Jordan/Tori's alliance vs Cara/Paulie's alliance It's Theo/Bear's alliance vs A Big Group that includes Rogan, Joss, Dee, etc I broke down the alliances and chain of commands within each in order to display where the game is now
@ChallengeMTV: Me and my best friend listening to my parents decide if we're allowed to have a sleep over. #TheChallenge34
@MTV_TattooFar: Cory and Cheyenne have been able to successfully co-parent their daughter Ryder. Will a trip to our studio change that? Find out TONIGHT on How Far Is Tattoo Far? at 10/9c on @MTV! 💉 #TattooFar
@HollywoodLife: Cheyenne Floyd (@itskcheyenne) gears up to brand @CoryWharton as the '@MTV Slut' in this EXCLUSIVE #HowFarIsTattooFar preview! http://hollywood.li/RkcKN4m
- @CoryWharton: @HollywoodLife “Mtv Slut” I’ve been called worse 🧐😂
@CoryWharton: At this exact moment I knew I F***** up @MTV_TattooFar TONIGHT 10pm ET on @MTV
@itskcheyenne: Would you let your baby daddy pick your tattoo? 🤯 @MTV_TattooFar
@TeenMom: A brand new episode of #TattooFar featuring @itskcheyenne + @CoryWharton starts right NOW on @MTV 💉 Watch + tweet along with @MTV_TattooFar! 👀
@MTV_TattooFar: Teen Mom OG's Cory Is Saying 'Thank You' To Cheyenne By Going #TattooFar http://mtv.com/news/3139647/teen-mom-cory-cheyenne-tattoo-far/
@MTV_TattooFar: Grab your bestie and get ready for a brand new episode of #TattooFar starting on @mtv RIGHT NOW!
@MTV_TattooFar: 👅👅👅 #TattooFar (GIF of Cory's tattoo of a tounge licking the MTV logo, symbolizing his broad career)
@MTV_TattooFar: I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING! 😭 #TattooFar (GIF of Cheyenne's tattoo of a hand gesture with two hands, Ryder's name and the date of 4/11 of the discovery of her health diagnosis)
@Kenyaa_NOT: People HAVE to get paid to go on tattoo far lmao y’all not just getting these crazy ass tattoos for 5 min of screen time i just KNOW y’all not, PLEASE tell me y’all not
@theo_campbell91: "@ChallengeMTV: My body hurts just watching this. #TheChallenge34" RT Duno how its fair putting a 6’6 guy in some tiny ass cage to roll around in 🤨. But life’s about how fast you can adapt. @johnnybananas they had the monopoly on us from the start. The weak band together in secret. Next time g @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @theo_campbell91 If I had to go down, I couldn't have chosen a better dude lose to. We'll get em next time brother ✊
@theo_campbell91: @Ninja_Natalie @turabicamkiran I never make excuses but if you remember I did actually have the flu for like 12 days so all my endurance was awful. But I just about persevered 🤷🏽♂️ I can usually swim 👀
@theo_campbell91: "@ShontorriaRoss: They really put their best player in #TheChallenge34" RT It was only clear to me at this point also. It wasn’t about keeping the best time for the final, it was about who your friends were at the start and if you team @WestonBergmann and @PaulCalafiore_ from day 1. Funny seeing this “vets” scare so easy. Paulie is now your boss.. 👀😄
- @Rogan_OConnor: @theo_campbell91 You said 6”5 in your OTF interview?! Proof that you can’t be trusted 🤪🤣
@Rogan_OConnor: "@ChallengeMTV: The wait is over! A brand new episode of #TheChallenge34 is starting RIGHT NOW on @mtv! Are you watching?" RT Just watched... another bloody good ep 😊✌🏽
@stephen_bear: Really Good feedback from @ChallengeMTV ! Love being part of such a iconic programme ❤️ @MTVUK your da best 🕺🏽🏆🐾 love you all 🙌
@CrownTheCaylin: @stephen_bear goes from Grizzly Bear to Spider Bear 😂😂#TheChallenge34
@bellachu1984: Just watched #TheChallenge brilliant programme obviously rooting for team uk but @Rogan_OConnor and @joss_mooney in particular #teamjogan
@joss_mooney: Touch down Marbella!! It’s been a minute...👀🍾🤪
@ChallengeMTV: Last night wasn't the first time Paulie went back on his word. #TBT to The Challenge: Final Reckoning finale when he hit Joss and Sylvia with his grenade! 💣 #TheChallenge34
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV I don’t start wars.... I just finish them 😉😘
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Have I told you how much I love Paulie 🤣 he was the best team mate I had that finale
@people: TODAY - @PaulCalafiore_ will be LIVE to talk all about his shocking decision on last night’s #TheChallenge34! Tweet us your questions for him using #RealityCheck and watch at 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT.
@Idrisvirgo: "@ChallengeMTV: Always Remember. #TheChallenge34" RT Facts!
@lilaznboi113: Great job @MTVASHLEYBROOKE playing 'HOOKED' & she's an beast 😍 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge34
@jordan_wiseley: The fundamental difference between Bananas and Wes is that: Wes will do anything for power. Johnny will do anything to win. #TheChallenge34
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @jordan_wiseley Guys he hasn't done anything in awhile 😬😬
@Rogan_OConnor: Who’s Magic Mike? I think you mean @TheDreamboys 🤪 But don’t worry.. me & @PaulCalafiore_ have got something in the pipeline... so to speak 😆
@PaulCalafiore_: @Rogan_OConnor @TheDreamboys Ohhhh everyone should stay tuned 😉
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!🔥@FrankCSweeney joins me & @DerrickMTV on today’s #ChallengeMania for a fun & layered chat about the Past, Present & Future of @ChallengeMTV! We get his thoughts on #TheChallenge34, his regrets from over the years, talk Rivals II & MORE!📲https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F19233937
- @SeanALineker: @SHOTOFYAGER Great interview with ex challenger @frankcsweeney very valid points about the LGBT community on @ChallengeMTV
@mtvcanada: @ChallengeMTV Who is the true owner of this beautiful shirt?
- @JOSHMBB19: @mtvcanada We shared clothes all szn 😂✊🏽
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's episode was WILD! Catch up now online, On Demand or on the @mtv app!
@sjmedd: Ninja doing backstrokes on the swimming challenge. What in the world 🤣 #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Paulie went against his word and voted in Bananas! Huge power move #TheChallenge
@sjmedd: Bananas is truly cursed. Can’t even get to a Final now #TheChallenge34
@ChallengeMTV: The cast spills every single detail of Paulie's shocking elimination vote exclusively on Youtube RIGHT NOW! 👇#TheChallenge34 https://bit.ly/2mDuaOK
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV I knew everything 😂😛🤪🤩
@Idrisvirgo: So I can't swim! Time to fix my weakness into a strength..... next time I'll beat everyone PERIOD!!!! #thechallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: Catching up on last nights episode of the challenge. Just want to brag I swim like a fvckn 🦈 😂😭 one of my favorite challenges od the szn #thechallenge34
@JOSHMBB19: It’s crazy how being happy for the winner has some of you pissed off. Winning BB is a huge accomplishment and me supporting someone’s gameplay does not mean I stand by negative comments & behavior shown. I wish Michie nothing but the best. 🙏🏽 #BB21Finale
@realmarkjansen: Love watching @stephen_bear on @ChallengeMTV... true stud who doesn’t give a damn
@realmarkjansen: It amazes me how some people are cut from the cloth that’s ok with throwing a challenge especially on a show that’s called the fucking challenge @ChallengeMTV
@realmarkjansen: I’d go to the U.K. to get trained by Jenny 💪🏼💪🏼 #challenge34
@people: Today on #RealityCheck: @PaulCalafiore_ breaks down last night's action-packed #TheChallenge34. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BdGYeLommMGX
- @PaulCalafiore_: @people Although I’m flattered everyone constantly wants to compare me to the greats after only 3 seasons.... I think I’ll take my time with my legacy.... The Challenge made the right decision giving me the keys to the franchise future 😉😘 #TheChallenge34 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@PsychoTTT1: The only game where turbo is slow, is swimming. Maybe there you got a chance to win :) Because, when he was a kid he drowned almost in the water. Otherwhise forget it to win against him!! #TheChallenge34 #Turbo #WarOfTheWorlds2 #Turabi
@turabicamkiran: @WestonBergmann 😂😂😂
@Tsavina99: @turabicamkiran can we just have a Turbo reality show? @MTV I need more than two minutes of Turbo airtime on the challenge. Sheesh.
@brian_gregory90: You did a great job on tonight’s episode!🇺🇸🇹🇷👊🏻 @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge34
@AnnRainee: @turabicamkiran will always be my number #1. #TheChallenge34
@RachD1214: One of my fav challenger!Timmy is one of the oldest winners from the show, with 3 finales, with 1 win in 5. He also won an elim, where he took out Derrick K! He was also well respected as a champion because of how funny, but strong player he is. @DerrickMTV must remember him!
- @DerrickMTV: @RachD1214 Greatest Farewell speech of all Time!! But how about that Elim?! One of the best,yet most forgotten! Left with shards of glass in his knees!
- @Sylviadefender: This is the challenge that I miss.
@MrAshleyCain: Happy 29th F*cking Birthday To Me! 🎉🎉🎉 I look back through the years of my life, through the good and the bad and I couldn't be happier with the experiences I've had, the achievements I've accomplished and the difficult times I've had to overcome! 🙏🏾💯
@ChallengeMTV: Theo's attempt to save himself from the Proving Ground may have actually done more harm than good... 😬 #TheChallenge34
@JazMTV: Caught up on #WarOfTheWorlds2 all I can say is, looks like the old school challengers are getting a lesson in their own ways of playing the game! It’s a revolution for these new comers! #TimesAreChanging
@TheAllanAguirre: Challenge War of the Worlds 2 is a Civil War https://link.medium.com/qSOdIYwCk0
- @TheAllanAguirre: It's no longer Team USA vs Team UK It's Jordan/Tori's alliance vs Cara/Paulie's alliance It's Theo/Bear's alliance vs A Big Group that includes Rogan, Joss, Dee, etc I broke down the alliances and chain of commands within each in order to display where the game is now
@ChallengeMTV: Me and my best friend listening to my parents decide if we're allowed to have a sleep over. #TheChallenge34
@MTV_TattooFar: Cory and Cheyenne have been able to successfully co-parent their daughter Ryder. Will a trip to our studio change that? Find out TONIGHT on How Far Is Tattoo Far? at 10/9c on @MTV! 💉 #TattooFar
@HollywoodLife: Cheyenne Floyd (@itskcheyenne) gears up to brand @CoryWharton as the '@MTV Slut' in this EXCLUSIVE #HowFarIsTattooFar preview! http://hollywood.li/RkcKN4m
- @CoryWharton: @HollywoodLife “Mtv Slut” I’ve been called worse 🧐😂
@CoryWharton: At this exact moment I knew I F***** up @MTV_TattooFar TONIGHT 10pm ET on @MTV
@itskcheyenne: Would you let your baby daddy pick your tattoo? 🤯 @MTV_TattooFar
@TeenMom: A brand new episode of #TattooFar featuring @itskcheyenne + @CoryWharton starts right NOW on @MTV 💉 Watch + tweet along with @MTV_TattooFar! 👀
@MTV_TattooFar: Teen Mom OG's Cory Is Saying 'Thank You' To Cheyenne By Going #TattooFar http://mtv.com/news/3139647/teen-mom-cory-cheyenne-tattoo-far/
@MTV_TattooFar: Grab your bestie and get ready for a brand new episode of #TattooFar starting on @mtv RIGHT NOW!
@MTV_TattooFar: 👅👅👅 #TattooFar (GIF of Cory's tattoo of a tounge licking the MTV logo, symbolizing his broad career)
@MTV_TattooFar: I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING! 😭 #TattooFar (GIF of Cheyenne's tattoo of a hand gesture with two hands, Ryder's name and the date of 4/11 of the discovery of her health diagnosis)
@Kenyaa_NOT: People HAVE to get paid to go on tattoo far lmao y’all not just getting these crazy ass tattoos for 5 min of screen time i just KNOW y’all not, PLEASE tell me y’all not
@ExOnTheBeach: Cam was in the clear when Allie's 95 🌹's from her man back home caused her to get ✂️ during eliminations.😅 #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: You are in better place now and reunited with my Uncle Kevin 😇. Love you and RIP Aunty Ang.
@mechiesocrazyy: Pray for Me An My Family🙏🏽
@ExOnTheBeach: MOOD: 💅 @KellieSweet #ExOnThBeach
@elenadavies: we’re all just full of air🏎 @ WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca https://instagram.com/p/B2sUPY6lboO/?igshid=p7sj67d0b27g
@elenadavies: So this weekend was..... uh, COOL!!!!!! @ WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca https://instagram.com/p/B2xmFEPF5iZ/?igshid=r6sug31ardrx
@ExOnTheBeach: 🤔 hmmmm. #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: #MCM: @MTVTEV 😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@_PaigeCole: I had to get back on just to let y’all know.... I now get why @Kenyaa_NOT flakes on everyone. Her bed is a TRAP! Just SCAMMED me out of my day! A THEIF!
@ExOnTheBeach: All of my belongings now belong to the spider 🏃#ExOnTheBeach
@shannnonmaee: You ever be that friend that spits advice but should also be taking it? Lol bc same.
@ExOnTheBeach: Billy is torn between his next, and his ex, but time will reveal who Billy decides to give his love to. ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach is new this Thursday, at 9PM ✨
@ExOnTheBeach: Aubrey isn't the only one wrapped up in a love triangle 💔 Don't miss an all-new #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday, at 9/8c on @MTV 😌
- @AlexisHanaMusic: @ExOnTheBeach @MTV Feels as though love triangles are the theme of our season 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@_gelesann: This guy in a whole different country, a whole eight hours ahead still FaceTimes me at 9:30 my time to say good morning. Some of y’all dudes haven’t even figured out how to text back.
@ExOnTheBeach: Kellie stormed the beach only to find out her ex Mechie already had his eyes on someone else in the house ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@mechiesocrazyy: Thinking about spilling the real tea in a second🤦🏽♂️
@mechiesocrazyy: Cant Wait Till The Show Over So I Can No Longer See Ppl Mentioning My Name.
@mechiesocrazyy: Let me let the show play out first.
@elenadavies: YASSSS SURVIVOR LETS GOOO!!! Who is watching???
@elenadavies: I have a new life goal: Go on a reality tv show and my description be “former” something!!!
@Kenyaa_NOT: I got my heart tore up but ima still love tho!
@mechiesocrazyy: TV Isnt For Everybody. Lol ppl can portray anything on social media tho🤦🏽♂️
@elenadavies: Watching this season of Big Brother was worse than playing Big Brother 😂
@ExOnTheBeach: Shannon's celebrating a birthday, and thankfully she's got j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶i̶f̶t̶ Devin to celebrate with 🎉 👀 #ExOnTheBeach is ALL-NEW TONIGHT, at 9PM on @MTV 🙌
@TheRealAnthonyM: Every Thursday is a fuckin nightmare for me
@AubreyODay: wearing @fashionnova on #exonthebeach TONIGHT at 9pm.. Tune In Guys, I’m not going to be gracing your tv’s forever 😘 @ Atlantis Bahamas https://instagram.com/p/B24j_JXggH6/?igshid=3v2hx3lia4g1
@ExOnTheBeach: You remember where you were in Y2K? 🍬 Get a blast from the past during new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT, at 9/8c on @MTV 📻
@_gelesann: Y’all be sure to tune in tonight at 9/8c to @ExOnTheBeach you don’t wanna miss it 🌴🌊💖 #ExOnTheBeach
@elenadavies: *listens to @iamcardib “Money” in my AirPods while impulsively buying @LouboutinWorld*
@TheRealAnthonyM: Idk if I need a hug or 52 shots of tequila
@AlexisHanaMusic: I feel this on a deep level @BillyReilich 🤦🏻♀️ Tune in tonight at 9pm EST on @ExOnTheBeach to see what he’s talking about 💔🏝 #ExOnTheBeach #tvbypop
@ExOnTheBeach: Bet you haven't seen a love triangle reveal like this 😱You don't want to miss an all-new #ExOnTheBeach airing TONIGHT, at 9/8c only on @mtv 😅
@elenadavies: Tbh pretty bummed bb21 is over bc people might actually watch Ex now 😂💀 I mean.. not me.. but, people..
@ExOnTheBeach: Just gonna go home, sit, and wait for all new #ExOnTheBeach airing tonight at 9/8c on @MTV 😭
- @shannnonmaee: @ExOnTheBeach Wtf @XemfitX you’re too pretty to cry !!! 😭❤️
@realmarkjansen: No fucking idea what this is but those damn bunnies are cute 🐰 🐰
@JOSHMBB19: Really want #bb22 to be Allstars I just want to see some of my favorites play again @CBSBigBrother how do I go about making this happen 🤷🏽♂️😂
@mechiesocrazyy: Who ready for @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@elenadavies: i’M a ShAdY bItCh 🤗
@ExOnTheBeach: Words of advice from @MTVDevinWalker 😂 Don't miss more during an all new #ExOnTheBeach airing in just 30 minutes at 9/8c only on @MTV 📺
@PurveyorsofPop: No spoilers but Avril Lavigne makes an appearance on tonight's episode! #ExOnTheBeach is at 9p/8c tonight!
@Kenyaa_NOT: Me to myself 90 times throughout the day:
@XemfitX: And I-oop.. Make sure you tune into tonight’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach! We love, we laugh..I cry. You won’t want to miss it
► AS THEY SAW IT: "I Want It That Way"
@ExOnTheBeach: It's crush week, but hearts will still be broken 💔 All-new #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @mtv 🙌RT if you're tuned in + comment if you're live tweeting with me 👇
@mechiesocrazyy: It’s that time #ExOnTheBeach
@AlexisHanaMusic: Me watching every episode of #ExOnTheBeach now. You’re first East coast, tune in now 💔🏝 @ExOnTheBeach #tvbypop
@AlexisHanaMusic: How I’m walking in to work today knowing I’m not on tonight’s episode of @ExOnTheBeach...or am I? 🏝💔🤷🏻♀️ Tune in to #ExOnTheBeach NOW on #MTV 😘 #tvbypop
@BillyReilich: #ExOnTheBeach 👏🏻 @MTV 👏🏻right 👏🏻now 👏🏻
@DQ_the_Man: Let’s get this #ExOnTheBeach party started!! Another night of my favorite ladies @Marie_TBD @Kenyaa_NOT @_gelesann @XemfitX and Queen @AubreyODay!! Here we go!!!
@PurveyorsofPop: Aubrey trying to pick between Coffey and Mark #ExOnTheBeach @AubreyODay
- @AubreyODay: @PurveyorsofPop ☕️☕️☕️
@PurveyorsofPop: TBH Marie is the cutest hurricane I've ever seen @Marie_TBD #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Everyone after I win every contest 💅 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Romeo - "You can't vote for your damn self")
@iCamArmstrong: East Coast, you ready for @ExOnTheBeach ? Tune in right now. You don’t wanna miss it. #ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
- @AlexisHanaMusic: @iCamArmstrong @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop I can tell EXACTLY how much you drank at this party without me just by looking at your eyes and face color in this photo lol
- @iCamArmstrong: @AlexisHanaMusic FUCKING HAMMERED MA’AM!!! I was depressed. Lol
- @AlexisHanaMusic: @iCamArmstrong Lol I can tell..I’ll try to come save you.
@BillyReilich: The bash bro relationship will live forever. Fuggin love @realmarkjansen #ExOnTheBeach
@XemfitX: That idea that I had in my head of not wearing any makeup....not a great one 😂 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Who will win the crush vote? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Mechie wins the crush vote but with who? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him smiling)
@mechiesocrazyy: Cameron give it up bro @ExOnTheBeach @PurveyorsofPop
@BillyReilich: MY MAIN MAN, congrats Meeeeeech #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: I don't think you're the only one in this house with trust issues @ariana_nova. #ExOnTheBeach
@emkirsch_: Thursday’s are the best days!!! Last day of school!! Ex on the beach!! How to get away with murder !!
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie watching Shannon and Devin's date #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@PurveyorsofPop: Cam and Kellie when Mechie and Ariana win the crush date #ExOnTheBeach @iCamArmstrong @KellieSweet
@mechiesocrazyy: Just trying to show her something different @ExOnTheBeach
@nikole332: Ex on the beach 🏖👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👭👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬
@ariana_nova: Cringe worthy #exonthebeach
@shannnonmaee: Ariana is so freaking sweet, I hope she gets everything she deserves #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Mechie and Ariana begin to get closer, but how will Cam feel about their new love? 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them on date)
@iCamArmstrong: Mechie and Ariana... this should end well... 😂🤷🏽♂️ #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Take a shot every time someone get's in their feelings tonight 🥂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Shannon)
@shannnonmaee: Cheers to being a hopeless romantic for life !!! #exonthebeach
@_gelesann: That’s my favorite sweater and yes I know it’s ugly #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Who smells bull shit? #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Mechie - "I'm not telling you what you want to hear")
@ExOnTheBeach: Devin + Shannon 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him)
@XemfitX: “BRRRRRRRRRRR”- @Kenyaa_NOT
@ExOnTheBeach: Marie, Mark, & Coffey head to the beach, but which of their exes will show up? #ExOnTheBeach Mark 15% / Coffey 11% / Marie 74% 366 votes · Final results
@ariana_nova: Jay , jack whatever his name is 🤦🏽♀️ #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Marie's ex Jason just stormed the beach 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
- @iCamArmstrong: @ExOnTheBeach That boy @walshstreetcap 💯💪🏽
@ariana_nova: Jason is a dirty Mr. Clean #exonthebeach
@BillyReilich: Yup (Photo of him)
@XemfitX: Can I get that cape flip in a gif please @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@XemfitX: DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT CAPE FLIP?!?!? @ExOnTheBeach #ExOntheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Sorry Billy, hello Tyler ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of ex arriving)
@XemfitX: Did you guys see how @BillyReilich tackled me? Lmfaoooo fucker
@ExOnTheBeach: Me when my friend tries to be a third wheel #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Billy - "You're crashing my date right now")
@brenisrael14: Billy, you don’t leave @XemfitX alone at the table like that. #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Wtf why did he leave Emily alone #exonthebeach
@ariana_nova: Nahhhhh Billy #exonthebeach
@shannnonmaee: Billy I love you but i don’t think that’s what exclusive means lmao #exonthebeach
@ariana_nova: But can they date whoever they want too??? #exonthebeach
@DQ_the_Man: @XemfitX To see you cry during your date, it hurts me. I don’t want you to be hurt when you’re being treated like the queen you are. You’re too beautiful to be in this. #ExOnTheBeach
@MattWhitekiller: I wanted Tyler to stay in the house tho. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @BillyReilich
@PurveyorsofPop: Emily left alone on this date like #ExOnTheBeach @XemfitX
@PurveyorsofPop: ....I don't think @BillyReilich knows what exclusive means? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Aubrey asking Mark to have a conversation like #ExOnTheBeach @AubreyODay
@ExOnTheBeach: Are Coffey and Mark joining forces against Aubrey 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF)
@shadesofgregory: That’s the it’s always sunny in Philadelphia theme song #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me 24/7 365 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Listen, I'm about to turn up")
@ariana_nova: Wtf Devin 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ #exonthebeach
@ariana_nova: We all look 12 #exonthebeach
@_gelesann: @mechiesocrazyy im screaming 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@shannnonmaee: I literally sat down cause I was so shook after that slap #exonthebeach
@XemfitX: Can someone please gif @Marie_TBD facepalm @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: Fuckkkking jayyyy #exonthebeach
@A_Bartolotte: They caught me slippin going for that couch Dorito
@TheRealAnthonyM: If I would’ve known this shit would’ve been going on, I would’ve played the game in this house SOOOOO differently 😂😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: The ass slap heard around the world #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Happy Birthday Shannon 🎉 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her)
@shannnonmaee: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME 🥳 #ExOnTheBeach
@iCamArmstrong: Party... no love interest... uhhhh
@_gelesann: Sorry I’m not in this episode I’m over in the corner getting played #ExOnTheBeach
@ariana_nova: It’s my bitch’s bday @shannnonmaee #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie when it's Shannon's birthday #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@PurveyorsofPop: Marie when Jason is a mess at this party #ExOnTheBeach @Marie_TBD
@PurveyorsofPop: Mark when he feels like Aubrey is being too controlling #ExOnTheBeach @realmarkjansen
@ExOnTheBeach: Next week, the fight for love continues #ExOnTheBeach
@shadesofgregory: Marie is iconic, she pulled up on her ex inside of another girl. #ExOnTheBeach
@Kenyaa_NOT: Accusing ppl of doing crack when they lack the slightest bit of sense is literally the funniest shit ever to me idk why
@MTVDevinWalker: If you don’t think I’m fkn hilarious on EOTB you don’t like humor. Some of my best work.
@Challengemtv___: Angela and Nelson's @DrPhil episode is airing Monday 👀☕💔🤦🏻♀️ #ExOnTheBeach #badgirlsclub #bgc #thechallenge
- @DerrickMTV: @Challengemtv___ YAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
So, quite a night in the hills with the Statitude girl's ex coming by and her losing it in Devin and Shannon getting to know each other more, a Y2K party and Billy's ex Tyler coming by to surprise him and Emily.
And on the topic of the former Nick the Gardener, last week the Primetime Emmy Awards took place in Hollywood and Billy was the date for one of this year's attendees to the gala, transgendered Our Lady J, who is writer and producer of two important series to the LGBTQ+ community: Transparent on Amazon Prime and Pose on Netflix... Instagram proof is below.
Now we before we leave you for now, we want to remind you here that, next week, our main focus of Inside MTV Reality will not be on the next Cut ceremony or TJ Lavin becoming a real game show host unleashing trivia to the Challengers, but on what happens in the prelude to this coming week's episodes. The reason being, tomorrow and Tuesday, MTV will be the focus of a two-part special event on Dr. Phil, as America's favorite physicist welcomes Angela & Nelson from both Ex On The Beach and The Challenge to his stage. And this comes a few weeks after he opened his 18th season with Jackass star Bam Margera, and the rehab drama that's occurred since then.
The relationship of #Nelgela has had plenty of twists and turns, and it will no doubt be unmissable TV for those who have a keen interest in reality TV, MTV or general... in fact, it will be a two-part episode airing in the lead-up to this week's Challenge and EOTB episodes. Their appearance has been anticipated since we saw them in the trailer to Dr. Phil's 18th season and along the lines of her return to the beach earlier this year on season 2, and this is so big a deal to us and to you that, of course, we'll be covering it here next week... not just our usual Wrap including clips from the show, but also perhaps a second post in a Pulse Extra. That comes your way next week.
But for now: ahead, one of those who Angela dated before and during when they were on the first Ex On The Beach house last year is getting yet another chance at love... we'll be joining Derrick H. as he tries to find love again on a brand new MTV dating show, coming up upon our return here.
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