Sunday, May 9, 2021

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge All-Stars - "Free Fallin'"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there from yours truly and my family - including my mom and my sister... and we hope you are enjoying yours too. And while you have this moment from your Sunday festivities, why not join us here at DCBLOG as we bring you a slice of action from Argentina as we get underway with the second half of MTV's The Challenge All-Stars and the Pulse of that on here.

The first half of this Paramount+ version of the reality competition show you love has certainly offered plenty to enjoy that, for a lot of you, is better than the regular show that just wrapped its 36th season and is now underway on its 37th overseas. And last week saw two elements that signal that things are getting serious: a mini-final with endurance and puzzles that saw two Road Rules alums reign supreme. The other was the latest Teej-bomb to drop from the hat of TJ Lavin: the rest of this season will have partnered double elimination rounds until the final, and saw Alton & Aneesa excuse Syrus & Beth.

With that elimination twist now making things that much more tense on everyone, this spinoff has had plenty of challenges take place above the water... and this week it's no different as the OG's must face their worst fears having to solve a puzzle before being dropped into the lake -- and that is not good news for one used to wiping out on this show. Meanwhile, an element of the Rivals seasons of years past and the partnered battles means that two adversaries have to suck it up to try and stay in the game -- and unlike the regular series, that one is taking place as this season is going along.

Join us here after the break as we bring you all the action, reaction and interaction of Week 6 of All-Stars on the DCBLOG Challenge SocialPulse, and you'll also meet an adorable daughter who has some words to say to all of you after what goes down. Thanks for joining us, and Happy Mom's Day...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Free Fallin'"  
@paramountplus: Legends aren't born, they're made. #TheChallengeAllStars is now streaming on Paramount+.
- @TheMarkLong: Hey @WeWantOGs ARMY LIKE and RETWEET the best show on tv right now @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars 
- @mtvrrdarrell: @paramountplus Say it a little louder for the people in the back 🗣
@ChallengeMTV: Which show alum will DOMINATE #TheChallengeAllstars? Real World or Road Rules...who you got? 
@JiselaDelgado: Y’all new episode is up and HOT!!!
@TheMarkLong: Go get ‘em Meagan #TheChallengeAllStars 
@MeaganGoss: Thursday mornings are my easiest day to wake up early and  run because I know I can watch @MTVAllStars @TheMarkLong struck pure gold!
@TheMarkLong: "@bell_kinker: Counting down the hours till Episode 6 of The Challenge All Stars drops and I get my weekly dose of @TheMarkLong." RT It dropped.. let’s go! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: "@melsrivergron: But that Kendal man she’s got endurance. Also I never thought I see her cheering for Mark of all people #TheChallengeAllStars" RT SAME. 
@ChallengeMTV: Will a cuddle session be all of what Laterrian & Aneesa need to make it through their next challenge? Find out on the latest episode of #TheChallengeAllstars NOW streaming on @paramountplus #ParamountPlus
@LP1822: Thursday mean it time to cheer on my favorites @KendalSheppard @mtvrrdarrell @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @PlanetRuthie @JiselaDelgado @KatieCooley26 on the great show there is #TheChallengeAllStars #TeamKendal #TeamCampusCrawl #RoadRules
@RealitySnake6: @JustJem24 ,next to @v_cakes , is one of if not the greatest political strategists of @ChallengeMTV . Veronica will always be the queen but Jem right there with her. #TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheRealPDogg: @JiselaDelgado and @KendalSheppard need to get on the main Challenge and show these kids how it's done. Two GORGEOUS, entertaining, vulnerable, competitive and hilarious queens who can have a fun rivalry in the game without making things nasty. More PLEASE!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: It’s an ALL STARS Kind if day!!!
@Dutchk8: EPIC new eps of the CHALLENGE ALL STARS!! I hope there will be more seasons! AMAZING performance by @TheMarkLong @KendalSheppard @latwall @KatieCooley26 and ALL the OG's!! @DerrickMTV @jonnamtv @JustJem24 @mtvrrdarrell @JiselaDelgado @EricBanks @actvstArchitect love to you all!!
@mtvrrdarrell: All alone....just me and the drop Brand new episode of The Challenge All Stars is streaming now on @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Nobody NOT A SOUL MTV photo department- Episode 6 y’all just go watch it #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Watching #TheChallengeAllStars LIVE w/ my parents (and cast) tonight at 8pm EST. Hope you can WATCH and LIVE TWEET with us @paramountplus
@adriannycbxl The Challenge All Stars is hands down one of the greatest seasons of The Challenge thank you @TheMarkLong for making this happen ! Im praying for a second season 
@DerrickMTV: You know what time it is! Suns out, Dad Bods out!! It’s Thirsty Thursday night @paramountplus!! - Press Play and Tweet with the cast at 8PM EST! - Check out The Aftermath with host @DevynSimone after the show!#TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @WeWantOGs @MTVAllStars
@KendalSheppard: New drinking game for #TheChallengeAllStars.. take a drink every time @TheMarkLong compliments himself and when he says he doesn't like me. 
- @TheMarkLong: @KendalSheppard I’m already drunk #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: Head count! Who's already drunk?? #TheChallengeAllStars
@Giani1: Let’s gooooo!!! @mtvrrdarrell @KendalSheppard #ChallengeAllStars 
@JiselaDelgado: Here we goooooo!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: Shameless @paramountplus plug #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs
- @KendalSheppard: @ChallengeFanOG This cracked me up!
@mtvrrdarrell: Tell’em @KellyAnneJudd 
@JiselaDelgado: I’m nexttttt I feel it! Bye MT man!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Confidently wrong on that puzzle!! Damnnnn it  #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: I was hoping for a tangerine puzzle!!!  @paramountplus #thechallengeallstars
@KatieCooley26: No no no. The ugly cry to the montage is fitting though. Because that’s pretty much exactly what was going through my head! #dontbustyourface #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus
@KendalSheppard: I LOVE that they showed us what was wrong with the puzzles. We ALWAYS want to know results and never get them! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: The plataforma is a messsss #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Freaking out much @mtvrrdarrell? #thechallengeallstars
- @mtvrrdarrell: @JiselaDelgado Hell yeah %1000!!! not as bad as Katie tho @KatieCooley26
@JiselaDelgado: Soooo close soooo very close  #thechallengeallstars
@JiselaDelgado: Ok the way y’all were leaning on the puzzles has me stressed out.  #thechallengeallstars
@mtvrrdarrell: Easy on that puzzle tho #TheChallengeAllStars @EricBanks
@TheMarkLong: News flash... I’m terrible at puzzles #TheChallengeAllStars 
@KatieCooley26: I honestly panicked up there and just knew if I did the puzzle, the trap door would open and I’d slam my face on the platform in the way down. #uglycry #itwouldhappentome #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus
@ChallengeFanOG: @ChallengeMTV Editing Dept.: A loud noise ruined our shot, what should we do?  @ChallengeMTV Gods: The company policy is that we insert the clip of @KatieCooley26 hitting her face on Cutthroat 11 years ago. This is nonnegotiable.#TheChallengeAllStars @MTVAllStars @paramountplus
- @KatieCooley26: @ChallengeFanOG Seriously!!! 
- @DerrickMTV: @KatieCooley26 Omg?!!! We had you??!!
- @KatieCooley26: @DerrickMTV It was YOU, Derrick! You dropped me! All these years and now I know. Sumabitch 
@JiselaDelgado: Every single time they gonna show that clip and now the new one!  #thechallengeallstars
@KendalSheppard: I seriously get choked up watching @KatieCooley26 scared to drop. I feel AAAAALLLL her emotions!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Damn the upside down puzzle @KendalSheppard sooooo close sooo very close #thechallengeallstars
- @KendalSheppard: @JiselaDelgado Yet so so far away...
@TheMarkLong: Looks like it’s you and me @KendalSheppard  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Ummmm hmmmmm say my name play with it !  #thechallengeallstars
@JiselaDelgado: Lol not old Katie!! I live for @JustJem24 commentary  #thechallengeallstars
@TheMarkLong: Kendal and I prepping for elimination #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: Clearly @TheMarkLong is in red..
- @MissArissa: @TheMarkLong Love this story arc between you guys 
@KendalSheppard: Nominations: Should i be upset that @latwall tells @KatieCooley26 to "go in there and bust somebody's ass"?! It's me, LT. I am that somebody.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@reneezy_baby: The moment Kendal smiles at Derrick and falls through why is she so cute with everything she does #thechallengeallstars
@JiselaDelgado: I just know you @TheMarkLong did not say  my boos name again! #TheChallengeAllStars
- @TheMarkLong: @JiselaDelgado “Ohhh nooo uuuu didn’t” Jisela 
- @MissArissa: @JiselaDelgado Because if it’s one thing Jisela gon’ do: remember. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @JiselaDelgado Shots fired
@mtvrrdarrell: Guilty @latwall my back hurt #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: My daughter has something to say #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @KatieCooley26 The True Queen has spoken
- @JustJem24: @KatieCooley26 As president of Avery’s fan club I support this message20
@ChallengeFanOG: @KendalSheppard you didn’t bring @TheMarkLong a bigger yoga mat to use? This man needs a pool cover. #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @paramountplus @WeWantOGs
@KatieCooley26: I deserved to go in. I stood there and did absolutely nothing. I’ll own that. #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: How great did I look in those shades on the yoga mat??? DRINK!!! @KendalSheppard #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: Actually, they didn’t show it but @DerrickMTV offered to go in with me too.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: I was so mad @KatieCooley26 volunteered. I tried to talk her out of it. I REALLY wanted to see everyone show their cards. The web of psuedo-alliances ran DEEP and I wanted the big dogs to be exposed for over-promising. #planfailed #TheChallengeAllStars
- @TheMarkLong: @JiselaDelgado My forearms are still sore
@JiselaDelgado: Stop making eye contact Alton!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: @JiselaDelgado YOURS?! 
@KatieCooley26: @latwall is such a gentleman!! He not only offered, but was like “I got you, let’s kick some ass!” He’s a beast and said THIS is what he came compete. #grateful #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus
@JiselaDelgado: Me talking ish about the baddest BIH in the house! That’s right she bad and I don’t want none of that in the FINALE!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Bearrrrrrr my older son is having a whole meltdown for as to why you in there right now! @latwall #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: I don’t know how many rounds we had, but it went on forever. I’m strong but don’t have anywhere near @KendalSheppard’s endurance. I had to get her quick or it wasn’t happening. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @KatieCooley26 They went back n forth like some damn @ChallengeMTV Champs!!
@KendalSheppard: @KatieCooley26 got me in like ten seconds or less. I tried to be tricky and loosen my grip to throw her off but.. uh.. in true Kendal fashion.. my execution needs work. Sorry @TheMarkLong ! #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: 6! We had 6 grueling rounds. I have proof! #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KatieCooley26: @KendalSheppard You were the better competitor and probably could’ve done 6 more rounds you yoga bitch! 
- @KendalSheppard: @KatieCooley26 I forgot about that!!! So freaking fun!!
@JiselaDelgado: That is YOUR rope! Love that encouragement  #TheChallengeAllStars
- @MissArissa: @JiselaDelgado That part @KendalSheppard #TheChallenegeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: Mark & Kendal out here looking like Ken & Barbie  #TheChallengeAllStars @KendalSheppard @TheMarkLong
@JaimeFlo: I love how the editors of #TheChallengeAllStars made us think @DerrickMTV was seriously injured in the preview for today’s episode! @TheMarkLong
@TheMarkLong: Kendal and I are now bff’s ... Thank you for your amazing effort @KendalSheppard #TheChallengeAllStars
- @MissArissa: @TheMarkLong Love this for them 
@JiselaDelgado: Im throwing a whole pity party! Womp whomp #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: @DerrickMTV  #thechallengeallstars
- @DerrickMTV: @JiselaDelgado The lies they tell 
@KatieCooley26: Lots of people told me to choose @actvstArchitect (Yes) but it was @latwall’s confidence and lack of fear that I knew he was the best partner for me #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: "@ghotrod1982: @DerrickMTV When are you going to have @MTVBeth on @ChaIIengeMania? A real Challenge OG we have not heard from in a while." RT We workin on it!  Beth!! When you comin to play?!!! 
@KendalSheppard: I immediately broke down and SOBBED. This elimination hurt so freaking bad. I absolutely love and adore @latwall and @KatieCooley26. Sobbed.#TheChallengeAllStars
@iamKimmieHo: Hope we see @latwall again. I’m now a fan (plus the respect he gave to @KendalSheppard is unmatched this season). Him basically “volunteering” to be Katie’s partner in the elimination shows he’s not afraid and wants to be there for his friends.
@TheMarkLong: Candids from episode 6 of #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus What an elimination @KendalSheppard @latwall @KatieCooley26 
@DerrickMTV: "@Chris_T_Na22: Name a better cheerleader than @DerrickMTV while rooting for @TheMarkLong love to see this decades long bromance @MTVAllStars #TheChallengeAllStars" RT Almost walked down there and dry humped him when he was done!
@KendalSheppard: "@Vick31W: I like Lattierian!!  He ready to ride!  #TheChallengeAllStars" RT ALWAYS!! That's what makes him so unique. Sparkling heart #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@JiselaDelgado: Well look at that trailer.... this ain’t the reg challenge some of y’all might have got confused which show you were doing.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@SHADEJHowell: Let's all remember the big key to this elimination:  Road Rules & Road Rules vs Road Rules & Road Rules #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: As we competed the rest of the cast was yelling “Road Rules vs Road Rules!!” #roadrulesaintdead #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @KatieCooley26 I was yelling MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT!
@brettadams1225: The godfather showed up tonight! @TheMarkLong and @KendalSheppard killed it @MTVAllStars #Legends
@KendalSheppard: Love love LOVE me some @KellyAnneJudd !! You see that hug there at the end?? We are each other's biggest competition and yet she was happy I wasn't sent home. That hug was so REAL. Love you, momma. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KellyAnneJudd: Of course! You grounded me @KendalSheppard
@MissArissa: If Mattel doesn’t come out with a Challenge elimination Barbie & Ken doll (See what I just did?) modeled after @TheMarkLong @KendalSheppard Equipped with little challenge helmets and gloves, it will totally be a missed opportunity... #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: @MissArissa Oh em gee.. 
@KatieCooley26: This was my favorite Challenge by far. Such a great cast of great people. I  had lots of fun. Scared a lot, but had fun! TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: Seeing @jonnamtv fall through that trap door is no jokeeeee.@JiselaDelgado went straight into Vampire stance #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs @paramountplus
@KatieCooley26: Also, just want to say that I didn’t make the guys sweat wondering who I was going to choose. I told both @actvstArchitect and @latwall it was between them.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: I like being partners with @TheMarkLong because people cheer for you. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @TheMarkLong: @KendalSheppard Ken and Barbie 
@ShimBo84: People may think @KatieCooley26 is only feisty, funny & pretty. She is all those things, but she’s also strategic, witty, KIND, unapologetically herself & a talented decorator. I’m happy to call her a friend. Follow her IG: decorkateky for decoration inspo. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KatieCooley26: Love you @ShimBo84
@LP1822: They just made some @TheMarkLong @KendalSheppard #TeamElimationKenAndBarbie  
- @MissArissa: @LP1822 THE WAY I JUST SCREAMED Y’all are so fast it’s scary
@DerrickMTV: "@_blcklabel_: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV This is honesty the best season to date. It’s so hard rooting for any one person because everyone there is a legend!" RT It’s really rare to hear that nowadays! Much love Black Label!
@KellyAnneJudd: Y’all see how close @JiselaDelgado @mtvrrdarrell and I were on those puzzles?! If @EricBanks didn’t kill it we may have won! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: "@sixmyths: If you fuck up a challenge, you should be prepared to go in. #TheChallengeAllStars" RT I agree! It’s the right thing to do. Unless your with a bunch of assholes, then I wouldn’t care. 
@KatieCooley26: "@Timster3: @KatieCooley26 How did your family react to you volunteering?" RT If I did awesome (or even tried) I wouldn’t have volunteered. I was too scared in the challenge to do anything and felt like it was the right thing to do. I would’ve felt terrible if someone who did well had to go in. I don’t need a free ride. I own my shit.
@TheMarkLong: Thank you @latwall for a hell of an elimination tonight! I wished they could have showed the entire 90 minute battle You left with pure class and my total respect. Love you man! #TheChallengeAllStars 
@Giani1: @KendalSheppard Proving once again, you’re the best female competitor this season of the @ChallengeMTV amazing resiliency on that elimination!! Congratulations!! Road rules still going strong!!! @TheMarkLong #challengeallstars 
@KendalSheppard: "@RalphHartman: Can't wait for the @KendalSheppard family reactions for this episode. I've started looking forward to those more than the actual episodes. #TheChallengeAllStars" RT Coming soon!
@KendalSheppard: "@trevormac98: Come on, @KendalSheppard should have gotten credit for her puzzle. Anyone from our generation knows her puzzle was Eminem’s logo. #TheChallengeAllStars #challengemania" RT Trevor gets me
@ChallengeFanOG: Every time @TheMarkLong says he doesn’t like @KendalSheppard he always leaves a teeny tiny trace of “so far” or “yet” to leave the window open to change his mind. #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @paramountplus @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs
@ChallengeFanOG: “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Kendal” starring @KendalSheppard & @TheMarkLong coming to theaters May 2021. #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV @WeWantOGs
- @KendalSheppard: @ChallengeFanOG OMGGGG!!!!!
@DerrickMTV: Did Derrick just say the “Big Weeener” when he walked in with Alton?? #TheChallengeAllStars 
@DerrickMTV: Just got back from my sons baseball game, gonna do my Ep. 6 Tweet a Thon now...#TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: You guys asked for it, here ya go!! #TheChallengeAllStars updated each week... OFFICIAL The Challenge All Stars Season 1 - playlist by MTV Soundtrack | Spotify
@DerrickMTV: Was that Biggie/112/and Mase...? Think we just got the rights to a lot of Biggie this season. @TheMarkLong! Can we give my boy @2PAC some love in Season 2?? #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: I’m all about this  @AneesaMTV and @latwall Love!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: You know you a real OG when you start playin rock, paper, scissors to determine your fate for $500k! #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Stanky Legs was real @mtvrrdarrell! #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: How Big EZ gon get an E...? #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Our Team Name was the “Momsters, Dadsters and Auntie Aneesa” @KatieCooley26 @actvstArchitect @AneesaMTV #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: I was such a shook lil bitch up there with that puzzle #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: The Upside Down Queen @KendalSheppard! #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Why you pop me in my war wound like that @JiselaDelgado??? #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Reverse Bachelor!!  @KatieCooley26 #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: L.T. (@latwall) didn’t even hesitate. He said put me in. “I wanna unleash the dog.” Throw out the Teddy Bear, bring out The Enforcer. #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: Sitting down with my family to watch episode 6 of #TheChallengeAllStars's what the boys have to say..
@zachcastillo22: Can we all agree win or lose @KendalSheppard is the mvp of this season absolutely killing it this season. Definitely need her back for season 2 #thechallengeallstars
@__geezus__: What the world would look like if @KendalSheppard and @TheMarkLong got along #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Even @tjlavin thought @KatieCooley26 was gonna get hurt during the water challenge...Lol #TheChallenge36
@KatieCooley26: And thank you to everyone who has followed my interior design Instagram, I hit 10k so now I can swipe up. Raising hands
@KendalSheppard: 5 yr old: Escape the Room?? That's SOOOOO EASY!! 
@KendalSheppard: 5 yr old: Hey Mom! You're the BLACK team!  Me: Yup!  5 yr old: OK so we're cheering for.. the SILVER team! 
@KendalSheppard: Alton drops..  8 yr old: Jisela's like NOPE!!
@DerrickMTV: Laterry Bear?!!!  @latwall #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: Now he's waving and saying "BYE!" as everyone drops. 
@DerrickMTV: Road Rules Battle of the Titans! @TheMarkLong @latwall @KatieCooley26 @KendalSheppard #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: Yes says, "I love puzzles. Doesn't mean I get them right!" Husband chuckles  #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: Katie drops. 5 yr old: BYE BYE!! SEE YA LATER!!
@DerrickMTV: Beast Mode @KatieCooley26 takes RD 1?!!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: Derrick and I drop: 5 yr old: BYE BYE MOM!! BYE BYE OTHER PERSON I DON'T KNOW!!
@DerrickMTV: These guys put on an a FUKKING SHOW!! Didn’t even show the half!Everybody competing, physically gassed! Everybody watching, emotionally shot! @TheMarkLong @KatieCooley26 @KendalSheppard @latwall THANK YOU! These are the comps All-Stars are made of! #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KendalSheppard: Dang @DerrickMTV .  Gettin me a little choked up there..
@DerrickMTV: Those 4 Road Rulers left every ounce of strength out there!! It could have gone either way down the wire!! I’ll dive in more in tomorrow’s 5PM EST Zoom Watch-A-Long!! -Email if interested in attending! - #TheChallengeAllStars 
@KendalSheppard: Walking into elimination.. 5 yr old: Oh! I know this! Me: what is it? 5 yr old: I dunno. #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: 5 yr old: I hope YOU win, Mom... ....because I LOVE you.
@KendalSheppard: 8 yr old: You know what's a good strategy?? You wait til they're pulling the rope really super tight and you shake it so it throws them off. #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: 5 yr old: Mom, I don't want you to ever lose in your whole life. 8 yr old: I don't think she will.  #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: We win! 5 yr old: Hey mom! Remember when you used to have milk right here?!? (Points to his chest.) Why was I drinking from there? WHY??? Me: Um.. what?? I mean.. uh.. um.. I just.. won..  #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@DerrickMTV: Felt like I watched a 12 round heavyweight weight with some super heroes!! Congrats @TheMarkLong and @KendalSheppard! #TheChallengeAllStars
@acenichols33: Look... y’all know I love every single person on #TheChallengeAllStars .. I’m sad to see people going home but I’m so happy to have this season! @KatieCooley26 and @latwall did WORK y’all. So damn gooooood! So much heart. Congrats to @TheMarkLong & @KendalSheppard! Goodnight!
@ButterflyG111: Can you just imagine if Mark & Kendal were to be partnered up for Rivals 4? Eyes Nahh just pass them the cheque at this point. BEASTS  @KendalSheppard @TheMarkLong #TheChallengeAllStars
@Irving_A07: LOVED the daily this week, it reminded me of a horror movie!! People getting snatched by a ghost #TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars
@Irving_A07: Last All Stars tweet for the night until more people get a chance to watch, but that elimination was EVERYTHINGGGGG!! All 4 people involved killed it and I hope they’re all proud of their performance #TheChallenge #TheChallengeAllStars
@acenichols33: I know the new episode is out already BUT life happens! The recap from last week's episode is about to go UP on a Thursday! Stay tuned.. y'all are gonna LOVE the intro!
@kendallongg: I’m so proud of @KatieCooley26 always have and will have respect for her!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@helloalievans: A girl could do worse on a Thursday night #TheChallengeAllStars
@acenichols33: Poor @KatieCooley26 .. this whole season shoulda been called ABOVE WATER #TheChallengeAllStars
@JustJem24: "@W00DZ: When TJ said “Escape the Room”, I was like oh boy, @JustJem24 is going to win this daily for her team!! Then we found out it wasn’t an escape room in the container over water! That would be a fun daily challenge though! #TheChallengeAllStars #Undefeated" RT When TJ said escape the room, this exact PHOTO crossed my mine 
@TheMarkLong: "@UpInThisMug: Gonna need #TheChallengeAllStars to show us a timer so we know how long these eliminations are. Crazy hearing everyone say this one went for 90 minutes when it doesn’t come across like that at all on TV.  What you think Godfather? #TheChallenge @TheMarkLong" RT 93 minutes to be exact. But who’s counting #MyForearmsStillSore
@UpInThisMug: Would’ve been a nice touch to acknowledge that the elimination featured the only female champions in the game. Especially given the amazing performance they both put on! #RoadRulesvsRoadRules #ChampvsChamp #TheChallengeAllStars #TheChallenge @KatieCooley26 @KendalSheppard
@ShimBo84: Can’t stress this enough; #TheChallengeAllStars has been by far, the best season of the challenge in recent memory. Bring on more OG’s for S2 #ParamountPlus! Thanx @TheMarkLong. Seeing people like @KendalSheppard @DerrickMTV @actvstArchitect & @KatieCooley26 is a dream come true.
@dc408dxnow: We are now in Argentina, and things are now a double elimination game on a weekly basis until we get to the end. And things change quite a bit as far as the game goes, as Mr. Lavin is doing what Codi loves doing: stir it up. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Second of the two rounds. And @KatieCooley26 is having memories of what happened back then coming back to her of those wipeouts and what might happen next as we hear @Whitesnake’s “Here We Go Again.” @MTVsoundtrack is certainly having a season in the music dept. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Prime takeaway at night’s end: On #NationalNursesDay, a nurse from the Seattle area makes the biggest noise on this Thursday night - and it’s not Meredith Gray. We now know who the front runner for the All-Star ladies is. We’re two-thirds of the way through… #DCChallenge

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Yes indeed... you folks in TV land know that Thursday nights have long been a staple for the drama that involves Meredith Gray, who is the titular character on Grey's Anatomy - which is based in a Seattle hospital. It is also where Kendal works, albeit in a real-life hospital... and this week not only sees her celebrate Mother's Day with her kids who she gets to watch the episodes with, but also earlier this week it was also National Nurse Day. And it's clear now who is the front-runner for the ladies in this game after winning that second elimination with Mark... she will be a popular champion if she wins.

Just to come here on this Mother's Day Sunday: the news we've been hyping up all this time, and we'll soon deliver to you here -- we'll discuss the real possibility that an alum of Are You The One? could be joining the cast of Bravo's Vanderpump Rules. We'll tell you who that is after yours truly heads over to #DCNOW @DC408DxNow for a live watch of the premiere of The Life We Live: Dallas and another edition of #DCPlaylist... and we know you're not gonna miss that tea to come.

But we'll leave you here with a message from Katie's daughter... we'll see you here soon.


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